Msb Spessart Wanderer Trophy Bug

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by Manfonse, Feb 13, 2020.

  1. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    So here we go again. Another LOVE trophy bug by these idiot DTG guys. Why am I at level 20 and no trophy unlocked? I have never in my life experienced such a disgrace of a games company. Fix the LOVE game. 2 LOVE years anniversary coming up soon and still the game is a puke bucket. I can send my 5 year old daughter in to fix it, she probably has a better chance than u knuckle heads.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
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  2. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    You might need it to read at least Level 21 - at least, that's how it worked on the TVL route for me.. I am not joking. As soon as it tripped over 21, trophy came in, and not before....
  3. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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  4. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Yeah, just keep going. This trophy worked for me and I know I was well into level 11 on the LIRR M8 before its level 10 trophy dropped. I've just completed 70 services on LIRR and am entirely unsurprised that the King of Queens trophy hasn't popped yet.

    It's a proper shambles, but you might want to consider editing initial post as there may be some youngsters present...
  5. OnlyMe1909

    OnlyMe1909 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    So.... how are you liking mastery then :)

    Relax a little, man. You'll like this game a lot more if you focus on the one thing it's made for: driving trains. Don't get worked up about the side thingies like collecting trophies and doing mastery. We all know these things are bugged as hell.
  6. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Level 21 now and still not unlocked. :o
  7. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    This is completely ridiculous. Really bad. I think, over the last twenty years or so, that I have had about x600 Playstation titles, and only one other title had an issue with trophies.. and that was only one trophy (....and... yes.. that was the thousand-bug-fest which is sometimes called Fallout 76....).

    Okay Manfonse, I am sad that you didn't get your trophy.... and there's nothing that I know that can really help you, with 100% certainty. I am tempted to think that your trophy will appear at some point, if you run some timetable mode services and score some "AP" on them, but I don't know this for sure.. it's all so utterly random....

    BTW - please do as Factor41 asked, and edit your first post to remove some of the words (you'll know which three ones...).... they might seem like the right words, but I suspect that you wouldn't want your daughter to say them to a policeman, or for your daughter (or anyone's kids) to read them on another Forum.... ;-)
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  8. Manfonse

    Manfonse Active Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Trophy finally popped close to level 22. Thanks
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  9. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    I've got the same problem with LIRR. I have now completed over 80 services, but still no trophy is popping up. Should I also mention that the mastery rewards didn't work as plant. I can not unlock tier 1 on LIRR, as much as I drive... ;)
  10. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Yeah, Mastery is useless on LIRR for me too. I got a few services in before they did the first tweak to it, and have had nothing register since, which must be about 20 services.
  11. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Remember my ‘get level 20 on RRO’? Actually popped at level 26!!!
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  12. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I saw this issue, and did wonder about it.... Glad you got it. Did you get it, by chance, during a timetable mode service (if you can remember)?

    I have a developing theory (in addition to my "intenet off" theory), about why so many trophies fail. Here's an example of a complete HEAD-FUSH of a trophy:...

    CL31: Cemented Skillset: Complete 15 services using the BR Class 31

    Sounds simple enough, right? No... wrong... it isn't.... and this is why.....

    If you buy the Class 31 loco DLC (it's great, by the way), then you get a "Journey" that comprises one Introduction module (which also appears under "Training"), three Scenario modules (which also appear under "Scenarios") and fifteen (15) service modules (which also appear in a slightly wider set of 17 standard services modules under Timetable Mode).

    So - the Journey tab contains x19 modules, fifteen of which are "standard" service modules.

    And guess what? If you complete the Class 31 "Journey", including the fifteen standard services, then you do not get the "Cemented Skillset" trophy which you might expect would be awarded for "completing 15 services". Even worse - even though you are clearly told that you have finished nineteen (19) services at this point, as far as the hidden trophy "counter" is concerned, you have done absolutely no services, whatsoever... The services only get counted, for the purposes of contributing to the trophy only if you do fifteen services that are launched from Timetable Mode. Basically, from exactly the same fifteen standard services as the ones in Journey (but with two extra options).... It's almost as if they have designed this to be deliberately obtuse....

    ....and it's a complete FUSH-UP because the prominence is clearly given to the Journey mode. It's almost as if there is some underlying code (for trophies) that often only works, or starts to work, in Timetable Mode, which might have made sense before the "Journey" feature was added, but it doesn't now work....

    I think that this is easy for DTG* to fix (in principle), but it is possible that because of the defective way DLCs (all routes) are launched from the UI, and the way content reacts with the UI (for example, "sway settings"), that it's permanently broken and unfixable..... I think all of these issues stem from exactly the same place - the way DLCs are launched from the UI. I now think that this is the "random" element that allows some people to get trophies, and others to not get them when they expect them. (I am still keeping my internet off though, because it still speeds everything else up, quite dramatically).

    *possibly with the cooperation of their 2nd party developers...., if DTG doesn't have the IP.....
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  13. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I agree that this could well be what's happening and, like you say, you're always guided into completing those services through Journey mode because that way you get both the medal AND the journey mode tick, whereas if you start it through Timetable mode, you only get the medal. So effectively, the total you've completed is all of our Timetable services minus the ones you did through Journey mode - not as much of a problem when you're doing 70 services on LIRR maybe, but for your Class 31 example, that could be pretty much ALL of the services you've completed! Its another example of something that should be really simple, but it's been approached in such an arse-about-face way, it's nigh on impossible to tell what's actually going on under the hood or where your progress is.

    Edit: I take back what I said about LIRR - there are 30 timetabled services in the Journey so, if this theory is correct, I'll need to complete 100 services to get the "Complete 70 services" trophy. What a fricking disgrace.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
  14. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Oh, I am fairly sure about this one, with the Class 31. If it applies to LIRR as well in the same way, then it might be even more complicated (or possibly easier...) for you...because with the Class 31 you had to do the Timetable Mode services....uniquely. That is to say, you had to do 15 distinctly different services, from the Timetable Mode, for the first time, in the Timetable Mode.... You can't do five services three times each, for example.

    And when you do a service in Journey Mode, when it also appears in Timetable Mode, it will look like as if it has been attempted in Timetable Mode - and these do not count towards your trophy.... LOL - and for the Class 31, that's all 15 of them....

    And it worked exactly like this for the Class 31 trophy, because I had to then track it manually - and when precisely the fifteenth uniquely attempted service, which was launched from Timetable Mode, was completed.... the trophy was immediately awarded.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
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  15. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Yeah I was doing one of the regular RRO freight runs when it came up
  16. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I really wish I'd had read this post about the Cemented Skillset Trophy BEFORE I started to try and get it last week.

    I have done 17/17 timetables for the 31 it and was wondering why it hadn't popped.

    Dovetail, who is your PS4 Trophy developer, is it a disgruntled employee or are you deliberately trying to wind us up and have a good laugh at these threads? You Fecking eejits.
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  17. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I have checked my class 31 journey stats, and I have only done one run.

    So even if the journey is included I still have 16 of the 17 timetable runs done (the trophy specifies you need to do 15), yet still no trophy.

    Anyone else got this?
  18. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    I don't recall having any issues with the 31 (still my favourite loco in the game)
  19. MadEdders

    MadEdders Active Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    I got that trophy last night but I'm sure I had to do 16 services...
  20. TheTipsyRaccoon

    TheTipsyRaccoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Sorry to drag this topic back up from the depths but does anyone know if the Cemented Skillset trophy can be done with WSR services?
  21. MadEdders

    MadEdders Active Member

    Mar 20, 2019
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    It most likely can. Trophies like that then to be done on any route that you like if they are driveable on another one. I did one of my services on the ECW for that trophy
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