Lack Of Consistency With Train Audio & Recordings

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by londonmidland, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Hello all. This isn’t a rant or moan thread by any means however the lack of consistency when it comes to the accuracy of train audio, be it the recordings themselves or the way it has been set up, is quite concerning to me.

    One would typically expect a new DLC to be just as good, or even better, than the last DLC when it comes to audio, however with TSW, this is unfortunately not the case.

    Take the most recent DLC for TSW 2, the Bakerloo Line with its 1972 Tube Stock, as an example. This is widely known by now, that it is simply poor sounding. This includes both the actual recordings and the setup of the audio for this train. The main offender for it sounding poor is because DTG have used Train Simulators’ Class 455 and/or Class 319 motor sounds, both of which are several years old and weren’t the best sounding in the first place.

    An older DLC, such as the Class 31 or 20, sounds great in comparison. Both are developed by DTG, however I believe the setup is done by a second party if I’m correct? This begs the question. do we have ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ teams working on sound setups for each train?

    If so, then this is not good at all. As one would always want the ‘better’ team to set the audio up.

    This highlights TSW’s main issues with the sounds;

    1.) Actual native recordings aren’t always used from the real train and instead DTG have to use old recordings from a completely different train. Even if it is inaccurate.

    2.) There may be different teams working on audio. One of which who is better than the other resulting in different outputs.

    I would like to be guaranteed good and accurate sounding train in TSW 2. This is where consistency comes in. I shouldn’t have to gamble on thinking whether the next DLC will sound better, the same, or worse.
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  2. hightower

    hightower Guest

    FWIW I’m finding the Talent2 painful to drive as at speed you can actually hear the looping of the audio on constant repeat. It’s pretty tortuous.
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  3. david-bright184169

    david-bright184169 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    I found an annoying audio glitch in sand patch, I met a train coming down just as I aproached a level crossing so sounded the horn but the oncoming train gave a continous blast as it passed and dissapeared but then every few minutes the same continous blast sounded and then faded in the distance even though ther was no train displayed, this repeated throughout the rest of the scenario
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  4. praxidike.meng

    praxidike.meng Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    While this might be true, I believe the main reason for such diffferences in sound quality comes from varying accessibility to real models when trains in the game were being created. This has been mentioned in past game streams somewhat (can't really provide a source, since it was mentioned in passing). I agree though that sound in general remains one of the greatest weaknesses of this game. There is no consistency in quality between products and it doesn't show any signs of improvement at the moment.
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  5. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    The looping has a rhythm to it which is most annoying as the point at which it loops isn’t even keeping the beat. It’s like bad contemporary jazz hiding in a train. I’m glad I’m not the only one it’s driving mad. I think it’s the first sound I’ve encountered in TSW that has a prominent hidden rhythm in it.
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  6. hightower

    hightower Guest

    That’s the one. As a life long percussionist all I’m hearing is 1-2, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3 over and over again. How did it not get picked up in testing? It’s really terrible!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2020
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  7. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I haven't noticed any looping.
  8. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    It’s most noticeable if you’re in the Talent cab driving at a constant speed. It creeps up on you and then you can’t not hear it once it gets you. It’s quite subtle but it’s there.
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  9. DTG Protagonist

    DTG Protagonist Has left the building

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Keep the feedback coming, I'm paying attention.
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  10. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I also noticed the looping on the Talent. It’s very noticeable whilst at speed. I also encountered a bug where I was sitting as a passenger on it and the running sounds just completely went away. So it was pretty much silent with the barely audible tracks joints being the only thing I could hear.

    One very noticeable looping sound is the infamous ‘running’ sounds on the Class 166. It makes it very off-putting to drive.
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  11. trigzd

    trigzd Active Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    I hope DTG will actually fix the issue with the M3's sounds when it is added back into the game. Something of a joke to release a train with a horn that sounds louder with the window closed than when it is open (the sounds have been switched for whatever reason and was never picked up on in testing - again another question regarding testing at DTG). Not to mention the heavily reused sounds from the M7 for the M3, fair enough some do share horns in real life but for things like the doors, it's not right. This isn't the only sound bug - Peninsula Corridor in the F40PH-2CAT still has the bug it launched with where in the external camera going back into the internal camera still has external sounds unless you spam external/internal camera buttons a couple of times for it to go away (or stand up and sit back down again).

    I realise the sounds for the CSX Heavy Haul are the originals but they're really quite terrible and it's disappointing they weren't redone - the horn sound is pretty much quieter than the engine sounds. I only played it for a short while because actually I'd rather sounds that didn't sound like a Hornby model. The Talent - even in the tutorial travelling at relatively low speeds, the loop is tremendously obvious to behold as others have mentioned.

    All of this said, it is by no means impossible for DTG to get sounds right and there are a few instances where they have sounded and felt really good, like the aforementioned class 31. It's just it seems the bulk of the time we are really let down by the sound of the trains. There are certain companies that can produce quality sounds for trains that don't even exist in a running state anymore (here's looking at you A.P.) - it is somewhat disappointing that DTG can't get them right for widely covered, photographed and recorded trains such as those on the Bakerloo Line or in daily use across America and Germany and I sincerely hope that one day we can get sounds to match the really nice visuals this game currently offers.
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  12. hightower

    hightower Guest

    Another talent 2 bug not connected to the audio - if you get an emergency stop in the rain because you’ve annoyed PZB or whatever, the damn thing derails and you can’t do anything to stop it. That can’t be right, surely?!
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  13. trigzd

    trigzd Active Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    I also forgot to mention the ICE train if you try doing a low-high horn (or high-low for that matter) it won't work, you'll get the first sound and hear the lever change position but you won't get the other horn sound.
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  14. WaveyDavey

    WaveyDavey Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Yes the Talent audio loop is very, very noticeable. It does sound as though just before the audio loops the train it was recorded in ran over some pointwork or track joints and that is what is maybe just heard before the end of the audio clip. It's very reminiscent of some old MSTS sounds from a good 15-20 years ago.

    I've decided to leave off that route for now as it drives me bonkers.
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  15. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Let’s not forget the AI Class 377 is completely missing it’s deceleration sounds on ECW.
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  16. hightower

    hightower Guest

    I think it’s also worth mentioning the horns. Literally all of them.

    Casio want their 80’s synth sounds back.
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  17. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    There is definite looping on the Talent 2 and I agree it can get very annoying.

    It’s a bit like... I know a song that’ll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves. I know a song...
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  18. hightower

    hightower Guest

    Yessssss! Exactly that :)
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  19. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    The Caltrain trains have good horns.
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  20. hightower

    hightower Guest

    Compared to other TSW stuff then yes. Compared to anything by Armstrong Powerhouse mixed for TS2020 then not really.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2020
  21. jamster47

    jamster47 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
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    I didn’t buy TSW as I wasn’t sure about it. Decided to take the plunge with TSW2 and particularly wanted to play the Bakerloo line and ECW.

    Graphically......beautiful. I love it.
    Sounds........Very poor. I can’t play it with such poor sounds as it kills immersion.

    Please DTG give us some hope you are hearing these views.

    I live on the c2c line so know electrostars very well. The 377 is not bad..... but not great. There is a guy called SamT who has made mods for the electrostar in TS2020. He has videos on YouTube. He has done an amazing job on sound mods and they are free.
    The 377 in TSW2 is missing so many aspects of the noise the unit makes, and the lack of rail noise, lack of clattering over points is just really disappointing.

    Then the 1972 stock! It uses sounds from the Class 455 that also incidentally sound nothing like the class 455 let alone the 1972 stock. No compressor sounds, no clattering over points or gaps in track. Its all so sterile and bland sound wise its not worth me playing at the moment.

    Whilst I understand commercial pressures of time, resources and finance I struggle to see how anyone was happy to release the game with these sounds. I’d rather it was delayed or cost a bit more if it meant it was done properly.
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  22. Shaun123

    Shaun123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Compressor sounds are definitely there. I was unsure myself when I watched the first stream but went back and you can hear them, and also owning the game, can definitely hear them, not so much from the cab, but exterior view you can definitely hear them.
  23. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    The 377 does have rail joint sounds.
  24. tbaac

    tbaac Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    OT for the thread, but I had it happen once. Due to carelessness or not quite pressing acknowledge at the right time, I've had emergency brake due to PZB a bunch of times in Aachen Turnaround and only derailed the once.
  25. jamster47

    jamster47 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
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    Thank you. I’ll go back and have a listen. I must of missed them as was mainly cab view.
    With the 377 apologies I should have been clearer. I mainly meant over points and junctions. Just seems a bit quiet.
  26. trigzd

    trigzd Active Member

    Dec 15, 2019
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    I wonder if the game can actually differentiate between normal track and where points and crossings are? Because if not then we’ll never get such things.
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  27. Northerner

    Northerner Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    It can do that as you get track joints sounds when going over points and junctions on ECW. I've also noticed it on the Bakerloo Line but it's just very quiet from the inside if you've got the windows shut.
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  28. hightower

    hightower Guest

    Same on GWE with the HST. That single sound is the best sound on that route for me. It makes the train feel like a big heavy beast.
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  29. Scorpion71

    Scorpion71 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Have to agree with everything about the loop sounds, especially on the Talent 2! I also get the odd cut out of sound and I think, "thank god for that", then it comes back again.

    Also, I've played the Bakerloo line at night and honestly, you don't know the difference to when you are underground or overground, except when you start seeing street lights, the sound is just exactly the same! In real life, travelling in pitch black, you know when you have entered a tunnel by the change in sounds.

    Please, please work on a fix for this for release asap. I'm currently only using the Bakerloo line between Queens Park and Harrow because of the lack of immersion underground.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
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  30. jackthom

    jackthom Active Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    I’m still loving TSW2 in spite of its odd faults.

    I’ve started noticing a strange repeating distant whistle sound in the cab of the 377, particularly when sitting in stations. Sounds vaguely like an old fashioned guards whistle at the far end of the platform but I assume it’s something to do with the pneumatic system. It’s just getting a bit too predictable and loopy.
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