Preserved, Not Remastered.

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by ProfCreeptonius, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. ProfCreeptonius

    ProfCreeptonius Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Hi everyone,

    I recall from the DTG FAQ on TSW2 the phrase which gives rise to the title of this post.

    I wish to remind DTG of their own saying: Preserved, not remastered. Also not ruined, degraded and destroyed.

    It comes to me as a shocker that the following, obvious mistakes went through QA:
    - Horrible, just horrible sounds on the BR 146, BR 1442, BR 182
    - Too low max speed on the BR 146
    - Crazy wonky camera sway on MSB
    - BR 182 cannot be used in scenario planner

    Getting both the physics and the sound of a train WRONG in a train simulator which advertises with "Immerse yourself in detail" is an inexcusable mistake. I'm sorry to put it this way, it really is.

    I wish to see the content of TSW2020 Preserved, not remastered, also not ruined. I'm eagerly awaiting the comments of DTG on these mistakes and expect an update with utmost rapidity.

    A disappointed Prof.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
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  2. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    It goes beyond it just being preserved routes being badly done when some of this broken stuff is what adds services to the TSW2 routes. I thought that MSB was left until later in the preservation process because, as it adds services to Köln-Aachen, they wanted to make absolutely sure the locos worked well with it. In fact they are worse than any of the other preserved content. I’ve tried to stay positive, knowing that there is a crew there to fix these things later, then I remember it’s the same crew that have put the preserved content out in this state, and MSB’s locos in particular, knowing they add services to a brand new route. That’s bad.
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  3. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Did a trip in the 146 earlier, and it was just sad..

    Why can't things be done properly instead of the constant rushing?
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  4. Winzarten

    Winzarten Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Also savegames are once again broken, the service schedule gets corrupted if you save and then reload the session on passengers services for Main Spessart bahn, or for non Talent2 services on Rapid Transit. I've reported this issue more than a month ago for peninsula corridor, uder ticked #EIX-159-21722. So I expect the team to be aware and atleast do some basic testing of this issue before they release it.

    The same isue exists for Rurh-Sieg Nord, but not for East Coastway, services saving forks fine in TSW2020
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  5. Snek

    Snek Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    Don't forget the non-existent cab sounds on all preserved RSN locos and the overpowering rain loudness, which makes rainy weather unplayable on some locos. Feels like all german add-ons got a huge sound downgrade, while other countries seem much better. Why is this a problem? The horrible sounds are literally forcing me to keep TSW 2020 installed.
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  6. Ps4Player

    Ps4Player Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    It's a shame that save games don't work, but actually I think that's nothing dtg has on their to do list, so I don't expect a fix on that issue - sadly.
  7. Winzarten

    Winzarten Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I'm ok with them not fixing the bug right away, but I would like them preventing the bug in the yet-to-be-preserved routes. As the bug only affects some preserved routes, and only some services/locos, I assume it is introduced during the services migration.
  8. ASRGT

    ASRGT Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Have to agree, especially around the sounds.
    No idea again how this passes QA, there is no track sounds ect no joint clacks from inside the cabs of any of these locos. This took me exactly 20 seconds from leaving the station to go ... ok sounds are broken. Just go google a cab ride on youtube of any of these locos and compare ... close ? .. nope.. not even a little ? nope ... maybe 10 % there ?.... nope... ok good enough release it !

    All this talk about how important it is to get this stuff out, and the good will generated by listening to the community and frankly doing what should have been planned for originally and brining this collection to TSW2 with better integration and you have what 3 people working on it ? no offence to the 3 hard working developers busting there butts off to bring this content out but it frankly shows.

    This should have been one the best updates yet, considering this also added services to Köln Schnellfahrstrecke and should have brought a ton more gameplay that I for one was super excited for and all the stock is utterly broken audio wise the 146 funny enough does not appear to be able to go faster than 146Km/h ! * checks date... nope its not April

    This is a dead horse DTG since day 1 of TSW.... AUDIO has been a constant and major compliant and here we are again with more broken audio. I am shocked honestly that not a single member of staff did not go .. mmm there is no running sounds at all just engine audio, no track sounds, no joints, no flange sounds, no wind noise nothing !!! Audio is a major part of the immersion and yet its constantly a hit or miss with each release. And its not like you cant do it the DB BR 425 sounds fantastic the brand new talent 2 in Köln Schnellfahrstrecke is great the class 377 also good and then this.....

    Was so looking forward to some variety on Koln but just left utterly disappointed.
    //end rant
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  9. FD1003

    FD1003 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2019
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    I agree, I think their reasoning is that they first want to add everything to the P.Coll before starting to fix it and I kind of agree with them...

    But one thing I want to make clear is that I seriously do not expect them to fix the bugs present in TSW2020, but it is imperative that the preserved collection is in the same state as it was in TSW2020.

    For example, the various sounds, and the physics of certain train has to be re-worked as well, take the Class 377: braking performance is too strong.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
  10. praxidike.meng

    praxidike.meng Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    Just had a run with the BR 146 in TSW2 and then immediately with the same loco in TSW2020. The difference in sound quality isn't comparable - something went horribly wrong in the 'preservation' of MSB and associated vehicles. Absent running sounds and driving thru track joints, weird squeaky in cab sound... I mean, how the heck was this approved for release? This literally ruins the experience of driving a train for me. I've always said that the sound is one of the most, if not THE most important part, of train simulation and then we get this... This is a serious letdown. Why even bother preserving old content if it will be of worse quality than the original?
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  11. ZeenozPlays

    ZeenozPlays Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2019
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    Not just like this on the preserved routes, I’ve noticed the sounds being inaccurate/missing on the Bakerloo as well. Sound is one of the most important parts of a simulation, and without the authentic sounds, the immersion is broken.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if their DLC/Game sales start to decline. The community is starting to get tired of the lack of quality with this game.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
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  12. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I agree. The sounds of the German preserved collection so far have been worse than TSW1. I would've preferred DTG delaying the release and actually deliver a good product, that's at least equal to the quality we used to have.

    I hope we'll see preserved collection bugfixes on the roadmap very soon.
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  13. ProfCreeptonius

    ProfCreeptonius Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Hi everyone,

    I just want to comment that I find it ironic that in the current stream, we're getting to see the Dostos and 185.2, the only trains that came with RSN and were OK. Every mistake is being deliberately hidden? Why? At least be courageous to say "Ooops"?

    I'm disappointed more then ever.
    Sorry for the negativity, but it is solely DTGs fault.

    Do not sell butter while advertising gold.

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  14. mattdsoares

    mattdsoares Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Well I think your disappointment should be directed as DTG leadership and not the devs. I'm not sure the exact number but from estimates I've seen DTG is somewhere around the 150 employee mark (same size as Asobo who are doing Microsoft Flight Sim...fancy that). Out of those 150 employees there are THREE people working on the entire preserved collection. THREE. This was revealed during the roadmap stream this week. There is a developer, who was interviewed on the Stream, a jack of all trades tech guy handling sound and other bits and bobs, and a designer. Three people. To port over all of the preserved collection.

    We need to realize that the preserved collection isn't going to make DTG much money, so they won't want to invest more than the absolute minimum to get it done. They wouldn't do a preserved collection if they thought it wouldn't send the TSW community in a rage with the rather nonsense switch to TSW2.

    The THREE people working on the preserved collection are doing their best, but DTG leadership simply isn't supporting them with the resources to do everything to top shape.
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  15. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Is it possible for modders to re master and mix the sounds? I have absolutely no idea about programming or coding. Just wondering if this is something that one can hope for if nothing official gets done on this.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
  16. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    Although DTG says non remastering for the Preserved Collection routes, but in the case of Rapid Transit they did an upgrade for the vegetation and balanced the previously too bright colors of the landscape. So a big compliment to the Preseved Collection team, you did a great job! This forum not only counts errors and bugs, but can also express praise and satisfaction.

    I drove the whole route yesterday and it now looks even more realistic and beautiful. :)
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  17. ASRGT

    ASRGT Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Err you sure about that ?
    I mean praise when praise is due sure but not seeing what you are no offence.
    Good to see the gantry is still teal metallic rather than green as well.

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  18. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Why wouldn't preserved collection make them money? It's DLC for TSW2 that people will buy as long as the reviews are good. Sure, most long term players will already have bought the DLC for TSW1, but for any new players that hop onboard, the quality of TSW2 DLC, be it preserved or new, does boost the sales of such DLC.
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  19. hyperlord

    hyperlord Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2019
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    It's a great dissapointment, that my favourite route (MSB) is now wonky, and almost silent. After RSN this was somehow my last hope but, well yeah, sound is a big personal factor for immersion and so I'm not enjoying the preserved stuff much. It's sad.

    I'm at a point where I don't care anymore what they are doing and what not. There might be someone looking into the sound problems that are ALL OVER THE PLACE maybe somewhere near summer 2021, don't know, would't surprise me if it is not looked into at all.

    Now I just hope that new (German, since everything else I don't care anymore, too) DLC is at a quality level because I actually don't know what to do when that will be the same quality as preserved collection. Of course I spent a huge amount of time in TS2021 since TSW2 was released and it quite looks like I will distance myself more and more from one of my favourite franchises from the last 3 years (> 1000 hours spent) and move on to something else. It won't be fishing.
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  20. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    I agree. RSN already had sound problems, but there's no mention of any of these on the roadmap. MSB seems to be even worse, and RT doesn't sound like it used to either. Perhaps the preserved collection devs want to push out all preserved collection routes first, before working on fixing any bugs, which is purely wishful thinking on my side...

    Would be nice to see some preserved collection bugs on the roadmap, so we actually have the impression it's being looked into...

    Even if new DLC is of good quality, what will remain of it once it gets preserved in TSW3? The downgrade of quality in preserved collection so far doesn't give much faith in the future...

    May I recommend truck simulation? :P
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  21. maxipolo12

    maxipolo12 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Euro Truck Simulator / ATS - best simulation dev teams ever :)
    • Like Like x 3
  22. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    The Preservation Crew is focusing on getting all of the preserved collection ported over first, then they will go back and fix it.
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  23. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Did DTG say they'll go back and fix it, or is that just wishful thinking?
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  24. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    ‘The Preservation Crew is focusing on getting all of the preserved collection ported over first, then they will go back and fix it’

    Well, if that’s true (which I somewhat doubt) someone needs to buy DTG a copy of ‘Software Development for Dummies’. That sort of approach is always more complicated and costly.

    If that was the approach shouldn’t the release notes have mentioned the outstanding issues? Other game developers do that.
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  25. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    They did. Watch Tuesday's stream.
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  26. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    ...and the big contact wire masts are still blue metallic, not matt gray. ;)
    I only mean the improvement of the vegetation and the color balance of the entire route. Since its release Rapid Transit didn't look as good as newer TSW routes. So it's a real step forward.
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  27. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    DTG - on behalf of most of the community;

    Can you make sure that things actually work, look and sound properly when porting over preserved content into TSW 2 and releasing it?

    I recall them saying ‘TSW 1 preserved content will work and perform exactly the same in TSW 2 with some negligible performance benefits here and there’

    This is NOT the case. We’re getting preserved content with a downgrade.

    Yes, they said they’re going to go back and fix it, but how long will that take? Weeks, months, years? Therefore, rendering the preserved content unplayable in some cases until that fix is released.

    Please. Just please. Slow down and actually check the content is in a useable state before releasing it. It’s clear that you just want to rush as many items out of the door as soon as possible.
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  28. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I was under the impression that some of the faults, especially with sound, was to do with the upgraded UE? Maybe the UE has caused more problems than predicted? At least there's a team dedicated to preserved collection.
  29. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    They did actually say that they import first and get to work an fixes and features afterwards, several timeson stream. With the small team though one really has to hope that
    1) they will actually do it
    2) they can manage to do it in terms of workforce
    3) achieve a good pace.

    I don't critizice here often but this preserved release yesterday was really messy. Since there is almost no issue that renders the routes unplayable for me I can deal with it for the time being.
    But I full on expect them to fix the functionality and the sound in a reasonable amount of time.

    The only reason why I was convinced to buy Tsw2 was that we get to take these routes with us and at least I expect them to be as they were in TSW2020, anything added in retrospect is a nice bonus.
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  30. Trenomarcus

    Trenomarcus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    They said a lot of things in the past...
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  31. fabristunt

    fabristunt Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    The mentioned sound fixes on the streams a few times already, but there's nothing on the roadmap...
    They can't even play by their own rules!
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  32. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Exactly. They’re contradicting what they’ve been saying - ‘If it’s not on the roadmap, don’t expect it/it isn’t being worked on’

    So how can we be so sure that these issues will get fixed, or is it just another wishful thinking saying and another broken promise?

    Also, not one person from DTG has replied to this thread acknowledging the issue, which I think is very poor.
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  33. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    ‘The Preservation Crew is focusing on getting all of the preserved collection ported over first, then they will go back and fix it.’

    ‘Did DTG say they'll go back and fix it, or is that just wishful thinking?
    They did. Watch Tuesday's stream’

    Anthony to be clear, from your first statement the suggestion seems to be that this was always the plan, to migrate then fix. But the second statement, to fix the problems, was made after it was apparent that the migration had broken elements.

    So is this part of their master plan or, having released broken software, they’re now reactively saying they’ll fix it? Why didn’t they reveal the migrate and fix ‘strategy’ beforehand? Was that part of the road map (logically it would be).

    This concept of sharing important information on the streams is a long standing problem with DTG. Again, release notes. Let people know there is a known issue rather than letting users find the problems themselves.
  34. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    The lack of an official statement about the issues is actually annoying me right now as well. If it was just for people who knew the difference from TSW2020 that would be one thing, but they are selling the DLCs for Tsw2 and now newcomers will probably be even more confused as to why alot just does not work. They are buying broken content and that doesn't feel right...
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  35. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Protagonist is on holiday.
  36. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    It's a poor business strategy not to have anyone replace him during his holiday.
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  37. Trenomarcus

    Trenomarcus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    We have 2 more community managers afaik.
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  38. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Crazy idea, how about the products being released following a QA period where bugs have been identified and resolved?

    So many bugs make it into final release that could have been identified with half hour of playing.

    If this was an early access product, then it wouldn't be so bad, but these are supposedly finished and polished products.
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  39. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    This isn't a live chat. I'm sure someone from DTG is or will follow this. It's only been 24 hours since this thread was made. I'd be frustrated if this thread was made weeks/months ago with no comment.
  40. matthewbguilford

    matthewbguilford Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    I find it odd that I’ve seen a ton of people complaining that the Isle of Wight route is taking to long to release when Rivet Games said they were doing the finishing touches, yet everyone expects things to be perfect when it is released. DTG have stated their plans to go back and fix/update the preserved collection is released. Considering DTG has been focusing on the preserved collection since launch its obvious that it is not an easy task and them wanting to bring the whole collection over before doing any fixes/upgrades make total sense to me.
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  41. DeltaFOX2k7

    DeltaFOX2k7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    True words, i fully agree with you :)
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  42. Mr JMB

    Mr JMB Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    It is fairly clear to me that they are not currently working on the fixes hence it is not on the roadmap.

    If DTG say (and they have fairly constantly) the plan is to release all the TSW2020 DLC so you can at least play it in TSW2 and then go back and fix things and sort out anything that didn't transition well then I would suggest there is a trust issue if you think that isn't true. It might not be the strongest idea, although I for one am awaiting this to be complete so I don't need to have HDD space taken up with both titles.

    The only way you will know for sure is when the preserved collection release is complete and the team who were doing that start doing something else, then it certainly should be added to the roadmap, even if it is only in the planning stage. If it doesn't appear at that point then I agree it is definitely an issue, but for now I am content that the plan is in place. Hopefully the preserved collection will be complete soon enough and we can move on to fixing things.

    It seems Sam is keenly aware that there is a consistent theme across much of TSW2 of the sound being worse than TSW2020. The more preserved collection that comes across the more obvious it will be and hopefully so will the underlying issues as they can do more and more side-by-side comparisons and see what is happening in the code/engine.
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  43. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    ‘its obvious that it is not an easy task‘

    How do we know this? How do we know that the way they wrote the original routes isn’t part of the problem? When they made the decision to change the engine - and release a ‘new’ game how much research did they do into transitioning the routes? One of the big selling features of TSW2 was the concept that the old content would be moved across. This isn’t a favor they are doing for the community.

    Why all these excuses for DTG who are a commercial company. Do you make the same allowances with other vendors. If you buy a book and the pages started falling out after five minutes would your reaction be ‘its obvious that book binding is not an easy task’?

    Maybe it’s the streams.People get on those and start to believe that the people who are presenting are their ‘friends’ and then start making excuses for their ‘friends’ failures.
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  44. matthewbguilford

    matthewbguilford Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    If I bought a book and the pages fell out, yes I would be mad! TSW2 isn’t a book though, I personally think they should have made a clean break from TSW so they could start fresh using all the things they learned throughout TSW, without having to make their older routes work in TSW2. Certainly the way they developed Rapid Transit isn’t the same as how they built the Bakerloo line. If we want to be simple consumers that are oblivious to the challenges that come with making a video game then that’s fine and you can be upset. As for myself, I can accept that some problems that weren’t known about may pop up and that’s just how it is in the video game industry, and even Triple A development teams that have millions of dollars and 1000 person teams run into problems.
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  45. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    ‘I personally think they should have made a clean break from TSW so they could start fresh using all the things they learned throughout TSW‘

    But then they would have lost a lot of sales. Plus they would have had the nonsense of three competing train simulators.

    ‘that’s just how it is in the video game industry, and even Triple A development teams that have millions of dollars and 1000 person teams run into problems.‘

    Well DTG more problems than most - remember there’s a pretty big problem on the TS2021 side as well at the moment. The video game industry, as the money gets larger and larger, are becoming more and more like mainstream businesses. Yes big teams do run into delays and issues but most don’t release their issues onto their unsuspecting customer base or at least as often as DTG do.

    It’s not about being upset. I’ve been buying DTG products for long enough to expect issues. But it might be about not buying the next release or the one after that. DTG’s problem is that many of their best customers(those who buy stuff) eventually give up.

    But keep making excuses for DTG. It’s a sure fire way to make sure there will never be change. After all their customer base, like you, understand how difficult their job is and how quality isn’t expected.
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  46. wxtr7

    wxtr7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2019
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    I personally haven't been playing TSW2 much at all because of all the outstanding bugs/issues that break immersion for me, or just make it unplayable. And I'm kind of getting annoyed by DTGs attitude on all this. I try to stay positive considering they're a small company in a niche market, but that is quickly dwindling.

    There are numerous bug reports related to both core TSW2 routes & preserved collection in the Technical Reports forum and in an overwhelming majority of them, there is NO comment from DTG acknowledging the report. There are 3 community managers now? Pop in for 30 seconds, leave a "thank you for your report, it will be looked into" comment and take the info and add it to the roadmap. It doesn't have to be looked into immediately, it may be a year (hope not, but...) but it would be a note to us that you are in fact taking in what we say. Acknowledging on a stream that you do read things or only chiming in when things get heated between a couple people isn't the proper way to do this. Every bug reported should be immediately go into the first step of the roadmap (which imho should be updated more regularly than the rest of the roadmap), because a bug report shouldn't get the "if its not on the roadmap..." response. That's fine for feature requests/route suggestions/etc, but well known issues like sound bugs, physics bugs, etc shouldn't get that response and its irritating. Also that's not going to stop people from reporting it, if its a widespread issue, so that excuse for not having a bug tracking list doesn't fly.

    I understand their attitude of fixing absolute game breaking crashes first, that's understandable. But I think DTG also needs to understand that you don't have to have a crash for the game to be unplayable, as with any piece of software. If something doesn't work as the user intends it to (because it's actually faulty, not user error), then that deserves just as much time and effort as something that causes the entire software to crash. For example, (as previously mentioned by someone else) saving is bugged and pretty much has been since TSW1. In fact, some of timetable corruptions after actually to back trace to TSW1. This is one of the reasons why I haven't played much. I generally don't have the attention span to sit and play for hours, and routes like Penn Corridor or SPG that can take over an hour to complete I generally have to break up in to smaller segments. But if I save and come back, there's a good chance the timetable is corrupted and the service is no longer playable.

    While not a professional dev, I do have over 10 years of experience in programming with multiple languages, so I completely understand that porting code, upgrading things, etc. is not the easiest thing in the world and one small thing can break everything. I get that, I really do. But here's the thing, that's not an excuse for putting out shoddy content. Releasing content under the idea that "oh we'll go back and fix that later" is not acceptable and isn't how you should treat customers. You can't tell me that someone who moved some of these preserved collection routes and locos over looked at it and said, "Yep! It's ready to go" and I have no idea how QA testers didn't report, and now I understand why people on these forums question whether or not a QA process actually exists. If it's a small bug that randomly happens, that's one thing, as bugs happen in software all the time. But when a core feature of the game like sound or physics is broken, that's not something that should've been released until is fixed. The equivalent would be Microsoft releasing Word, but there's a bug in the backend that handled keyboard input and you can't type anything . Surely that wouldn't leave the office team's dev room until its fixed (ok maybe a little exaggerated, but point is there).

    Consumers aren't testers. Unless you're in the open source world (but that's a different story). I appreciate that DTG is making an effort to try to be more open, but in all honestly it's a half-hearted effort.
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  47. matthewbguilford

    matthewbguilford Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    I’m sure a lot of it has to do with the earlier TSW routes DTG released. If it was easy they would do it immediately and go on to making new content and locomotives. The preserved collection is a favor to the community. Even though we could still play those routes in TSW the community would have had an uproar if those routes weren’t coming along to TSW2. So they are doing it for the community really. If DTG really wanted to just make money from us they could easily do that. I think they do want us to have a good experience and being more transparent this time around has shown some change whether some sound bugs or something else drives you to be that angry or disappointed.
  48. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    ‘I’m sure a lot of it has to do with the earlier TSW routes DTG released.’

    Sure, or guessing?

    ‘ The preserved collection is a favor to the community’

    No, it’s not a favor. As you yourself say there would have been uproar if the routes had not been transferred. DTG have history in launching a game and then - without notice - dumping it. It was a COMMERCIAL decision. By porting the old routes it allows them to keep the existing user base on board. After all in a few years time they’ll probably want to take advantage of the next generation of the engine. Then you’d have TSW, TSW2 and TSW3.

    Commercial organizations don’t do favors. Yes the do things to keep existing users happy, but they do that for the revenue implications. I wouldn't have bought TSW2 for example if he hadn’t allowed for the old routes. Perhaps in the future some route might have come along and made me interested enough, but I would have deferred the purchase, perhaps forever.
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  49. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Same for me, would not have bought TSW2 without preserved collection. But right now, on most of the preserved routes you will have a better technical and gameplay experience on TSW2020 right now, except for long lasting issues like the cement circle one...

    I certainly know why I bought the missing dlc for TSW2020 and not for TSW2, so that I can come back to it if needed.
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  50. matthewbguilford

    matthewbguilford Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    Whether it is easy to transfer these routes or not only DTG can confirm but , judging by the content coming in phases months after release, you can assume it’s not easy. They have also stated the way the built the routes when they were still gaining experience to build them has made transferring them to TSW2 harder and is why NEC won’t be coming over to TSW2. Just like when it was announced NEC wouldn’t be coming over to TSW2 there was an uproar because this community is filled with whining and self entitlement instead of being positive about all the others we would receive, I’m not saying the uproar would be justified. They have stated they will be working on fixes/upgrades after all the content is transferred over to TSW2 and you will be happy to hear they even have a team dedicated to it. DTG could have charged for all the preserved collection as they have done work on it. If they really didn’t care about their customers that’s exactly what they would have done.
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