Preserved, Not Remastered.

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by ProfCreeptonius, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    ‘DTG could have charged for all the preserved collection as they have done work on it.’

    You miss that if DTG hadn’t ported the content then the old routes would have lost any commercial value. Once the old routes have been ported then they can be sold as TSW2 content. If they aren’t ported then they have an issue. The old TSW1, with more routes and the new TSW2. They end up competing with themselves. Actually moving the routes (presumably it’s far less work to move them than build them from scratch) gives them a ready made cheap source of content for TSW2. Remember as in all of these things selling the base platform (the initial package) is usually a loss leader or a sale item. Where the money gets made is on the additional content. Some of those old routes - say GWE - may well be more popular with new customers than some of the new.

    Moving the routes also, at some point sooner than you think, allows them to drop support for TSW1. Then they don’t have to provide support for the two engine variants. They’ll more than save the money for that dedicated team I’m meant to be so happy about. Plus of course that team, as in the last paragraph, has just added lots of new saleable DLCs for TSW2.

    Yes, their existing customers benefit (if it’s done correctly) but there’s more commercial benefit to DTG in moving the routes.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
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  2. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    It's far from a favour. The only reason it was done was to appease the player base (who were rightfully very angry at DTG), and to ensure that players purchased the game.

    There was no way I'd have purchased TSW 2 if this wasn't the case. I'm not willing to support a developer who releases abandonware. Exactly the same way as I don't purchase games if they've been abandoned (unless they're complete and polished).

    That said, the lack of quality that DTG have put into preserving these content, has really made me mindful of being careful with what I buy. No point building up a catalogue of DLC, as TSW 3 (which will come, don't you worry) will break it all like has experienced here.

    DTG really need to pull their fingers out and start properly addressing the community. A public bug list, alongside commitments to fix as much as possible. This should be separate to the roadmap. The roadmap is a token PR attempt when it comes to bug fixes. All it does is actually irritate the player base. There's a number of threads on here where players are getting frustrated that their bugs are not on the roadmap, despite it ruining their experience.

    If DTG is actually serious at wanting to improve their customer relations, then they need to try. The "We've released a roadmap - what more do you want?!" approach really isn't working. Yes it builds hype for the future releases, but it also brings disappointment around the quite frankly shoddy preservation of TSW 2020 content.
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  3. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I hope this issue doesn’t make it into new releases. There’s a team to fix things so it doesn’t matter if routes are released with more problems. Release deadlines may be easier to stick to if there becomes a policy that broken things can be released because Adam can always fix it later. I’m not saying it will happen but you have to wonder when you seen quality of the MSB preserved collection release. It may be that the older content is the hardest to preserve but that clearly wasn’t ready for the players yet and a decision to release was still made.
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  4. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    You may be talking about two different groups of people. I never complained about Isle of Wight taking too long to release. I did complain about the bugged preserved collection releases though.

    If they have plans to fix things, then why aren't these planned fixes not on the roadmap under the "in planning" section?
    "If it's not on the roadmap, it's not coming." Isn't that what DTG told us multiple times?
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  5. Luke8899

    Luke8899 Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    I see we're getting back to the age old contradiction of saying DTG's customers are not testers, but also asking that bug reports submitted via this forum be acknowledged and put into a database of bugs being worked on and fixed by DTG which is basically the job of a tester. I guess it's often a last ditch suggestion, coz even those who make this suggestion seem to accept it doesn't actually change the situation in any way, it's just a gesture, and to me it's a totally meaningless one. I mean come on, to argue there shouldn't be bugs in the first place, but that we want to have our reports of them acknowledged and effectively be placed into a formal queue of issues we can monitor and blleriuuughghh I mean just no. That's not what I expect my interaction with this game or this forum to be.

    In my opinion it is important to remember that this is a forum, structured as it is, rather than a project management tool. I don't want to see this place formalised until it is little more than a proposal, request, and report functional interchange between customer and company. It's a forum because there's an informality to it that makes it almost welcoming, and a lot of user generated ideas and debate that make it an interesting place to spend some time, it's why people write in paragraphs instead of bullet points, why people write with such umm, how shall I put it, colourful flair, why we don't write in templates, and why the community managers sometimes even sound like they're not being paid to be here.

    The reality is though, that the best we can expect from this forum is that the community managers can read the room correctly and pass on to their seniors what is going on and how customers are reacting to their products, in the hope they understand our concerns and take them into account when making decisions, but be realistic and remember what happens in this forum is not some sort of be all and end all of how DTG is performing or the only thing the company will be taking into account.

    The second best we can hope for from this forum is that the devs floating around read what's being written and take it on board, this is why as well as the negative issues you experience it's a good idea to explain what you hoped for from the game and what you have enjoyed about it so much in the past that you want to continue playing and investing time and money in it, because hard as it is for some people to understand, most people don't react well to being told they are terrible, their work is terrible, and they are obviously lazy or bad at their jobs, and will stop paying attention if the same people keep saying similar thing over the course of years.

    Of course the ultimate option to not partake in the product is always there, (this isn't a "put up or shut up" comment, it's a genuine observation), because there's only so many times you can say "when I were a lad this were all fields and DTG were still releasing bugged content" before you just sound like a gullible fool for continuing to buy products from a company you claim has never given you the quality you want. For those of us who for the most part haven't been massively put out by the bugs so far, it seems odd to witness people talk about their many years of dismay at the hands of DTG, and yet here they still are seemingly forgetting about the basic task of due diligence, and their right to simply not buy the product if it is giving them so much grief, or at the very least wait for independent reviews of the games before buying them.

    DTG should improve the quality of their product, I doubt anyone would disagree with that, but that won't be done by asking an employee to copy and paste a piece of text onto a public forum 25 times a day for the mere sake of looking like something is being done. Nor, in my opinion, will it be done by turning the roadmap into little more than a database of issues customers have with various TSW routes. The reality, and this is where the tension lies, is that most of what people want to be done, or think needs to be done at DTG will remain behind closed doors like it does at any other private company, and unless you're inside as an employee, you're mostly just speculating on a situation you can't fully understand, with no reason to expect your input will change anything. Sure there will be 'transparency' but that's a buzzword picked up at a customer engagement seminar. They're not gonna invite us to their board meetings, and they're not gonna go into detail about where they draw the line between quality and cost. In my opinion make peace with that, and put things back in perspective regarding what posts in this forum can realistically achieve, and what options exist to you as a consumer.

    In the case of the preserved collection, DTG have stated multiple times their intention is to release it as quickly as possible and work on bug fixes later, they even told us there is a team for it, so they've not only confirmed they are aware of the issues but they even admitted they have a team who are going to work on fixing them eventually. Of course we can say it's a bad decision, the wrong decision, tell them we'd sooner wait than have bugged content released, but they've told us what the plan is, that's transparency, so it's for us to decide if we want to continue engaging with the content as it is.
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  6. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Well, it only takes one senior lead to believe that sounds arent that important and here you have the result of that belief (naming no names), the sounds in TSW2 are kak particularly in-cab, outside to my ears are very good but I don't want to drive outside!
    It seems obvious to me at least that more people are needed, and in-fact DtG are looking for people to join them, perhaps they need to advertise that fact a bit more widely, they had a national tv ad campaign for the "we are railfans" with Sean Bean, perhaps a similar thing but in addition to that a "we want you" added on to it? As the majority of posters in this thread state, sounds are really a big immersion factor, hell BVE was getting the sounds right 20 years ago...... By amateurs!
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  7. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    You're quite right that DTGs customers should not be doing the job of a tester. However, the QA process is clearly shambles (how do you not spot and resolve the fact the BR 146 can't even do it's top speed), and something really needs to change.
  8. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Because a team of 3 is blasting content out that should never have been omitted in the first place.

    They could have upgraded the old DLC to utilise the TSW2 upgrades and therefore could have sold them separately as addons to new customers in the future and free for existing content owners either way they would still have profited from the move.

    I mean, who wants to spend money on a dead version of a sim that won't receive updates or content?
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
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  9. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    What I’d suggest you miss Luke8899 is DTG’s strategic missteps that ultimately lead to their problems. I’ll just stick to the Train Simulation issues and leave out the Flight Simulation debacle

    1. Had the cash cow of TSxxxx but did little to advance the product other than releasing poor quality add ons. So poor that the opened the window for a small industry to enhance both the features and sound of the DLCs to a more acceptable standard
    2. Released a new product TSW which either a) they overpromised on what features they could provide or b) failed to do adequate diligence of what they could do with the engine. Or both.
    3. Then, having released a successor product THEN released the 64 bit upgrade to TSxxxx which if it had been done years before would have given a TSxxxx a new lease of life. Then having made the upgrade, did nothing with it. When people say ‘DTG is only a small company’ small companies don’t split their efforts across multiple look alike products.
    4. Decide they want to go to an engine upgrade and release TSW2. Now here they could have worked on the porting of the original routes to the new engine and have the engine upgrade as just an update to TSW. But they chose to make it a new game (and therefore ‘sell’ the upgrade). And people here try and argue its a favor to the community.
    5. As always with DTG they HAVE to keep releasing new DLCs no matter what. So they allocate minimal resources to moving the old routes (which they intend to sell as DLCs) and keep focusing on the new routes.
    6. As I’ve said before they’ve created an absolute mess in terms of a product line. All the members of this forum may understand the difference between TSxxxx, TSW and TSW2 but we’re all existing (and likely hardcore) users. How does a casual new user, looking for a a Train Game on Steam know what to choose. It almost seems as if DTG doesn’t care which they choose, after all buying any of the three gives them revenue, but the end result is that there is no clear focus or velocity for any of the products.
    7. DTG have endless bad reviews about quality and do nothing to fix the problems. The strategy of ignoring user complaints in the world of social media is at best stupid.
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  10. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Oh I miss the downvote button...
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  11. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Oh I miss the downvote button

    Yes Anthony I can hardly think of a post of yours I didn’t use it for.
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  12. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    This may sound harsh but it’s people like you which prevent TSW from improving and evolving. You always have that ‘everything is fine/DTG are great’ attitude and never leave any constructive feedback or criticism.

    There’s clearly issues, particularly with sounds. Even you must realise that, surely?!
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  13. ProfCreeptonius

    ProfCreeptonius Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Hi everyone,

    here's my quick opinion-piece on this. Yes customers are formally not testers, but I wouldn't be bothered with getting preserved collection in a "Beta" state. But at least I'd like the advertising to make clear that:

    "Hey this is a prototype/beta/alpha/trial/WIP version, go check it out, and come back with feedback on the forums!"

    Then at least we'd have a hope that something will eventually be done and the tinfoil will be turned into trains. And I don't know about you folks, but I'd be fine with that and such behavior to me would resemble Transparency. While the roadmap is a first step towards transparency, it's naïve to assume that it is being fully transparent. We were all led to believe that we'd get our TS2020 addons in the same state that they were in the TSW2020. Yet... it was a lie. I don't like that.

    That's to me my I'm so disappointed, and I concede, enraged, by this development. A genuine attempt at transparency leading to one of the greatest deceits of DTG in the history of TSW. And no demonstrated intention to actually say what is happening or any kind of prompt reaction. I didn't make this thread to ask for wonders, I want DTG to give us what they themselves promised or to be transparent with us about the fact that it's not coming as promised.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2020
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  14. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Exactly this. If people are happy with mediocre, then we will continue to receive mediocre.

    I have no issue with Anthony thinking everything is perfect (he's entitled to that view), but be needs to understand that people can, and should, have issues with subpar products.
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  15. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I never said everything was perfect! Don't put words in my mouth.
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  16. doublefine7

    doublefine7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Sometimes I wish DTG would be like SCS with their Open Betas and Bugs actually fixed before even getting into Open Beta...
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  17. ajwilson1889

    ajwilson1889 Active Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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  18. ajwilson1889

    ajwilson1889 Active Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    So, I dont own any of the original content and having done all the timetable for Sand Patch and Kolne Aachen was wondering whether to buy Preserved Routes which seem quite expensive. My fist choice was MSB as you can use the freight on Kolne Aachen but now I'm thinking wait till proper TSW 2 add ons arrive
  19. wxtr7

    wxtr7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2019
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    There's probably more truth to this than we'd like to believe, sadly...

    No one said there shouldn't be any bugs. Bugs are a part of software because a developer can't account for every possible thing the end user will end up doing. What separates DTG is that the bugs that we are reporting aren't something you encounter because you do something wrong, weird, or whatever, it's bugs in the core of the game that shouldn't have left DTG or their QA testers at all.

    The whole of the preserved collection has been handled badly. Over a year ago when DTG decided they were gonna upgrade UE4 and release TSW2, I don't know who thought it was a good idea to abandon the old content entirely but that was where it all started. For the better part of a year DTG was working on the new game under the impression it was going to be a fresh start, then when they announced it, and many people were rightfully upset (I didn't voice my opinion then, but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way too). So in like June they had an emergency meeting to decide that they would bring it over. So what did they do? They are rushing the preserved collection over to the new game with the idea of getting it ported then fix all the bugs and brought in a team of THREE people to handle it. I feel bad for Adam and his team because his hands are clearly tied, and I don't blame him. But this just shows that DTG as a company doesn't care about their old stuff.

    And I've never understood this decision to drop the preserved collection anyway. All the hours the team have spent building old routes would just be gone, Penn Corridor, as an example, is nearly a complete route and they were just gonna leave it behind. If I was a dev or artist at DTG I'd be upset by this decision. Even if they wanted to do this, a normal company would go through a phase out process, where they'd still administer bug fixes until some date in the future.
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  20. doublefine7

    doublefine7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    The fact they openly saying that NEC needs too much work for preserving is a good example of how DTG dont want to take care about old stuff. They dont want to take time and with the bad quality of the third wave of PC there is proof that they dont care. Thats bad. CMs and Devs cant be to blame. Its the managers who fail to give the customers the feeling of being listened to.
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  21. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I disagree. If they didn't care they wouldn't of bothered about preserving any of tsw2020. The fact they're bringing all but 1 route shows they're putting time into it. As mentioned in the streams it hasn't been easy and we're seeing evidence of that. Also I believe NEC wasn't a particularly popular route anyway, at least that was the impression when it was announced NEC wouldn't be coming.
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  22. doublefine7

    doublefine7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    When they announced TSW 2, they announced Preserved Collection with all of the routes. Then, a while after that, they said, that NEC wont make it because of the amount of work. So they literally said that they dont want to take time to rework Preserved Collection content properly to work with TSW 2.

    And as others already said: They only gave us Preserved because nobody would have bought TSW 2 without these Preserved routes.
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  23. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Doesn't say much on how much they care. How many of us would've bought TSW2 if content from TSW1 wouldn't be preserved? I think it pretty much boils down to profit here.

    NEC had some issues and bugs, which was one of the reasons it wasn't popular. Personally I disliked the frequent changes in speed limits with an UI failing to give you proper info on them, and a safety system which didn't work like it should have. I think the landscape and trains were pretty interesting. I'm still sad it didn't get preserved to TSW2, and I wonder which DLC won't be preserved in TSW3.
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  24. DROGE

    DROGE Active Member

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I think we can all agree that TSW2 has been a huge downgrade from TSW2020 in terms of sound.
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  25. DTG Natster

    DTG Natster Producer Staff Member

    Sep 2, 2020
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    The quality concerns surrounding the preserved collection has been noted, especially the problems regarding sound where in some cases the quality appears to have dropped which is not acceptable.

    This is being looked into but as stated in this thread if it's not on the Roadmap it's not directly being worked on yet. This doesn't mean it will never be worked on, but we are looking to fix more urgent problems first such as game crashes.

    I appreciate all of the feedback and concerns raised in this thread, and thank you all for taking the time to share your thoughts it's all helpful.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2020
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  26. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Why are DTG unable to commit and add this to the roadmap?

    With an issue like this, which is significant, it should be on the roadmap regardless even if other things are looked at first. You can't just wash your hands of what is really subpar products.
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  27. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    A little harsh, as we know Adam has only a small team knocking out the preserved collection and I would have preferred it if they were given more time to implement them without the issues that have been raised by customers "demands", yes sounds are important to those of us that believe they add a massive immersion factor (and they do) but if there are issues with the game karking over then that "has" to be a priority surely?
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  28. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Thanks for acknowledging the issue and keeping us informed. It's extremely disappointing to hear that the sound issues haven't been prioritised as a 'hotfix' and that we won't see a fix anytime soon. This issue will keep quite a few players from enjoying preserved content until this issue is fixed.
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  29. longo239

    longo239 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Or in non corporate speak, we have read your complaints and agree it's not acceptable but at this moment in time we have no plans to do anything about them.
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  30. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Until they put it on the roadmap, DTG don't commit to doing it. Therefore, they are washing their hands of it.

    At no point have I said the small team need to fix it immediately, however DTG really needs to commit to fixing their products that they stated would work exactly the same as in TSW2020.
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  31. Winzarten

    Winzarten Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Thank you, simple statements of acknowledgment like these go a long way :)
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  32. Jinoss17

    Jinoss17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Is this also a "quality concern"?

    I mean, it's not a minor issue, you can't run a good number of freight services due to this huge issue.

    I hope this goes to the roadmap soon because I paid this DLC to be able to run ALL the timetables.
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  33. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Thanks for the response. It's important more urgent issues like game crashes are addressed and fixed first.
  34. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    The Sound issues might be deterring, but even worse are the issues where trains can't go full speed anymore and for example on MSB you can't even complete freight services where you need a pushing engine, because they don't get the power on the track.
    While the sound problems are annoying, I still feel like utmost priority has to be that you can play and finish all the content.
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  35. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    Ok good, so DTG acknowledges the quality is not acceptable. So that means we can expect DTG to work on fixing this?

    So this is where you start to confuse me. It's not on the roadmap, so not being worked on. It's not even on the "in planning" section so it isn't even planned? Can we, or can we not, expect DTG to fix the issues? If we can, then why can't it be added to the roadmap?

    Having more urgent problems has nothing to do with it. Firstly, the roadmap makes no mention of priorities, so anything on there could be urgent, or it could not be urgent. Secondly, DTG chose a roadmap to communicate with the community. Why doesn't DTG fully utilize it, to clear things up and get rid of any vagueness and miscommunication?

    It all could've been pretty simple. There's basically two options;
    DTG plans to fix the issues <---> listed on the roadmap
    DTG doesn't plan to fix anything <---> nothing to see on the roadmap

    Anything that's planned but not being worked on yet (but will be worked on in future) can be listed under the "in planning" section. Anything that's not urgent will probably stay there for a while, while urgent matters will move up on the roadmap faster.

    Why can't it be this simple?
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  36. Purno

    Purno Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    He is right though. It's not that other problems shouldn't have priority, but it's that DTG makes no promises to fix the sound issues. Note the bold section in the quote below

    Pretty much they're saying they *might* fix it in future, but it might also not happen, because nowhere in that posts DTG actually makes a promise to fix it. The fact that they seem to refuse to put it on the roadmap, and thus refuse to commit themselves, makes me worry a lot.
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  37. doublefine7

    doublefine7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    The roadmap shouldnt be there to show bugfixes. Bugfixes should be possible at ANY time. The roadmap is just an argument to say "We dont care about it" on a diplomatic way. We wont see fixes to the sound at any time as long as they are not crashing the game. If this defines the priority of a bug, then good night folks.
  38. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    It will probably be added to the next roadmap.
  39. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I remember Adam saying in a stream that they're working on fixing sounds for GWR so maybe sound fixes just might come around whenever GWR is released. Preservation team will want to make sure everything is playable first. After that we just don't know yet and we'll just have to wait a bit. Maybe DTG just can't commit to it right this second, but come the next roadmap update I hope there will be a clearer answer of yes we can or no we can't.
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  40. Typhomat

    Typhomat Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    This whole thing about when we should see fixes and the expectation that they actually will come is something that makes me wonder why people think DTG is capable of such things.

    DTG has a history of acknowledging bugs and saying they will be fixed and never actually fixing it for the sake of sales. Look at the TGV Réseau, DTG agreeing there are issues that will be resolved, and now two years later you have Protagonist saying in essence “Well if there wasn’t a bug fix yet don’t expect one.” TSW is going to end up in the same boat eventually. This magical roadmap list is great but at some point it’s gonna become a dream and not a reality of what is to come. Optics looks great initially but down the road it seems reality is far from it.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2020
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  41. FeralKitty

    FeralKitty Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Just because it’s not on the roadmap today, it doesn’t mean it is being ignored, or they don’t care about it, or that it will never be on the roadmap.

    The roadmap reflects realism of what DTG will get done. In other words, it’s a commitment that something in planning will advance to in production, and so on.

    Adding other things they’d like to do but don’t presently have time or people to devote to it, would return us to the state where things are promised but never delivered.

    Let’s please not insist they over-commit and under-deliver.
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  42. ZeenozPlays

    ZeenozPlays Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2019
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    I really appreciate the time you took to respond to this thread and inform us that you are paying attention. Hopefully when the preserved collection is fully rolled out you guys can go back and fix the quality issues. We are just a little annoyed at the number of bugs there are in the game and not just in the preserved collection.

    Just please, look into the East Coastway crashes, the AWS problems, the sound problems (track noise) and everything else people mentioned.
  43. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    How is fixing your products and delivering previous promises over commiting?

    I could understand multiplayer and the editor being an over commitment, but big fixes to major issues should be run of the mill.

    DTG have a shoddy track record of bug fixes historically. So they should be doing everything in their power to fix that...
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  44. mclitke

    mclitke Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Who is talking about over-commitment? All we basically want is to have fully functional content and at least the quality standard from TSW2020, which in terms of sound is currently not the case.
    This should be the bare minimum for every company. How can you sell something that is not working properly?

    A glass with a hole won't pass. A car with a broken engine won't pass and a shoe with a lose heel won't pass.
    Why is it OK for digital content to pass, when you can't complete the services or scenarios, which is what you are paying for? Even worse with MSB right now, it is not only the services you can't complete, but you can't even use the Loco to the maximum on other routes because the engine power is somehow weaker.
    • Like Like x 3
  45. FeralKitty

    FeralKitty Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Some fixes have shipped, some are being worked on, and others are being investigated. They are fixing things.

    They have a small group of people devoted to fixing things. There is only so much that group can get done, while other teams are working on different responsibilities (such as porting remaining preserved collection, or adding new routes and locos).

    Let’s keep the roadmap realistic with things they will do, rather than everything they must do, or it will grow into something insurmountable the team can’t accomplish.
    • Like Like x 2
  46. Jinoss17

    Jinoss17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Well, the latest patch didn't do that either ... For example AFB on the 185 is still broken as before (it was in the changelog).
    • Like Like x 4
  47. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    If they can't realistically fix the products that they broke as part of the preservation process, then there's a bigger issue than what's on the roadmap...
    • Like Like x 4
  48. FeralKitty

    FeralKitty Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Let’s not assume they can’t. They are presently recognizing issues, acknowledging problems, and updating the roadmap every two weeks.
  49. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    But you're the one who is assuming they can't. By adding it onto the roadmap, we then have faith that they'll do it. You're the one stating that a few bug fixes is over promising.

    As they frequently state, if it's not on the roadmap then there's no plans to fix it.

    There *must* be plans to fix something as major as the state of the preserved content, and as such the roadmap should reflect this.
    • Like Like x 3
  50. FeralKitty

    FeralKitty Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Yes, but new things do get added once they are in planning.

    There’s a distinction between things they’d like to fix but haven’t scheduled yet, and things they are fixing.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2020

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