Nj Transit Raritan Valley Line: Urban To Rural For Train Sim World 2

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by driverwoods#1787, Apr 23, 2021.

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  1. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Hi, it's Driverwoods 1787 and I present to you a proposal to bring in another American Passenger route into Train Sim word 2 this time NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line. RVL is operated like the NJCL due to the use of ALP-45DP locomotives from non-electrified stations to NY Penn Station & Hoboken via Newark Penn Station where the mode switch occurs for RVL from Raritan Station and High Bridge. In the case of the other NJ Transit Newark Division, Line NJCL mode switch is at Long Branch for NY Penn Station & Hoboken from Bay Head.
    • Map
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    NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line runs from High Bridge to New York Penn Station with a length of fifty-eight miles from end to end. For New York Penn Station to High Bridge services via Raritan mode switch from 11kv 25hz upgraded in the 1970s into 12.5kv 25hz at Newark Penn Station shared with Amtrak NJ Transit NEC & NJCL Lines and lastly PATH Train. Towards New York Penn Station from Raritan and High Bridge Terminal Stations, inbound trains switch from Diesel into Electric Mode at Newark Penn Station due to Diesel exhaust ban at NYP Train Protection system used is PTC with Alerter post-2019 upgrade. To reach the NEC from the CRRNJ Mainline RVL uses a 1967 built Aldene Connection and 1997 built Hunter Connection with the stops at Roselle Park and Union. After Roselle Park RVL uses the Aldene Connection which is a single track then Double Tracks west of Aldene Connection with the first stop being Cranford having two platforms and double tracks all the way to Raritan Station. West of Raritan Station line is reduced to a single track serving North Branch Whitehouse Station & Lebanon. After Lebanon Station, a siding is then provided for trains towards High Bridge which goes under Interstate 78 & US-22 and reaches Annandale Station. The platform for that stop is only on the Eastbound Newark New York Side which means High Bridge Bound Passengers must cross the eastbound track to reach the Parking Lot since it's a Westbound Discharge stop but an eastbound Pickup. The line continues to the Terminus at High Bridge to where the same set up as Annandale station which is Eastbound Pickup low-level Platform Westbound Trains discharge on the opposite side of the platform then the train is out of service. Trains Serving on the Line is refueled at Raritan Yard.
    Rolling Stock
    Comes With the Route
    ALP-45DP Build Dates 2010-2014 first Batch 4500-4534 entry into service 2011-2012 & 2020-present 4535 seen in the picture Ordered from July 16th, 2020. 4535 was ordered to replace 2002-2006 PL42ACs which are in need of rehab
    Comet V Coach
    These are pulled by GP40, F40PH PL42AC & ALP-45DP on RVL services coupled to a comet IV or a formation of the entire Comet V sets
    Comet IV

    Ordered for Morristown Line Midtown Direct services in 1996 alongside ALP-44M. In Raritan Valley Line Service these are mixed with Comet Vs or fixed Comet IV formations while pushed by PL42AC GP40 F40PH & ALP-45DP like 4506
    Here is my personal picture of Comet IV 5244 at Annandale

    Bombardier Multilevel Coaches

    Most services on RVL including the New York Penn Station & Hoboken bound trains from Raritan and High Bridge stations are operated by this coach in a solid formation. For a formation headed by ALP-45DP & PL42AC, it's 6 car trains. MLV 4 car trains are operated by GP40 & F40PH from the Hoboken Division Main Bergen Montclair-Booton Pascack Valley Lines and from Atlantic City Line Newark Division if rotated to serve the RVL. These are built from 2006-2014 and the third batch with power cars for the NJT Electrified network from 2022 onwards. MLV III will run with locomotives on RVL instead of Power Cars. Personal Picture is MLV I-III 7523


    The MainStay of the RVL Diesel service and is found pulling a set of mixed Comet IV & V or in the 2000s & up to mid-2010s a set of made up comet I-Vs. Currently found pulling a 6 car train of MLV I-IIS in fixed formation. As of April 2021, these are due for replacement by a 2nd order of ALP-45DPs Tier IV like 4535 which in the picture above. The reason for this is that they're expensive to rebuild in order to meet Tier IV Emissions 2015 standards.
    Must be Purchased to play on this route and provide layers on Other NJ Transit Train Sim World 2 routes in addition to trains that come with base route
    Comet I
    Built by Pullman Standard for Hoboken Division Lines in the 1970s due to their low-level platforms and started to serve RVL in 1987 after a rebuild that made them compatible with high & low-level platforms. In the Raritan Valley Line Cranford Roselle Park Plainfield Somerville Union, Westfield & Newark Penn Station have High-Level Platforms. Never served NY Penn Station due to comet Is retiring in 2007-2010 due to their age.
    Comet IB

    Originally built by the St. Louis Car company as Arrow Is for use on NEC & NJCL South Amboy Services in 1968-1969 and went out of service by 1980 on those routes due to electrical faults. In 1987-1989 Morrison-Knudsen converted these Arrow Is into Comet IB coaches by removing the traction units in order to be pulled by electric and diesel locomotives owned by NJ Transit. In the case of the Raritan Valley Line, these were found inserted onto a mixed comet I-IV formation pulled by PL42AC F40PH & GP40p from the years 1989-2008 when the comet Is are retired by NJ Transit
    F40PH was the common RVL diesel locomotives from the 1980s all the way to 2009-2014 when PL42AC & ALP-45DP replaced them on High Bridge/Raritan to Newark Penn Station & Hoboken. Found pulling comet I-Vs until 2006-2010 when Comet Is are retired. Currently found on Hoboken Division Lines where they're painted in either NJ Transit and Metro-North Paint. DTG can make the F40PH for Raritan Valley Line by reskinning the Caltrain version into NJ Transit Paint.
    Comet II

    Built by Bombardier Transportation from the years 1982-1987 after obtaining the rights from the Bankrupt Pullman Standard Corporation the makers of Comet I Coach. The difference between Comet IIs and Is is that comet IIs are built from the factory with trapdoors for use with low-level platforms and doors for high-level platforms. In the Raritan Valley Line service, these are pulled by PL42ac GP40 F40ph in the 2000s & early to mid-2010s.
    Built in 1968 and was purchased by the New Jersey Department of Transportation in order to serve Bankrupt Central Railroad of New Jersey commuter lines like the Raritan Valley Line and North Jersey Coastline south of South Amboy predating the 1982-1988 electrification project towards Long Branch. The locomotive was rebuilt in 1990-1994 for a Cost of $900,000 and increased its max speed to 100 mph (160 km/h) to operate on NJCL & RVL towards Hoboken. GP40 pictured here is 4109 painted in Heritage CRRNJ Paint. In the years 2010-2018, some of these locomotives got their HEP units removed in order to work as switchers. However, in 2019 4109 got its HEP equipment reinstalled to operate in revenue service on NJ Transit Diesel Services.
    Service Pattern
    The Current RVL Schedule dating back from 11/8/20 shows midday & evening trains Terminate at NYP from Raritan and High Bridge during the weekdays stopping at Secaucus Junction. At the same time, there's NY Penn Station trains to High Bridge & Raritan Station during the Midday Hours. During the AM/PM Rush Hours the NY Penn Station service via Secaucus Junction doesn't run thus requiring passengers to transfer to NJ Transit NJCL & NEC services from Newark Penn Station to NY Penn Station and also applies to the first reverse direction AM commute trip train 5409 06:05 Newark Penn 07:03 Raritan Station which is fed by NEC Line train 3701 05:41 NY Penn Station New Brunswick Jersey Ave 06:33. The Second reverse AM train is 5711 07:21 Newark Penn Station 08:52 High Bridge which is the first train to end there. The trip is connected to NJCL Train 3505 South Amboy Express departure at NY Penn Station is 06:47 arrive in South Amboy 07:35
    Furthermore, the Service pattern for RVL on weekdays except for Holidays is that first and last cars are quiet commutes. The first trip is train number 5404 04:31 from Raritan Station to Newark Penn Station 05:29 where connects to NEC Train 3204 Rahway 05:37 Newark Penn Station to NY Penn 05:58. The following train is 5408 Raritan Station 05:07 Hoboken 06:08. In addition to Raritan Station, and the first High Bridge Station trip is train number 5710 05:57 High Bridge limited stops to Newark Penn Station 06:08. In the evening Weekdays's last trip to High Bridge is Train 5197 22:48 NY Penn station 00:36 High Bridge and the final weekday service is train 5403 01:28 Newark Penn Station 02:34 Raritan Station. To sum up the service pattern on Weekdays are select trains terminate and start at High Bridge all other times terminate and start at Raritan Station. Finally, the service pattern on weekends is All services start and end at both Newark Penn Station and Raritan Station due to High Bridge being a Weekday terminal.
    Notes used the NJ Transit Train Schedule site to get the proper service pattern on Raritan Valley Line and connecting NJCL & NEC services https://www.njtransit.com/train-to
    Final Thoughts
    NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line if added to the game should satisfy players that are complaining about Train Sim World 2 lacking an American Passenger Route. Players that purchased this route will encounter Urban environments Stretching from New York Penn Station all the way to Raritan Station where the Urban Sprawl Ends. After Raritan Station, the line becomes Rural & Scenic all the way to the Weekday Terminal Station at High Bridge. Introduces TSW community to a classic train simulator 2021 trains for NJ Transit ALP-45DP GP40P F40PH Comet IV & V and lastly the Multilevel coaches. Once the Rush Hour update is provided Players will encounter heavy train traffic around Roselle Park Aldene Connection & Newark areas where RVL joins the Norfolk Southern Lehigh Line and the Northeast Corridor Line at Hunter Interlocking. For the Freight Layers TSW 2 original plan SFJ GP38-2 UP Norfolk Southern HSC OSD CN CSX SPG SD70ACE Sherman Hill ES44AC HSC AC4400CW Sand Patch Grade or Cane Creek SD40-2 Cane Creek or Sand Patch Grade. If made for TSW 3 Freight layers are Cajon Pass BNSF ES44C4 3250-3299 Tier 4 Credit SD40-3 F7 Sand Patch Grade & Clinchfield CSX AC4400CW SD40 SD40-2 GP38-2 & F7 Union Pacific Cane Creek Sherman Hill and SFJ AC4400CW SD70ACE GP38-2 followed by OSD CN GP38-2 and lastly Norfolk Southern HSC ES44AC & GP38-2.
    With the Advent of Northeast Corridor Trenton New Brunswick New York Raritan Valley Line will add playable Services between Newark and New York Penn that includes the endpoint being Track 5 Newark Penn. On the other hand, if RVL gets merged with NEC Trenton to Boston via New Brunswick Rutgers University Saint Barnabas Hospital New Haven Union Station Yale University and Providence Brown University Stations Track 5 becomes a through operation to High Bridge & Raritan from NY Penn Station using the ALP-45DP.
    Furthermore to make the route realistic as possible selective door operation must be implemented due to the presence of low-level platforms like High Bridge Raritan Annandale (Junction 18 I-78) and high-level platforms 1.21m above the rail Somerville Plainfield and stations from Roselle Park to NY Penn Station
    Bridgewater Station serves the TD Bank Park home to NY Yankees Affiliate Somerset Patriots. On the east end of the station is a Motorway overpass for Interstate 287 from Edison, NJ to Rye, NY via Suffern Tappan Zee Bridge & White Plains, NY seen on the Harlem Line route.
    The Line Weekday Terminus High Bridge with Selected trains end and start from there
    Raritan Station terminus of some weekday trains & all trains on Weekends
    Union Station Serves Kean University and is the stop before Newark Penn Station Weekday Rush Hour Terminal & Weekend Terminal Stop. On Weekday Middays 4 stops before NY Penn Station terminal of Raritan Valley Line. For the Freight Traffic, the Horseshoe Curve route can add the Norfolk Southern Freight services seen here. Without Horseshoe Curve Route most freight trains are the Sand Patch Grade AC4400CW which comes standard for the Game. Milage run counts towards UP Cane Creek Version.

    Personal video Annandale railway station

    By FanRailer
    By Pablo Maniero
    Taken by AaronTheEagle1TV ride covers Newark to Raritan
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2025
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  2. Justin Navarro

    Justin Navarro Member

    Mar 14, 2020
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    I would love this for the game I could only imagine what the thumbnail would be like if they were to announce this but yes totally agree with this 10000000000000000000000000000% because the game slacks American passenger trains/routes
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  3. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    For the Route Thumbnail I can probably see the ALP-45DP having Secaucus Junction as its background or PL42AC with Bridgewater Station and TD Bank Park. Even better sold as a bundle with NEC Trenton/Philadelphia to New York New Jersey Transit commuter pack. That means the locomotive in my avatar Arrow III will be held at Newark Airport Station to let RVL ALP-45DP & PL42AC go onto the Northbound Northeast Corridor terminate into Newark Penn Station or Hoboken when the rush-hour feature is implemented. Once the move is done the Arrow III can proceed into Newark Penn Station and New York Penn Station via Secaucus Junction from Trenton. What is your favorite NJ Transit locomotive if it's a classic one from another route it can be layered on to this one.
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  4. aarontheloner

    aarontheloner Active Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Sounds good.
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  5. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    It is and this will be the first route to have proper PTC with Alerter if set in 2019 pre COVID-19 Pandemic. In Spring 2020 service is only High Bridge to Newark Penn Station due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Gameplay Wise it's going to be the American version of Southeast high speed and LGV Mediterranean Line Avignon-Marsellie. For this reason is that if you continue towards New York Penn Station via Secaucus Junction you need to switch into electric mode at Newark Penn Station. Reverse is mode switch at Newark Penn Station into diesel mode for High Bridge & Raritan. This should be the answer to why train simulator world 2 lacks an American Passenger route. When Rush Hour features is added expect heavy train traffic around Newark and Roselle Park.
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  6. mrchuck

    mrchuck Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2018
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    great information on this route if dovetail makes it I’ll probably buy it.
  7. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    i would too
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  8. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Me too and to make it even better why not make the route and sell it was a bundle with Northeast Corridor and Long Island Railroad with Extensions to Port Washington Huntington Port Jefferson Branch Babylon and Ronkonkoma. That way Sunnyside yard is filled with Amtrak and NJ Transit RVL ALP-45DPs which uses the yard to turn around for High Bridge via Raritan Station.
    Once the rush-hour feature is implemented here's how it's going to play out with RVL the last midday train gets held up at NY Penn Station to let Amtrak or NJ Transit Northeast Corridor line & North Jersey coast line trains to proceed into the Hudson River tunnel. Then the last RVL Midday into the tunnel towards the next stop Secaucus Junction. The inbound trips has RVL get priority over NJ Transit NJCL Northeast Corridor line trains and Amtrak at Hunter interlocking. Once the Raritan Valley Line train reaches the Northbound track and completes the move from Lehigh Line. The Amtrak & NJ Transit trains on the Northeast corridor can proceed behind the RVL Train Terminating at Newark Penn Station.​
  9. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    I would totally buy this for sure
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  10. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Good point since TSW2 Lacks a US commuter route with a single operator. The first One is Boston Providence shared by MBTA and Amtrak due to it being part of NEC. Rush Hour feature of this route is that You'll be held at Aldene Connection if NS Reading Line was built because the NS Freight will have priority over you before Roselle Park and Union Stops. Also at Hunter Interlocking, you'll hold up NJ Transit Northeast Corridor Line Train NJCL and Amtrak services to NY Penn Station & Boston South Station Via Providence, RI because you're crossing NEC Tracks from the Lehigh Line.
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  11. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Nice. This and the Capitol Corridor routes will be fun for Rush Hour
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  12. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Indeed, both heavy freight and passenger traffic between Roselle Park and Bound Brook Jct.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
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  13. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Correct and at bound book there's a connection with RVL to NS Lehigh Line it's sometimes used by freight services. NS Lehigh Line from Bound Brook to Roselle Park takes a detour via South Plainfield then North to Roselle Park that's the LV RR Mainline RVL uses the CRRNJ Main Line between Bound Brook and Aldene Junction built in 1967 to rejoin the Lehigh Line. Suggested Layer for freight is NS Harrisburg Line or the NS Jim Thorpe to Phillipsburg, NJ Line even SPG can give Freight to RVL. Now its Horseshoe Curve and SPG
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
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  14. dedh98mosqueto

    dedh98mosqueto Active Member

    Apr 16, 2021
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    DIVERSITY. Something other than Amtrak.
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  15. Wieczorek

    Wieczorek Active Member

    May 28, 2018
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    How long is Raritan Valley Line?
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  16. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    58 miles 93 kms the same length as LGV Mediterranean Line Avignon-Marsellie. However when you play the route it's going to be the same as Sand Patch Grade due to 1hr 30 to 1hr 40 trips. The 100 minute trips are for New York Penn Station. If you own Sand Patch Grade RVL gets CSX Locomotives on Aldene Connection 1967 construction to Newark Hunter interlocking 1997 construction.
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  17. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    And they travel on the Lehigh Line as far as Port Reading Junction where they diverge onto the Trenton Sub towards Philly.
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  18. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Thank you for the answer and it was very helpful at all for this route for freight rail. in order to operate RVL as a rush hour route SPG together with Northeast Corridor Boston Providence must be activated as layers. And for the New York section of RVL. trains that run to New York Penn Station during the weekday off peak must share Sunnyside Yard with Amtrak and LIRR. Which means once you reach New York Penn Station at RVL then walk to the Amtrak Penn Station platforms a screen should say do you wish to continue to Boston yes or no? Yes option loads Boston Providence for you by using the regional arrival time at Providence. Southbound if RVL is Linked with NEC Boston Providence once the regional train you are on reached NY Penn or Newark Penn fron Providence during Midday hours the screen would say do you wish to continue to Highbridge or Raritan yes or no. Yes means you start RVL services No means free roam return to main menu Journey mode.
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  19. mlouie100

    mlouie100 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2019
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    I would like to see this route or the Morris and Essex division be the first NJ Transit based DLC for TSW 2
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  20. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Glad to help, friend.
  21. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    How about all 3?
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  22. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Bundle for it is going to be the NJ Transit Commuter Pack. All three route link at Hoboken Terminal or NY Penn Station.
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  23. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    That is an excellent idea
  24. tswgamerts

    tswgamerts Member

    Apr 2, 2021
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    This is very convincing, WE NEEEEEEEEEED THIS ROUTE
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  25. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Of course and DTG can combine my route with Morris and Essex and NJCL as the NJ Transit commuter pack
  26. tswgamerts

    tswgamerts Member

    Apr 2, 2021
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    It can be a route extension
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  27. pjwilson15

    pjwilson15 Member

    Nov 6, 2020
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    I love this!! What fun this would be! Great detail and thought in the presentation. Thanks
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  28. kobo

    kobo Active Member

    Mar 23, 2021
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    I work on this line daily, and I'd love to see this reimagined in the game.
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  29. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Same and the RVL should solve TSW 2 problem of a missing NY/NJ area commuter route
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  30. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Oh definitely. And it would be a fun route as well
    • Like Like x 1
  31. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    I agree and it can link to LIRR at Penn Station Midtown Manhattan my suggestion can be combined with the Long Island Rail Road as the New York metro commuter pack
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  32. csxfan#8403

    csxfan#8403 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    That would also be amazing as well. Both of these routes will be fun for Rush Hour
    • Like Like x 1
  33. mrchuck

    mrchuck Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2018
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    Yeah I definitely hope Njt and the lirr Babylon Branch are apart of the TSW rush hour package in the future.
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  34. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    I actually made the suggestion of the Babylon branch check my signature for it. By the way Penn Station to Bellmore takes 45 minutes for RVL 1hr 40 full ride Newark to High Bridge.
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  35. mrchuck

    mrchuck Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2018
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    I hope it’ll be on rush hour in the next roadmap of Dlc for the fall or winter season.
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  36. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    If included on a fall or winter rush hour It might be called NYC Rush Hour Commuter Pack with another suggestion of mine the Long Island Railroad Babylon branch along with a MTA NYS Subway route.
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  37. mrchuck

    mrchuck Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2018
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    Yeah I hope they’ll include the Babylon Branch one day in TSW 2 in the future.
    • Like Like x 2
  38. trainmasteraiden

    trainmasteraiden Active Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    it could be MTA F40PH MTA GP40PH
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  39. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    These are rare finds on the Raritan Valley Line since all services use NJ Transit Paint versions
  40. kobo

    kobo Active Member

    Mar 23, 2021
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    both of those locomotives are used on the hoboken division, up to port jervis i think.
  41. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Correct and also Spring Valley PVL. They will be a rare catch on the RVL since RVL is a Newark Division Line

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