Preservation Crew: Rhein-ruhr Osten

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Task, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Task

    Task Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hi TrainSim-Adam, here are some suggestions about things you can improve with the RRO preservation upgrade.
    • Platform Departure Boards on the platforms (with the necessary data added to the timetable, you did a great job on ECW with that!)
      • Please don't make the same mistake as on RT and MSB though and put all the information from the big displays on the small displays. This looks very squished together isn't really realistic. HMA and Hamburg - Lübeck have it correct. Only the preserved routes don't. 20210824174158_1.jpg
    • Upgraded destination system for the BR 422: What you did for the 146 + Dostos is pretty cool. Please also do that for the BR 422. This would be especially useful for the layer it has on SKA.
    • LZB for the BR 185.5
    • The gradient changes and curves aren't smooth at all. The track laying really lacks on RRO. Can you do something about it?
    • The BR 422 formations from RRO get mixed up with the BR 422 from HRR when you own that route and spawn an S-Bahn service from the menu. This way the destinations don't work properly and when you have some modded reskins installed, you can really see that they don't match up.
    • Scenario Designer: There is a wrong path in the scenario designer. Trains from Gevelsberg to Schwelm (should be the S-Bahn path from Hagen to Wuppertal) get routed on the wrong track a little to early. The short single line running is more near to Schwelm (like it's correctly done in service mode).
    • Port the new signals and signs from Hamburg - Lübeck: Hamburg - Lübeck was the first German route that included an overhaul of the signal colors and some of the signs were also updated (mainly the Lf 6, Lf 7 and Ne 3). It would be really cool when those overhauls could be used on RRO too.
    • Working Crossings
    • Rush Hour Passengers
    • The included BR 185.5 (MRCE) isn't available for substitution into freight services on MSB, RSN, HRR and some services on SKA and HMA. I already posted a thread about this with a deeper explanation of the problem and a solution:
    • The screens in the BR 185.5 (MRCE) and many other older German locos (and dosto cabcars) have a broken date format. Looks like this is a localization issue as it apparently doesn't appear when you set the game to English. I have it in German.
      • 20210824173937_1.jpg

    Now let's talk about service mode, I think it's a good idea to split that into two parts. First some smaller and maybe more important issues and then an expansion of service mode.
    • The dostos cabcar isn't driveable on the route. Somehow all RE (RE 4 / RE 7) services are driven with the loco in the front.
    • Dispatch Beyond on RE (RE 4 / RE 7) services: Can you please enable dispatch beyond on those services so we don't always have to stop at a stop aspect when approaching the platform.

    Now I will point out some things that would need a little more work on the timetable:
    • As one of the trains of this add on is a freight loco it's very strange there are only 13 freight services. RRO could get really exciting with a significant addition of freight services.
    • There are some big gaps in the timetable. There sometimes are one hour or more gaps between S-Bahn services and at a few hours there are also REs missing.
    • You didn't model the S8 services that come from Wuppertal-Steinbeck and terminate at Wuppertal-Oberbarmen in this timetable. Those would also add a good amount of life to the route.
    • In reality, not the BR 143 did the RE 7 services but the BR 112 (which wasn't available when RRO was created). Nowadays they are run with Talent 2 from National Express. Can you change the formation to make it more realistic with the BR 112? This way the maximum speed of the route could also be fully used (which isn't possible with the 120 km/h of the BR 143).
    • It's the same topic with the RB 48. Nowadays Talent 2 from National Express are used there too but before they were run by the BR 425 (which also wasn't available when RRO was created). A replacement here would be a nice change too.

    And now to the more complex timetable additions / changes:
    • IC layer: Most of the IC services on RRO are run by the IC2 which isn't in the game currently but there are also some BR 101 + IC coaches services and those formations could also be used as a replacement for the IC 2s.
    • ICE layer: Most of the ICE services on the route are done by the ICE 2 and ICE 4. There are also services by the ICE 1 and ICE T and more important a few ICE 3 and even ICE 3M services. It would be really cool when at least those could be added to the timetable but the ICE 3 could also serve as a good replacement for the ICEs 2 and 4.

    I hope at least some of those things can be added. RRO already is one of my favorite routes and I'm looking forward to all the improvements the Preservation Crew will do to it. For me it's weakest points are the timetable and the bad track laying which makes you feel like riding a roller coaster in curves and when the gradients change.

    To the rest of the community: Feel free to post you wishes in the thread too.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
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  2. HaibaraHariko

    HaibaraHariko Active Member

    May 23, 2019
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    Some issues and suggestions:

    1. Passenger: In Hagen-Westerbauer, passengers won't move and get stuck to each other.

    2. Timetable: In all eastbound S8 services at Wuppertal-Steinbeck, there's no "load passengers" task for the player.

    3. Timetable: The timetable for many of the westbound S9 services is too tight. Also you can get a red light that lasts until the arrival time of the next station, preventing you from being on time.

    4. Timetable: I wonder if it's possible to add more AI trains near Hagen. Now we only have the S5 services.

    5. Scenery: There seems to be too many monorail trains near Wuppertal? I have no idea how it looks like in real life though.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
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  3. grob-e

    grob-e Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2020
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    Well, fix the red light problem on the 02:10 service Wuppertal-Oberbarmen to Wuppertal-Langerfeld

    Somehow, the new gradient map doesn't show the steep inclines on RRO compared to the Boston-Sprinter-Map

  4. Aran

    Aran Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2019
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    I totally agree with everything Task has said in the post above, all of these things would be great additions and would really liven up the route. I would however like to add one or two things for TrainSim-Adam to take into consideration when planning what to do for the update.

    Number one is the section where Task talks about implementing the destination display system as seen in the BR 146 post MSB update. And while I think that system is a massive improvement which gets the best of both worlds it unfortunately still has one flaw, and that is that the line number can not be displayed. This was not such a big problem on MSB as the trains were all Regional Trains that didn't display a line number before the update either. With Rhein-Ruhr Osten this is a larger problem because the trains in question run S-Bahn services where the line number is more important and missing the S8/S9 would look very wrong and also detract from the route.
    A solution to this problem would be combining the system seen on the ICE 3M from SKA with the new system seen on the MSB 146.2/Dostos. This means that the line number section would be filled with the data given to each service which should already be present for the PIS boards and the destination could still be set depending on the route the train is on. This system is of course not perfect as you would still not be able to change the line number but I think it's better than leaving the line number oute completely. It would also require an extra amount of work by the Preservation Team which might not be available.

    The second point is the track changes. I know this was mentioned in the original post but I would just like to highlight how important of a change this would be. I completely understand the team can not rebuild the entire track network as that would fly well outside the scope for the project but some smothing in a few sections of the route would be a massive improvement. The track sometimes goes from a steep uphill gradient to a steep downhill one within a few metres and this is just not realistic. The worst sections are the Mainline between Hagen HBF and Schwelm aswell as the lines just outside Wuppertal-Oberbarmen. If it would be at all possible to make some improvements to this it would remove one strongest negative points from the route.

    And lastly I would like to thank every member of the preservation crew for their hard work on the routes they have already worked on, ranging from making the route playable in the case of the 146.2 on MSB to massively improving it on RT. The team has consistently shown they are ready to do more than expected as seen with the PIS on both ECW and RT showing a full set of off world stations which does a lot to improve the realism and immersion of the PIS boards. I hope the team continue to put this much effort into their projects going forward.
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  5. LimitedEdiition

    LimitedEdiition Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    This route needs something similar to what Rapid Transit got when it comes to timetable improvements. 13 Freight services is disappointing considering the intermodal yard is one of the key features of the route. A lot of shunting can also be explored here, which would be a nice addition. That's also not including all of the S Bahn shortcomings that Task has listed already. I hope when they start work, they won't just give it PIS, the new sky, and call it a day. There's a lot of potential to be had here.
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  6. Aran

    Aran Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Some of these can definitely be fixed or at least improved but some probably can't be.
    Adding load instructions to services can cause a knock on effect which brakes the whole timetable, so that will probably stay the same.
    And the Schwebebahn at Wuppertal uses the Road system so it has the same limitations as the road traffic. They are more frequent than they should be but I think that's a limitation of the road system. That's also the reason why they aren't articulated units.
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  7. HaibaraHariko

    HaibaraHariko Active Member

    May 23, 2019
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    Speaking of timetable, they've just changed the passenger loading time of regional trains from 60s to 30s in MSB. I wonder if they can do that in other routes.
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