How Removing The Season Ticket Earlier Will Damage Tsw2’s Reputation

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by formulabee#1362, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. formulabee#1362

    formulabee#1362 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    With the planned early withdrawal of the season ticket (November 11th), I thought I would dump my thoughts here, and go into more detail with the thread title.

    Firstly, DTG have gone back on their promise to keep it till ‘at least the least of the year’- really? The dlc’s are still buggy and have game breaking FPS issues, notably on xbox’s (even the series x has the issue as well. Do you not have any idea what you are doing here?

    Furthermore, this will damage other players trust in management and the game.

    DTG, if you want the game to thrive, don’t remove the season ticket until the end of the year. Prioritise the routes and make them better, before you withdraw the ticket. Otherwise people will see this as a money grab.

    In summary, think twice DTG
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  2. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I'm assuming you haven't bought it yet, then? Given that it's been out since August, entitles you to what are widely regarded as the three most feature-packed and detailed routes at a significant discount, and you've been given notice that it will be withdrawn, if you want it, just buy it now.

    Adding yet another thread complaining that you can't afford to buy it before Christmas isn't going to get any sympathy, at least not from the players who took up the offer months ago and took a punt on routes that hadn't even been released.

    And, if you absolutely can't get an advance on your pocket money (or whatever), consider that they're removing it from sale shortly before Black Friday so maybe they know exactly what they're doing...

    One man's "money grab" is another man's "viable business model".
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  3. mattchester#9176

    mattchester#9176 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2021
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    Just minor point to add. Currently, on Playstation at least, the TSW Rush Hour edition is on offer and actually cheaper that the seasons pass (£31.99).

    They've said this will be staying for sale so there will still be a way of buying the RH routes for the Season Pass price or less, you might just need wait for an offer. (Okay, this might be a problem if you're on XBox).
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  4. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    It may not have occurred to you but there are still people out there waiting 'til it's fixed before making a purchase. And besides, this thread is absolutely no different to multiple other threads regarding "waiting...." on multiple other routes to be fixed before making a purchase - only on this occasion the opportunity may not be there to do so.
    One thing I will also point out is that although RH is much, much improved, Sam and Matt did initially state that in order to ensure we received a product that was done to the very best of their ability the price of Rush Hour would need to be increased by £10, so at the very least they should honour that side of the bargain before pulling it from the shelves.

    Oh and I'm sure you didn't mean it but some of your wording came across as a little presumptuous.
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  5. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Of course not everyone can afford to splash out £35 on a game in one go, and require to save up over a few months, so it's not as simple as that.

    I purchased Rush Hour because I'm on PC and it goes fairly smoothly, but with the constant crashes on Xbox I probably wouldn't have purchased it by now.

    I do firmly agree that they should resolve the crashes and then remove the season pass.
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  6. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    There's a good 40% discount on F1 2021 on the PSN store at the moment. It says that the offer is ending on 10th November, but I'll hold out and then try and buy it for the same price at the end of the month. It'll damage my trust in the Codemasters management if they don't extend the deal for me. :D

    As mattchester#9176 said above, the Deluxe edition (including the RH routes) is currently 20% off so it's LESS than the standalone season pass – and that's until 19th November, so you've got an extra week to save up straight away. Probably fair to assume that it'll be reduced in forthcoming sales too as the base game bundles tend to be, making the season pass fairly pointless as an ongoing product.

    I'm waiting for Trophies to be reinstated to all of the new DLC before I buy. I'm not going to be complaining about having missed the introductory 10% PSN discount on WCL "because I was waiting for it to be fixed" though. If it's not worth the asking price, I'll just wait for another sale.

    Might have meant it a little bit. ;)
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  7. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    It's a slightly different scenario on XBox due to the frequency of game crashes so reasons for holding off on a purchase are a little more justifiable than on PS4/5. In fact, no, what am I saying.... Let's not beat about the bush here because XBox TSW is by far and away the worst version of all so there's every reason not to want to carry on giving Dovetail our pocket money (or whatever) until there's a lot more light at the end of the tunnel.

    Oh and you'll probably have to think up a much better example because (a) Codemasters' trust/reputation cannot possibly be damaged any more than it currently is (or 'was' because they are no more) and (b) we can just hold off for a couple more months and get 100% off F1 when it arrives on Gamepass :cool:

    Anyhows, I'd love to chat more but like most XBox owners I've got my homework to do and if I don't get cracking I won't have time to do my paper round in order to earn some money to buy [insert broken, but exceptional value for money TSW addon] on black Monday-Friday. "Can't miss that window, it's the only time I can afford stuff"
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
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  8. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I’ll add this here, as I have previously said this on other threads on the forum and people don’t quite believe me, and as a video claiming to prove me wrong actually proved what I am saying to be correct I think it needs repeating.

    DTG never promised to keep the season ticket on sale until the end of the year, they only ever said that it could be the end of the year or beyond. They only ever promised to keep it on sale until after all the routes were released and give players some notice that it would be ending. Therefore it is not being removed early at all. This is important to point out again because DTG have not gone back on any promises here and therefore should not be getting any stick for that.

    There are plenty of things to feel aggrieved about with DTG and with the state of the game but this isn’t one of them. You can feel upset about it going off sale before you have bought it (at the time of posting this there’s still time), or that the routes are still buggy, but saying that DTG have gone back on their word with this is out of order. They haven’t.
    • Like Like x 12
  9. Challenger3985

    Challenger3985 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Luckily, I'm not getting any Rush Hour routes for my own reasons (But, I'm not gonna rant about that). But as for the season pass, let's face it, it was gonna be the inevitable sooner or later. As many have said, DTG has not gone back on their word because, really, they don't give out dates, whether it's a new route, updates, or when the season pass is gonna end. And while the "end of the year" may sound like a date, it doesn't give you an actual 'day of the month' that it will end. Plus it's been nearly 3 months since Boston Sprinter was released, so that does give plenty of time for many to get the pass (if they want all 3 routes included) before it's gone.
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    SHINO BAZ Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2019
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    If anyone here said i'm not buying any tsw2 route until it's perfect,then you would still have a grand total of 0 routes.So why would you still be here after 3½ years of waiting for a perfect route?The point is you can buy the season ticket for 40.00 now or each route after nov11 for 30.00 your choice.
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    SHINO BAZ Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2019
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    What???..The op figures that removing the season ticket will damage dovetails games reputation...???...I really hate to break it to him/her but in tsw2 terms the reputation train left the station derailed fell off a bridge dropped 1000ft hit the water and sank deep into the murky depths never to see the light of day again.

    PS:Plus you just can't go to your local hobby shop and buy another replacement reputation train. No matter how many euros you have in your bank account.Because a reputation is earned not bought...Unless your really rich then maybe...
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
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  12. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    What are they doing with the £45 deluxe edition?
    Removing it? Keeping but re-branding it? Increasing it's price in line with the removal of the season ticket?

    I suppose if it does remain available and unchanged then the seemingly 'locked in' Gamepass discount will ensure it will always be at a there or thereabouts price to what the season ticked retailed at.
    Another good thing is when it finally disappears it will be four less loading screens that make me think i'm about to watch an episode of ' The Time Tunnel' every time I see them :cool:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
  13. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I mean, the same can probably be said for the Hornby stuff that's in those hobby shops at this point.
  14. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Don't forget there is always a pretty decent sale from about Boxing Day onwards so if there was only one route you wanted from the Season Ticket then chances are you may get it at a good price then. Depends what you want really.
  15. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    well not sure if xbox players will get a sale then. it's not often we do
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  16. appledates#4945

    appledates#4945 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    Well this is just silly, I don’t recall DTG stating a date for when the season ticket deal would go away, they have given us a notice ahead of time. It launched in August and all the content for it has come out and it’s given plenty of time for us to make a decision and a purchase, taking it off sale is more then reasonable. If you haven’t bought it yet, I suggest you do before it goes off sale. It’s about $12 per route and it’s quite the bargain. Your thread suggests that DTG gave us a date and didn’t follow through which isn’t the case and your thread is hyperbole. The only reputation I see getting ruined is yours.
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  17. bones.n.hombre

    bones.n.hombre Active Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    The older guy with the grey hair said on a stream that it would be this price at least until January the 1st and probably longer.

    I don’t know what stream now, there are two or three per week, but I remember thinking j had plenty of time to make my decision.

    To be fair it was the same guy who said rush hour was going to be £25 and this was also incorrect, so perhaps he is just misinformed.
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  18. L89

    L89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Normal price for Deluxe Edition is £40 on PlayStation but £45 on Xbox. I have just noticed that inconsistency. Probably because they want to offset the Game Pass automatic discount but not everyone has a subscription.

    If I didn't have the season ticket and couldn't buy it I would certainly wait for a sale of the Deluxe Edition.
  19. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    No, he didn't. It's amazing how fast unfounded rumour and games of Chinese Whispers can become "fact."

    What Sam did say, months ago, was that he didn't know how long the bundle would be on sale, but that it might - very important word, that - might remain on sale until Christmas or even into the New Year.
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  20. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    Actually he did.
    When asked if it was going to be permanently available Sam replied with "guaranteed until the end of 2021"

    Source: Train Sim World Rush Hour Q&A (July 22nd 2021) at around 24mins.
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  21. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Oh so it was true
  22. appledates#4945

    appledates#4945 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    You could also interpret now to be the end of 2021. If he has said until December 31st, I could understand, but they did not. If you told your Grandma you guarantee to come over by the end of 2021, wouldn’t she expect to see you before December 31st?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
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  23. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    It's November so no it's not the end of 2021.
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  24. appledates#4945

    appledates#4945 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2021
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    It’s November, the end of the year.
    What do you feel is considered “the end of the year”?
    Either way they gave notice like they said they would.
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  25. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    November is towards the end of the know that, I know that, we all know that.
    I'd let this one go If I were you.
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  26. Calidore266

    Calidore266 Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2021
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    Sam gave a non-specific answer in a stream, where DTG has always been very clear that nothing official will be said anyway. He could have been still vaguer, but just try choosing every word perfectly every time in a live broadcast. Still doesn't matter anyway, because everything said in a stream has a big asterisk next to it.
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  27. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    Honestly, it's a non-argument. We already know that where TSW streams are concerned you may as well just mute the volume and watch the pretty pictures. The *only* reason I brought that clip into the discussion was because a PC dude who thought he knew better came into this part of the forum and tried to patronise an XBox gamer...
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
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  28. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Are we seriously going to drop to that level again?
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  29. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    December 31st is the end of the year. Did they not teach you that in school? A 2 year old knows that.

    At the end of the day, dtg made a business decision. The season ticket is still available so if people want to buy it, they still can. But i do get why some are frustrated because they were hoping that the issues particularly pertaining to memory crashes on BML and BRD would be fixed so they can jump on board but they are not. Me personally I was never gonna get the season ticket. I was gonna get London Commuter but I decided not too at all due to the way it was released and the memory crashes. It still doesn't have the rush hour passenger system either.

    Rush Hour for me was a total fail. I'll still play the game from time to time now that the texture issue is 90% fixed and enjoy the routes I have. Well except lirr since the audio is completely broken on the M7
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
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  30. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Would you consider November be the start of the year? The middle of the year? In the vagueness of some chat on a live stream, that's about as much accuracy as you can hope for so anything in Q4 is probably going to pass as 'the end of the year'.
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  31. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    Nothing in life is guaranteed apart from death and taxes, or so they say. Waiting until the routes are fixed is pointless - every fix brings more issues - so waiting is an effort in futility. There has been plenty of time to buy the season pass, if you miss the opportunity, tis a pity, but no one else’s fault.

    Having said that, it will be nice once the 3x Rush Hour routes are reliable and therefore playable. I’m constantly on pins expecting a crash, a signal issue or some other nonsense preventing me from completing what I’ve started, so I’ve given up until the fixes come. Far too many issues than can be considered reasonable were unleashed into the wild with these routes. DTG better make good and better not let this happen again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2021
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  32. DTG Protagonist

    DTG Protagonist Has left the building

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Before I lock this thread (let's ease down on the arguments please) here's what I said, in the order I said it:

    - The first thing I definitely recall saying is that the season ticket would be on sale until the end of the year, probably longer.

    - I revised this probably 6 weeks later to say that it was possible the season ticket would be withdrawn from sale earlier than the end of the year, but not until after all three routes had been released. I also said that in the eventuality that happened we would give you advance warning (knowing me, and I'm not going to verify this, I'd have said something like "plenty of notice" - that's vague, and "plenty" is certainly open to interpretation.)

    - Finally, I gave a heads up a couple of days before the announcement that it was going to be withdrawn from sale earlier than expected.

    In each case I gave the best information I had at the time, that's what I do (the 24.99 figure mentioned above was probably for the individual routes). When the season ticket when on sale I was told it'd be at least until the end of the year. I was then asked to walk this back in case the plan for its availability had to change. Obviously, the community team mentioned that this wouldn't be popular, but this kind of thing comes with the territory.

    Plans change, and that is frustrating to those who wanted to wait longer, it makes no sense to rubbish that frustration - it's far from being unreasonable. Waiting to see if there'd be more fixes first or for a particular date or even to see if it'd be reduced in price (not going to happen, sorry) is a pretty sensible thing to do and everyone can make their own minds up as to what a reasonable course of action is.

    For those disappointed by the change of plan, you have been heard and your comments will be passed on, but there is no sign that the season ticket will remain on sale any longer than announced last week. That the notice period was only a week isn't ideal, but that's what we've got.
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  33. Gtasandman

    Gtasandman Active Member

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Seems like this got personal with people real quick.

    It sucks that its being discontinued but whoever will buy it will buy it whoever wont will just buy whatever route they want. I bought it had way too many issues and refunded it. I waited to see if they issues would be fixed and it didn't really get addressed so i didn't repurchase as i planned. Don't mind buying DLC in the future but content in this game ads up fast. With no real sales on xbox cant see myself buying much content at its current quality. That being said 3 routes for a price that is slightly more than the price of one is a good deal but a deal they cant keep for long. I remember all the talk of it lasting to the end of the year but things change. I feel like them getting into console gaming leads them to deal with different clients. They have to get used to that vs the steam people where you get stuff on sale randomly whenever and just buy it.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2021
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  34. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    Unfortunately, from a console perspective a lot of things seem to come with the territory where TSW is concerned.

    What you tend to forget is that not only have DTG gone back on their word (of sorts), they've bit by bit backed this announcement into a period where overall stability and performance of TSW is in a very bad place, so from a consumer standpoint any decision of this nature was never going to fare well. You're now effectively placing gamers into an early access 'buy it now and hope for the best' or 'wait til it's fixed and buy it at a premium price' scenario so, given DTG's track record of fixing things, people are understandably upset about being pushed into a potential lose/lose situation with Rush Hour.

    The only real message I got from your comment was: "We say as we please, we do as we please and if you don't like it then, well, that's tough luck". So yeah, excellent customer relations if that was as intended.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2021
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  35. djcwey

    djcwey Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    If affordability and timing are an issue have you not considered ways to get a discount?

    I've been getting an occasional "bonus" from Microsoft rewards, but with the dark evenings and spending more time indoors I've made a concerted effort to work on getting more from the programme. In November I've already redeemed points towards £10 worth of giftcards and this week should redeem points towards another £5 giftcard. You need 5,850 point for a £5 giftcard. So that will get me the Class 313 DLC (with credit on my balance remaining) for example.

    It might take some time to earn points getting achievements in some games, but others you can get 1000 points by completing all achievements in about an hour. Some of that is linked to being able to play what is available on Game Pass (which not everyone has subscription for), but points can be earned through performing "Daily Sets" consisting of quizzes, searches using Bing etc..
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  36. junior hornet

    junior hornet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    And don’t forget that if you set up auto redeem, you get a £5 giftcard for only 5500 points once a month.
  37. fl991r

    fl991r Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Word of warning though, the gift cards expire after 90 days if you don't use them. So if you set up auto redeem, you'll have to buy something once every month after the first 90 days have elapsed. That said, it is possible to toggle on and off the auto redemption.
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  38. Gtasandman

    Gtasandman Active Member

    Jul 16, 2021
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    no one should have to suffer and use bing
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  39. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    you don't, you just automate it, and have it enter random search strings a couple of dozen times in a row
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  40. djcwey

    djcwey Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    I just search "Class 01", "Class 02"... until I've done my 20 searches on mobile and 30 on my laptop (windows).
  41. junior hornet

    junior hornet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    If you do the daily sets, there are usually quizzes and/or pages with pictures to click on. You can then get your quota of searches really quickly.
  42. fl991r

    fl991r Member

    May 18, 2021
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    I don't know how to automate the process, so all I do is I search for a category. I type in "breeds of dog" or "rivers in USA" and a list of things show up. I then just middle click each one of those into a separate tab and each counts as a search. Takes about 30 seconds a day. In addition to the daily sets and the gamepass rewards on XBOX this nets me free gamepass each year and about $60 in Microsoft gift cards. There are probably easier ways to earn $140 a year, but I figure I'm just sitting around anyway, might as well make this hobby less damaging to the pocketbook!
  43. junior hornet

    junior hornet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Basically what I said but you put it much better :)
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  44. djcwey

    djcwey Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2019
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    For those that might have been unable to afford the Season Ticket during it's period of availability the TSW2: Rush Hour Deluxe Edition is in the "Lunar New Year Sale" on Xbox for £8.99! Even if (like myself) you chose only to buy a single route it's god value to get the other two routes for £4.50 each IMG_20220125_195942.jpg
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  45. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Finally xbox is getting sales :)
  46. Gtasandman

    Gtasandman Active Member

    Jul 16, 2021
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    wow i might do that lol i refunded all that dlc when i first got it, it would be nice to have the base game digital instead of disk
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
  47. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Various editions of the core game do tend to get them, it's the DLC that's mostly never on sale.
  48. Gtasandman

    Gtasandman Active Member

    Jul 16, 2021
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    yeah but i basically just paid 10 dollars for 90 dollars of DLC buying that bundle.
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  49. KamoJibber

    KamoJibber New Member

    Jan 27, 2021
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    I'm definitely late to the party here, but I purchased the season ticket last year and never got the download for the London-Brighton route. Boston Sprinter and the Riesa-Dresden installed without any problems but no sign of the other one. Is it too late now to get that route somehow as part of the package I paid for?
  50. Gtasandman

    Gtasandman Active Member

    Jul 16, 2021
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    if on xbox go to the home page then over TSW and hit more options i think its under storage or data make sure london to brighton is checked off otherwise you own it buy its not installed.

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