Acela Express Dlc For Boston Sprinter

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Amtrak_Fan, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. Take my money!

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  1. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Now I know this topic has been discussed before but im going to give it a go. High speed rail in the USA, a lot of US fans want the Acela Trainset in TSW 2 for Boston sprinter, myself included, but why should dovetail even bother with the Acela trainset? IMG_3328.JPG
    • First off it's America's only high speed train, it hits 150 mph between mileposts 194.5 and milpost 205! Not only that but it would be an amazing addon for a newly released route that came out *cough* Boston Sprinter *cough*.
    • Second, it would be the first attempt at an acela Trainset in the Train Simulator series since 2011! Thats a long time for not remaking a train! (I don't count the Washington - Baltimore acela as a new trainset, its the same model, with a different horn / bell, and the same inaccurate cab controls)
    Which brings me into my next point, the cab controls, you know the things that allow you to operate the train. Pretty important don't you think? Well oh boy do I have news for you!
    Almost everything in this picture is either Inaccurate or just plain Wrong!
    This is an image of the Real deal acela cab! Are you noticing anything different yet? Well for starters...
    • The bell in the real cab is labeled as "Panto" in the TS cab
    • The speedometer screen is not fully implemented yet, just showing the speedometer, no time, no cruise control, no motion bypass thing for the tilt, nada!
    • Everything on the left side console is labeled incorrectly. Everything.
    • First off, there is no cruise control switch in the real cab, you press the button on top of the lever and push it to your desired speed, at least that's how I've heard it works, same for the throttle, you push the button and push the lever forward, pretty simple and good!
    • They got parts near the tilt switch ok. I guess. I mean you have your tilt isolation switch, your reset button, and the dimmers, then the other remaining two switches are incorrectly labeled and their function is not what its supposed to be! 20211202000159_1.jpg 2009070120020717458.jpg
    • The light switch settings are kind of ok, I mean they at least had to get the front headlights switch right, right? Nope, the Front headlight switch has 3 settings, off, dim, and bright. Now if my eyes do not deceive me I believe that the marker light switch is actually in the panel behind the engineer, not on the front headlight switch.
    • The Ditch light switch is a bit difficult but hey at least they tried, the left setting for the ditch lights is off, the top setting is auto (when you sound the horn, it automatically turns them to flash and sounds the bell), the right is flash, and the bottom is on. Now I don't blame DTG's for this as I too did have trouble understanding the ditch lights so that's a mark off for them.
    • The brake valve switch (the switch to the right of the Acknowledger (giant stick below the horn) and to the left of the sander (mushroom looking button)) is just marked as "both". Just "both" which is not correct!
    • The sander button is not supposed to be on the left side console but above the bell (mushroom button)!
    • Now where the bell is in the TS cab is where the door open is, I have no idea what it does but my guess is that it tells the engineer when the doors are closed, but don't take my word for that!
    • The snow brake buttons and the mirror retract buttons are not even present in the TS cab, instead we have Destination Displays, which are controlled by the conductor, not the engineer. So why put them where the mirrors and the snow brake is?
    • Parking brake is not supposed to be on the left side console but on the right side console, a minor detail but important.
    • No motion bypass is replaced with "shroud" which cannot be opened by the press of a button but has to be lifted from the outside, of the cab. I have no information on no motion bypass yet but what I assume it is for (until I can get accurate information) is that it allows the tilt mechanism to be on without motion.
    • The top most switch on the right console is the door bypass, from what I've read, the door bypass allows the engineer to move the train with the cab door open, but on the acela they are interlocked, what I believe this means is that both switches in the lead and trail power car have to be switched to bypass in order for the door to be bypassed. And guess what they put there, wipers. Which are supposed to be on the left side console!
    • And finally the alerted, this one, although correct, is outdated and should be replaced by the new one installed in the ACS-64 cab.
    So do you see my point, the old cab from TS is outdated, and needs a dire redo, which brings me to my next point!

    (next post, I ran out of space to put my pictures)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
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  2. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    • Your telling me you wouldn't enjoy cruising past Mansfield and Attleboro at 150mph!
    Here's a video of an acela cab ride on a different portion of track but I think you get my point:

    • Another important aspect of the Acela is the beautiful sounds of the trainset. And I swear if I have to sit through those same basic electric engine sounds that DTG keeps cramming down my throat... You get the point.
    • Thats why I use sound mods for the Acela (thank you Fan Railer! : )
    Pretty Sweet Right!

    Well there is another problem, The physics! ss_a640fd626d0d7b811293711c393d866cb6f4adf0.1920x1080.jpg
    • The Acela Trainset, (and regional trainset) both have 110 psi as there brake pipes max psi, which means no brakes applied is 110 psi. Screenshot 2021-12-02 005437.png
    • (Here im not sure if the engineer is applying the dynamic brake but that's what it looks like so that's what this is going to be based off of) Now im not the best at stuff involving psi, but I am smart enough to know that if you apply the brakes it removes some of it from the reservoir. Now as we can see up here, the white needle (which is what I use for my braking) is at 110 PSI which means that he's not using the air brakes, however that doesn't mean that he's not using the dynamic brakes. But lets just say he does apply minimal reduction and that white needle moves, that needle will move to 100 psi, (the red needle is what im confused on but someone will probably explain it better). Now with the Acela train sets putting the brakes at minimal reduction should give the brakes enough power to get the train from 30 to 0 with the length of the providence platforms (what im trying to say is if I apply minimal reduction at the start of the providence platform, I should have enough force applied to stop the train near the end of the platform). However even with Fan Railer's physics update, the braking problem is still an issue (Fan Railer's pack helps a lot thought, I highly recommend using it) and in the base acela trainset its even worse. If I put the brakes into minimal reduction with the normal trainset (without mods), the train will just start crawling to a stop, I have to put it into suppression to even get it to think "hey maybe I should actually start braking so I don't overshoot this platform". Thats another thing, without the mods I overshoot the platform at providence by a good 2-3 cars every time I try it, and the entire trainset is 665 feet, that's a big margin for error! ss_a640fd626d0d7b811293711c393d866cb6f4adf0.1920x1080.jpg If you look at the PSI reading on this screenshot (from the official workshop) you can see that no brake force is being applied, and yet if we where to use the max 110 PSI here, the train should be in emergency brake mode, or handle off! I don't understand how it can be messed up this badly!
    Which brings me to my final point, and reason this should be in tsw 2
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
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  3. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    (As Noted by ctsl Railfan)
    • The entire powercar from the outside is also wrong aswell
    • The Nose is too pointy
    • The front windows are way too tall
    • Headlights should be a tad bigger than the marker lights
    • Pantograph is in the wrong starting position (usually the front one goes up to indicate the direction the train is going) in the picture of the Ts 2022 Acela I manually put the pantograph into that position)
    • The actual powercar length is too long (never really noticed but seems about right)
    • Ditch lights look like they have no glass on them
    • Finally the trainset is missing the end business class car which has only two doors, like the first class car.
    (The Real Deal Acela, She's a beautiful train isn't she?)
    (Then there's this thing, it kinda resembles it, if I didn't have my glasses on)

    (thank you ctsl Railfan!)

    This entire trainset, The cab, the physics, the sounds, everything has to be redone, and TSW 2 with the Boston Sprinter Route is the Perfect opportunity to strike and give us the accurate acela experience! The amount of time I've hoped for a revamped version of the Acela to come to a train simulator is grossly overdue, and this is the perfect opportunity. Now I know some people from other countries might get salty with the amount of DLC North America has been getting lately, however how many German routes / Loco addon's do you guys have? Plus for the British railfans, you guys will basically own spirit of steam with the amount of iconic steam engines you guys have! DTG is even working on a tilting German train!
    If you guys at DTG's can perfect this tilting German train, then you guys can perfect the Acela's tilt! You guys have the potential to make the best NEC DLC we've had in a long time! And The community would be glad to help you perfect it! Im all for an Acela DLC, and I've seen the other threads on the forums too, other people want it as well, but if you guys need any help just ask the community! We are glad to help. You have my full support if you decide to make this DLC, I just hope the other members of the community that are hopefully reading this support it too! So what do ya say?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
  4. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    I’m shoving my picture in here lmao
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  5. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Yeah exactly Istg If DTG doesn’t improve their sounds
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  6. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Bring it on since TS 22 NEC Rahway to New Haven via NY Penn Workshop Wednesday has it but TSW 2 lacks it. DTG needs to use the tilting train mechanism for this to work then the related Alstom ETR610 Rabe 503 tilting trains SBB CFF FFS for Gotthardbahn Erstfeld Bellenz and Chiasso. Riesa-Dresden DB BR415/411 to Flughafen Frankfurt Am Main & Wiesbaden
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
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  7. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Agree'd ! It can work for both !
  8. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Yeah, sounds are DTG achilleas heal when it comes to trains!
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  9. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Yeah exactly I’m LOVE tired of DB getting sucked off every second of the year lmao I mean look at how much DLC and Routes there are all want is one thing I’D pay hella for the Acela I’d die for that electric locomotive
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  10. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Why does it censor me and put love smh I wanna say LOVE let me just express my anger and confusion to two people smh
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  11. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    I think they need third party help with it tbh I can find mods that have better work then DTG that’s saying something
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  12. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Yea, definitely with sounds, which is why one of my points was that they have a community at their disposal, they should use it!
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  13. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Exactly idk why they keep saying they need licenses for horns I really don’t think you do yk
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  14. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Yeah, maybe the specific sound their horn makes compared to a normal one is different? Idk, its confusing.
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  15. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Exactly idk
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  16. ctsl railfan

    ctsl railfan Active Member

    May 3, 2021
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    do you really think they would take the train simulator acela and just plop it in train sim world? no! they will always make a new model, make new physics, and even sounds if they are available.
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  17. ctsl railfan

    ctsl railfan Active Member

    May 3, 2021
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    also, did you note the whole front of the acela in train simulator is completely wrong. the windows are too tall, the nose is too pointy, and the lights are too big and the same size. on the real thing, the headlights are bigger than the marker lights. they did make the actual inside textures of the lights the correct size, but you can't see them from far. the pantograph is also wrong, and the whole powercar is too long. its also missing an end business class car which has only two doors, like the first class car.
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  18. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    You are correct! I will put that down now! Thank you for the info!

    Also, I understand that they would most likely make a new everything like they (mostly) did with the ACS-64, the only thing im really worried about is that inaccurate information they've been using for the Acela creeping its way into the tsw 2 variant. We don't want another TSW : Northeast Corridor NewYork happening, especially to our beloved Acela! Luckily I have faith that someone at DTG will take a look and understand what im trying to convey.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
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  19. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    I want them to make a new model the TS one sucks so bad
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  20. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Yeah hopefully NY area the fastest you can go is an average of 60 or 70 because of all the damn curves it’s not that much fun for playing a loco that can go 150 I at least wanna get up to speed maybe if they did a route from NYC to Philadelphia I’d be happy
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  21. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Yea, the best part about boston to providence is that its not that curvy and the acela hits high speeds constantly!
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  22. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Exactly I really don’t know why they didn’t add Acela in tbh it’s annoying
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  23. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    I think the signs point in that direction; since they are releasing the DB BR 612 that means they have done the work to model tilting technology, a baseline requirement for the Acela.
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  24. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Agreed, the fact that they are also working on a tilting German locomotive as well also makes me think that they are preparing for it aswell!

    It is a bit annoying but tbh they did a good job with the ACS-64, which is kind of a base for the Acela because if they get the Regional wrong they shouldn't even go near the acela, However they did a great job with the ACS-64 so they are ready!
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  25. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Having run the Boston route as it stands in TSW, wouldn't this be a bit wasted? As it is with the ACS 64, once you call at the Parkway station (128?) you only have about 10 minutes or so at 125 MPH before slowing for the curves approaching Providence, then you get the ACSES/ATC checking you down into the station. Running at 150 MPH with the Acela would be even shorte duration!
    • Like Like x 3
  26. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    That’s true the ACS-64 sounds very good I do think the horn needs a little bit more improvements
  27. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    That’s why I feel like they should do another part of the NEC from NYC to Philadelphia it’s a lot longer plus it wouldnt be short plus you can get up to 140mph in some areas between Newark and Trenton and still going 110 or 120 past that to Philly
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  28. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    The NEC is very big lmao goes through like 5 or 6 states
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  29. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Isn’t the fun of a tilting train dependent entirely on it going round curves?
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  30. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Well I just had a quick run with the ACS 64 in Journey Mode, the trip from Providence to Boston around 1030 and yes, less than 10 mins fast running. Had an ACSES down to a stop at Canton Junction, which also means the timetable doesn't work as I'm now running at 30 MPH into 128!
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  31. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Most of the speeds on the Boston - Providence Route are actually inaccurate! They are running Acela Speeds with the ACS-64 which is faster than what it's supposed to be! If you would like I can tell you the actual real life speed limits!

    Even though the duration is shorter, you still get a good amount of time with it, and you get a look at the Tilting mechanism!

    You are correct, and even though the Boston - Providence Route has less curves then its other counterparts in TS 2022, You still get a good amount of curve's, from the ones after you leave Boston backbay, and the ones after rte 128 that lead to Mansfield! And yes I understand that some of the other routes might have more curves and that may make the tilting mechanism better, however usually on those parts of the corridor, the speeds are heavily reduced so you barley hit 110!

    Yes, most of the timetable scenarios are messed up with the signals! Usually if it gives me one of those restrictions I'll actually turn off the saftey systems. Usually around Mp 189.5 - 190.5 the speed is supposed to be 55 for the ACS-64 and 60 for the Acela, however they made it so it gives you an approach medium signal and drops you down to 30. Most of the Timetables are messed up because in real life you would get a paper with the speed restrictions on it, so in real life you look at it and say "ok so i have a restriction there" however in the game, its just random!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2021
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  32. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    They are correct if you use the safety systems.
  33. drnicktgm#1259

    drnicktgm#1259 Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    To be honest the Acela Express is a great train and I would love it to have in game, but with a new route, I don't like train DLCs but I would love to have this train with a nice route
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  34. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Agreed but DTG will never deliver and make us American rail fans starving all the time
  35. drnicktgm#1259

    drnicktgm#1259 Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    Don't worry it will be a thing in the future, maybe it is a thing in the future, we don't know what plans they have behind our backs, and they have all the licenses for it
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  36. mattk#4569

    mattk#4569 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2021
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    I mean even then idk they barley give thought for American rail it’s always Euro stuff yes Ik that’s where the company is but it’s supposed to be trains around the world not just one part of the world lmao
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  37. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Safety system speeds are also inaccurate to the real speeds! The actual speed are very different from what we are given!
  38. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Good point and for the Acela Express it's 150 mph 240 kmh ACS-64 600-670 125 mph 200 kmh in some cases permitted to go 135 mph 220 kmh
  39. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Yep, The acela also has different speed limits because of its tilt mechanism. An example would be mp 193.3 - 194.5, the acela's Speed is supposed to be 110 mph because of the tilt mechanism while the ACS-64's speed limit is supposed to be 100 mph . With the ACS-64 it does go 200 km (125 mph) but i haven't seen 135 yet, probably for testing!
  40. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    You are correct, although the speed limits for the ACS-64 is inaccurate to that train, the speeds on the route are accurate to the acela trainset!
  41. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    cActUsjUiCe helped to set that up. He knows what he is doing.
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  42. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Thanks for that advice and TSW2 should reflect that 180 kmh 110 mph Acela 160 kmh (100 mph) ACS-64 . For the Acela the tilting train game mechanic should be derived from Tharandter Rampe Dresden Chemnitz DB BR612.
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  43. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Yes, cActUsjUiCe does know what hes doing, the way the route was setup shows me that as its nearly identical to the real one. However in real life these trains have different speed limits on almost every corner. For example at Mp 190.5 the speed is 125 mph for both the Acela and regional trains, however when you get to post 194.5 (after you pass) the speed for the regional goes up to only 125 mph, however for the acela it becomes 150, another example would be at mp 227 if your coming from boston, same speed througout the back bay tunnel 60 mph, however when you pass Mp 227 the Acela train is authorized to go 120 mph while the regionals are only authorized to go 110! However cactusjuice's actual speed limits for the Acela train are spot on! All the actual acela speed limits are perfect, the signaling is what messes the speeds up!

    I fully agree! the Tharandter Rampe Dresden Chemnitz DB BR612 would be perfect! It would also kind of make them close cousins in the game too!
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  44. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Without Tharandter Rampe Dresden Chemnitz Acela & replacement Avelia Liberty would have been made without the Tilting Mechanism active therefore breaking realism and Immersion. In my opinion DTG went with Tharandter Rampe first to test how titling Trains will work in TSW 2 then apply those to Boston-Providence Acela DLC or Avelia Liberty 205mi 330 kms NEC Newark,NJ-Providence, RI for the combination of tilting mechanism with electric overhead wires
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  45. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    ACSES is giving you speeds that are not the Acela speeds.
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  46. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    The ACSES system in TSW 2 is very inaccurate, giving you speeds that shouldn't be there! This is just how I understand it so don't quote me on it, but the ACSES system is supposed to be track speed while the ATC is supposed to be signal speed. However speeds can be affected by temporary speed restrictions. A speed restriction is not the same as a speed change, a restriction usually refers a change between to Mileposts that wouldn't normally be there. For example Mp 220.4 - Mp 220.7 has an MAS (Maximum authorized speed) of 105 mph between the posts on track 1 on type b trains (regional trains). This means that between those mileposts you would proceed at a speed of 105 mph but once you pass Mp 220.7 you would revert to the speed you where at before, which would be 110 mph at Mp 218.5 (transfer interlocking) coming from route 128 station. If you where to pass transfer interlocking coming from boston back bay, your MAS would be 120 mph, these are speed changes. A speed restriction would be given to you either via dispatch or the TSRB which has the speed restrictions printed out on a sheet. I have those sheets if you would like to see them!
  47. Amtrak_Fan

    Amtrak_Fan Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Agreed! To be honest German and American railways aren't that different if you consider their rolling stock! Germany and America both have tilting trains, the engineers side of the cab is the right side ( Ice 1 - 2 cabs is what im referring to). The Siemens ACS-64 was also based off of the Vectron series of locomotives aswell! Hope it all works out so we can get an ICE-T and Acela Train!
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  48. delucadomenico2009

    delucadomenico2009 Active Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    It is technically true. The ATC indicate the signal speed block allowed. For exemple, after pass an yellow-green signal the atc will enforce you at 50mph as a maximum permitted speed for the block until you reach the next signal. This is as how the atc works and it is pretty easy. Now the big ones, the ACSES. The ACSES indicate, suggest and and enforce a speed reduction indipendent from the ATC, but it will be always ugual or lower of the ATC restriction. It's better do an exemple. If you came from boston and you are near attleboro we are on the main line with a ATC clear block (full green) and the MAX speed enforced from the ACSES at 125mph. This is not the track speed because it is 150mph but the ACSES settings (That is different for every train) enforce the ACS-64 on regional express services at 125mph maximum. However a curve is coming and its track speed is 110mph. Now the ATC remain a clear (full green), but at 1 mile before the change the acses detect a speed change. At this point the display inside the cab will show the new speed and "an ideal breaking curve penalty is calculated" and indicate too how far your train is from this change. Nothing change at this moment the system leaves to the driver how to menage the breaking provedure and slow down the train, BUT if you do not slow down or you arrive near the curve the acses enforce you to remain inside the braking curve and you need to acknowledge, apply the brakes and DO NOT RELEASE them or the acses will apply the emergency brakes. Slow down to 110mph and than you can release the brakes (just to be clear, this is possible to do just with the minimum brake application if you start to brake soom the is really far from "just acknowledge and put the brake on suppression") now you pass the detection and your current speed is 110mph. This is how slow down. Now another exemple tha directly show the difference between the 2 system. You are running at 120mph ATC: clear ACSES: 120mph. Then you need to diverge the route with a switch. The switch speed is 70mph. Again a mile before the switch the ACSES: detect the speed change and enforce you to slow down to 70mph. The ATC doesn't change because the line is still clear. You pass the switch and than the ACSES will raise you again to 120mph. However the main problem on the line is how the signal speed sequence was done (yes there is the problem with acses penalty brake but is is a secondary one) because if before a switching you set me a red-yellow main signal the acses detect it and enforce our train to slow down to 30mph instead the switching speed is 45mph. This happens a lot of times on the route the acses detect what the atc says and not the line speed beacuse there are situation where signals need to be clear, maximum an approach if the switching speed is ugual to the aspect 60 - 45 - 30 mph. However if someone needs more help i can try to explain. It is easy but need a little of practice.
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  49. PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix

    PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    I would love to see the Acela Express but with the newer model and livery. The only high speed that we have so far is the LGV and the Southeastern, and none for the USA, I believe we will have some hope after they released the new german train, and hopefully, down the road, we will see Japan High-Speed Train as well.
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  50. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Meh. The Avelia Liberty is ugly.

    (Besides, it would be impossible for DTG to research it, since the prototype is in testing)
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