Xbox I Am Extremely Disappointed With Quality Of Tsw3 On Xox

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by DagiLajki, Sep 11, 2022.

  1. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Please explain me why this game on previous generation consoles (I have Xbox One X) looks like Cyberpunk 2077 on premiere on PS4 ???

    Textures are sorry to say but GARBAGE... game is unplayable... at least on scenario "Fast track to Fulda" from:
    "Train Sim World® 2: Hauptstrecke Munchen - Augsburg (Train Sim World® 3 Compatible)"

    The only workaround for this is to uninstall the game from the console and startup cloud version (cloud version cannot be started while game is installed on console...) but there is noticeable lag bigger than difference between playing locally installed or cloud version on PC. So it is kinda shitty workaround... lag is maybe not as much unpleasant but this game will not be in Game Pass forever... and only those are in Xbox Cloud... I'll not buy this game with such visual quality...

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  2. Observadorpt

    Observadorpt Active Member

    May 6, 2019
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    If you dont like the graphics on Xbox One maybe its time to change to an xbox series X or Ps5, DTG doesnt make miracles.
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  3. hypospray

    hypospray Active Member

    Aug 3, 2020
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    Thats a good reason why you should try out the games in gamepass (if you have it). Especially on old gen8 consoles.
    Like said, they cant make miracles streaming high resolution textures from a slow mechanical harddrive into the ram.
    Sooner or later gen8 will eventually will not be supported by new releases anyway.
  4. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    This is A BUG... It is not how they designed it... they're selling this game for this platform... texture bug was finally fixed for Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4...
  5. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    If you were talking about PC and too old graphic card I would understand... but sorry your proposition is simply rude... You think it is totally fine to sell the game looking like garbage and if customer says that it looks like garbage the official solution is "please buy newer console, thank you" ?
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
  6. Observadorpt

    Observadorpt Active Member

    May 6, 2019
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    The memory, graphic card of xbox one is just old. So its like pc with an old graphic card and with low memory, and xbox its not like a pc that you can exchange old cards with new ones, you have to buy a new console. So the only solution is to buy an ps5, xbox series x or a pc with a recent graphic card. I didnt say anything bad, and when i say DTG does not make any miracles i mean with xbox one and ps4 ps4 pro the game can only run with low settings , if dtg raise the settings the game probably runs at 10fps. Off course buy a new console is the only solution to have better graphics, its sad but its the reality.

    I Only read now texture Bug ok , in xbox series x in routes from tsw 2 what appears to me is some textures not loading when they should, only when you aproach the loco the textures appear. In cathcart circle i see a loco with only chairs when i approach the rest of the loco appear.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
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  7. BBIAJ

    BBIAJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2019
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    Different games, different engines, different developers, there is absolutely no correlation between the two things that you are comparing here.
  8. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    The Gen8 consoles were already underpowered in 2013, it's frankly a miracle some devs pull off versions of titles that run on them. And it's going to be less and less possible as they rely more on capabilities of the new hardware that the last gen machines lack. Honestly, DTG should have focused on making TSW3 a Gen9 only title, that would have justified the name change more than anything as it would mean a fresh SKU that didn't need to support scaling to last gen.
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  9. stevenwalker1985

    stevenwalker1985 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    I have noticed some inconsistencies in graphics on series x also. Dont get me wrong the new parts they have added look good, but stuff from tsw2 still remain. For example text on control desk in the cabs still flicker ALOT. The Shadow draw distance thing is back where it was before, closer to the driver.
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  10. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Please don't treat me like an idiot here... I work in IT for over 20 years. Don't tell me if selling a game for console while quality of it makes it unplayable is OK ONLY BECAUSE there are newer more powerful consoles... CONSOLE IS NOT PC... selling a game for the console should give at least quality allowing to play it without vomiting reflex ( I am not talking about series x quality on older console... but tsw2 on same route and same console has better textures than tsw3 right now do you understand what am i saying???)
  11. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Sorry but disagree... looks very similar if not the same blurred/degraded textures corruption...
  12. pinxtonpaws

    pinxtonpaws Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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    [addressing a rag-tag line of people carrying ancient consoles on their shoulders]

    "is there anyone here who has worked in IT for over 20 years?"
    "I've worked in IT for over 20 years"...."no, I've worked in IT for over 20 years"..."no, it's me, I've worked in IT for over 20 years"...."no, I'm the one who's worked in IT for over 20 years".

    Poor attempts at sarcasm aside, I'd have thought that anyone who has worked in IT for any given length of time would have been amongst the first people to recognise the practical implications of not keeping up to date with hardware/technology.
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  13. BBIAJ

    BBIAJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2019
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    For starters, Cyberpunk 2077 is developed by CD Projekt Red, using their bespoke REDengine 4 technology, the other is TSW3, developed by DTG, using the widely used Unreal Engine 4, now decades old, across a huge variety of game styles and platforms.

    You can't just take a bug fix from one game and tell a completely different developer using another engine to apply it to their game to fix an issue with it, because that's not how game development works.

    *awaits "but my 20 years in IT has informed me otherwise!" response...*
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  14. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Dude... you clearly didn't understand what I wrote so I'll write it simpler this time:

    There are 2 games which use 3D engine and uses textures... Team developing one game had problems displaying their textures and they managed to fix that... Second team also is having problems with their textures... will they manage to fix their problem or not?

    Differences which you implying here doesn't matter at all.. yes those are totally different render engines, people and lines of code... so solution for their problems with textures will look different in code...(if they'll fix it in the future)

    i said that problem looks the same... it doesn't imply that this problem is generated by same flawed lines of code...

    have a nice day
  15. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    Hehehe nice man... but you can do better... cmon spit more... ;)

    Ancient consoles you say... if Xbox One X is ancient for you then I must be tagged with radioactive carbon to check my age... ;) ancient console for me is first Nintendo GameBoy (with black & white screen)

    I remember the times when games on consoles worked always flawlessly... if what I see with TSW3 means this is obsolete... and console maniacs can't say no more "your pc is to old for this game it runs perfectly fine on my console"... LOL

    have a nice day
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
  16. Dustysideboard

    Dustysideboard Member

    Feb 28, 2022
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    I remember when we played Southern Belle on Spectrum.

    No need to be nasty, play nicely especially with current events and the world we live in
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  17. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    One of these teams was using a self-developed bespoke engine that they had 15 years of experience with, the other using an off the shelf one that they have been using for a third of the time.
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  18. WVUadam

    WVUadam Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    You could try getting a external SSD. Sounds like the hard drive isn't fast enough to load in textures.
  19. DagiLajki

    DagiLajki New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
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    My game is already installed on external SSD ;) Someone mentioned that there are problems with routes from TSW2 even on Gen9 consoles... so it is clearly a bug in the game... I hope they will fix it in the future.
  20. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Yeah, the pop-in is awful even on the internal SSD of the Series X
  21. pinxtonpaws

    pinxtonpaws Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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    Poor performance on gen8 consoles isn't exclusive to TSW, you know....and if that ever-growing divide between what does & does not perform adequately on XB1/X1X isn't now obvious enough to make you realise that those consoles have had their day then I don't know what will be.

    At the end of the day though it is a simple choice. You either upgrade and enhance you're gaming experience or you don't - and that's not being "rude" or elitist....that's just being realistic.

    Have a nice day yourself.

    (ps) I almost forgot. In one breath you mentioned the only workaround for you to play TSW on cloud was to uninstall the game, yet you later went on to say TSW was installed on an external SSD. Most people would, dare I say it, simply disconnect the external hard drive...but I guess that doesn't sound anywhere near as inconvenient, does it :cool:
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
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  22. antwerpcentral

    antwerpcentral Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    But you forget to mention that upgrading to gen9 still doesn't get you the hoped performance you would expect from upgrading to gen9. Upgrading might fix some performance issues but not all of them so upgrading especially for this game alone is a waste of money
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  23. pinxtonpaws

    pinxtonpaws Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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    I did say "enhance" because we all know there is no waving of magic wand with gen9.
    But in saying that there is a huge difference in visuals and performance with X|S optimised games as well as some surprises to be had with standard XB1 games. Dakar 18 for example has no framerate or performance caps and as a result runs at an almost flawless 60fps with next to no foliage pop in - neither of which could be achieved on X1X.

    I know TSW3 doesn't really benefit from gen9 in a way that it should but I've also played it on X1X and having witnessed the difference first hand there's no way on god's earth I could ever play it on previous gen consoles in that state.
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  24. DTG JD

    DTG JD Director of Community Staff Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Gentle reminder that everyone is welcome to (non derogatary/discriminative/etc.) opinions, but please cut down on passive-aggressive comments designed to get a rise out of other people.
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  25. pascal#5020

    pascal#5020 New Member

    Sep 12, 2022
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    I don't care the gfx issue or "so could troubles" on Series. I play on X and I play on X because I can quit anytime and come back at the exact point a day later. Even my journey is +1h long, it's like a save point. It's much more important to me than the little gfx troubles I'm encounted.

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