Ps4 Or Ps5 That Is The Question

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by goochdog#5870, Nov 1, 2022.

  1. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    So sick of the continuous wait for the add on manager on PS5, so I’m reluctantly thinking of going back on the PS4 until (or should that be “if”) we ever get the add on manager
    Does the PS4 version of TSW 3 run better on the PS4 or the PS5 ? Or am I better off playing TSW 2 on the PS5 for not only quality but also due less bugs ?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
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  2. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    I can't answer for playstation. For ps4, xbox one series, there are limits. For example, no layers on hma and bml for example. Shorter consists on us routes like hsc, smh, cjp. Sos will have emptier yards. Poorer performance since it's an older console. you can still run tsw3. Ps5 runs better and looks better. Tsw3 as a whole has poor performance. Even on a high end pc, performance is poor. You have to lower graphics on pc just to run the game smoothly and not use dynamic weather. You can't change graphics options on consoles so if you get poor performance, you just gotta live with it if you know what I mean. There's the limit you mentioned and you'll have to pick and choose what you want to play. There's also risk of crashing on any platform really. The addson manager was released for tsw2 if you own it but it caused massive issues where certain layers were missing and all the crazy stuff so I'm assuming until that's fixed, it's unlikely to come to tsw3
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  3. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I’ve been playing TSW2 on PS5 for all old routes. I’ve never used a PS4 version of TSW on the PS5 so can’t say if it would be better but now the add-on manager is in TSW2, that’s where I’ve been playing with full content on all routes I’ve tried. I haven’t come across any issues since it was introduced but that may depend on what routes you play. In TSW3 I have the new routes and stuff that’s required for layers for those (plus a couple of others that fit within the limit) but I don’t really play the older routes in TSW3, it’s just easier to use TSW2.
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  4. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Well I’m using TSW 2 instead of TSW 3 for the time being (thanks for the advice ) but my profile is not being updated from TSW3 . Yes it’s the same profile but it’s on a lower level and some of the mastery’s are not showing up as completed
    Nothing is simple with this wonderful game is it ?
  5. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Profile import is a one way process, it copies your save from TSW2 to TSW3, it cannot go the other way, since the TSW3 save has a bunch of data for the routes which are not part of TSW2. So the TSW2 save won't show anything at all which you have done on TSW3, as it only tracks things done within TSW2, it's a wholly separate save file.
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  6. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Ah , I see what you mean . Thank you . I still have the l question as to why the mastery is not registering on TSW 2 though . Sometimes it’s there and sometimes not
  7. RealKenny_D

    RealKenny_D Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    I uninstalled TSW 3 plus Kassel - Wurzburg from my PS4 Pro because of how badly the new lighting looked and issues with frequent stuttering, even when panning with the camera.

    I now run with TSW 2 only and will continue to add TSW compatible dlc to my library, including London Commuter when it gets fixed.

    It looks like TSW 3 is too demanding for older consoles. My only regret is paying to discover this.

    I have no intention of getting a PS5 for as long as my PS4 is working, and I will be content with everything I have purchased for TSW 2.
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  8. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Could be worse, you could have purchased a Series X or PS5 only to find all the stuttering and framerate issues are still present here too.
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  9. RealKenny_D

    RealKenny_D Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    This is precisely what has brought my TSW journey to an end.
  10. HappyBasher

    HappyBasher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2018
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    I am using the PS4 version of TSW3 on my PS5 until the addon manager comes out! I get excited every time there's an update and come here to check, but no, still no sign of it! Maybe one day...
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  11. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Same :D
  12. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    I also play on PS4 Pro and hold back even with the purchase of a PS5 too. Somehow I'm still satisfied with gen8 graphics and the addon manager is still in testing. At the end of 2023, a new PS5 model should also appear, which should be smaller and more compact than the current version. The main change is said to be a detachable 4K Bluray drive that can be attached or detached. As a result, Sony no longer has to offer two models and can reduce production costs.

    To come back to the stronger lighting in TSW3. First of all it's a matter of habit, but it corresponds to the real intensity of the sun in a physically correct way. As a result, contrasts and colors appear much stronger than before.
    I've only installed TSW3, because every former TSW2 DLC is now available and I also like the better menu navigation.
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  13. dana satya

    dana satya New Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    Just sell My Ps4 to buy Ps5 for playin TSW3 with better quality.. but this add on limit problem really surprised me (since i didnt know before).
    Is there any clue when this PS5 add on problem solved ???? Got a lot add on and its unpleasant to uninstall and reinstall everytime i want to play..

    i wish i didnot sell my ps4 before
  14. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    No idea when it’s being sorted . We have been waiting for ages .
    You can always load up your PS4 version and get all of the DLC loaded up
  15. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    It's not really that surprising, there are a lot of us who'll happily play a whole bunch of games at 1080p if it means we get 120fps. It's quite acceptable. You'd think more people would have learned by now that higher graphical fidelity is not the be-all and end-all after Minecraft was such a global phenomenon.
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  16. dana satya

    dana satya New Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    so i load up the PS4 version of TSW 2 or TSW3 in PS5?
    How about TSW2 ps5 version, is there any limitation too? Thanks really appreciate..
  17. goochdog#5870

    goochdog#5870 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Yes , you can play TSW 2 PS5 version at long last
  18. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    So currently** I use the PS5 version of TSW 3 with 15 routes installed (BML,SKW, ECW, LGV, CCL, DRA, Cajon Pass**, SOS LPC, GWE 2015, SEHS, HMA, LU BKL,SKA & RRO and not to forget The Training Center. That takes me to 65gb on the DLC (or just over).

    I have the PS4 version of TSW 3 installed on a 4tb external HD with all routes and loco dlcs installed as well. The PS5 version of TSW 3 is installed on an internal 2tb ssd, with the above routes installed.

    The only downside to the PS4 version of TSW 3 on the PS5 is performance, Sure I get 60fps but it still suffers the same performance issues as a PS4 pro version. Also the fact that the normal route limitations applied to the PS4 version of the game, shorter consists, and layers not included on some routes. BUT I have everything installed and running ok on the PS4 version (on the PS5). Graphically its not as good looking as the PS5 version or the Series X version which in my opinion looks alot better in places than the PS5 version as well as in performance!!! Yeah I know I cant believe I said that either.... who the hell thought I would be owning a series S not alone a series X, I'm a Playstation guy lol.

    Yes still having to wait for the PS5 DLC manager now 2 months after the release OF TSW 3 is bloody annoying and I understand it has to be created from the ground up (TSW 2 version). It really need the full attention I think and not work going on other DLC that we are going to have to play DLC Tetris yet again as its not ready.

    ** I say currently as I am about to remove Cajon from the PS5 and install Tees valley, The Class 20 and 31 DLC's as well as the RHTT and The BR182 in Dsipolok livery. Hopefully that will also leave enough room for the BCC route in a few days. See this Post >insert linkie here<

    Last edited: Nov 13, 2022
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  19. docsnyder1911

    docsnyder1911 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
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    PS4, because no DLC limit and no moonprice to pay. :)
  20. dudders

    dudders Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2021
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    Ps4 version of tsw2 on ps5 runs a lot smoother. Ps5 version of tsw2 and tsw3 is a stuttering mess in places nothing is done about it and yet another new route out this week no thank you
  21. Sparmi

    Sparmi Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2018
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    True, you don't always need the latest RTX 4090 graphics card or an 8K QLED screen to be happy with your favorite game. I also prefer simple but fluid. Back in the days before 3D graphics arrived, there were only pixel-based platform games with sometimes annoying beep sounds. But it sold like hot cakes back then, because everyone wanted something like that. Anyway, it always ran smoothly and Sonic or Mario became superheroes. Today's production effort can sometimes compete with Hollywood budgets, but optimizing complete 3D worlds for smooth gameplay is by far not always as easy as it was in the 90s. ;)
  22. pveezy

    pveezy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2021
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    I wouldn’t care about running the PS4 version on PS5 if it meant only lower quality graphics, but the fact it also means less services/different timetable on some routes makes it a no go for me.

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