I am using a Ps5 and have TSW2 with no intention of currently updating to TSW3. My main interest is British routes and I have most of them already. I am looking at getting what could be my final ever purchases of TSW DLC with the Heavy Freight pack on NTP, class 313 on ECW and the class 31 on TVL as top of my list. When it comes to routes, the West Somerset line is of no interest and I find the bus journey stop/start routine of Cathcart Circle a bit of a grind. I am not a great fan of steam (those big dirty old blue diesels are my thing...) but am considering Spirit of Steam as my next and possibly last route but can only find SOS listed as a TSW3 addon. Can I get SOS for TSW2 on Playstation? I am using a Ps5 but have two installs of TSW2, both the Ps4 and Ps5 versions of the game and DLC. Ideally I would like SOS on BOTH as I am more interested in using the route in scenario planner to run my diesel collection though I would be into trying to learn how to operate the mobile kettles too.
If you buy the one for Train Sim World 3, you will get it for Train Sim World 2 as well on both PS4 and PS5. Please note that you will need to manually add the content to Train Sim World 2 using Manage Game Content to get it to appear in Train Sim World 2 on PS5. I'm sure it's something similar on PS4.
Thanks for the reply. I thought it may work like. Other DLC clearly states TSW2 compatible and as SOS came out on TSW2 it seems strange that it is not specified as such on the download section. DTG have stated that newer routes like Glasgow to Edinburgh will NOT run on TSW2 so I am a bit reticent to get the SOS route until I am sure it hasn't locked out TSW2.
SOS standalone is currently £20 TSW3 with SOS bundled is currently £20: https://store.playstation.com/en-gb/product/EP2866-PPSA07618_00-TSW3SOSEDITIONBU If you buy SEHS for TSW3, you get the TSW2 version, so I can't believe that this wouldn't also apply to SOS. If you want SOS it makes perfect sense to get the bundle with TSW3
Thanks a lot for your advice but... I was hoping to avoid having to talk about TSW3 as I have already repeatedly voiced my view on it being a half baked product that I have no interest in getting because of PERFORMANCE ISSUES. The Ps5 version of TSW2 runs smoothly apart from Brighton Main line which is why I have BOTH the Ps4 and Ps5 versions currently installed. TSW3 has absolutely needless gimmicks like pantograph sparks, snow flurries and changeable weather that slow down performance creating stutters and pauses that would absolutely destroy the immersion for me which is why I will avoid getting it. I am not alone in noticing the inexcusable performance hit on TSW3. Here are some views from other users on this forum who have decided to give TSW3 a miss too. It took years and an upgrade from Ps4 to Ps5 before I was mostly happy with TSW2 performance and there is NO way I am going to throw that away by "upgrading" (LOL) to TSW3, a product that pathetically is in many ways a step back. As I said thanks for your advice but I will stick to TSW2 and probably wouldn't even waste the storage to install TSW3 if I was given it free.
Rather hyperbolic, but each to their own. TSW PS5 runs fine for me with little in the way of hiccups My point was, you can currently buy SOS bundled with TSW3, for the same price of buying SOS on its own for TSW2. There is £0 difference, so buying the standalone and refusing the "free" TSW3 base game on the balance of principle seems a bit daft to me "Owning" TSW3 doesn't remove your entitlement to keep TSW2, indeed some people have all four versions installed (TSW2 PS4 & PS5, TSW3 PS4 & PS5)
Hyperbolic? How am I exaggerating by accurately quoting what others have said? I had TSW 2020 and then got TSW2 as it seemed an improvement. TSW3 doesn't do anything better than the previous instalment and just adds pointless gimmicky nonsense that I don't want. My dual TSW2 install now runs really well with near ZERO in the way of little hiccups and that is how I want my train driving simulation experience to remain. I am not into getting an argument with you but the fact is if I can get SOS for TSW2 it will ALSO entitle me to the TSW3 version should I ever get kicked in the head by a horse and suddenly decide that I want to buy and install the awful TSW3. I am resigned to parting ways with DTG/TSW as TSW3 and later versions will never be a viable option for me till Ps6 eventually comes out. Till then I will top up any TSW2 DLC I feel I want and also ensure that I always wear a crash helmet whenever near any stables.
Agreed, I'm not going to argue since most of those statements you pulled are now out of date. TSW3 runs smoothly for me except in busy areas like, as you say, BML or Dresden Buying SOS for TSW3 gets you SOS for TSW2. Buying SOS + TSW3 gets you SOS for TSW2 plus a copy of TSW3. Simple This is my last post since I don't want to yet again repeat that "product x + addon y" is better than "addon y" when both are the same price However before I bow out, I shall summon antony.henley for PS5 performance opinion since he probably plays that version more than any of us, and also forum stalwart OldVern as a new purchaser
None of those quoted have posted recently saying how great TSW3 now is. On the contrary, some of those were from people who contacted me in the past few weeks to have their views about TSW3 included as they still felt they needed their voices heard despite having given up on the disaster that is TSW3. Exactly. The TSW2 Ps4 version of BML runs well enough on Ps5 to be acceptable. According to your opinion the TSW3 version does not. Thanks for proving my point. I don't really need the opinion of Antony Henley as I have seen his YouTube streams of TSW3 and they show the level of stuttering that makes the product the turkey that it is. He (like DTG and many other streamers) always seem either oblivious or accepting towards these deal breaking performance issues and the only question I would ask him is does he get discounted or free content from DTG and if so how does that colour his opinions? As for Old Vern, I am familiar with the name but know little about him/her. Why should their judgement be worth any more than anyone else?
Good lord, such dramatics. You said you didn't want to talk about TSW3, but then kept being obtuse about SOS, when clearly you were already quite knowledgeable about the enititlement process, and then had about 50 quotes ready to go to illustrate why you think TSW3 is so awful. I mean if you're going to write a blog post just be honest and call it "Why TSW is awful", since that's clearly what you actually wanted to talk about.
I did not want to talk about TSW3 until someone suggested that I buy it as a bundle to get Spirit of Steam. I wanted to buy SOS for TSW2. Plain and simple I did not see it available and the only version I found was for TSW3 which you may have realised is NOT something I want. TSW2 on the Ps5 is finally enjoyable though I still have performance problems with the Ps5 version of Brighton Main Line (BML) so I have the Ps4 version of TSW2 installed as well. TSW3 is truly awful and I won't be buying it and don't need to talk about it other than to warn others to avoid it at all cost and neither you nor any of the other diehard supporters here will stop me doing that short of getting me banned or pushing me under a (stuttering) train. I have also now decided that I am not willing to pay £20 for the SOS (Ps4/Ps5 TSW2) route but may reconsider when it is available at a lower price.
I must be lucky as I don't have a very powerful PC and yet can play TSW3 with very few problems, even BML with most settings on the highest. The only real issue I would say I have had is leaving Reddich on the Cross City where it sometimes hangs and approaching Dreseden in an ICE.
Not sure why TSW on the Xbox Series X runs so much better “out of the box” (DX12 API?), but visibly DTG did not spend much time working with the Sony API for performance optimisation beyond, “it runs”. The developers certainly didn’t delve too deep into the documentation because they missed the 64GB DLC limit, so it seems PS5 was a fairly quick and dirty conversion. I think all console owners deserve another optimisation pass as there is definitely some untapped horsepower, especially on the PS5. From what I’ve gleaned on the web, both current gen consoles should be roughly equivalent to an RTX2060-equipped PC.
TSW3 does not run well on Xbox Series X either. Has nothing to do with the platform. As Chas mentioned earlier, some people are simply willing to overlook the performance degradation (which is fine), but it doesn't mean it is non existent across the majority of TSW3 branded routes.
Taking the basic stuttering out of the mix for a second, the Series X had a 50% fps advantage over PS5 when I tested both platforms on BML. If you think you’ve got it bad on Xbox, spare a wee thought for PS5 players!
I disagree I have played TSW2 and TSW3 both on the Series X side by side ( My console and my kids console) and the performance was exactly the same. No difference what so ever. The performance issues are only on new TSW3 routes it seems. But BML, GWE, Harlem line all run exactly the same with framerate etc.
You talk a good game, but I'm not buying. Does TSW3 stutter? Yes. Is it unacceptable to you? Apparently so, just as it is acceptable if annoying to others. Where I'm calling you out is your assertion that TSW2 doesn't stutter, or does so to such a markedly less degree than 3 that it wouldn't, by your criteria, also be a "turd."
Now why would they do that? Why would anyone want an OLDER version of a game when the new one is supposed to the be latest and greatest version? As I have said I have TSW2 Ps4 and Ps5 versions taking up a big chunk of SSD storage (internal and external) on Ps5. I am NOT willing to waste more storage on TSW3. You are over estimating your own self importance if you imagine I would even care about what you "buy" when it is clear that you are always too eager and willing to "buy" anything that DTG offer you and seem to think that having made a staggering 9,366 posts on this forum (100 times as many as myself who has been a member for 5 months longer!) makes you some sort of wise and guiding figure. You are not. TSW3 stutters! TSW3 is annoying! Great, at least we agree on that. Thank You. Now you are being a bit daft. In what alternative computing universe does the addition of extra tasks not cause a performance degradation to a program? Obviously the coding needed for snow flurries, pantograph sparks, changing weather and opening brollies is going to cause a performance hit as it all needs processing time. This is all too evident on video streams and has been pointed out by many unhappy customers, some of whom I have featured in my posts. As performance on some routes (BML) are already unacceptable on the Ps5 version of TSW2 it is obviously going to be as bad or likely WORSE on TSW3 with all the useless gimmicks. I do not need or want any of those "improvements" and certainly do not want to lower performance. I also don't want FOUR versions of the same game! The Ps4 version of TSW2 runs really well on Ps5 even at 4k. The Ps5 version at 4k resolution runs pretty well. There is very slight and occasional stutters here and there but it is a huge improvement over TSW2 on Ps4. BML is the real exception. That product was and still is a total disaster and has badly damaged the reputation of DTG. The Ps5 version of BML stutters away to an unacceptable degree and is the main reason I also have a complete Ps4 version of TSW2 installed too. I am pleased that you are so deliriously happy with TSW3 and heartily encourage you to keep polishing the annoying and stuttering "turd" you bought. Meanwhile I am happy to stick with TSW2. I have just bought NTP Heavy freight and TVL class 31 and am really pleased with both of those. I also just noticed that Spirit of Steam is available for TSW2 (Ps5 & Ps5) at £16.74 (with PSplus discount) so I will be buying that today just for another route to thrash my collection of BR diesels! After that I will probably get the class 313 for ECW, maybe Cathcart circle and then the book of my purchasing interactions with TSW/DTG will be closed, in all likelihood permanently. I have no animosity to the frontline folk at DTG and wish them all well especially Chris and the team who helped me out recently. I do not feel the same way towards the senior management and the bean counters at the company whose unabated greed has ruined the experiences of many customers by repeatedly forcing out products that were not ready for release (BML) or even required (TSW3) just to keep the cash flow moving.
Just a little postscript to this thread. I got TSW2 Spirit of Steam for £16.24 on Playstation store with a PS+ discount. First off, the modelling of the steam engines is very good and satisfyingly in depth as far as operations go. It is an impressive piece of work. I have never been into steam engines but I am now hooked on the challenge of mastering them and running a full service. Some kudos is due to the dev team for achieving that with a product that is both pleasingly detailed and addictively engaging to a tech geek like myself! Graphics wise the Ps5 version route is very detailed and interesting BUT.... yep you guessed it... stutters to an unacceptable degree for me and I doubt I will use it very much as I find it destroys immersion. The Ps4 version of the SOS route is a lot less detailed but it runs smoother and is the one I will be driving on. Till I master steam traction I will use the route with scenario planner using mostly my diesels though some off the rails madness is also expected. I find it an interesting and challenging addition. I do find the lack of safety systems and those old semaphore signals need some serious concentration to complete a route. I set up a scenario with a nonstop class 45 following a class 101 from Liverpool to Crew and my two attempts last night ended in SPADS probably due to a combination of inattention and the consumption of a moderate amount of beer! All in all my first impressions are that SOS is a really good add on that is let down by the usual DTG shortcomings of graphics performance issues which is a bit of a pity as it is clear that a huge amount of work has gone into faithfully simulating the running of steam engines.
I bought SoS at full price because I wanted to support the development of the game, and was extremely interested in operated a train that wasn't an electric or diesel-electric. I agree it shows the amount of work and effort the team put into producing it, and it feels rather authentic and steampunk. However it left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth because after just paying full price to support Dovetail, which I rarely do, they turn around and release a new game a few months later with improvements to Spirit of Steam positioned behind a paid upgrade. Now I feel a bit cheated by this company and if they want my money and respect they are going to have to re-earn it from scratch. I will not be buying TSW3 at a price that makes the routes included more than $10 USD ever. I'll just move on to other games that aren't so greedy with my money and show respect for those who support them.