Baseless Speculation Thread

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by raildan, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. NorthRail1

    NorthRail1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Whilst SteamDB doesn't tell much about TSW it does indicate when new dlc will be announced and so it is useful to check it.
  2. Alex01

    Alex01 Active Member

    Jul 17, 2018
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  3. Puffing Nora

    Puffing Nora Guest

    The next dlc will be fully realistic and immersive and will feature onward travel from Reading to Bristol, and will involve bus sim world which will be a new product offered by dtg with full funtionality and support to GWE. Considerable effort has gone into making it as realistic as possible. See screenshot below..
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  4. Puffing Nora

    Puffing Nora Guest

    Ffs Pecoraro, it was a joke. Lighten up dude.
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  5. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    As much as I’d like a Class 387 for GWE, the current state of the route means electrification only goes up to Airport Jn. Unless GWE gets updated and has the electrification extended, any electric train for the route is pretty much useless.
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  6. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Alright, some random speculation on the new DLC.

    -"Freight will come with loco pack"- not... a great sign, but that's beside the point. I think the loco might be a class 37?

    - We got an existing loco in a new livery with NEC, and we could drive it in the new livery on the older route. Does this mean we might be able to drive the BR blue class 47 on WSR?

    - both RSN and this new route are missing some aspect of the traffic (diesel switching & freight). This route will have a DLC to fill the gap. Combined with the other evidence for some kind of diesel switcher for RSN, this makes it seem even more likely that a diesel switcher is coming.
  7. NorthRail1

    NorthRail1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Another depot has appeared on SteamDB so there might be another announcement soon.
    My ideas of what this could be:
    • A new German route, Germany is next in the US-UK-DE cycle
    • A freight pack for Northern Trans-Pennine (possibly with new locos) which was previously hinted by DTG
    • Diesel shunter for RSN
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
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  8. Shukiii

    Shukiii Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2017
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    It doesn't show as an encrypted DLC yet though. It will probably be either the next German route or a loco DLC.
  9. xD 2Bad4You

    xD 2Bad4You Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Looking forward to the next German Route, so i hope its that. Just hoping that the quality is in line with RSN for that.
  10. Digital Draftsman

    Digital Draftsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I think it would be a bad move for them to release the freight pack for NTP as the next DLC. They already made a faux pas by forgetting to remove the mention of freight from the marketing guff for NTP on the PC, then a few days later they did the same for the PS4 and Xbox versions; So there's already a hint they decided to cut content to sell seperately. If they were to release a freight pack for NTP this soon after, it would be obvious they cut content to sell seperately.

    If they do this I wouldn't buy it on priciple, because I don't want to encourage DTG to cut more content from future DLCs to sell seperately. In my opinion a DLC should be 'complete,' so if a route has passenger trains and freight trains in reality the DLC services should reflect this. I don't like the idea of cutting services out and selling them as a DLC to complete the original DLC.

    The other issue with this model is that for players who like freight, they now have to purchase a £24.99 DLC plus an £11.99 DLC in order to play the services they enjoy. The original route DLC should include a representation of all the services types to capture the players who like freight and who like passenger.
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  11. volvolover1972

    volvolover1972 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    The next German route is most likely someone in Rostock as a reference to it was found in the game files. And a reference to Leeds Manchester was found well before it was announced.
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  12. Trenomarcus

    Trenomarcus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    But the real question is: as the next DLC will be number 2 (they are counting backwards), what happens after DLC 1 (or 0, if they are nerdy enough)? TSW gets cancelled? Illuminati confirmed? Apocalypse incoming?

    Baseless speculation, of course ;)
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  13. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Wait, really?! Interesting. Where?

    I don't think DTG has ever released a loco DLC right after the route is released. I think this is either a German route or loco for RSN.

    As for the whole freight thing, there's a chance they were going to include it but ran out of time to develop it/ decided it would be more appealing to bundle with a separate loco. Either way, I don't think it's actually ready to release or anything yet.
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  14. volvolover1972

    volvolover1972 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Note that this is not my photo
  15. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Huh... interesting. There's a lot of references there.

    WSR_Class52? GreatWestern47Scenarios? DB_BR182? EWS_Class08? MRL-JNAWagon? That's quite a lot of potential DLC (although I hope the class 47 scenarios is not going to be a DLC. It could be a scenario pack, though...)

    And, most importantly, what the heck is MP01-SandPatchScenarios? Anyone have an idea what an MP01 is? It's not a kind of locomotive...
  16. SamYeager270

    SamYeager270 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Mini-pack? They've used that phrase when adding scenarios to an existing DLC in TSxx.
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  17. Tomas9970

    Tomas9970 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    There are more of those non existent DLCs:
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
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  18. Tomas9970

    Tomas9970 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I think I got some of it:
    WSR_Class 52:
    It's simply another train for the WSR based on the prefix. There are no secrets involved.

    EWS_Class08 and MRL_JNAWagon:
    Class08 is still used by EWS and EWS is already present on the Great Western Express so the Class08 will be a new engine for the GWR and it will come with JNA wagons.

    Rostock, DB_BR294, DB_falns_183, DB_tadgs_959, DB_BR182
    First I simply searched for routes that starts or ends in Rostock and that are well known enough to have a page on Wikipedia and got this:
    • Bad Kleinen–Rostock railway
    • Rostock S-Bahn
    • Stralsund–Rostock railway
    • Rostock-Rostock Seehafen Nord railway
    Rostock S-bahn is not it because of the br 182 that does not drive there.
    Rostock-Rostock Seehafen Nord railway is not it because it's too short.
    It's either Bad Kleinen–Rostock railway or Stralsund–Rostock railway. Both of these routes have high speed passanger services, which is what the br 182 is designed for and both of these lines are also important freight lines, which explaines the br294 and these two new wagons.

    There are too many similarities between these routes so I can't prove that it's one or the other but I think that it will be the
    Bad Kleinen–Rostock railway due to it's longer history.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
  19. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Good thinking! I thought the class 08 and wagon would go together too. I still think that the sidings on RSN hint that the 294 will be a separate DLC that can run on RSN and this new route. IDK whether the freight wagons will go with the 294 or the route.

    Oh, so like a scenario pack? Huh... interesting.
  20. volvolover1972

    volvolover1972 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    The class 52 referenced in the file could very well have been a cancelled peoject that was replaced with the class 33 because notice how the 33 is never referenced in the file and all the other dlc is.
  21. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    That would make sense, actually. They have been very careful with spreading out their DLC- I don't see them even considering more than 1 loco DLC per route for a while.

    It would raise the question, though... why'd they change it? Did they just think a 33 would be more popular?

    EDIT: Also, there's a typo in the list (Shimms-TTU 772 instead of 722), which makes it seem like they don't really care about the names in this list, making it more likely that the class 52 actually refers to the class 33.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
  22. Shukiii

    Shukiii Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2017
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    Matt Peddlesden 01.

    What route exactly Rostock is is not known yet. The Br 182 has been in the files more a long time (before NEC) and might not be associated with the Rostock DLC.

    The Class 33 didn't have localization at the time when this file was created. Because of that it is not included.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
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  23. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Oh, so the class 33 is separate. Maybe we will be seeing a class 52 eventually...

    The BR 182 works so well with the route Tomas9970 suggested, though... perhaps the BR 182 was originally intended as a loco for Rapid Transit (for a short time while the Talent 2's were being ordered, these things paired with doppelstock worked the line), but because of the low sales of that route, they either decided not to focus on it and have left it as a low priority project or decided to put it in the next German route instead.
  24. davejc64

    davejc64 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2017
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    Ok here is some speculation we may at some point in the future actually get the editing and construction kit for TSW that has been mentioned. :cool:
  25. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    "We may at some point?" "Mentioned?" What are you talking about- the editor is well past that! We've seen a LIVESTREAM of the editor already! I would be very surprised if it isn't released in the coming months.
  26. Digital Draftsman

    Digital Draftsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    To be fair we were told in 2017 that the Editor would be released in 2017, it wasn't. Then in 2018 we saw screenshots and were told the target for the release of the public Beta was 2018, it was then delayed again. You can't blame people for being sceptical.

    As for the live stream, there's nothing shown in the live stream that wasn't availble internally at DTG a year ago, so it's not as though the live stream is indicative of development progress on the Editor.

    Until I have a functioning copy of the Editor in my hands I won't be holding my breath.
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  27. NorthRail1

    NorthRail1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    There will probably be an update on the editor for TSW soon in the form of a developer diary. So far there have already been 4 articles with information about the editor, if the editing tools weren't almost ready DTG wouldn't say so much about the tools as they are always very cautious about releasing information on upcoming content.

    These are my thoughts on this list:
    • WSR_Class52: Probably would be the Class 52 for West Somerset Railway. However, this may be cancelled content as I believe it would be unlikely for DTG to make multiple loco dlc for WSR at the same time
    • DB_BR294: DB BR 294, probably for Ruhr Sieg Nord as that has many unelectrified sidings which could be used by this loco. I think this is probably more likely to actually be in production still
    • DB_Falns_183: This is a DB coal wagon which would probably go with the DB BR 294 dlc for services to the Elverlingsen power station near Werdohl
    • DB_Tadgs_959: Another German freight wagon which would probably come with the DB BR 294 dlc
    • DB_DigitalDisplays: Maybe an experiment with destination blinds and station signs?
    • Rostock: Maybe the S-Bahn network but that would be quite long if all the lines are included. Definitely some sort of route surrounding Rostock.
    • MP01-SandPatchScenarios and GreatWestern47Scenarios: A test for transferring locos to other routes e.g. 47 on GWE.
    • DB_BR182: Could be used for freight on the Rostock route however since this isn't paired with Rostock then this may not be the case. It could be a further freight loco dlc for Ruhr Sieg Nord or a cancelled addition for Rapid Transit.
    • EWS_Class08 and MRL_JNAWagon: These two would probably go together as a dlc for Great Western Express however I don't really see much use for the 08 on the GWE route so this might also be cancelled.
    Also this list may be out of date and some content cut or cancelled since the list was added to the game files. The list probably wasn't added very recently as Northern Trans-Pennine is referred to as 'LeedsManchester' and not by Northern TR
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2019
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  28. Digital Draftsman

    Digital Draftsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    People have short memories. Regarding Flight Sim World, DTG said 'We're looking to the future of flight, building a simulation platform for the future,' two weeks later Flight Sim World was cancelled. So I and many others are very sceptical about anything DTG says. I've learnt from the Flight Sim World debacle that if it's good for profits, DTG will say it.
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  29. NorthRail1

    NorthRail1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    There is a big difference between Train Sim World and Flight Sim World. Train Sim World is Dovetail Games' flagship product and would probably be the last product they would abandon. Flight Sim World also faced tough competition from other games on the market such as X-Plane 11 and other flight simulators which made it less profitable. By contrast, Train Sim World does not have any major competition other than from Trainz, which is far less successful than TSW. TSW also now has the boost of sales on the console platform, further increasing profits for Dovetail Games. Train Sim World, including the editing tools, is very far from being abandoned.
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  30. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Class 37 or 56 freight add on for NTP. Cant see any steam coming to WSR soon as the editor will breathe more life into that route with the HST, 66, 45,47 and 101 all possible visitors. I think as far as a typical route and stock package, DTG may look at the success of NTP. Ie if/when they feel ready to add steam engines, would make sense to me to make a 1960’s era route. 2 or 3 types of steam loco. Freight vans and mk1 coaches. Then the user can crossover with locos already in the tsw garage. The 47 and the 33.
  31. Digital Draftsman

    Digital Draftsman Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    The point I'm making is that DTG have no issue with saying everything is going great when they know otherwise, so it's worth taking everything they say with a suitably sized pinch of salt.

    As to whether DTG would cancel TSW like FSW, that's a different issue.
  32. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    As far as modern routes go. I think they backed themselves into a bit of a corner. People want modern emus. How do you do that without making the route isolated and lacking in traffic?
    Update the GWE, extend it to Didcot fully wired up. It will also give DTG the opportunity to go back and spend time fixing and optimising. Without doing it for free.
  33. Tomas9970

    Tomas9970 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    It looks like DTG is planning to release a metric ton of DLCs.
  34. volvolover1972

    volvolover1972 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Most likely not. They probably just registered the depots for all the planned upcoming 2019 dlc since they do decide way in advance on what they’re going to make.
  35. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    That's still a lot compared to how many DLC's were released last year. I mean, just compare that to the number of DLC's released in the past two years, listed conveniently just underneath these.

    Maybe we'll be getting some partner programme-style releases, too? I remember when TSW was first released, DTM previewed a GP30 and boxcar model meant for TSW that they would put in the game when they got heir hands on the editor- given that it's already modeled, it would probably take less than a year to do that, and I still think that the editor will be out this year, despite what Digital Draftsman said.
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  36. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I’d love it if GWE was upgraded but Matt already said they have no plans on changing anything and with there being a very slim chance of us being able to change anything ourselves with the editor, it is highly unlikely anything will change.

    Another thing it means is unfortunately there is virtually no chance of running anything electric along the route. Which, by today’s standard with most things running out of Paddington being electric, the route is going to age and be redundant quite quickly I think.
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  37. Shukiii

    Shukiii Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2017
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    DTG will definitely not update GWE with electrification and everything. The DLC is set in 2015/2016 and the route has changed substantially since. Why would they update it to look like in 2018/2019? They would have to add new rolling stock, change the timetables, change scenery, tracks, etc. At that point they could already sell it as a new DLC.
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  38. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Yes that what Im saying. They wont go back and fix, ugrade and update without an incentive. My point is the GWML and Paddington are quite significant in the UK. Im proposing a GWE 2.0 dlc. Updated GWML extended to Didcot or Swindon with loading and sound bugs addressed and ATP implemented. Plus class 800 and the commuter EMU.
  39. hightower

    hightower Guest

    I’d like to see it go way further. I was driving it the other night on the New Maldern service thing “gees, I really wish this went all the way to New Maldern”.

    I’d love to see it go to Oxford and beyond on the Cotswold line. It’s high time some of what we’ve already got was enhanced and extended instead of more short & standalone routes.

    Pretty please.
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  40. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    It’s almost guaranteed this route will be left untouched and abandoned.

    Just look at TS. I don’t know anyone who still plays the severely outdated Paddington to Oxford route anymore. Just Trains have made a much longer, and more modern version, which extends right down to the West Country.

    I reckon it’ll be the same for this. Third party will probably make a more modern, detailed and longer version of the route.
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  41. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    If thats the case , which it could well be, then theyve missed a trick. GWE would already be a 50% completed dlc interms of clearing trackside construction, replacing gantrys, adding new trains, general upgrades to sounds and visuals, and a 20 mile extension. The tricky part would be adding ATP. These assets in GWE are ‘baked’ only DTG would have access to any pre baked version. They would have months In terms if a head start, over any 3rd party wouldnt they?
  42. hightower

    hightower Guest

    Gotta say, I agree with rob on this one.

    You would hope that DTG would learn their lessons from TS1. They’ve got so many of the asset & locos already good to go so it’s a no brainier to extend that route. It’s so popular, they’d be certifiable not to.

    Also, Just Trains version for TS1 is bloody awful. A prime example of when a 3rd party isn’t necessarily better. Yes it’s longer, but it’s one of their poorest routes.

    ps Rob, I think by now they’re capable of much more than a 20 mile extension!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2019
  43. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    It’s a shame DTG have no intention of updating GWE.

    The year the route was developed has to be in the worst possible time, as electrification was only part done.

    Imagine all the possibilities which could be possible if they extended the wires to Reading. New DLCs such as the Class 387 and 800 and make the route feel a lot more alive.

    Though we all know that DTG have no intention of doing this. You just have to look at the outstanding bugs and broken signalling on this route which says it all.
  44. LeadCatcher

    LeadCatcher Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Just curious, besides past practices, how does one know DTG has no intentions on revising GWE? Has DTG made an offical statement as such or just an opinion based on one’s perception of the company’s past track record (no pun intended) .
    Not wanting to start a debate but was wondering if I missed an announcement on the matter.
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  45. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Dovetail tend to keep pretty quiet about what new DLC they’re going to release let alone admitting or denying revising existing DLC.

    Frankly I can’t understand why there’s any thought that DTG will extend or revise existing TSW routes. Yes they might add locos but surely at this point their game has to be to try to add new, different and diverse routes in an attempt to widen the appeal of the game and sell more DLC. While I understand that a ‘modernized’ GWE would be popular with many on here the likelihood of it selling well would likely be less than a completely new route. Some existing GWE owners would consider one version enough and having two variants would likely canabilize sales between the two for new entrants.

    So if you’re happy that there’s LIRR or GWE enjoy them but the likelyhood of extensions or revisions to them are probably way in the future. The same also stands true of similar routes. It’s probably going to be a while to the next BR Blue route, or North East USA commuter route.

    Not a popular message I know, at least on here, but business wise it surely makes most sense for them.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
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  46. hightower

    hightower Guest

    I have to disagree.

    We’re (or at least i’m) not talking about a modernised version of what we already have, but about decent length extension(s). At the very least this route should go to Bristol, Oxford, the Cotswolds, perhaps even Heathrow & the Heathrow express, and eventually down to Devon & Cornwall and into Wales. The survey talked about the Underground, which could also feed into the route. The possibilities are almost endless.

    MP showed in the editor demo how simple it was to lay OHLE compared to TS1, I’d imagine someone who knows what they’re doing could sort that out in a few days. That gives a tonne of possibilities for loco DLCs.

    Looking at the numbers on Steam, the sales spike for GWE seems to have been the largest by some margin, to me it’s a no brainer to tidy up what we have already and extend it, with the extensions being sold as DLCs. As routes go, it would be relatively easy money for DTG as many of the assets are already there, they obviously have a deal with GWE for the branding etc. and it would be a good way to test the water for the market’s appetite for longer, or more specifically, modular routes. Imagine the whole of the West & East Coast Mainlines, sold as similar add-ons to TS1 but that fit together and are useable with each other.

    I can’t see why they wouldn’t do it.

    Surely the eventual goal would be to build the UK/US/DE networks like a jigsaw, rather than having tens (hundreds?) of standalone routes, severely curtailing what can be done with it all.

    In addition, I’d be very surprised to see routes outwith those markets (at least for the foreseeable future), as looking at the financials that Digital Draftsman posted not too long ago, they are by far and away the biggest consumers of DTG’s products.

    Time will tell as to which of us is right! ;-)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2019
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  47. Medellinexpat

    Medellinexpat Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2018
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    hightower I’d like to see the Cotswold line as well (Moreton in Marsh used to be my home station) but ‘no brainer’?

    Even if GWE is the most popular DLC to date by definition an extension is going to sell less as it’s market is constrained by the existing or future purchasers of GWE

    While the idea of a GWR network (a la JT) is attractive with the amount of resources it takes to build a route is it likely that DTG would focus on that when there are so many other route possibilities. Ultimately is it TS World or TS Great Western?

    Generally (and again using the JT model) the base route (GWE) is the ‘expensive bit’ and the extensions cheaper. Again at this point I can’t see how that works commercially for DTG rather than adding, say, a new German route.

    Don’t get me wrong, the GWR is clearly popular with Train simmers. It’s unique in having two TS1 providors and a TSW option. No other route comes close to that. No doubt it’s popularity was one of the reasons that it featured so early in the TSW releases. But extending it before there’s either a East or West Coast mainline section, more German content, something for the US West Coast, something for Scotland, Canada or all the other locations that don’t have any coverage yet?

    And if you think I’m no GWR fan when I return the UK on vacation in March I’ll be at Marlow, Oxford, Windsor, Bristol, Bath, WSM and Paddington all on The real GWR.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2019
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  48. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Uh... it's part of the base game now. You can still buy it, but if you want it and you bought the game before July 24, you probably already bought it. That doesn't go for everyone, but there's not going to be many more GWE sales.

    Honestly, I don't think they have to update it, just let it become a kind of period route. They could stand to work on some bug fixes for it, though- specifically signalling.
  49. Shukiii

    Shukiii Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2017
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    It will likely not stay part of the base game forever though.
  50. raildan

    raildan Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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    Then it may become a "classic," like its equivalent TS route, most likely. Hopefully they'll fix the bugs, but I wouldn't expect much past that.

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