I am very glad that they made a certain analogue - a navigator for trains in TSW4, and you do not need to manually build a route on the right path to leave the large station. And also this opportunity is to spank the train in the game mode. Just such functions had not been enough for TSC for a long time.
Exploring TVL this morning and just discovered that north of Eaglescliffe its possible to continue a good distance along the line towards Stockton and then at the apex of the triangle to return down the other leg back in the direction of Thornaby. I didn't want to push my luck any further towards Stockton as the scenery was starting to thin out.
Beside the State of older Routes im impressed with TSW4. My first creation was moving 40 Eanos wagons to Oldenburg (empty): Second was rather fictional: Delmenhorst freight yard acted as storage yard for painting the 110 & 628 into the new DB red:
Looks like the Hamburg S-Bahn has gotten some replacement service... And some passenger traffic in Aschaffenburg Süd...
It’s such a fantastic addition to the game, especially timetable so you get all the AI services around you… enjoyed running the Azuma between Glasgow and Edinburgh nonstop today and the GWR HST on between Penzance and St Austell, stopping only at Truro. would be great if in future you can take over a service with your own train so you can have the stopping points and timings baked in…. But in the interim used the go via to basically plot stop to stop, which is an ok interim
Free roam idea that i just ran: "Lustenau Freight Extra 0845" Vorarlberg w/Vectron DLC Difficulty- Easy>Medium Time- 1-1.5 hours Run a mixed freight from Lustenau to Wolfurt Yard and classify the wagons Spawn on foot at Lustenau Spawn a Vectron w/mixed freight x18 on platform 1. Set path to Wolfurt Yard Track 2-04. Upon arrival uncouple the Vectron and despawn or park it. Spawn in a G6 shunter (or whichever one you prefer). Spot the wagons on the loading tracks in the SE part of the yard (i classified by wagon type and empty/loaded). Finish by parking your shunter on Wolfurt Loading 16. See pics for more location context. I realize this is probably not prototypical operations, but it was fun. Watch your yard signals! Rules: don't block the mainline or the yard exit. Free Roam for life lol!
I've just some spent some time going backwards and forwards as the Buxton - Miller's Dale shuttle in a class 101: About to depart from Platform 4 at Buxton: Arriving at Miller's Dale Platform 2: Shunted across to Platform 5 in time for this service from Derby: Back in Buxton:
can any one tell me with free roam if you can pair the 158 and 150 sprinters together, tried to do this my self on northern transpenine in the depot near Manchester and I could not get it to work as I wanted to have some sprinter fun with them
Almost a great run.....kinda annoyed by the end so keeping it quickish Boston w/Acela, CSXC40-8W, Sandpatch 10am, spawn at Pawtucket Layover yard, run across the mainline (need more spawn points) spawn 2 Dash 8s hookup to the tankers (or whatever). Set path for the siding on the turnout just N of Attlboro (Attlboro Jct?). It's like 9 miles. Have to use hud for most signals (cab signals why don't we have sadface). Chill run with a couple of meets but.........invisible wall right after the turn out signal ...just for me- the train keeps right on going.....pleasssse dtg....let us check a box to remove these.
Spawn on foot, go north of Darlington. With 20s and PGAs replace the 20s with a 37 and now going to the Skinningrove portal.
Actually... You can get to almost anywhere it's visible on the map. Just drive to the 'kick-out wall'; let it do its thing... When the menu appears, click on the 'return on foot' option ( something like that, the top left one ) You'll spawn back in the session. Press Ctrl + 0 to teleport back to your driving seat.
I just want to thank DTG for this new game mode. I love it !!! I can finally ride anything on any road and in timetable mode with AI trains!!! Thank you, thank you very much DTG.
Can I just piggyback on this thread? How the heck does this work, spawned in free roam at Peterborough but not a clue how you are supposed to place and configure a train. Is there an idiot’s guide someone can point me in the direction of, please? Also just to clarify if I spawn on foot in Timetable mode I can start adding my own trains? Groovy.
So on XboX controller all you do is use the left pad and the option will come up. then you can scroll to the train and formation. It will highlight in green on the track to spawn in your train. You an use that option to spwan in static trains all over
MRCE BR 182 "fights" its way up the Tharandter Rampe. A Br143 with N-Wagen and BR422 leaving Essen Hbf at the same Time. This was also my First attempt with Photo Mode
Just a quick Hint Vern. The front of the train you choose to spawn will always face towards the direction you are standing
https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2362300/manuals/TSW4_Manual_ENG.pdf?t=1695736968 Pages 15 & 16 of the TSW4 manual will tell you all you need to know
It's in CC called BR BLUE/GREY HST (MML) by a user named ebarbs#6076 You won't be able to do much thrashing, infact it will hardly break sweat on the NTP route as it's mainly 60mph max.
If I open the little freeroam menu (dpad left on controller), I get three options. Left is spawn train, right is delete train, but I can’t select the upper middle one. Is that a third option?
I am pretty sure you will enjoy it Vern…. Had a blast playing around with free roam in timetable mode. If you like free roam in TSC, you live it in TSW4
Spawned on foot on MML in free roam and I summoned an 8f hauling planks from leicester station to the sidings at mountsorrel. An HST was following me all the way from leicester station!
Having a lot of trouble setting up a route path. I click on the train in the map route with the X button and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Hey there, are you sitting in the driver's seat of the loco you're trying to set a route for? All the best, Jan
Currently trying out 2 ideas. Both in amongst timetable mode. Spawn a 66 at Leicester depot. Navigate your way to the mainline whilst being conscious not to hold up ai services. Pull over into Humberstone loop. Wait for a good time to depart- destination Mountsorrel. Reverse into the sidings and collect the HKAs . Then take them to a signal wherever to finish. My next one is recreating the Aggregate industries scenario except starting at a signal west of Reading.
Having great fun with free roam in timetable mode populating empty routes / sidings with various locos and wagons. Then driving along admiring the view and swapping locos, while the AI gets on with their route stuff. Can we have the ability to save these sort of creations as scenarios or something so I can return another day to carry on?
That shouldn't be possible in free roam. 314 is AC-powered. IOW is DC electrified. That's 'Off the rails' stuff from Scenario Planner.
That's really weird. I did a trial on both the IOWs ( original & 2022 ) and I don't have any voltage in the train ( as expected ) and the train doesn't move under its own power. IOW 2022 - IOW Original - Would be really great if you could tell me how to replicate that Also a snap. of your dashboard while you're in power !