Other than coupling the locomotives together and making sure that the 2nd locomotive does not have the master key turned (i.e. active cab) there is not really any setup required. With two (or more) Vectrons together, the multi traction communication goes via WTB (Wired Train Bus) and the tractive effort and dynamic brake effort will be automatically limited to not exceed the coupler limits (450 kN tensile, 240 kN compressive). Note: This assumes the locomotives are at the front.
Sorry if this has been asked before.. Is there any indicator telling you that the direct brake is (also) applied manually when the AFB holding brake is applied? So you know that when applying traction (and so releasing the AFB holding brake) the C-Druck will remain because of the manual application of the direct brake?
From my understanding (of the real locomotive) there is not, and neither is there any indication of this in the game. However, there's a neat little trick you can do: Set and confirm a AFB VSoll above 0 km/h and then move the direct brake lever to the extreme forward ("Full Release") position momentarily, this will release the AFB direct hold brake (and any manual direct brake application). If you're in Austria (length/type dependent) you may need to push the train brake lever into "FÜ"/Quick Release as well to release the AFB indirect hold brake.
I'm interested to hear from PS4 players regarding a potential bug. If AFB is enabled and you move the AFB Speed lever with analog input (i.e. selecting the lever and moving it), does this change the reverser direction?
So again, yes, because of the vectron, the brakes are much weak, it takes almost as long as a fully loaded ice I ask that it be looked at
As an aside, that wouldn’t be a problem you encounter in real life. You’d always drive with the direct brake in release position, not hold as it was done in TSW. I’m guessing cwf.green set it up that way to ease shunting, but it does feel weird not being able to throw the direct brake forward into release.
The direct brake lever is actually prototypical, believe it or not The real Vectron only has notches in Hold and “Full Service”. You then have springed positions at Full Release, Release and Apply. Odd peculiarity to the locomotive. In the game I added the constraints to the lever when using a keyboard to make shunting easier like you said, but if you double press and hold you bypass the constraints (and using analog controls has no constraints).
Oh, I stand corrected. What a peculiar choice on Siemens’ part. I’m pretty sure the 189s don’t do that.
Any idea why Siemens chose this configuration? Seems a bit awkward, since probably you neither want to power into a manually applied direct brake, nor do you want to realease the AFB holding brake prematurely just to make sure that the direct brake is not applied manually.
I don't really see the problem Either apply the direct brake fully (so that there is no doubt) or let AFB handle it. This is basically what the drivers do anyway, if you watch the cab rides available on Youtube where you can see the driver or the desk I can't see a good reason for why you need to make sure of this before departing, and when you are departing simply move the direct brake lever to full forward at the same time as you take power, if there is any doubt.
Well, I stumbled over it when stopping the loco in a gradient with the direct brake (after shunting it away from the consist for example). I can't use the AFB holding brake to stop the loco, obviously, because it doesn't activate before the loco stops. Before changing ends, I would put the indirect brake in full and then cut it out, no? If I cut the brakes out with the indirect brakes released, I have to keep the direct brake applied to keep the loco in place, because the AFB holding brake will release after turning off the cab and the FBRV will be locked, so putting the indirect brake in full after cutting it out doesn't do anything, no? Or would I use the parking brake here? On the other end I cut in the brakes, active AFB to activate the holding brake, release the indirect brake.. and at this point I am no longer sure if the direct brake is applied by the AFB holding brake alone or also manually applied (at least for a bit). Your suggested remedies (always putting the direct brake handle in 'Release" when applying power or always applying the direct brake fully) work, sure, but then I have to make a mental note to remember that.
You've stumbled upon a bug here. Basically the direct brake target state is not transmitted between the cabs. Until a patch is released with a fix to this bug, if you are changing cabs and the direct brake is not fully released: apply full direct brake in the second cab (this will sync up the target and the current state) and then release.
Ah, I read your post about that bug, but I (mis)understood that the direct brake target state IS supposed to be transmitted between the cab. Thanks for clarifying!
I have noticed Vectron lights are "strange". I mean, I see the lights effect on the rails and the ground, but looking at the locomotive headlights, they are off! Is this an issue if the locomotive, or it is something I have to set up differently?
Most likely never. It's that the Vectron lights were built to work with TOD4 lighting. So they will only look right on TOD4 routes.
Are you using it on an old TSW2 route? If so, that's why. The lights only work properly on routes released since TSW3.
I'm driving the Vectron on RRO as of 2 days ago myself. Why, because I still enjoy the older routes and I will continue to do so. I can live with the lights being hardly visible form the outside view but they do project ligh onto the track. It's not so bad. Besides with new standard the Vectron has brought I'm finding it hard to drive the old Traxx locos with their outdated sounds now.
lukas#9469 , Fawx Fitz The headlights on the Vectron are intended to work on both TOD3 routes (pre TSW3) and TOD4 routes (TSW3 and TSW4) but there is a bug that makes the light intensity suboptimal in both Time-Of-Day systems (although afaik it should ironically look better on the older TOD3 routes). Hopefully the next patch for the Vectron will have a fix to this issue.
Can I ask how others are finding the Roadrunner system. I'm on PS5 and I can activate it no problem and the distance counter in yellow displays on the left screen but I do not hear the sound at the end. Anyone else experiencing this?.
I love the roadrunner. But you are right. I also have experienced that the actual roadrunner sound at the end sometimes doesn't get played. Most of the times it does get played, though (PC/Epic).
Haven’t heard it not playing. But what I am observing is that when I stop the train while the roadrunner is active, it stops counting when I start moving again. Would be interesting to hear if others have the same issue?! PC and Steam…
Could someone try initiating a pzb zwangbremsung while the main circuit breaker is open? I'm finding the zugbeeinflussung ansage won't shut up after pressing pzb frei and closing the MCB.
I noticed that there is a Czech MIREL security device on the dashboard. I wonder if it is functional.
Thanks CWF. There are 2 issues: - Headlights shows minimal "light on" effect on the locomotive. - Illumination from them to the soil, is very intensive! Even on "reduced" selection. I noticed on both older routes and new ones too. Hopes a fix be included soon, as you mentioned!
I tried reproducing this in the editor and was not able to. There was a bug reported to me previously that all the "BSAAS" (cab alerts) stopped working if the MCB was opened. When I fixed that a side effect seems to have been that it fixed your issue as well. No promises if this will be fixed in the next patch (there are time windows for these things) and whenever that will be
This may have already been posted somewhere here but I do not have the time to be sifting through every post. When using the Vectron on any of the German routes with the exceptions of Vorarlberg and Dresden Riesa, the headlights are like a nuclear fusion, no matter what setting you have the headlights on its so bright it blinds you and ruins the scenery and anything in the way. I know the Vectron has been released for the new routes in TSW4 but come on guys, a loco that you cant use on the older German routes.
It's because of the different lighting systems in legacy content and newer tsw3 and newer content. Someone earlier in this thread said that the vectron lighting was made for both tsw3 and tsw4, so it's a matter of updating and fixing it.
The whole TOD3/4 lighting situation in general is a mess. It really sucks to have to mess with this nuclear brightness with every newer vehicle on an older route. Or also the headlights themselves being so dark that you nearly can't see them being turned on (besides everything 10km in front being lit up).
Exactly Colin, what I cannot get my head around is that these guys at DTG keep banging on about that they have a real passion for the game but keep banging out broken content. If they truly did have a real passion for the game then they would not release content until it is working as intended. Nuclear headlights is one thing but the whole game is broken at the moment. I just drove the Br185 on Vorarlberg and the AFB stopped working when I had to switch cab ends followed by the PZB / LZB having moments of sporadic hissy fits to the point I had to turn off the safety systems. I really am considering deleting TSW4 and going back to TSW3 until this mess is sorted out but then again TSW5 will be out before they fix this. We will put it on the road map HAHAHAHAHAHA what a joke[/QUOTE]
I don’t really see the point in this since the bugs in 3 have a very very low chance of being fixed at this point and the problems of headlights being too bright also exist there too. What does this solve? 4 has been out for less than a month and all the dev teams are probably sorting through all the tickets being sent in and feedback from threads like this, obviously northing is guaranteed to be fixed but you have a high chance now of something being fixed or at the very least looked at than you have being on tsw 3 again.
Maybe you can help with the thing about the lighting, if there will be a fix to the bug, that coach lights cant be powered on right now. Also The ZWS to run the cab cars isnt set up (At least the vectron runs perfect in MU as sandwich push / Pull or double traction --> Also in combination with the Taurus which is great.) Wish the Pantograph selection would be possible to, which are kind of standard things for TSW.
I'm currently doing the Journey mode for the Vectron, and ran into something weird in the "Labouring Home" scenario. The Dosto cab car is somehow reversed. Meaning: the cab-end of it is attached to the train and the gangway-end of it is in the far rear of the train. The dosto's also have taken on the custom IC2 livery from the Creator's Club. I do have this livery installed but was always under the impression that it wouldn't be used in scenarios?
Missing Hazard Lights on the vectron. sometime ago i noticed on the vectron locomotive that there is a button named "Warning lights" its a bit to the left from the middle of the cab. but sadly it doesnt work. i hope after this thread that it will be added soon. this is from an 192 "Smartron" But it is identical as the Vectron. The smartron is one of the One system Variant of the 193. !!!Volume down!!! Please don't mind the unlit upper signal. Normally it is lit too. But the train driver did something wrong with the lights. Cool would be if the hazard lights would get a key to Activate it. Like B or J
The driver just switches every time from left to right signal light on, no hazard lights. Just switching the signal lights on and off...
Even in the Siemens System Documentation it says the warninglights depend on the type of Vectron (Variantenabhängig). I dont know what configuration Railpool ordered in with their contract in Detail, but i would see more benefit in fixing the train lights button. For me the locomotive has enough details to call it an advanced locomotive. Model every single feature is impossible anyway.
I decided to run on free roam the ECML, a freight train, but using the BR 193 Vectron. My first idea was to use just the locomotive, but with the UK container cars. But I have an issue with the brakes. Could not move it. I believe it was caused due to be different systems. Ok, then I do it with the german container cars too. I started without problem, and I really enjoy the drive, due to lot of traffic around, and some yellow and red lights ahead!. But... surprisingly after being driving so many miles, and even already run more than the half part of the route,... when the train passed what is seems to be something like a small power station... I lost power, and suddenly a message appeared, indicating something like "select the country and close the circuit braker". Which I did it! But as to country point of view, the route is all in the UK! I could not accelerate the train any more, as to throttle selector appeared with the red square!. As I had saved the game before, I upload it again, but I "suffer" the same bad situation, So unfortunately I could not finish, this really nice run! Then, I kindly ask you to someone could help about how to solve this issue! Or it is a problem with the game Any help be appreciated.
its nothing you cant copy. the 125F Hazard lights could be just copied on the vectron. and the hazard lights come with all smartron , vectrons
Literally nothing in TSW has been copy/pasted from Train Sim Classic. To do so, a dev would need to go all the way back to the raw 3D model from Blender or 3D Max, but at that point it’s not even part of any game but simply a 3D model. And with regards to the hazard lights; they could copy it from the F125 but they should not as it would be unrealistic: the real Railpool Vectron does not have hazard lights. The button might be there, but the function is disabled in the software of the locomotive as there are no rules and regulations that demand them. The German/Austrian railway regulations do not specify the use of hazard lights, so how would a driver know when to use them?
Idk anything about 3d modelling but I think it's easy to tell what trains have been copied and what's been completely built new for tsw. (I'm saying I don't think a lot of trains have been copied)
You keep making claims but you never show anything to back them up, which makes it very hard to believe anything you say, as you simply contradict people who have also shown proof of what they are saying. As you can see in posts from meridian#2659 , he clearly has insight into the official documentation for this loco. He quotes that the warning lights are „Variantenabhängig“. And it makes sense to block them, as you can see from the the video which you have posted. You say yourself to ignore the missing top light as the „driver did something wrong“. And I believe it is clear what he was doing wrong, he was using the warning lights, which he is not supposed to use in Germany. I am not surprised that they don’t seem to be blocked in the br192, as it is a stripped basic Vectron with no pre selected options. As the warning lights seem to be a standard they were ported over as well. I do see that you really want to believe that every Vectron has them and especially the version Railpool has ordered, however, everything I have seen talks a different language. Please don’t just call others liars without any counter proof from your side. I certainly do not call you a liar, however, you seem to have a tendency to ignore obvious arguments if they contradict your personal view…