I think - but haven't tested - that the AWS is connected only to the vacuum brakes. If so, it'll only do anything if you have the Small Ejector on. Fortunately, because the air brakes modification introduced a self-lapping brake controller, it's much easier to work with these vacuum brakes than on the Jubilee.
The rather odd thing about this scenario is that after the initial commentary there is little or no information on what might be regarded as POI's - Stoke Simmit, the flat crossing at Newark etc.
Agreed. Not knowing much about the ECML, I was happy when I read the description of the scenario and thought I’d learn a thing or two. I was hoping it’d be more similar to the castle tour on LFR.
Nothing in the road map to suggest, what I imagine is a very simple fix, of the AWS cancel not being key binded on console or the sunflower clearing as appropriate. Makes Scotsman fairly unplayable as far as a mainline spec loco goes. Can’t help but feel pretty disappointed with DTG.
Have we got the newer sounds yet that have been discussed earlier in this thread or not yet? The lack of warble on the steam whistle is pretty disappointing for this flagship train
No. Implementing new sounds requires time to make. It's only the sounds for the chuffing at higher speeds
Just seen your reply, sorry. I found exactly the same bug with Mk1s coupled to the Scotty and vac brakes
Yeah, it seems that there are a lot of problems with the AWS on this loco, which effectively render it almost nonfunctional. I don't think it can have got much testing before release. Separately, I don't think the cutoff values on the reverser can be accurate. I know the Jubilee had these adjusted significantly at some point, as the original setup used much longer cutoffs than set. The Scotsman seems to have gone the other way, as at 15% cutoff it can barely move a train, even at low speeds (where restricted steam flow is not a factor) - and to achieve comparable performance to the Jubilee's 15% cutoff, I need to advance the Scotsman to 40%.
The cut off is wildly inaccurate, in the preview stream, they were doing 100mph with around a 40% cut off which is just laughable, anything below 35% makes the loco un-driveable. Aside from looking very, very nice. The Scotsman is an absolute disaster of DLC. Glad to see that dovetail are making no attempt to address any of these issues, as per usual.
Having just finished another Journey run I have to agree. This is not a simulation of a steam loco. Can run for mile after mile at 100% regulator and 30% cutoff, the boiler pressure never drops below 200psi (25% on both dampers). The water level gauge on the tender doesn't even drop by a fraction despite having run all the way from Peterborough. Frankly it's worse than when Auran/N3V first tried putting steam in Trainz. Put it this way, if the Flying Junkyard hadn’t been part of the Deluxe package , I wouldn’t consider it worth parting with money as a separate DLC purchase.
I'm having a bit of a problem with service 1Z72. When i try to play it, I keep spawning in at random stations and not in the drivers seat. I've tried different months, weathers and liveries if that solves the issue. But no. Does this happen for anyone else? Hope there is a fix for this.
how do you get this to 100 mph I've tried the re create the scenario it maxed out at 99 , nevermind I got it
Can confirm this one (on PC). Started it, should have been on the footplate at Peterbrough, actually on foot at Retford. The objective message showed that the train was running under AI control, as it started taking on passengers autonomously.
Water isn't simulated at all on the 8F/Jubilee/4F either, is it? Two games later and steam is still far below the low standards of MSTS at launch.
Shouldn't there be steam/smoke coming out of both funnels? It's currently only coming out of the first one. If so, can we get the particle emitter added to both? On the Re-Record Scenario the Scotsman spawns with no lights. No front lights or EOT lights. Both of which are required for running on the mainline.
Scotsman will randomly launch off the tracks at the junctions north of Huddersfield and the junctions on the north side of the Rochester - Strood bridge. I assume this is because of how long the locomotive's wheelbase is, longest of any loco I believe, so I'm not sure exactly how this gets fixed. All I know is that it forces you to be very careful at Huddersfield and makes half of SEHS unplayable when using this loco.
To be fair it wasn't designed with those routes in mind and in real life was built for ECML expresses.
The important measure is the rigid wheelbase, whereas most references quote the full wheelbase including tender (which is more relevant to fitting the complete loco on a turntable). I wasn't able to quickly locate diagrams showing the axle spacing, but we can easily find that the A3 has roughly 2-metre driving wheels with very little clear space between them, while for example the 8F has roughly 1.44-metre driving wheels with lots of space between them. Taking the wheel centres (as that corresponds to where their flanges meet the rails), we can easily calculate that two spaces of 2 metres each is a long way short of three spaces of 1.5 metres each. Thus we can estimate that the 8F has a longer rigid wheelbase than the A3, and it's not even close enough for the margin of error to be relevant. Have you tried the 8F on the same route?
Following your suggestion I did try the 8f on the same junction on the Rochester (corrected my earlier post) to Strood bridge. No derailment, passed over the junction at 20mph. Tested again with Scotsman crossing it at just 10mph, got a first class ticket to the moon. I watched the locomotive pop upwards and derail from the cab end first as the drivers passed over the center of the curve. Maybe the rear axle is the problem and it doesn't curve enough, considering that the Jubilee handles the same with no issue and has about the same size drivers. The strangest part, and someone might have some physics explanation for why this is, is that coming the other way on the other track has no derailment whatsoever despite the fact that logically the curvature on that set of points should be even sharper. The engine struggles a lot getting up the curve before it, running into curve resistance and also tackling it being a 1.2% slope, but once you get to the top you can cross the points without a worry in the world.
Following on from my last reply, I ran over the junction again and caught a recording. This screenshot comes mere frames before the locomotive gets launched, right as its entire length is over the points in question. Now I could be mistaking what I'm seeing, I could be totally misunderstanding how the wheels are supposed to articulate. But from what I'm seeing, the drivers are about to leave the rails entirely on the inside of the curve and the front and rear axles are hardly steering with the rails at all. It looks as though the entire wheelbase is almost completely locked straight. I have seen them curving ever so slightly in the past when going over track bends and such. So like I said in my previous response, maybe they just aren't articulating enough, be it through a fault in the game or just how the A3 was actually built irl.
The way it's supposed to work is that the driving wheels are more-or-less fixed in the frame (there's a little bit of side play, but nothing you would visually notice), while the leading bogie and trailing wheels swivel out to follow the curve. There are centering springs to help the locomotive to be guided by the displaced bogies (very important for stability at express speeds), as well as support structures so that these articulated wheels carry some of the weight; these features are usually omitted from 00-gauge models. Notice that the leading bogie has inside frames and axle bearings, to increase the clearance to the cylinder block which is critical for its lateral movement. On the 8F, you should be able to see the leading wheels swivel in much the same way on sharp curves. As well as side play, the middle pairs of driving wheels have reduced flanges which help in negotiating extremely sharp curves, but these would mostly be found in goods yards and tightly packed depots, rather than at a passenger-rated junction. It might also be worth double-checking whether a conventional bogie vehicle behaves as expected over this track.
The result of a load of testing as per reccommendation. I tested several locos with large wheelbases or bogies. All bogies look to have behaved properly and so too did Flying Scotsman, but I did get a closer look at the derailment taking place. It definitely looks as though the issue is somewhere on the cab end, despite the axle swiveling correctly the loco still jumps up from the rails, but it turns out it does it after the full loco has passed the curve. Perhaps the issue is actually with the connection to the tender?
Ah, I see it - the trailing pair of wheels, under the cab, ends up following the wrong path at the points. That's the bug. Granted, the physics reaction that launches the entire loco sideways is also problematic, but it wouldn't happen if there wasn't a derailment in the first place.
I did some further testing, it looks like it's a mixture of both. The back wheels look as though they don't swivel enough so they end up raising up out from the rails, that's the first bump. When they come back down they do so on the other side of the points because of how the loco is angled at that point, so that then causes the derailment when the Scotsman continues to move further forward. I think the issue may still be that the wheelbase of the drivers is too long, the only reason why the Jubilee and 8f don't encounter the same issue despite one having almost the same wheelbase and the other having an even longer one, is that they don't have a trailing axle to skip the rails on the points as Scotsman does.
Well the curves entering and leaving Newcastle via either the High Level or King Edward Bridges were quite sharp and an A3 traversed these on a regular basis.
Aside from the AWS issue and needing steam core work, the flying Scotsman is a really great addon, many thanks DTG for the work put into it. I haven’t found any Z-Fighting for this one as of writing this, so bonus gratitude points have been earned. Xbox Series X
Centenary Bundle Xbox Series X Training centre introduction the brakes apply themselves and you can’t release them after you start moving. In the timetable mode too the brakes release but then apply themselves UPDATE - Restarted the console and it’s rectified the issue
We've just put our third post-release patch live, which brings an improvement for the AWS on Flying Scotsman, alongside additional improvements and changes. Thank you all for the feedback. Full Patch Notes: https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/train-sim-world-4-update-notes-31st-october.75714/
Sounds do appear to be different in the mid-speed range now. I wouldn't say that they're entirely glitch-free, but something has definitely been done.
Yeah I can't put my finger on what has changed, but they're certainly different now. I think better? I'm not much of an Audiophile though.
Being involved with the real thing, this is actually a pretty decent effort from DG although the cut off is very inaccurate. No way would the real engine be at 35-40% cut off when doing 70-75mph, the fireman would be on his knees lol! It’s a shame that the drivers side injector steam valve handle is completely in the wrong position as well. Also, can anyone confirm as to why the support coach wasn’t modelled properly rather than using the incorrect MK1 BG? However, I do disagree with some of the comments regarding the sound though, even before the latest update/s, the sound wasn’t far off from being pretty accurate. Be interesting to see what the updated sound is like after the recording taken on the S&C! Mind you, it would be good to be able to play the game after the latest update as it keeps crashing on my PS5 now when I load a scenario.
Put simply, they had a dual braked commonwealth bogied BG already that they could reskin. They didn't have a dual braked BSK, or even BSO for that matter. Asides from the loco itself all of the coaches are just external reskins of coaches already released, simply the fact that it is a MK1 was the best we were going to get.
Fair enough, just a tad disappointing to have released a decent model/loco to only let it down with the incorrect support coach. A missed opportunity unfortunately. I was looking forward to seeing what the washing machine would have looked like in the kitchen area!
Is it normal that the AWS flower is not changing shape when passing a “clear aspect” AWS magnet? The bell sound can be heard clearly but the visuals are not following it. Maybe it is prototypical but i have a feeling its not Cheers
Disappointing is the fact that the coaches are such a blatant cut and paste with a new reskin that the MK2 coaches don't even have the newer radial motion blur on their wheels, they still have the horribly distorted TSW2 motion blur as the last time we got MK2 coaches was in DLoGW. It's stuff like this that's behind the thread I made suggesting coaching stock expansions, not least of which includes a full dual braked MK1 collection and the later MK2d/e/f coaches.
Not sure the updated sounds are better. Think someone stated that between 30-60mph the loco sounds all over the place & I have to agree. These may have been recorded in the S&C but I think I’d rather have the sounds as they were before?
Not tried the new sounds yet but I wasn't too nonplussed by the original higher speed implementation.
I think it's been improved in the mid-range, and now the main trouble I notice is in the slow speed range, when the audio engine is supposed to be generating individual chuffs rather than using a sound loop. It often seems to miss them, seemingly at random. It also will fail to make any exhaust sounds if you keep the steam chest pressure low, even if there is effectively significant steam flow because you have a very long cutoff. I may have to see if I can put together a demonstration of all that.
Personally think the updated sounds are much, much better and you can see / hear that the chuffs are in time with piston movement What it desperately needs is whistle warble. Time and time over the same whistle sound breaks the immersion. I can't see why it can't be link to a button combo, like hold square and then the adaptive R2 button trigger
On reflection I think I’m actually incorrect with what I’ve said in the above quote. Having played the game some more the sounds have actually improved, just that there is a strange cross over at a low speed. I take it back, I would just like the injector steam valves to be corrected now lol.
Whilst driving the 1Z87 service. I appeared to pass another flying Scotsman on a service with only a few coaches and a 66 at the rear. Are there meant to be duplicate flying scotsmans during the day?
The railtour special services are supposed to be seasonal, though that isn't described anywhere explicitly in-game. If you drive one of these services out of season, you might encounter the railtour for the current season as a duplicate.
Spirit of Steam / Flying Scotsman issue I have been having an issue on the spirit of steam map at Crewe station. I was driving the Flying Scotsman - light engine from point 1 along the red line at less than 20 MPH. At point 2 the where the 2 tracks cross the engine gets thrown off the tracks which ends the game. I am currently in free roam and was trying to reach the coaches in the background but had to reload the save to get this image so I had not re-spawned the A3 yet. It is not a normal route you would find yourself following on most scenarios and I have not tried it with any other locomotive so not sure if its a route issue or a locomotive issue. Hope this gets fixed Thanks CJ
Scotsman seems to have a general problem with tight-radius curves. It can't negotiate the balloon-loop track (which, at the real-world counterpart at Wildenrath, is constructed for testing precisely that capability) on the Training Centre, but the 8F - which actually has a longer rigid wheelbase by about a metre - can. We'll have to see what the suspension update brings with it.