Indeed. With DTG now bringing Austria to TSW, I think it would be a good opportunity for them to have there own standard-gauge Swiss route. But, of course, I'm thankful for Rivet for at least having Swiss content in TSW in the first place, so would like to see more overall; hopefully introduction of the Editor might mean some more third-party developers too.
Let's hope that this time they will be able to implement ambient sounds. In Arosa they still haven't done it two and a half years later.
I still occasionally drive and enjoy Arosa despite the bad mountains and its other flaws. The new mountains are an obvious improvement on the old and it could well be another enjoyable route. Rivet’s history of not quite being up to scratch with physics and sounds is obviously a concern to many but they may have more help from DTG on these aspects now and we should judge each piece of content on its own merits. Wait and see is the order of the day. It is certainly a route we were expecting to come at some point.
I wonder, with this being a narrow gauge route how will the tutorial for whatever train is included be handled? The training centre only has standard gauge track afaik.
Probably similar with off the rails where you can run it on any route or be on the route itself. Either way it wouldn't really change anything since it's not a loco dlc and being uncoupled from the route
Isn't the 484 originally a Tube vehicle? In that case, it has to accelerate fast because of the short distances between the stations there.
Still seems a bit overpowered - I travelled on the D78 stock from which these were adapted and they were not as quick off the mark as the 484's in the game. Anyhow that's a bit of thread drift from the actual topic, but the point being that between the 484, the ghastly Class 150/2 on WCL and the physics on the existing Swiss routes, Rivet do not have a good record on this matter.
It's incredible how many people no longer buy anything and still buy everything!! Not a single enthusiastic post here, so are you never satisfied? In fact, why are you here and are you still playing tsw!! It’s always the same grumpy people I see. In short, I will take it, and you will take it too and you will come and cry again and again as usual. I died laughing, this forum is filled with nothing but hatred towards this game.
for the TGV DTG or rivet must create a another series because Euroduplex and duplex are not the same train
The D stock ran on 630V DC while the Class 484s were adapted to run on 750V DC. One would expect this would mean better acceleration to some extent, though obviously I don't know how accurate the 484s in TSW are.
Oh I am quite selective now about what I buy, especially where Rivet are concerned. I didn't buy Rivet's Luzern to Sursee route. I didn't buy Edinburgh to Glasgow (though more because the era and Class 385 don't interest me). Bernina will be a possible purchase with a number of caveats. If it turns out to be a shortened version, St Moritz to Alp Grum that will be a no sale. If it ends up like TSC being St Moritz to Poschiavo then I might be interested, in a sale. If it's the full route to Tirano and the reviews are favourable then a purchase after release is possible, but not Day One.
I like the rest of the games content offerings. Rivet has just spurned any good will with their previous releases.
No, it's OHLE all line, from Tirano (Italy) to St. Mortiz (Switzerland) This route must be one of the most scenic in the world. I want this route since ARL was announced, hope they make the whole line but it's long. Rolling stock today: ABe Allegra 8/12 and ABe 4/4. There are a lot of composition variations. Even pulling some freight wagons like we saw on ARL.
yes, but different current than Arosa! Bernina uses 1000V DC, rest of RhB uses 11 kV 16,7 Hz AC ... No, they stopped running.
Perhaps I'm being optimistic but I hope all the updates and fixes Rivet has planned for previous releases as well as feedback we still continue to give can be put into the update that comes before the doc releases
My biggest concern is if they left out the "ambient sounds" like they did on Arosa...No car sounds, no birds chirping, just plain silence... And I hope they recreate the whole route from St Moritz to Tirano...
As the training center is based on the Siemens test site at Wegberg-Wildenrath, some tracks are double gauges with, standard gauge at 1,435mm and narrow gauge at 1000mm. Maybe one day DTG will find a way that two trains from different gauges can run on the same track. So we’ll be able to do training there.
You can spawn metre gauge stock on standard gauge track and vice versa right now and it'll run without issues, it just looks wrong.
I know it is subjective, but we have a lot of routes which are very quiet. Switzerland has so much more to offer than these quiet mountain routes. I would prefer something with a bit more going on - for example Geneva Airport - Bern - Zurich - St Gallen (ok maybe not all of it, but a nice chunk would offer a lot of options). Even covering Ticino could be a nice set of routes with enough variety.
I dont like the idea of already declaring that an unknown route we only have a tbh great looking Screenshot of will be Bad, just because its rivet. Yes they have done subpar content, but so has DTG. The montains look properly done and honestly for me who recently travelled over albula and bernina irl very good. Of course you can buy what you want, but ill wait with judging until ive seen and heard more, after the previews it can still be bad, or not
I know that I do this and you can even couple Dostos with Ge 4/4 II, but for pure realism I was suggesting this.
Posts like these are just foolish honestly. Maybe your expectations are low but considering that Rivet's dlc have not been great and don't have mostly positive reviews, it's not surprising that people have negative thoughts or are skeptical of them. Arosa line had unrealistic physics and terrible distant scenery. West Cornwall Local has unrealistic scenery and the class 150s physics are incorrect. The class 385's sounds are wrong and sound bad amongst other issues with what is supposed to be their local route. The 1938 stock was a mess when it first came out with terrible sounds. The only good product that they really have based on reviews is iow 2022 but that route is merely an updated version of a route that was already made. Not to mention they take months to fix minor issues only to abandon the product to focus on something else. You say that there is alot of negativity on the forum, but it's not exactly hard to find out why that is the case. Maybe if you took off your rose tinted glasses, you would understand why there are people frustrated with the quality of this game in general and Rivet Games products. If you like it or if you don't mind the problems, that is fine, but don't dismiss people who are skeptical just because they don't share your views be honest not interested on single track route in the mountains. Just not my cup of tea. I did give Rivet a chance and was very optimistic on Edinburgh Glasgow route which is located right on their backyard. Unfortunately was a let down. If you are excited for this route that's great.
What hypocrisy of you!!! It seems to me that you are buying content for this game, right? So your expectations must be very low for you too. If I take your point of view the whole game sucks..... [EDIT - Jan - Quarrelsome] I have the right to love this game and its content. No, but seriously, what is this way of relating everything to negativity? Perhaps you should also put on “rose-colored” glasses, my dear. Yes you are mostly negative and yes you bought it with all your might. I'm at least honest, I say that this game is not super great but I don't think I've seen better anywhere else it seems to me. Please keep your unpleasant comments about me to yourself.
I haven't bought tsw4 nor have I bought any Rivet content. It's ironic that you will think that people that people who critique the product end up buying it without proof. But hey, I guess that's what happens when one has their rose tinted glasses on. I said if you enjoy the game then that is fine. You have lower expectations and or may not mind some of the issues you encounter. That is fine But you have dismissed valid criticism and concerns as just a bunch of haters with no valid points and said that they will cry about the product nor do you even take the time to understand why people may be skeptical of Rivet Games. Rather than having a ignorant mindset, take the time to understand why there are those that may have an issue rather than being ignorant and acting that people who have valid complaints are just crybabies. That's just being foolish and ignorant
You don't have to own TSW4 because every single Rivet release has been for TSW2 and TSW3 so everyone within these forums knows exactly how Rivet Games goes about it's business. What you will get from them is a unique route....what you won't get from them is any sustained level of post-release support until they want to sell some sort of addon into said route. They did it with IoW, they did it with Arosa (when adding the xmas lights) and they also did it with West Cornwall (the steam train bundle), so be very, very careful when jumping to the defence of this company.
Don't forget Scotrail Express! You're likely to get bad train physics, and bad audio from a Rivet route.
I actually liked the look of Scotrail but after reading about it's various issues I simply couldn't justify the risk of purchasing it. A bit of a shame really because their non-generic approach to TSW is kind of refreshing but their attitude towards it's customers is truly shocking.
The routes actually not too bad, and the 385 is a cool loco with some neat PIS and announcement features they implemented. The audio of it however is awful. I think it might actually have the worst audio of any train in TSW. It's the only train I straight up refuse to drive without an audio mod.
Just because one doesn't have a product or doesn't need to buy it does not make it immune from criticism. I may get it later down the line at a heavy discount but I already know how the game is without owning it. Also all of the Rivet products are in tsw2 and 3 and with all the feedback, it's pretty obvious how Rivet operate. People in this thread have explicitly stated the problems and explained the skpectism but you have dismissed them as crybabies rather than having a more constructive response. That's is just being ignorant. I guess you don't like being called out for silly responses. Also by your logic, people who post critiques based off of feedback are somehow madman? So I guess the skeptics are all madmen then. [EDIT - Jan - Quarrelsome]
...and this is what I don't get. They make some really cool stuff but at the end of the day, if they can't be bothered fixing the not so good bits then why should I be bothered buying it? Sadly though, their attitudes aren't going to change just because it's a 'new' game and they can now get away with charging £30 should they choose to do so.
I do own Scotrail Express and I do think the route isn't too bad. The stations are well modeled but the sounds of the 385 are terrible. I really hope they sort out the sounds but honestly I have no hope they will. I wouldn't recommend the route because of the poor sounds of the 385 personally. I do like the screenshot of the Swiss route, but I am skeptical that it will be good overall and thus will not buy it. The problem with Rivet Games is that they don't go back and fix up or improve previous content. Why should I pay for something when there is a chance there will be an issue that will never be fixed. The Class 385 sounds are poor and the announcements don't always work. From what I've seen the GE4/4 sounds were ripped from the 1972 stock and has poor physics. It took them ages to improve the 38 stock. The Class 150 physics are poor as well. Good thing I refunded Arosa and West Cornwall Local. Not to mention it took several months just to fix minor issues on Scotrail Express. I just wish they would go back and improve their older content rather than just taking forever to fix issues and trying to sell new dlc. DTG should have a more firm grip on their third parties and get them to resolve issues before releasing more content.
I cam confirm that those issues were issues that plagued Rivet Games products as someone who had Arosa WCL and Scotrail Express. You don't have to own the product and can point out the issues with the product and the fact that Rivet Games doesn't have good post release support of their DLC's. The experience will be the same regardless if one owns it or not and any individual can critique a product based off of feedback from players and a company's practices. If you like Rivet Games content, that's not a bad thing in the slightest, but I can understand why there are some here who wouldn't want to buy a Rivet Games DLC and those views shouldn't be invalid or dismissed just because you may have a difference of an opinion
The PIS still doesn’t work properly and when it does it sounds so nasty. They seriously prioritised lifts and moths over physics, sounds and the flagship feature. I can only hope Bernina is better- hope for the best, plan for the worst unfortunately.
Well to start it’s wrong. Some people will claim ‘oh but it’s something’ but to me it’s the same as sounds on the 4024. If it can’t be done right don’t do it at all. Then even considering that it’s so dull, and not automated as it should be. It’s a gimmick to distract people from the other shortcomings of the route. They best not repeat this strategy for Bernina!
Hats off to rivet! The scenary looks amazing! Hopefully they've upped the train and sound quality as well!
Reasonable people will wait to see if the physics and audio are ok before buying. Rivet's modelling is generally fine. Reasonable people also keep schtum so I've broken that rule.
At least the original sound of the 4024 doesn't sound bad, so it's the same sound as the Talent 2, but at least it sounds okay - even if wrong. The sound of the 385 is generally bad and unbearable. Especially in a vehicle like the 385 with its narrow front windows, the sound is even more important for immersion, as you can hardly see anything of the track. What use are moths, one (!) accessible elevator or semi-well-implemented announcements if the thing otherwise feels and sounds bad. In principle, we shouldn't prejudge Rivet, even if the previous DLC all (!) had serious flaws that significantly reduced the fun of the game. However, Rivet no longer gets the benefit of the doubt from me, so I won't be pre-ordering anything or buying it as soon as it's released. They should show that they can develop an overall good product, then I will buy it. A few pimped-up screenshots don't prove anything here and I can't shake the feeling that they'll keep trying to lure us with pretty pictures in the near future. We will see.
In summary, again, like any new route I will judge on its merits. The iconic Bernina Line vs the known and possible shortcomings of a Rivet product.
Hello everyone, I would like to remind everyone of our forum rules and ask you to please keep a respectful tone with each other. As I always say: Differing opinions are a good thing, we can all learn something from someone else's point of view. No need to get out the pitchforks and torches. All the best, Jan