Broken 425 Timetables On München-augsburg

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by rohr#2587, Dec 5, 2023.

  1. rohr#2587

    rohr#2587 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2022
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    As the title suggests… Driving the 425 on the München-Augsburg route can be a pain at times. PZB and signaling as a whole seem to be in shambles. Green signals that somehow need acknowledging and red signals that refuse to change make certain timetables completely unplayable. Heck, you’d be lucky to come across a service that you’re actually able to complete…

    This video example shows me flying at a lunatic speed through a signal clearly showing a clear aspect and had I not acknowledged Sifa, I wouldn’t have known that signal had a hot 1000 Hz magnet attached to it:

    There wasn’t a speed post before the signal in case you’re wondering as can be shown when I pause the game as a virtual double take to ensure I hadn’t missed a reduction or misread the signal. I think it is just simply showing the wrong aspect.

    The aftermath of this of course resulted in me crawling at 20km/h under a restricted 500 Hz until I pulled up to the inevitably red signal that caused this mess:

    Mercifully, the signal did change this time but not before it decided that me being 4 minutes late wasn’t late anywhere near late enough for Deutsche Bahn’s standards:

    8 minutes is much more like it. :)

    About some services being unplayable, it should be worth noting that I hadn’t played every single service with the 425 on this route but the ones I have played have glaring issues and some are outright unplayable or make you incredibly late by time you reach the end of the service. (Couldn’t care less personally, as long as I’m able to complete it!) I imagine you will come across at least a few that can be completed. I’ve only tried the first few in the timetable.

    At the end of the RB 57005 service to Munich, a very rude red signal doesn’t allow you to enter Munich Hbf and I’ve waited for more than half an hour. Tried saving and restarting, spawning on foot, deleting other trains, and nothing. Nearly an hour of gameplay wasted. Can’t be too upset though, I quite enjoyed the run.

    At the beginning of the RB 57010 service to Ulm Hbf, one of those tall red light-y up-y things doesn’t allow you to leave Munich this time… shocking turn of events. Minutes and minutes and minutes pass and it still doesn’t change. I’d consider this one unplayable.

    Currently in the middle of Regional Bahn service 57011, the one that had the green signal with the hot 1000hz magnet, so wish me luck… Really quite a shame as I had just grown to appreciate the older German routes with all the PZB shenanigans but there’s just so much wrong with them I almost don’t want to start them up.

    The 425 was becoming my absolute favorite train in the game as well. :(

    Please try these services 57005, 57010, 57011 if you have the time and let me know if you come across any others that have the above or similar issues in them. Hopefully these problems are only unique to me and it works well for others, but if not I hope they get fixed soon. Apologies for the long post or if it came off as rant-y. I just really love the 425 and HMA so I was a bit passionate…! :)
  2. rohr#2587

    rohr#2587 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2022
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    UPDATE: Service 57011 is completable! But I did go through another clear signal with a hot 1000 Hz magnet attached to it.

    During the run I noticed there’s a lack of speed reduction posts on the route, particularly on the high speed section of the route. Perhaps the reason I keep getting Zwangsbremsunged is because LZB runs on that section of the route and would typically warn you well in advance of an upcoming reduction and slow you down accordingly. The 425 doesn’t have LZB functionality so could that potentially a reason for the weird signals?
  3. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    I just finished this service with only ~30 minute delay. No really, I was bored and just sat there for 25 minutes which is when the ice service next to you departs. Then you can depart and finish the service to augsburg. Just gotta wait a while lol
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  4. rohr#2587

    rohr#2587 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Thanks for replying and actually waiting lol but honestly at that point, I’d have just given up and played a different service. It’s good to know it’s able to be completed though. :) It’s weird tho because I tried deleting that ice train thinking the dispatcher would give me a path but it didn’t. Maybe that’s why it never changed?
  5. OnlyMe1909

    OnlyMe1909 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Did 57007 yesterday. Also got stuck on the eternal red preventing you from entering München hbf. I thought DTG fixed most of red light issues…. DTG Matt DTG Alex can you have the team take a look at this (and the other services mentioned in this thread) please?

    Edit: this route definitely needs to be looked at asap. Just tried service RE 57091 in the dosto cab car. Because of this thread I started to acknowledge green signals. I encountered 3 green signals with hot 1000hz magnets that had no indication whatsoever. At the end of the servic I got stuck at a red on signal 16-212 at 3.5 km out of München hbf. Looking at the map there are 2 other trains in front of me also stuck on reds….
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024

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