The throttle is definitely too sensitive, I happened to trigger the emergency brake too often by mistake.
Well it's the first time i'am really thinking of refunding a DLC. The release quality is poor(again) and obviously there's still problems with QA. And no patch in sight not even for a simple fix of the combined throttle sensitivity. Counting in the bad habit of never fixing certain bugs i'll give up on DTG Products.
I cannot uncouple the 642, rendering services such as RE 87 (23390) uncompletable. This is so ridiculous and frustrating for a bug like this to make it through. I PAID for this. When will this be fixed?
I'm missing some iconic buildings. That's why the route seems boring to some of us. In MSB the scene is more recognizable. Two examples: Iconic signalbox in Aschaffenburg Main Station and beautiful lettering on top of the building in Aschaffenburg South. MSB: Maintalbahn:
Some exit signals of Kleinwallstadt has only single red light. It should be two red lights with shunting aspect. Single light is wrong.
Same in Obernburg-Elesenfeld. Single red light near double red light. Southbound same problem. One signal has single red light and that's wrong, too. Additional the exit signals northbound are named wrong. It should be P201, P202 and P203 and not letter N. Oh, please correct the spelling of all shunting signals from lower-case letter to upper-case letter (p.ex. L101).
What the hell is with the wheels? Running the Fetch scenario and had a fly down the train to see what I'm hauling and saw this
I've hit a red light issue on my first run of the route. Spawning on foot at 6:35 to drive RB 88 (23306), firstly I get held at Kleinheubach for about 5 minutes awaiting another service. Then, when I arrive at Obernburg-Elsenfeld I'm held at a red signal as the service behind me has already been given the route (I'm assuming dispatch beyond has been ticked by accident) despite it being 25 minutes behind. I waited the full time and watched as the service behind me departed ahead of me. I then got the signal to then only get as far as the entry signal at Kleinwallstadt to find the route completely locked up as there were 4 trains trying to pass in the same location.
This was, by public acknowledgement a filler route. They had some space and decided to pop a quickie in. Serious feedback: don't do this again. If you have some spare people/time, put them on an existing project and make it better rather than put out sub-standard fare like this.
This really was a filler route? Well that explains the terrible quality. I hope DTG don't do these types of filler projects again. This route clearly was rushed out the door
Maybe someone can explain why trains in training Center behave differently to the ones on a route in service mode?! When driving the 642 on the training Center you can switch the engine off and on. I have not managed to do the same in service mode. Why is this? What is the background to this? I would have assumed it is the same train. It would add to the immersion when turning around at a terminus and waiting for the return service time to come to switch off the engine. It’s a shame, as the sound is actually really nice, too… I am following the same steps, however, it could still be me, of course. Maybe someone can shed some light onto this?!
You can switch off the engine in timetable mode, however it only works in the primary cab. I've had the same thing. Arrived in Miltenberg and shut the engine off, turned around for Augsburg and couldn't start the engine in the other cab. Had to go back to the other and to start it back up again.
The bad thing about such below average quality filler routes is: You have to get them if you want to have the layers in other routes that you actually enjoy driving on. That's the most annoying part of DTGs DLC philosophy
The 642 doesn't layer into anything though. It does sub into dcz but that's been bugged. Rest is free roam or sp
A couple of quirks I've noticed in playing EZK (54877) Aschaffenburg Hbf - Miltenberg Part 1 2053hrs with the BR363DBB: 1) At the start of the timetable the loco is signalled onto the running line to a reversal point. The loco then reverses at an unsignalled location, over a set of interlocked points that have just moved (then over 3 more sets of interlocked points), without any signal indication to the driver that the move is authorised or that the points are set correctly! (To resolve this, the loco should be told to go 200m further and reverse behind signal C901.) 2) At the end of the timetable, the completion summary page said I had finished Part 2 (which I haven't done yet!), rather than Part 1 as it should say. Tickets raised for both.
Thx, but: Well, you can just let the engine run. Excellent. Why save fuel?! I always ask myself whether DTG even check the simplest things or whether just think “whatever” because everyone buys them anyway. The 425 from BRO still has a big red flashlight at the rear, why? Why aren't simple things simply corrected and instead more and more errors keep piling up? This is simply unnecessary and instead of releasing an inferior ugly route with a buggy vehicle because 'there was some free time', it would finally be appropriate to eliminate old, known errors.
because they just threw it from NRM to BRO through one whole time-of-day-system version which obviously changes lighting without checking if everything is fine with it.
With the experience i made over the years, at this point I am not really sure if they are busy at the bank right now... I remember so many bugs and also inaccuracies which have never been fixed. We are literally begging for fixes and corrections each time and most of the things are never patched and as soon as the next route is out, the previous route is already forgotten by the devs. This is how i feel at the moment. The silence from the devs says more than a thousand words. They now that the route was released in a poor state and a statement like "...we know that there are issues but we will have most of them fixed and improve the route..." would be fair but usually there are only empty wishy-washy statements and no or very little efforts are made to improve the content.
I tried to complete Part 2, but I overshot the stop marker by just a little bit at Miltenberg which resulted in "You have reached the end of the modelled area. Session ended." The stop markers to clear points are often well beyond where they need to be. Normally, this is not an issue, but this one seems placed very close to a boundary that will end your run unexpectedly.
Well, I guess you know this too, but: fixing errors is not generating revenue in the same sense as a new DLC does. What bothers me the most is that its bugs on items that have been done several times. (btw in the 628 I can't shut off the engines either). But like every single German train has red taillights. And after doing 25 trains already, suddenly there's a bug with them being way too bright (BRO 425) or having the wrong configuration (upper headlamp being on on the KaKo cabcar BRO). Or all these issues of the PZB annunciators on some vehicles not working prototypically (BR103 for example, although I think I've heard its already been fixed, just waiting for release - as with so much stuff...). Like if they introduce some new feature like the KaKo Cabcars PIS was, and its not working right the first time... Ok, fine. But fix it please (which still hasn't been done until today on BRO). But its errors in the most basic stuff. Its like me developing a racing game and out of 10 cars only 7 have function headlights and 3 others are having gearboxes where you end up in 5th gear when you wanna shift into 1st. Anyways, tl;dr: A fix for the red taillights on the 425 has been published on trainsimcommunity, for me its even working with Spikee's cabcam mods which it says in the description might cause issues. Now I just need a route where I can drive the new 425 for longer and do end to end services as it just doesn't do it on Bremen-Oldenburg for me :P
Biggest thing is just that a) so many of the issues are blatantly obvious if you playtest the route for more than 5 seconds AND b) it all wouldnt be too bad if at least writing a support ticket and giving them the most detailed description ever would at least do something. But it doesn't. I remember writing directly after release like 3-4 tickets for Bremen-Oldenburg, attaching screenshots and so on. All for a "We'll forward it to the team and look into it." F*** all you do, thats it.
Yes, this! I can sort of understand how quirky bugs slip through occasionally (though far too often in TSW). But spelling "diesel" as "diesal" in the Maintalbahn Route Introduction - the thing that most people new to the route are going to see? And nobody in DTG spotting it? I know that's just an example, but there's lots of them in every DLC (see every Feedback Thread ever!) and nothing seems to be change. And yes, I know we only see the ones that aren't fixed, and there must be many that are. I own every TSW4 DLC so am invested in the game, but the "filler game" rush-it-out attitude - which applies to all routes, filler or otherwise - needs to change. And that needs to come from the top of DTG. But sadly while mugs like me continue to shell out money, it probably never will change. Leopards, spots and all that
First time I have ever said this but after reading the forums, this route is nothing short of a disgrace. As someone who buys a lot of TSW routes and am willing to look past things and enjoy them for what they are, this is a real slap in the face to the game's customer base. Even at 75% off I would still think twice about buying it. Compared to other routes it is miles off
Thanks to this forum for protecting my wallet. Looks like we have a new worst route. RT has been replaced.
What has this got to do with anything? You have no idea if QA called out issues, and they just didnt act on it due to time constraints.
What I also noticed is that the acceleration and speed of the 642 is just not accurate. I have a friend who's driving for DB Regio and he also drives the 642. Well he said that theres two versions IRL and he drives the one with a better engine while ingame we have the one with the weak engine. Still, the unit ingame shouldn't have so much trouble reaching 120kph. I think theres one point on the route where there is like 4-5km between stations and thats the only point I can barely reach 120kph, if at all. While its a pretty slow train IRL you definitely don't have that much trouble reaching the speed. Sticking to the timetable is impossible, at least for me. Also I heard people complaining that it brakes way too little. IMO it brakes too good? There were several times where I definitely should've missed my stop but easily made it. All in all I'm pleasantly surprised with the route as I think the 642 is well done, besides stuff like engines not being able to be shut off and I also like the route itself.
Mate, look a few pages further and you'd have seen my reply... I've got to add though, when I did that run I was able to shut it off in the primary cab, but I've just done another run as a single unit and wasn't able to shut them off in both cabs. Where I got it to work was when it was two units.
Which should not be the case, I believe. To my knowledge the Westfrankenbahn 642s all have undergone modifications to bring the engine to the higher power standard. The best public available technical acceleration data I could find was an average acceleration of 0,55m/s2 until 50kph. Hence you would reach 50kph after approx 25s. The one in game reaches 50kph at 30s. This would, indeed, point to the weaker engine being modelled. Obviously it’s all speculation and we will probably never hear any official word on this… which is a shame…
Thats possible. However I think its still not prototypical that ingame we have such a big struggle even reaching 120kph. Everything after 50kph just goes so slow. Keeping up with the timetable is impossible imo.
With the br642, when using the air brakes, they release themselves when leaving the handle in neutral position. Even in case of forced PZB braking, the train won't come to a full stop. The cylinder fills quickly, brakes are released and the 642 rolls further.
Is anyone else having an issue with the 628 not ever appearing as AI traffic; it's always the 642 regardless which is frustrating - I'm on Series X.
In Ultrawide format, 2560x1080 in my case, the headrest disappears at the edge of the screen, or rather has a circular see-through hole in it. All fine when looking straight at it... But if you move the camera...
That's normal z-near culling that appears due to the near plane clipping distance. It was probably only tested on 16:9 where it's not visible. Only solution would be to move the camera a few centimetres forward, or to restrict horizontal camera rotation to 100 degrees each side.
I don't know why people complain about that, honestly. its a normal thing happening in almost any game. I for my part never complained about this the slightest. look on the tracks anyways before you hit on a red signal
It wasn't a complaint, just a discovery. On the old Quake3Arena based games, you could change that using the console command "seta r_znear <value>". There has to be an UE equivalent. You can try setting r.SetNearClipPlane to a low value in your ini or via GodMode console. (not tested myself, just googled) stateoftheartjonas Edit: tested, increasing that value gives this: So reduce it until you see the full headrest. Don't know the default, but try setting it to 10, and lower it if you still see the holes. Zero is not recommended.
Edit: The time when the indicators go dim depends on what date is set in game, I've noticed that in certain months the indicators go dim at different times but it's still really anoying and needs fixing.
This badly needs a patch. its a nice route and the scenery is for the most part good. However the amount of stuttering and pop in, especially towards the end of the route at Miltenberg is not acceptable.
Too choppy. FPS taking a massive hit on Xbox series x. Also doing it in voralberg. Damn shame it’s acting up.