Liveries The Works Shed.

Discussion in 'Creators Club' started by rigsby#3981, Nov 12, 2023.

  1. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Yes the railways today can be very confusing, and so you have done well with your research so far by the sounds of it! With the power cars I wouldn't worry about the numbers and just pick the one power car number and then if/when we are able change the rear power car as even as the 254 the power cars still carried their own numbers. The only set I could give you accurate info on is the last one I drove, if you would like I can give both the power car and the coach numbers for it, to save you going out and doing research, as that would be a real pain in the arse for you! They were an absolute pleasure to drive an although the 80xs are much nicer trains as a whole I do miss the HSTs.

    Like I say if you would like I can give my grandson a message as he came with me on my last drive on the HST and I know for a fact he has got the number of every one of the coaches in that formation. The power car numbers were 43318 and 43257, but assuming you go with just picking the one number I would go with 43257 as that were the leading PC on that trip.

    I am telling you for sure I love that livery because like I said this is the sort of thing I pictured the HST's looking like if we ever did re-livery them so seeing my vision come to fruition is really brilliant. You have got that to fit the lines of the HST absolutely brilliantly mate. Thanks, I am glad that between myself and trainguy we have been able to give you some motivation to continue your passion.

    Like I say you have got it looking brilliant already but I could just see the black on cab top and the silver round the headlights being done and so I thought I would mention them. Those Valentas really were loud mucky beasts so it were slightly strange at first switching the the German MTUs but they could be mucky themselves too. We used to borrow a set/ PCs from EMT with the VP185s which always brought back good memories and if it weren't for my son I probably would have made the jump to the MML because those EMT powercars were noisy sods too! It is good that they are able to be used by other countries and still seen as useful at nearly 50 years old so much better than sitting at Ely rotting away.

    I do look forward to seeing the progress you make with it!
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  2. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    No your alright mate, you weren't interfering at all, like I say it is important that we all share and take in information we are interested in and so no need to apologise for owt mate!

    I did get lucky my father being on the railway and the father of the girl I were 'messing about' with before I met my mrs working at a station not too far from me. Oh I have seen plenty, some good some bad and some things that are best forgotten but that is all part of the job so life must go on. I am sure things will fall in place for you mate, just do what you feel is the right thing for you and your family. When you do get that job though you will be ever so thankful for having that hobby to fall on when you get home though so its not so bad!

    Catch you soon!

  3. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello,,,thanks for sending them over. These I did look at a while back but due to the logo’s complexity and low number decals I left it.
    I felt I couldn’t do it justice without all them markings. So yes sure il try give these a shot then for ya. Not sure how long these will take but I’ll try slot them in.

    I’ve got a few Class 43s on the go so I will slot this is when I can.

    Here’s just a quick peek of one. I’m making individual Power Cars so users can mix and match etc. Because at the moment you can’t alter the end power car so can’t change the TOPs. Doing a few like this may be helpful in the short term. IMG_9351.jpeg IMG_9352.jpeg IMG_9336.jpeg
    I’m gonna be tackling the Lined Lettering today on The IC 125 and hand lettering on the LNER. I don’t like how they get quite rough looking when placing decals around the lights. I’ve tried to make this area as tidy as one can. Plus the colours was just done from memory of what I think it appears like. What do you or others think of that Blue?. I’ve not done much home work of the colour codes or department records for the mix so I’ll be doing that today. I always like to do research into colour like with say BR Blue and BR green or what some call Brunswick Green. There is no such thing as Brunswick green. BR Green is Deep Bronze Green. The same colour used by Land Rover.

    I could be wrong but reading up on a few things and what I can remember is that the name Brunswick Green came from the modelling world and was never an official name of BR Green.

    So just doing all that so if you can let us know about the blue used and if you have any pointers in the paint shop department:)

    And sure mate that’s what’s it’s all about helping each other out. So again not a problem yet my mum did tell me once if I am good at something. Don’t do it for free,,so you may get a invoice from me soon:)

    Just kidding.

    Take it easy bud.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    Okay, I look forward to whenever it is the 66 will be ready - no rush though!
    Those HSTs look brilliant, especially the IC125 one, I look forward to that being available, with it being just the powercar I can spawn it in free roam to make a light loco move haha! ;)
    Sounds good with your plans today, can't wait to see how they look!!
    I have no clue about the colours used on liveries, that's my main issue with making liveries in TSW.. so clearly I don't have good knowledge of what colours are used in whatever livery/liveries.... :|
    Haha, you'd make a killing if you charged for liveries.. so long as the Creators Club didn't exist, although to be fair (if I had money) I'd pay for your liveries even if CC existed, your liveries are practically developer quality!!
    All the best!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,Yes your so right and to be honest you sound like a pretty cool guy anyway. You seem naturally easy to get on with and is a pleasure to speak to you and here all of what you have to say. I have to say I’m truly blessed to have met a person who is honest and genuine as you.

    I don’t know wether is because we done similar things by going of track because again can’t say to much but I got into some dark stuff which didn’t help any addictions. I too got into fighting well it was all part of the process with one foot in the under world.
    It takes a really bright light at that right moment of one asking themselves what I am doing when laying in pain with a bust face.
    Good old boxing tho,,,You have to have a heart of a lion and maybe that’s why you have that fighting spirit in you.
    Them was the days tho,,,,running,,,sticking hands in buckets of urine,,,drinking (Not the Piss) and just being totally wild.
    So maybe it not such a good idea for me to be in a pud lol. Especially after a few JD’s,,and in a pub down south lol.

    I used travel down south quite a lot in my driving job,,,London (Acton near Old Oak Yay. ,Guildford area and around Kent. A few places but always found the lads in Kent proper sound to get on with. Had some great conversations when Brexit was happening. Proper laugh they where.
    But I guess all this would’ve have not been as fun if I wasn’t with my family,,,. Again like you the news of a child or the shock does wake one up. A soul in a lost world with no purpose that wakes one day to find he does and has great responsibility,,after many years of selfish behaviour. Also I bet feeling pressure about marriage too,,with 2 weeks,,,man. I don’t want to sound judgmental but I would have found that quite difficult or definitively add pressure. My Girlfriend had a boyfriend who’s parents was like that,,,quite deep into religious beliefs. Very strict and I seen over time me mate Nick who is dating this friend turned quite nasty. We later found out why and that he kept the religious side away from us and what his parents was doing. It not only sent him proper him mad but Her also. He loved that girl but with pressure from behind definitely ruined his and her life.

    By your story you changed it all around and from someone that right now feels like they slipped back to the old ways I’m sure you understand how much I appreciate you time and openness to speak the way you do. It definitely gives me something think about.
    I also appreciate how much time these take to write so and nature of messages so if it’s okay…

    I’ll cut that short and if it’s okay give ya personal shout a little later on:)

    Yes my early years wasn’t great but that’s life I learned a lot tho and I guess you could say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
    I’m sure in them days I wasn’t the only one tho in a domestic situation like that.
    It was the early 80s and I’ve seen Boys from the Blackstuff. It brings back so many memories,,the struggles the hardship.
    Even Kes is a good film about the struggles of life. But like you point out and as these films do the underlying issues with bullying or learning difficulties wasn’t there. There wasn’t much support and so teachers singled them out which then may come across as different to the rest of the class.
    The kind of old teacher attitude of quite ya jibbering pull ya socks up and get on with it. Or had the chalkboard rubber lopped at me head.
    Rule across the knuckles and head rammed under them small sinks. Good old British education system back in the late 80s/90s.
    I’m sorry this person also faced what they did because for I had dyslexia. I kept getting my B and Ds mixed up so had to write Bed to remember what was what. As you can tell my English is poor even today,,,something I’m fully aware but even this got worse after Covid.

    I hope they are well tho now.

    And yes sorry about my life story yesterday,,,I live a sheltered life now and feel a little wrong for being so open.
    I didn’t realise how much I’ve had locked up. Especially recent events that like ya say have all seemed to come at once.
    Maybe I need to kick myself up the arse again,,,quit moaning lol. But your right mate.
    I wonder if when I try contacting DTG about this 395 being blanked out that I could ask for a job at the same time.
    Just kidding I know where your coming from tho. It’s not about me but my family.

    So I will do what you say,,,I’ve lived my life so much worrying what others thing. I think that’s why I am the way now on here.
    I didn’t expect to get involved or in the way I am.
    Just being me in my own crazy way,,,at least I’m being honest and truthful to myself.
    Your words of wisdom and encouragement has certainly helped by being so open your self.

    Right well I’m getting a little lost in conversation but I hope without me rambling on again you know I appreciate what you have done.

    Your a Proper sound bloke.

    I’ll have to because she’s getting paranoid about me spending so much time texting. This has taken me two hours my Double Dutch is so dab sorry Bad lol.

    I’ll catch up with you soon Matt.
    Just gonna check these others post and crack on. I want to get my teeth in a few liveries.

    Thank you so much tho mate.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello again. Thanks for you comments,,I stay up late watching a number of different ones,,but I’d never in month of Thursdays would I get this knowledge your providing.

    Because that issue of numbering on both PC is annoying with only one and so was gonna just class them as 253 or 254s and keep them in some form of correct formations.

    I know you helping me out massively here so I will do my best to make this how you want as your giving it direction.
    I will do what you suggest by numbering the PC as 43257 for this livery and if you kindly share the coaching info too if available.
    Your going out of your way and don’t know if this is a good idea for you and your Grandson who’s got that info in can or would I be allowed to name the other PC 43318 for him. Would you like that are am I even allowed to do something on a livery as this?.

    I know how dear those sad yet happy time was for fans of the HST when she left. Proper fans with real passion.
    My passion is liveries and making them so could it be an idea for you to consider as a little surprise for your Grandson from me for helping out. I could do a separate PC on its own ya see. Then you are he could use it on scenario,,as I will be doing separate PC and Coaches so users can set up timetables with a correct formation. I’d be lost with out you and his assistance too. And by accident again by sharing something I was never planning on finishing you do like this livery and so would like to see this through. If any as a thank you for you hard efforts dealing with me:)

    I can tell by the way you speak you have interest in this livery, so here are the changes I done over night.
    Unfortunately I didn’t do the hand lettering yet I’ll be doing that soon or when I’m done here. I’ve done the Silver around the lights and added the black so it’s not just a block of black but works with the flow lines. I will be changing the angle from the yellow line so it line up better and stops that slight change in illusion where the yellow and black met at the top.

    Heres where I am up to. IMG_9338.jpeg IMG_9339.jpeg IMG_9348.jpeg IMG_9346.jpeg IMG_9335.jpeg
    Nothing fancy with the pictures just basics but I have added a few other things too after these shots like the orange blacked out on the roof vents. Need to tidy the small thin silver line under the nose too. I must be honest with you I did doubt the silver working around the lights,,,I didn’t want to use it as a design feature or cue for other lines. But with the light clusters darkened I think it look the part now.

    So because of you I think it looks more beautiful and up to the job now. Nice one:)

    It seems daft but it does seem like a real honour speaking to a driver of these machines.
    Like I say I’ve watched loads of stuff from drivers POV and one of my other interests in Engineering and found out yes they was modern for they days but took a lot of time and money to keep them going. I watched a video about the depots at Crewe and the company that took over by overhauling and servicing them. Like completely removed the engine slot a refurbished one back in to cut on down time and for large fleets to cover when units are in for service. A quick tune around. I watch a load of stuff from Bennet Brook Railway on YouTube loads of old videos on there a proper good channel if your not already familiar with it.

    Over time I learned to understand about say life of a diesel driver to testing of the APT from the men that built the steams locomotives by hand in the foundries. The drivers and all crews where proper men back then,,no messing around and I respect that.

    Again I’ve heard loud in videos they get and even today nose insulation is important as I believe the Sheds or Class 66 EMDs had sound issues for crews.

    So yes I take my Hat of to anyone that’s has been on the Railways and drive these things. People tend to forget it’s steel on steel and you can’t just brake on a dime. Travelling at the speed they do must take Balls of steel.

    Watching Clarkson in the race to York on Tornado footplate gave me such a rush what a buzz it must have been.
    I Guess you could say it’s like that with TSW4 and getting the Scotsman up to speed,,,I feel myself talking to her. Come on Girl give it more,,just opening that handle or steam regulator little by little. Nursing it,,,feeling that sense of speed and sound.

    Just giving a rush just thinking about it,,,must have been mad to drive them with no modern technology. But they did proper speed junkies.

    Speed and the design of reaching speed like the engineers back in the 20s and 30s with wanting to push and push,,stream liners.
    UK and defo American Stream liners. I wish we could have them. They was massive in size and speed.

    Just truly amazing just from an engineering perspective. Love it.

    Well better go kids just got back.

    Please let us know about the numbers if or when can and also if it’s worth considering something for your Grandson.
    As something I’ve done with most my work in a simulation world is do what could have been or ideas of things specifically special but try do it in a tasteful way. To play around with ideas and see where they go. They don’t always have to be the norms.

    I’d like to work in away and with design by saying if it’s been done or seen why do it again. I know what a Intercity looks like but could fans want them done differently and see them in TSW or a simulation world.

    My goal is and always has been to give the simulation world its own unique fleet and feel so we can have freedom to do one offs like this say.

    There is only so many times the CC users have to see say 66 789 or BR blue this or BR Green that,,,the same TOPs number over and over.
    So much great work out there too,,so why do it if it’s been done.

    I don’t know much about trains as we know but enjoy designing so by sticking to what I am good at and focus on specific areas or projects, I can hopefully explore and express myself better without it feeling like a Rat race or Job.

    Sorry to digress there,,,I guess I’m still rattled by that Team DTG and what they have done to my 395. So nervous and lost a bit of drive on what I approach. I just feel that DTG have it in for me,,,don’t know why. It has upset me.

    Anyway gotta go 45 mins later lol.

    Keep us posted about this HST and I try see if you want to get involved with other projects on hold I’d like to re start.
    I know speaking in length is timely.

    Speak soon Matt.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hey,,,I will get around to doing them for you. Be interesting to see if I can get that crest of coat of arms done. Just have a few on the go and my files a getting a little scruffy.
    And thanks I’m glad you approve as it will be my first HST to be properly released. So hopefully it will be done some soon so one can then play around as much as you like.
    Just out of interest are they many HST in single PC form done. I’ve been keeping myself to myself so not done much market research on CC for what’s out there.

    I also understand the difficulty in colour matching,,,because when I look back at old work some colours seem off. Could be just me being over critical but they do come to you time. You build up a vast collection of codes or find a standard colour to be used for say BR Blue over time.

    If there is one thing I’d say is that in the real world colours did differ from each region on there take of BR Standard or BS Standard Codes.
    It why after many years of fancy bright colours like Apple Green and Express Passenger Blue. Even experimental designs like Violet Blue which had a hint of red in the blue paint. All these bright colours across regions was hard to match. And eventually replaced with the Standard BR Green or Deep Bronze Green due to cost and easy of maintenance. The paints used back in the day was not like todays modern paints and pigments. We have techniques and new technologies that help with LRV and other properties of the paint in order to reproduce the right match. They just didn’t have this at hand so those fancy bright colours would look scruffy and un kept over time and worse when having touch ups. They would appear patchy so this is why Passenger Express Blue was slowly removed and replaced with Greens.
    Freight was still Black Cherry.
    You also had age of paint,,weathering of the paint and general use all effects the shade of paint. So many variables so yes have some form of right shade but remember each and every loco was different due to it working life. It’s okay looking at modern photos of steam trains but if you see them in later years they are very dirty and un kept looking. The four companies and later BR was struggling to find a penny so had to save money from competing new road haulage companies that was taking the only slice of the pie that kept BR going. Freight.
    This was off setting the low passenger numbers and decline in use due to the appearance of BR. There was no money for fancy new rolling stock or shiny paint jobs. It was the rise of the automobile and lorries.

    Sorry for going of track there. Anyway.

    You also had prestige within the four big companies too that tended to hesitate and many old companies colours stayed at the for front.
    Like say Blue name plates for Scottish region and used on I think Battle of Britain class was also blue when built in southern region colours.

    But as the years went on many old ways faded from memory the lose of steam and then the introduction of diesel but even then the green lived on and the old Lion and wheel.

    Again then regions fell back to the old ways and it had to be sorted.
    Hence the Modernisation plan or plans which gave rise to many famous liveries we have to day. Until the end of BR and the advent of Privatisation in the early 90s.

    You could say with earlier paints they was no standard codes as such but just what that region or depo right down to the men that mixed and painted had there own take of what colour was what. Even paint used form different parts of the country that supplied had a different mix.
    I know a place up in Ripon that still does paints that supplied many companies for many years right back to the 1800s.

    They have still many shades of colours but not as the description most look for like BR blue. Or Ultra Blue I think it’s called.

    So yes have some form of match but many locos appear different with all the variables mentioned and wouldn’t always worry as I do so much when working on any steam locos.

    Right we’ll best be off,,,got nagging in my ears. But just quickly that’s for the kind comments about my work.
    Truly means a lot and I’m so happy they bring you enjoyment. It’s always good to hear from users.
    I know I’ve had issues with work in the past so if you faced any problems please let me know.

    I can start charging you for the correspondence then. Haha.
    Nar would be good to make money tho. They take hours and days to do. It’s like a Job mate trust me.
    I just don’t get paid or get time off.

    We’ll catch ya soon,,hope ya good today bud and I’ll speak soon.

    Thanks again mate.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    Yeah, it's crazy hearing all this, to most people who don't know much about the older era of trains (me included), so that was info that both went in one ear and out the other, but it was interesting and good info regardless - thanks for telling me all about that! Sorry my reply about it is not even half as big as your original comment... :P
    The liveries are amazing, and it looks like there's two more that'll be added to my collection.. two HSTs.. and two 66s in the future! ;) ;)
    Catch you soon, I'm back in school tomorrow so won't be as active on here unfortunately, but I'll chat to you soon anyway!

    All the best.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,
    Thanks, I am glad that I have come across that way, as that is how I try to be in real life because if people don't like me or who I am that's fine by me but I am not changing myself for them, so they can bugger off! I do think that does help because we both know roughly what the other has faced and that just build so much respect. Yes, those were the days, another couple I used to do were have cow muck 'fights' and I were a real bugger with my catapult back in the day, I did get a few sore ears after breaking a few windows but also a few bob if I caught a rabbit or pigeon so plenty of good memories too! Haha, what is a visit to a pub if you can't go a bit wild after, though I do have to be really careful these days as the last thing I want is to fail a Drug and Alcohol test so I don't really drink owt these days, which I suppose ain't too bad.

    the furthest south I venture these days is London (obviously!) and haven't been to Kent for a few years now but once you get into the country I find them a half decent bunch too.

    Yes, it were one of the weirdest feelings when I fist saw him a few hours after he were born, I did feel an instant connection with him and knew that I had to do him well. He were certainly a shock but looking back now it really were what I bloody needed. Yes it were a really strange and rushed process, but luckily although I had never been with her before we went to the same school and had always been friends so luckily it weren't too bad. I were also lucky enough that we had a small outbuilding type thing at our house which we could stay in because our parents were both really religious so they would have been breathing down our necks like nothing else. Luckily though we matched each other very well, and have had many happy years together (I say this as she moans about me leaving the loo seat up!).

    Yes, I am glad that you appreciate the openness as like I say at the start there is no point hiding things and hopefully you'll be back at a high point within the not too distant future too, and you'll look back at this time and just think how well you have done to get to wherever you get.

    That is a phrase I absolutely love and find to be ever so true. I would certainly say you are right because attitudes toward children were much different only thirty year back, very much don't speak unless you are spoken too. I were lucky in this respect that I lived in a small village where everyone knew everyone else's business so if anything like this were to have happened it would have been picked up on and stopped very quickly.

    They really were hard times in general so having any sort of learning difficulty really would hold you back because as I said you would just be labelled, lazy and stupid which is totally wrong. I mean I had my fair (and admittedly deserved) share of rubbers lobbed at my or rules across the knuckles, another one the maths teacher liked were a real firm tug on the hair, and so to have that done to you for something outside of your control is awful. That must have been a nuisance for you mate, though at least you seem to have found a way to manage because I genuinely don't find your posts difficult to read and actually wouldn't guess if you hadn't have said. I believe they moved up Manchester or possibly Liverpool way but am not totally sure to be honest.

    Don't be sorry mate, it is important we are able share things like this and be open with each other, because in all honesty this is the first time I have properly spoken about my life and how it all shaped up for a couple of years and its important to remember the good and the bad to make ourselves the best we can be in the future. If they were to say yes that really would be a great bit of fate! :D Like I say don't rush yourself, but just send a couple of emails making potential employers aware of your interest or something along those lines.

    Like I have said I really am glad that I can help you out and if you ever need a chat you know where to go!

    catch you in a few moments.

    • Like Like x 1
  10. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi again Lee,

    I am really sorry but I am going to have to be brief because I have just seen the time and remembered I also need to take the grandchildren to school tomorrow so have to be up at about 6!

    If you do decide to go for a set number I would go for class 254 as they were the ones that operated on the ECML.

    Those screenshots are looking really stunning though mate and I really can not wait to download and use this livery!

    So this was the formation of that set as of late 2019 from the London end of the train, so on creators club the end with the first class coaches) :
    Coach M- 41099
    Coach L- 41100
    Coach J- 40711
    Coach G- 42235
    Coach F- 42239
    Coach E- 42240
    Coach D- 42198
    Coach C- 42199
    Coach B- 44063

    That sounds really good of you for doing that about my grandson I am sure he would adore his won power car to run about in in TSW!

    I have got more to say so I will quote this post again tomorrow when I get a chance to finish off my reply but I really must get some kip or else my daughter will not be best pleased when I don't turn up in the morning!

    Catch you again soon mate, and sorry for the rushed reply.

    • Like Like x 1
  11. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello Elliott,,,yes sorry for yesterday I went on a rant lol and I’ll try keep my message short they took so much time up.
    But the Info was to try help with paints really and how even information from a reputable source get it slight wrong even model makers.
    Here a Test What Colour Is BR Blue? The Standard code and if there was one?. Is it Rail Blue or Monastral Blue,,or Chromatic Blue?.
    I ask because some people don’t know. What is the actual name used by BR?. The BS or Ral and even RGB as these are not always correct. This can be due to incorrect data when collecting it.

    The Undercoat on a Unit has a massive impact on how colours appear and how they interact with the top coat.
    Obviously this is too much and impossible to replicate in TSW but can still understand the mix.
    Is white added or an off white? Things like that to give the paint a hue or silver hint to it when it’s in the light.
    Or a hint of green when mixing BR Blue,,,or Rail Blue 114. For I got the name wrong yesterday as Ultra Blue is apparently the name for the undercoating.
    Having that understanding of a undercoat,,pigmentation of paints and mixes will give you some idea what your looking for when mixing colours so they reflect the light in game. Why sometime when in editor they look right but then in games can appear washed out.
    It’s the mix of the paint and the LRV for in game. So yes I’ve gone on one again.

    Well I’ll get them done soon and here a few pictures messing with colours. See if you work out which with which to show as example with the light. IMG_9388.jpeg IMG_9386.jpeg IMG_9387.jpeg IMG_9394.jpeg IMG_9399.jpeg Nearly done the letters too. Yay…..Continued.
  12. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    ….a few more. IMG_9397.jpeg IMG_9398.jpeg IMG_9400.jpeg A bit of Grey and Green was used so as you can that will show in light,,,but in darker conditions look more Blue than say Marine Blue or Aqua. The Aim is to replicate the Original Prototype and then Standard versions after BR did test on the paint.

    Hope ya don’t mind me going on again and showing you a few examples. Just thought it may help a little if you struggle when it comes to paint matching:)

    Right well I’ll leave ya be Elliot,,,have fun.

    Speak soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,no worries mate. It’s good to speak to like minded people that are not pretentious and just be themselves. Best way to be and sometimes I hold back being me because I now I can be a little,,,what’s the word I’m looking for.
    I don’t know too much of a handful or to forward. I don’t know but I’ve always tried to be me and like you say if no one likes it then sod off.
    Id never do that tho as think I wanted to be accepted because I was never part of the crowd due to issues of bullying.

    The labels like you speak of made me an outsider plus the underlying issues a young child of that age would struggle to diagnose themselves all played a part of being the odd one out.
    I think only now and today in say a public way am I being me. Even tho partly in the back of my mind I think am I being too open and come across as a nutter. I’m quite a stoic or well tried to be,,hide away not let anyone or anything get to me.
    I’d be ruthless and cold. I felt this was the best defence in a cold world yet at heart and in body it was telling me I want happy being cold.

    Like you say things change when live comes into the mix and love of a good woman. The respect like you say for each others past and be openness without giving the game away because aside from the children’s games,,,in later youth hood was a disaster to do with Mr Plod. Only caught me once haha. And you do sound like a right bugger with a catapult.
    My friend named Black Widow,,,:) had some fire power and was meant for fishing with me mates. We never had muck but rocks did the job just fine,,,proper naughty boys and so was you for smashing windows,,,I never do a thing like that:) Yet saying that you still managed to make a Bob or two from you acts of terror on your community Aha. Wise Boy:)
    All I got once for my kind acts was a screwdriver held to the neck after a long chase. What the hell,,,I was still in school. Oh no,,no no.
    Sorry just thinking of what went on,,,crazy times and first time in a while I thought about them. Where did those years and people go?. Mmmm. A little tear:(

    Sorry if I’m not directly answering each one but going over it one,,,My Wife or girlfriend what ever you want to call her thinks because we both had an upset that I’m texting another girl,,,so you are my secret lover boy hahaha. (Said in a softly manner).
    Just kidding but she’s has said why am on my devices so much.
    I never txt or speak to anybody ya see so she thinks I’m up to something.

    So yes just pondering even about the good days in the Pubs,,,even they seem different last time I went in one.
    A Proper Pub with real people in,,,not what seems to be lost souls at a table fixed to their Phones. No laughing no banter,,the atmosphere seems dead. Even Dart boards and Pool tables have been removed. Just cold no character anymore.
    Like we are all machines,,work eat sleep and start again.
    Is that just life or one we make for ourselves,,,because I’m with you on having a blow out in Pub where else can one have one.
    But we both know when it comes to being professional all that has to stop. And we have to grow up,,but it is sometimes for the better if one’s path did look bleak. The Difference between a sperm donor and a Dad you could say. Does he walk and be a man or run like the clappers.

    Reading on it seems you had your soul mate to help you through and found away around one or two things that like I mentioned about religion that have played a massive part in their life’s. I know with religion one has to be careful so would just like to say as religious and spiritual man himself religion isn’t always the issues but those that force or teach the scriptures. I’ve stood up to a few religious groups or what I is considered organised religion in the past and I must say to my surprise on my rant in the church that if this is all about money and position in society and one of many house not the one then I’m done. I had a lot of support and still today they offer a return because I am missed. I helped people from the heart to release the pain that in this world so many find hard. It’s because the world we live in was never meant this way. I speak from the heart as I walk with the Iron Rod alone. Two Paths ya see and I took the one that made all the difference.

    Away from the madness of this world. A saying I like.

    The best way to avoid the ranks of the majority is to escape the ranks of the insane.

    For me I don’t want glory or riches I don’t even want to be known,,,my message to them and all back then was don not let religion turn on its self. The government and those that with apposition will be your enemy. The sleeping angels will not rise for not one man has not stood up.
    Even today. We fight each other outside of religion and inside. Shame.

    Sorry for going of on one again.

    I always say we may not believe in God or Heaven but mankind needs a hero. A leader for mankind.
    Like the comic books of the past of story’s of bravery and heroism. Good morals in life. Where are those hero’s?.

    Without our hero the light then darkness will prevail. So be God or Superman we need someone to guide mankind. Maybe those that roamed the earth long before us are those that today keep a watchful eye;)

    For some that knowledge is hard for many to hear or even accept. The Truth yet evidence is all around today but is written of for things that we have hardly any solid evidence for.

    So yes sorry for rant but I’m glad to hear you found happiness and enjoy life to the full today with all those around you.
    To show love and receive love. We all need love in our life’s. Somethings as simple as a hug. Doesn’t cost a penny but takes a lifetime to earn or even find love.

    I know this by reading up on my comedy actors from the carry on series. So much laughter on film but they was sad souls that lead quiet life’s behind the scenes. Joan Sims rest her soul gave a lot up for her career.

    So even leaving the toilet seat up and why are you doing that,,Gents know ladies sit down to,,,lol. The small things that cost nothing the niggles of having someone around all day long. We would definitely be lost without it all.

    A Penny is a Penny but to be loved and successful cost a life time of devotion. To be strong.

    Like the times of hard education or lack of understanding of pupils issues at home and at school. Yes it was hard but like we know back then it was a case of getting on with it. Some kids slipped through the net some got there acts together. I think when you say about the small village and community you had a good class of people around.

    The Importance of a class system?.

    Where on a run down drug filled estate those kids had no support from parents not alone school.

    Some made it some didn’t like ants on pavement.

    Yet we made it and so because I’ve rambled on here and lost track I’ll try rap up.
    Kids are back ya see. But just reading about your school life you was in the thick of it. I know my mum and that told me days about the Cain.
    Pants down and a few cracks against one’s backside. My uncle said he couldn’t sit down for weeks. Bless,,sadly he passed away in 2010.

    I am sorry to cut this short now but I do appreciate it and also in that you your self have seen reminiscing has a few benefits.
    Like we have to check your self before you wreak your self.

    It’s good because I know this is a forum about trains but I am also aware that due to no decent pubs and good old man banter most men have a lonely existence these days. There’s a graph to prove it,,yay:) We men are getting sadder and lonelier.

    What’s that all about. So yes it’s good we find theses long but informative and funny if a bit depressing from my side a fun thing to do.
    And so I do have to go like I feel so bad but Matt I know your work hard and that,,,I’m sat on my arse most days,. I need to change that before any muscle I do have left doesn’t disappear. I used to be a solid 18 stone but now I’m under 11. My 11 year old ways more than me.
    I understand and I’m truly grateful you still txt.

    So before I dream of Jobs maybe I should learn how to stand up properly first. But just before I go I may email or contact DTG see what they say. If it’s no then know that path is closed and guess I’ll finish making liveries,,grow up and get a job.

    Sorry if I’ve missed a few things but gotta go,,on child duties. I’ll get back to the other post as a I can.

    Speak soon my friend.

    • Like Like x 1
  14. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,
    Sorry for the delay in carrying on but I had a desk to build and had to go down into Peterborough to get some bits and pieces sorted with my car and have just got back in! Luckily I did wake up early enough this morning though so still in my daughter's good books!

    I gave you the coach numbers above I believe and I think I said this but my Grandson would love a PC named after him, his name's 'Robbie', thanks for thinking about him, though with his phone it wouldn't have been any trouble at all. I am sure I could certainly put some sort of scenario together once you have got the liveries done and in the meantime any more info you need let me know!

    Like I said above that livery is looking great and I really like what you have done with the black and yellow, it looks really nice and naturally flowing.

    Yes, I do wish I could still say I drove them, but it has been over three years since I last had my hands on one, though I remember in those last few months they really started to show their age, especially when sat next to an 80x, but in their time they really were revolutionary. They did go wrong, especially when they had the valentas but often they would soldier on until the end of the trip even if you were down to just one engine: in my first couple of weeks I had two break down on me and I were able to 'fix' them enough to carry on to the final station and that is what made them great. I remember just having one have the engines swapped out and it really was brilliant to watch, even if a bit sad to see one more valenta bite the dust. That is a great youtube channel, plenty of great interesting stuff!

    Oh yes, my father were also a driver and before that a fireman and those men like him who worked on the railway when there were still steam locos about really were tough sods, though the important thing were they had togetherness and knew who to mess with each other. The railway today is a tonne easier than it were back then. Being on a steam loco at speed is not the most comfortable experience, and just to think Clarkson were only going 75mph tops, whereas back in the day it would have been pushing 100 in places, like the racetrack or stoke bank. I don't usually take much interest in steam but Nigel Gresley and all of his steamers were brilliant things, with the A1s/A3s, V2s and A4s being the standouts.

    yes, it is good to have some variety out there and that is partly why it took me so long to do a 47 as there are many liveries out there for them and so why repeat them if there are high standard versions already out there.

    Don't worry about the team DTG thing mate, they will certainly understand, after all they know the thought were there and that's what counts!

    Speak soon.

    • Like Like x 1
  15. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    Yeah, I'll keep all that in mind, because it'll definitely be helpful in the future, although at the moment I'm not planning to make any liveries, I'm taking a break.. and I've got no date planned to come back hahaha! ;)
    Your HST is looking good, I can definitely see where I personally would get annoyed, whenever the colour looks like it should in the livery designer, then all of a sudden seems really bright in the actual game - I can never get it right, always takes me like 50,000 more attempts until I get it slightly right. But you've done well there, maybe a bit darker with the blue? The yellow is perfect though, then again once you change the blue, the yellow won't look good anymore haha!!
    Anyway, I'm heading off! Catch you soon!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hello Lee,

    yes, it is like a breath of fresh air to just be able to about things like adults and have no need to worry or feel like you can't tell the whole story. I do know what you mean because it can take a long while of convincing yourself you know that no one is judging you before believing it so understand where you're coming from there. It is a shame that through no fault of your own that you are now suffering by felling closed off, however it is good that you are able to be open and be yourself about things, on here as hopefully that will rub off on other social situations you encounter.

    yes, before I met the wife, I played a fair few games with a few girls and although at the time I thought that were me sorted for life, when I first went out her I KNEW she were the one in a way I hadn't before and saw her as much more than a friend from that night on. I were a really devil with the catapult, I were known as 'Ballsie' at school because it were said that I always had ball bearings in me pockets or a football at my feet along with another reason which I won't mention on here! :D I used to 'borrow' ball bearings from various people in the village, though I were good in the fact I only ever put stones through windows as back then I thought the ball bearings would hurt if they hit someone more! I shouldn't have done it at all really but I were never taught by the clips round the ear I got! I did try fishing but I just found it too dull personally, even though my mates loved it, and this is when I started my pigeon/rabbit 'business'! That sounds like an odd situation for you to be in mate, were you alright?

    Don't worry mate, you'd better keep on the right side of the mrs! Though I do have a wig and could probably squeeze into one of my wife's dresses if you needed me to! ;);):D:D
    My mrs stopped asking that a couple of years back when she ruined her Christmas present, though she has worked out that 99% of my time I'm on the laptop I am on the forum anyway!

    I have to give it to the pub in my old village a few miles from where I am now it still has that proper pub feeling to it, no internet for people when they are in their, just a nice space to play pool and darts. Lovely food in there too which is a massive bonus. It does make me quite say though when I go to other places in the like of Stamford which isn't too far from me to see children sitting there with their family not communicating with them because there is something 'so much more urgent' on their phone. Control is certainly an important thing when drinking because even with driving a car you just can't risk it, not only getting caught but having an accident too. Yes any fool can leave a mini version of them somewhere but it really takes something, especially at the age I were to step up and be a dad, and hopefully I have done them well.

    When you think about things properly so much of society and the world we live in today is built on religion, just look at Christmas for example, and so personally I don't think it matters whether someone is or isn't religious, however it is key that we all understand the meaning behind things like Christmas and Easter and then have respect for it. That is the key thing in life: respect. t really does make me sad to see world conflincts especially when they have been over religion as it almost feels as though people are in a way fighting against it as I am sure every religion has a commandment (or equivalent) about respect and care for others, none of which are being followed by fighting. As humans it is our nature to look for someone higher up we have all done it whether it be like you say to God (or the equivalent in other religions) or to a family member and what younger people are influenced by when younger will definitely impact the path they take. Don't apologise mate! I agree with what you say about love and I always see it as important wherever I go to have a smile on my face to try and brighten up someone else's day, even if I haven't had a great one why shouldn't someone else.

    Yes, although hard to believe when we see them on our screens all those people who are playing chararcters are real life people with real life issues and so they do deserve respect for sure.

    In my defence here, I am very good most of the time with the toilet seat but yesterday someone were at the door and I had to get there as the wife were at the shop, and I had completely forgot after I had a half hour conversation with the next door neighbour that I had left it up! :D You are right, though that if we can make someone's life better without it costing a penny why not do it. That is one of the things I love most about my job though as I know that the (depending on the business) up to 600 odd people sat or stood behind me all have a story behind their journey and that by me getting them there quickly and safely I am hopefully making their day just that bit better.

    Life back then were very much put on your own shoulders which if you managed to make something of it were good but if not you were done for. I do think the fact that we all lived in a village and knew everyone and , quite frankly we were all rather poor, is what kept many of us youngerns on track because is gave us motivation to do well and make something of our lives, because we knew that if we did take the risks and failed we could fall back on someone in the village to help us up again. It is a shame to hear about how things in cities were as I know some estates where like villages in their own right but it is sad to hear the lack of support and very much their being a luck of the draw. I suppose really we are the lucky ones out of the bunch.

    Yes, though I will admit every rubber, rule and cane that came into contact with me were deserved as I could be a little sod at some points, though what I never lack was respect because I knew that if I had the cane or owt I had done wrong and not once answered back.

    Like I have said before mate, it is great just being able to talk to someone about general stuff, especially because we have shared somewhat similar experiences in our lives and so for that I thank you for still replying and even just reading what I say too.

    Speak soon mate.

    • Like Like x 1
  17. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,it’s okay I forgot people have lives:) and I’m also glad your still in daughter’s good books. I did wonder due to the time last night,,so as always appreciate you taking valuable time out of you day/ evening to chat.

    Can I just say why did have to go mentioning desk:) I need a desk and a chair,,,. In my old house when working it was a big four bedroom house so had a room set up as my work space and for all my DVDs. As you can tell I love me old comedies and 70 to mid 2000s films so need a lot of space,,,I even had the summer house done so I could chill in there. My Son Alex who by the way is 14 and weighs more than me. I got his age mixed up,,,ooops. My other son or Twins are 11. Scarlett and Lewis. Loved being in there with me.

    Had to give it all up,,,and long story sort not a place I’d ever say I’d find myself or my family. Yet She was in charge due to me working away from home a lot so this is where I am. And their happy enough and been settled for a few years here now so it’s all good.

    But I’m not:) Because I have no room for a desk or proper work space of old and plus since I’m getting old I didn’t realise how much the back needs lumbar support. I still look young so think and feel young but one day my body told my other wise.
    So yes if it’s your or have one then you are a lucky man. And if you have a chair then you are a God lol.
    Again how I miss a nice comfy chair and when I get sorted that’s the first thing I’ll buy. Haha.

    Yes I did come back to answer and to say thank you so much for the information you gave in that post.
    I was also going to ask about names etc so I’m glad you bring it up as I’ll get on this soon as I’m finished here.
    So again thank you so much for providing that. And doing this is not an issue and a privilege to have you involved and couldn’t make this without you.

    So “Robbie” it is then:). And please thank you again for letting me do this for Robbie and give him a thanks from me.
    The information provided was fantastic and will definitely help in getting what was just a mess around to begin with into something more an possibly a way to remember that day with a twist.

    If it’s okay could I just ask what name plate colour or what livery PC 43318 was in?. I have a little understanding of the use of black and red on name plates but I still get worried ya see.

    I’m sorry to hear it’s been a while too,,,how long did you work with them and was you allocated a certain PC?. I was reading up where men reported that they would end up with one or 3 that seemed to be allocated to them. Is that true?.

    I know with coaches and tour coaches I would try keep tour motor allocation to a driver for a season or when can dependent on seating numbers for a tour.
    Yet I would plan a feeder say from Exhall in Coventry feed into Warrington Stretton Interchange and then drive (Tour) up to Scotland say Rothesay,,or south like Bournemouth. The feeder coach and feeder driver from Exhall double maned and would be there at the start depot be a feeder and then the drivers tour motor. They would if I could help never lose a coach. It’s only out of poor runout and end location and start location that would mess thing up if people never set those A an B points up correctly. For Drivers or Coaches. Or the coach fairies was at it.

    I never if I could help it have motors out of place. Save on fuel and drivers on there depot duties if not on tour a rest from driving. They could clean there motor if it wasn’t on tour. If I had the ability I would pull a motor off for that driver and his tour if cancelled. Drivers still had some pride and worked hard so I tried to give them some slack as and when I could. I spent time on the road so knew first hand what it was like.

    By keeping driver with motors they was happier not moving tour gear from one motor to another,,looked after them which was massively important due to the report of defects. A lost motor or a motor not allocated as such would fall in to a wreak sooner and break down more than those allocated. Cost was important and so was driver morale both had to work hand in hand. Endlessly working to keep hundreds of men with motors was hard but it made them happy kept cost down due to pick up of early faults. Made my Job easy with less issues and most of to keep the passenger safe and on a well tidy motor.

    Those that was below me knew I had pride and so it would rub of on them and I say below but they/ we never was they was my mates all of them. I was there manager and friends together in it working to our best of our abilities and for the company’s interests.
    No one else had pride in there work I did and you’d be amazed at how at the time I was only 20 telling 50 year old men,,tough old skool men what to do they did and without compliant. I remember one driver Paul from Shanklin on IOW he said if it was anyone else asking me to do a feeder I’d tell them to shove it up there arse but seeing it you I’ll do anything Boss. He was a tough one he never drove a feeder yet he did that day for me. Even when in the office once he said so your the new lad well don’t ask me to feeder or I’ll come back ram the phone up ya arse and tell ya where to go, regardless if I have passengers on board. Nice,,he was a joker but tough.

    Sadly that company has gone and so have some of the men. I miss them so much,,the job and banter.

    So just seeing if this method is similar to Trains yet I still would find it hard to have in position or correct units to allocated depots if not even drivers out of position.

    That’s why to me those drivers was not just men that worked for a company but we worked as a team.
    For what you say about working with the class 43 and it’s appearance did look old when next to or seen with modern stock.
    And if you have seen some of the stuff on YouTube like BBR or personal videos as I have one or two I found today and thankfully still have a VHS player. Front loader unfortunately not Top. They was well better and sounded like a jet,,the VHS and HST lol.
    The maintenance and up keep was an immense undertaking and costly too.

    But I so find what you say interesting and at least they got you home and everyone on board. Because some of the early Volvos or B10m on Vanhool Body was a proper good chassis and body so did well. But when we got the new Volvo B12m it was a nightmare.
    So getting back to drivers and drivers out of position I had to look after them and find them digs food and a pint. Plus make sure I kept them to working hours and rest. As you could imagine over time we built a close working environment as some of the managers and that just treated them as numbers. I think I spoke about this directly in a message.

    Planning what was I did and find it interesting if it the same for rail companies. I found it very rewarding and I had a desk and chair I nearly had my own office in till they moved Nick from engineering to be closer to traffic,,us. Yes because the phone was blocked we had that many brake downs. Sorry. I still have nightmares about an issue with Volvo dealerships in Dover yet it would have helped if the manager at Dover looked at the runout and seen I planned two moves. One to drop at dealerships and the second to pick up driver from dealerships and take to London Gateway. She sent the drivers directly from the Hotel and never even checked the run outs. I had no drivers to move those coaches left in Dover out of place with no give or spare motors in Gateway. Volvo was set to fix this motor in time for tour I even arranged their on site engineer to bring the coach up as they had a fitter on site with a van and tools. Due to the over night call to a brakedown out near Lowestoft. The motor was towed back to gateway due to that operator other commitments.
    He was set to return the other fitter driving up from Dover.

    A Nightmare and there was more than one break down that evening before and morning.
    It seemed these modern coaches was just like white goods. Cheap and fell apart.
    I think it’s the same for the newer Hitachi models. Cracks appearing in the under frames lose interior panels.

    Like your father the ones I hold great respect for as you again say these lads raced the life out the Locos.

    A great man and starting out as a firman too that’s even harder. Sorry to rude but is he still with us,,I bet he has/had some great memories and stories to tell. Probably just like we are or have done today.

    Again gone totally of track but I don’t know it’s been so long since remembering this stuff. I’m glad I have because I was good at something once. As much as a young lad with a few naughty habits in a professional Job wet behind the ears with no GCSE qualifications had respect of the men and interchange staff. Even the guys with A levels and fast track boys fresh from Uni couldn’t do my Job.

    It was my baby and those men was part of it all. I made it mine even if I didn’t make friends in the office and not like I was there to make friends no no not at all I had a job to do and the men behind the wheel was the ones I cared about.
    If they didn’t see that then they was poor management and glad I pissed on their Chips and shown them up.

    It was disgrace how they was treated at times,,and if they didn’t care about the company and the men I damn sure did.
    With out the hard working men like you and your father the country would be in a mess. Probably why the RN is of today.

    No real men of honour to fight for whats right but do what they have to do to be men,,men with the heart of a Lion and a body of Iron.

    Right well I was hoping to get to respond to your other message but I’ve been here all evening giving you my life story again but it is something I’ve not done like I say for a long time mate. I’m glad we both can learn from this.

    I know I am.

    Well I’m gonna have to go tho I’ve got a little bit of headache,,I’ll catch up on this and the others tomorrow.

    Thanks again to you and to Robbie I will try make some head way tonight if my eye can take it.
    Oh man i proper sound old lol.

    Speak soon mate,,keep safe:)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello Matt,,sorry for my delay. I didn’t notice the time myself last night, or how long it takes me to right due the odd errors and corrections in spellings and try with grammar tho. But I’m glad you can understand me still.
    Your so right I never knew I’d be talking like this. Last night when all those memories of my life in coaches and tours came out well made me happy thinking back. Sad there gone but I’m glad I did something and at a decent age.
    Loved that Job and with most what I do if hard work isn’t put in then the reward isn’t as,,well rewarding.
    So about judging I think it’s just been something I’ve had in my own head due to wanting to be approved or accepted because like we know in school I was never part of that in crowd.
    Yet being alone was my best option and to be honest I found with no friends alone I was better.
    I functioned better in some sense where in other areas I didn’t.

    So yes I have my girlfriend or long term partner of what 19 years now. Wow I’ll get back to that.
    Yes the time I’ve spent cutting myself off to avoid pain of the outside world and all my friends too. But without a close friend in times of difficulty as me girlfriend has never been as open. I’ll give ya personal message soon as I don’t feel to comfortable about talking about a relationship. You get me drift when I DM you:)
    Having mates around you is important or even just being involved in the outside world.

    You may know where I’m coming from if you’ve been a naughty boy in the past.
    About holding one’s head up high and being proud in your self regardless of what others think or say,,but I think you could call it a feeling of guilt that one hasn’t been successful or isn’t like everyone else so tend to put one’s self down.
    Am I right in how I’ve put that?. Again I think you and I know where we both coming from in each area of them days.

    And the girls,,,haha. Your story sounds a nice one and again I’ll DM you soon about our now lady’s.
    So again you sounded like a player:) back in the day,,,I suppose nothing wrong with that as long as no one gets hurt.
    I Remember I Harry Enfield Sketch where he’s driving around as some snobbish uni kid sleeping around with the lady’s and we’ll just being cold and ruthless. Like the girl he kops of with returns to say she’s pregnant,,,where he responds,,you what?. What you’ve gone and done that for you stupid girl. So drives her back to her father drops here and drives off. Not before saying here you go you can have her back,,I have no use for her now. Something along those lines. Oh and as he drove off picks another LOVE up as he calls them.

    So yes I’ve had a few too,,I mean I worn a uniform and girls love uniforms:).
    I was never short on the lady’s and a few stayed around and over,,,I loved the company and just being open and wild not stupid or irresponsible like Harry. I think some girls used me if ya know what I means as much as filled those long nights alone with a girls company.
    We all knew the score.
    It’s how I met my partner of all those years ago and whom I have all 3 wonderful children with.
    I caught her eye because she things I look like Richard Gere. Yet my first and a few said I looked like Seann William Scot?. It was around the time American Pie was out so everyone called me Stifler,,,thankful I wasn’t S#@t brick like a lad we all called for his obvious childhood school trauma.
    It was good fun and he took it on the chin,,good lad actually.

    He Hung around with us and did a few games like you. But man you did sound like a right tear away,,,I bet you’ve got cauliflower ears lol,,,just kidding. Can one’s ears be deformed by years of being dragged by them?,,,I know my right ear is bigger than the left even tho that’s how we are designed my right ear or ear loupe is bigger than most.
    In fact the kids called me Pob my ears a that big. Cruel sods lol.
    I like the name of you friend too,,’Ballsie’ sounded like a good un. You have to give stuff names as a kid.
    I also can’t believe you did what ya did tho you were a bad bad boy:)
    Mind you and I can’t believe I’m telling you this but we,,me and my mate Karl had it in for a TV rental place because they done something wrong or stopped his mum from renting. So he never had a TV,,,and one late evening when on our return from our rounds did he pick up a brick and thrown it right at the main front shop window. With a almighty bang all the window and shop displays came crashing down.
    We ran like the clapper and I wasn’t happy about it and it did cross a line for me at that age so we did fall out for a bit.

    That’s when I hung around with a few that was in to fishing one lad was a pro,,catching large Cat fish down in Spain. He was featured in fishing mags and had his own named rods. Posh git, Mr Kay;)
    I wasn’t into tho like you so my mind wonder else where which often led me in to some form of trouble.
    MTB I got in to a lot so this kept me fit and out of trouble for some years tho.
    What is or was this little business you had.? Sounds like a interesting little venture especially if you was young.

    I find all what you say surrounding seasons and even touching on religion bang on. Its direct or indirect impact on people’s life’s or social behaviour or mind sets and how we treat each other. The morals of life.
    For me I’m open to every religion or belief because who’s to say it’s wrong. Only because one say my God is right doesn’t mean they’re Symbols or Gods are wrong.
    They fit the narrative of the past and the culture of the past. They give each and every country and person there identity without even knowing it. English,,,Indian,,Japan and it’s cultural background on religion as no form of religion exists there. There more open to the spirit world and so more open the the paranormal than say the English when it comes to higher beings or belief systems.
    All this can have effects on society in some form of the way our life’s are guided. Be with religion or not the systems of society mentality towards religion or the world around them that would be the social norms of what’s acceptable in this country say than in Brazil. Or South American culture.
    We live a day to day life in that culture that’s been around for centuries or even longer if one looks at newer historical events.
    From day one our worlds and societies have been built around cultures of the past. Egyptian culture is very interesting and influential so was the Roman Empire the list goes on. France and it’s people still live under some form of old age of days of revolution.
    They protest at the smallest of things.
    So religious or not I do believe we all life in some form of religion and it’s impact on certain cultures and identities on how we conduct ourselves in this country to say Iran.
    To know what we are and who we are one must look past what we think we know to find some truth in what it’s all about.
    But away from mixing politics with religion,,,what ever is and was at play be religious or ET we need something to keep us together and live peacefully and respectfully with each other. Without that glue or moral fibres that the house unit of all sitting around the table. A stable home an honest government and church the trust in the society an those that share this world have to be respectful to all men be religious or native we must have love and be respectful,,,yet we need to have books to teach us this.
    What happens if that stops,,,are we seeing the effect today say like in the cities of London where knife crime is rampant.
    Respect for just each man’s rights has gone,,.

    I’m sure with the Job you do you’ve seen some shameful human acts towards others.
    So yes I am fully with you on what you say. And I’m glad you have a smile,,,I know on the coaches a smile could go a long way.
    You never knew what was going on there life’s so was always best to be happy and uplifting and start the day with a simple smile:)

    Im glad you can enjoy a Pub like that too a place to share your smile,,,there’s a few pubs around here but don’t know anyone because I’m not originally from here,,,I could venter out and take a look.
    But as you point out some these day are just filled with text generation. Again are parents at fault or socially subconscious expectations of what we are meant to believe as the norms.
    I don’t see how getting kids addicted to anything at such an age is right,,especially if it brainwashes them or stops them from even forming a coherent sentence.
    f you watch that video you can tell I have laugh about it but it is damaging if left unnoticed.

    Right well I best be going and thanks for the offer sexy;) lol. If things go tits up here you’ll be the first to know lol..
    Just don’t go to work dressed up because I don’t want ya being pinched from me. Haha.
    Just kidding again I see how and why you get job satisfaction. Just playing TSW I see how on the ball you have to be.
    A much highly regarded Job. I’d say probably as important as Airline pilots. You carry more loads and longer distances that they would.
    Like most things they have time limits or flight time so rest limits hours. Not sure for Train drivers hours regulations or working time directives. But 600 is more than say a commercial flight using short haul with A320,,Or A320 for mid range. Or Boings 737.
    There capacities for passengers are lower.

    The French knew this and why trains are used in Europe more than the UK is due to times involved between flight and rail.
    Obviously this is a new network from scratch and the uk doesn’t have the capacity to do what France has with it TGV networks.
    Was HS2 that opportunity for us to catch up or just another LOVE up by this so called government of ours.
    I even see they want to down size the trains now so still passengers overcrowding will be an issue.
    What a disaster HS2 is. Money down the pan again.

    A least in the late 70s with APT E and APT P gave rise to well the Class 390 Pendolino later on and the Class 252 prototype which gave birth to the Class 253, 254 as a stop gap. 15 million that HST project and for the sets in todays money or there about. We got 40 Years use from them. 1.5 million in 1976 for all that. That was BR for you and sign of those talents of the engineers that was involved and what could be achieved on a shoe string budget.

    Right well I’ve got completely lost again and sorry if I missed anything out.

    I’ll catch up with you later.
    I feel like I need to re group,,,again something I struggle with I’m find out only now or since been writing. I find it hard to remember of keep focusing.
    So please don’t think I am being rude,,,I’m just struggling to keep track.

    Cheers again tho Matt.

    Speak soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello just quickly again,,just got few replies to do ya see.
    I’m glad you will find it useful but shame that your not continuing or for now anyway. You will be missed and I wish you all the best for what ever path you take.

    And yes what you say is exactly the problem and takes a while to get right.
    I tried to get some done between here and with the family like.
    Not far off but I am also working on another HST.
    My Progress. The colour is not Rail Blue but the first shade of Chromatic Blue. A little odd as in the manual the colour is Rail Blue No 114.
    It’s also fits different lighting conditions so it doesn’t look black from an angle if going any darker for light conditions.
    That fine balance again. IMG_9407.jpeg IMG_9418.jpeg IMG_9419.jpeg IMG_9420.jpeg IMG_9421.jpeg
    I’ve left the letters grouped and the letter C left white. Not silver white. Just the change in colour can make line appear thin or thick.
    So just showing you as a example.

    But you are little bugger:) for I could not get what ya say about if I adjusted one colour it if sets the other. So I bore that in mind and hopefully got it covered.

    Right well shame about the news mate I do hope to hear from you again.

    All the best for now Elliot.

    • Like Like x 1
  20. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    I'll be making some more liveries in the future, just not got any ideas for now! That HST is looking great, very close to being finished.. if not actually finished? ;)
    What I mean with the colours messing each other up, I mean often if I change one colour, so in the case if my last livery, when I changed the maroon, the maroon would be perfect.. but then the yellow would end up looking either too bright or too dim - frustrating!!
    I'm not leaving here, oh no - absolutely not, I just won't be making any liveries for a little while, not very long though!
    All the best, catch you later!
    • Like Like x 1
  21. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,
    Yes, got up and out just about in time! It's alright mate it gives me something to do whilst the mrs is watching whatever she watches on the tele.

    Ooops, sorry I wouldn't have mentioned desks if I knew you didn't want me to mention desks! :D;) This one isn't actually mine as I have one in the spare room upstairs, but the wife wanted one in the corner of the very front of the house so she couldn't hear the trains whilst she were working! What I will say is whenever you get a chance get yourself a nice supportive desk chair as it feels just so nice to sit on compared to an armchair or sofa and will do wonders for you mate. That sounds like a great house you had especially the summer house, I can almost imagine sitting in one watching compo and Fawlty Towers or any other old comedies which really do take a bit to be beaten! Ah I wouldn't worry about the ages, it sounds as if you have got a right handful there, especially at those ages! At least you are able to have settled into your current place though.

    Honestly it is no sweat mate and enjoy being able to give you a helping hand and it is a privilege to be involved in it mate, but I will pass on your thanks to Robbie. I believe he asked for either a black nameplate background and gold lettering or red background and silver lettering. At the time of withdrawal it were in the LNER/VTEC red and white scheme. I worked with them on the EC for 25-30 and lived next to the ECML where they have run since introduction so they really were a massive part of my life. No we never really had specific sets or power cars allocated to us, although some appeared more often than others just because of how things worked and we only can drive over specific sections of track meaning halfway through a run from London to Aberdeen for example we handover to another driver as I can't drive any further North than Newcastle.

    I have very little knowledge as to how all of the stuff is planned and that because quite frankly it goes in through one ear and out the other as it just don't make sense to me, so a massive respect to you in being within that part of the business because if it is anything like train planning and what have ya it sounds really quite complicated! You do sound like a great boss as I said to you in that private message, because morale is key in a workforce.

    They did do well though when you compare them to other things made in the 70s as there were some really daft looking things designed in the decade. I were going to say which were loader the VHS or HSTs! :D They were beasts though were the valentas because the sound they made were really quite incomparable to what the MTUs made. The good thing was the number built meant there has always been a good spares supply and still is especially when compared to other designs from the era. I do have to give the HSTs credits as they really did limp on, like I say even if you had to go down to one engine. It is times of disruption where managers and those in the offices can shine or turn into a complete shambles, though we covered that in the private message as you say.

    it does sound as if you were quite highly regarded in the company both for your skill and as a person too and how on earth you managed all of that amazes me because it took me a few second of processing to understand what you were saying. You clearly were bloody good at what you did though mate as it is still engraved into your brain. Things do all seem to happen at once though, you can't have just one thing go on, but there have to be multiple! Not surprised that newer coaches have poorer quality, I do enjoy and like the Hitachis however they are certainly more, shall we say, fragile than older classes, though I do have to be careful with what I am saying.

    My father is still with us, he is 86 and you wouldn't believe it as he is fit as anything and still scurrying about on his bike, in his car or in a tractor doing all sorts of stuff for all sorts of people! The number of stories he has is just amazing and if you want to know anything about the LNER or ER he is the man, though you do have to filter his stories for 'extra affects' he puts in to make them more interesting! I wouldn't say there are many 86 year olds in his condition though and he puts that on his railway days.

    Don't worry mate, we're as bad as each other with going off track! You do really sound like you were really good at your job though and even from that small snippet I know you know what you're talking about! It does show that skill is much more important than qualifications or owt because at the end of the day a lot of jobs don't actually need particularly academic people in them.

    I also imagine the country would be in pieces with good management like yourself mate, and there are plenty of people who could learn a lot from you because you had a passion for keeping the company moving and you knew to do that the drivers had to be happy so good on you.

    Catch you again soon.

    • Like Like x 1
  22. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    No issue mate, I am just as bad! I know what you mean you lose track of time typing these messages out because I just end up thinking about the good old days! The last post took me 2 hours to type, though that weren't aided by me knocking my knuckle again today!

    Like I say I just started reminiscing and admiring the skill it must have taken you whilst writing the last post so understand what you mean, and agree that it is good for us to have something to look back at and smile about. It is even better to see you enjoyed the job too because that is something I don't understand, people in these jobs where they aren't happy and only there for the money: do something you enjoy!

    It is a shame that school has had such a large impact on you mate, because you do seem like a proper good and interesting bloke who seems rather easy to get on with. Sometimes time alone can be important though but I think we have to find a balance, though as you have seen it is much easier said than done because of the impact of past experiences.

    19 years is good going mate, feel free to drop me a personal message.

    I definitely went through a very rough patch but you have really made a great summary there mate, not much I'd add to be honest as you have summed it up well. I wouldn't say player, though I did have a reputation to like the ladies and ladies to like me and although there were a few times I got 'friendly' with girls I wouldn't even dream of hurting anyone, because inside the caring 'normal' me were still there through my teenage, over excitement shall we say! There were more than a couple of times where I thought I were going to be a dad before going out with the mrs but after a few decades I think it is safe to say the only children I've got are with the wife. The key thing were always respect though and making sure we were both enjoying ourselves because as I say even in those bad times I were still caring and respectful to others. I remember that sketch though and I must say you have got to chuckle at that as the delivery is just perfect! Like I say feel free to drop a 'DM' as you call it!:) I never went through the uniform stage as by the time I properly got a half decent uniform I were married and had me son to go back to so couldn't mess about with the ladies any more. Sounds like you have a great story leading up to you finding your partner and great to see you have the 3 lovely children, though I am sure at the ages you say they are they can be a right handful sometimes.

    It is very possible as my left ear is noticeably longer than my left and that's where my dad used to grasp me: it were a tug on the left whilst giving a clip to the right! I must say 'Pob' gave me a good chuckle mate, what would school have been without good nicknames, I don't think they use as many nicknames in schools these days, either that or the grandkids just prefer not to share them! Probably best not to mention the other reason here though lets just say I were certainly more careful after the prompting event! :D;) I mean I know I did do some rum stuff but i don't think I would have gone quite that far with a brick through a TV rental place, though I suppose they had done him over so he were probably still fuming.

    That sounds brilliant about the fisherman though I am not jealous of him as I really couldn't have sat fishing for more than five minutes and don't blame you for not doing so either! Yes I suppose I did have what could be called a business operation, initially I would just shoot a couple of rabbits or pigeons with the catapult and sell them to the butcher for a couple of bob but by I were 15 I found myself getting more accurate and catching more, so I took them to school and sold them to people there. That got stopped very quickly, though I were proud of myself and were allowed to keep the money.

    I do agree with you too mate, we are all very small cogs in a very big universe which has been shaped by and based on what the best of human knowledge is and often that is religions. I honestly don't think there is much more I can add there because again you really have summed that up really well: it is all to do with respect and more recently lack off respect.

    Yes, I have sadly witnessed some rather horrible things over my time and it really can make you rethink and question many things, but after all there are always people in this world who are suffering more than us and for that we need to be thankful we have what we do. I remember the absolute worse day of my career and there were a passenger who as I walked we just exchanged smiles and that just helped me raise myself up so much, I didn't know him and never will but the impact that one smile had on me was great and so I just try and always be as happy as possible, to make sure others can be.

    You can't beat a good pub and I love going there on my way home just to have a cuppa, or a J2O and a chat, because the environment there is just great and really does uplift you, though unlike you I have lived in a rather small area for the majority of my life which does help. With the phones I honestly think it is almost seen as a social expectation these days and that if someone doesn't have a mobile they are seen as outliers just because they aren't addicted, very sad to see, and I do fear that video could be the new reality!:D

    Well the offer stills stands, just let me know!;) Don't worry mate, I don't think I'd make it to work squeezed into the mrs clothes so you haven't got competition!:D:D;)

    The job satisfaction I get is honestly out of this world as I wouldn't do it otherwise, and being on the ball and having that responsibility really does just add to that and makes me feel honoured to be in the position. Oh yes plenty of regulations on consecutive work days, maximum driving time, rest between shifts etc though everything usually just slots in, apart from during disruption which can make for an interesting day the day after! I would imagine it were very similar for you working at the coach company, though you were the one that had to actually figure out the problems when they came in by the sounds of it.

    I do have to be careful with my wording but I think that the money being spent on HS2 could have been invested elsewhere into the rail industry where it would have had bigger impacts, though like I say I do just have to be careful with what I am saying on things like that! What I will say is that the achievements of BR on their tight budget are certainly set in the past and a lot of credit to the lads in the engineering dept back in the day.

    Catch you again soon mate!

    • Like Like x 1
  23. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hey glad to hear to ya not leaving us:),and if you want I’ll see if I can think of anything for you in the mean time.
    Yes your so right mate about the colours and taking into consideration the adjustments and it’s effects.
    Like I said before if ya carry on don’t let things dishearten you especially with colours. Even today I may think one appears different say shade of blue so go back and try all over again on say the newer stuff.

    Here that Class 43 I shown you now,,,and a Prototype BR black and BR Corporate Blue. Again not Rail Blue.
    You’ll see the differences between the shades of Blue. IMG_9531.jpeg IMG_9534.jpeg IMG_9535.jpeg IMG_9538.jpeg IMG_9541.jpeg I’ve not used any effects as this will of set those colours and miss lead users for the actual colour. What I can’t help is that different pigments with the colour mix that will look like different paints are used. But there are the same and so can see how finding what’s what in time certainly helps and how just a small adjustment even just one or two values has a massive effect.

    Sounds a lot but it’s Kudos to DTG maybe here for having such play in the colour mix to achieve that gloss reflective look and not dry.
    Like on say a class 66 you just won’t get the level of contrast in the paint as you do on this model or even the 802.

    Fun and a pain but man that fresh paint BR Blue look just drives me nuts mate. It’s a Paint Job on a train and yet gets a grown man giddy.

    It’s Beautiful:)

    What well sorry to be rude but got a few things to do and catch up on.

    Glad you still staying around and please keep commenting as you did help out a few times mate.
    And got me started after the new slump.

    So yes thanks again and enjoy the rest of ya weekend lad.

  24. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello Matt,,,I’m so sorry for getting back late. I’ll DM soon.

    No worries mate I’m glad ya did,,,the kids be grown up or small still have knack of pulling on those heart strings if ya get it all wrong and let them down.
    Man my daughter who’s 11 never lets me forget so yes when i say I’m glad your still in your daughters good books I mean it;)

    Yes was just kidding around about the desk,,it’s defo a must to be fair. Especially for work space like you what you and your wife have one for. It’s the posture that makes all the difference. I didn’t pay much attention a few years ago yes I’m 40 but move and still look 20.
    But those few knocks on the knees and with the back,,had two disk pop ya see I e had issues ever since. Spending a lot of time researching and being here my back does kill me like.
    And yes having those creature comforts like I my old house certainly made the difference when watching classic like Last of the Summer Wine. Been up to the Cafe where they filmed up around Holmfirth way and all episodes on DVD man they is a lot and cost nearly 100 quid for that Box set. Fawlty towers was just two season before John and Connie Booth decide to leave it on high. They was married and was splitting up near the end so I think they found writing hard. Such a funny show,,,but what ever you don’t mention the war;)
    Yes I love all them shows. Rising Damp with Leonard Rossiter Rest is Soul and Richard Beckinsale,,as he passed away young. Yet these or ones I really love hence why my user name is Rigsby or Rigsby&Co. It was toss up between Alf Garnett from Til Death Us Do Part. But thought best not with Alf and his somewhat aged political views lol.

    On the buses is another classic got all there stuff too from 1969 to 1973. 74 shows and 3 films. Arthur plated by Micheal Robbins was my best and for Olive played by Anna Karen who also sadly died not to long ago. Shame for was it just me or did I have crush on here lol. Can’t believe I said that hahaha. And poor old Inspector Blake a?.
    Yep great times and great shows. So moving on or I’ll be here all day writing about comedies and shows. Oh Little Bobby Thompson.

    Moving on I’m glad where doing this,,,so thanks again guys. My net was down last night and not long got it up and running so I wasn’t able to do much yesterday as I need this information so I’ll get on it today. I’ll do a black plate but I’m gonna try and find that run on see if I see the actual unit my OCD is proper kicking in as I hate it when I don’t know what’s what. I feel sick inside with worry if it’s not done right.

    So I a little more digging and I’ll be okay with the LNER VTEC livery they use the same colour codes from the BR days or after Privatisation.
    But you’ll know this as this being right next the action and for so long.
    And when it all started off. Man I bet you have seen some things.
    You might be able to clear up confusion with paints. Say BR Blue,,,no such thing. Monastral Blue,,or Rail Blue I believe is the right name.
    I done some digging with TR Williams up in Ripon. Supplier of paints to BR.
    I believe the undercoat had a massive part to play like with any body shop process. It the body clean, prepped or left dirty.
    The undercoat and how the paints crystallise the Top coat with the old pigments would age differently.
    So the paints in time would appear more blue or more green with age and mix,,and most importantly the prep and under coat.
    Just seeing if this is correct yet the info has come from an EX BR fitter that has worked on fancy DMUs as he calls them.
    But with most stuff I want to see if that’s a problem that was noticed by drivers and so would confirm this is the case with paints and correct shade.

    Just reading about handing over etc does sound just like what we did. Depots and Regions. NE,NW,South and South West.
    Driver and vehicle allocation and driver hours planning is what I did. Again I won’t bore you to death but I don’t see how the two aren’t any different really.
    It’s very complicated and like I mentioned with high flying uni students that it takes a certain type of person to do that Job. For me it was never a nine to five because something was always moving and with over 1000 drivers across the country if I was about keeping a tight ship.
    Without that constant input things could fall apart pretty fast especially if had a driver that though he knew what he was doing but never knew. We had some that would take matters in to there own hands. I quickly stamped that out tho.
    So yes be something Im gonna try find out more on.

    All what you say or what I’ve been reading up on sounds just the same and why fleet management and fleet classification is important when planning.

    How back In the early days of Classification under 253 set was dropped yet a believe one main company tried but failed to keep sets together. Class 41 was a first Prefix I believe but with the classification of MK3 this was changed due to repeated numbers. So 41XXX 42XXX I can’t remember for what coach say buffer or standard but some I believe was classed out side due to work allocation of a jubilee stock. Sorry it’s just brief as my memory is shocking so can’t recall of the top of my head all details.
    But yes due to this and also the Numbers 41 and 43 was already allocated to stock and the confusion of sets didn’t last long.
    Re classification was dropped and entered to Class 43.
    Please correct me tho as I’m still learning and man it’s a lot to pick up from scratch.
    So yes correct me where I’m wrong or just tell me to stop talking bollocks lol.

    The prototypes numbers 41 000 and 41 001 was just that and so why we have 253 001 as Production 43 002. See I’m learning lol.
    Sorry if it sounds basic but I’m proper chuffed for remembering something:)
    Again just goes to show you how much I don’t know and proves I’m never been in to trains that much.
    All work done is from researching and researching. It’s a minefield tho.

    So please fill me in(Not duff me up lol) on things that may have a bearing on this livery for you guys because your knowledge is valuable to me and want then to be right for you.

    70s hahaha yep in that era had a few things that come to mind that was let’s say not great. I’m a 80s kids so how I know I don’t know.
    Maybe I followed the British car manufacturer business to much and the fun and games at Long Bridge.
    A very interesting time to be around. A lot of change and the advent of the HST was certainly one of them.
    I find it crazy that these things and all staff was pushing the limits even say dangerous. I’m sure with the Railway industry it is heavily regulated and like us sometime played a little close to edge.
    But operating pressure and profits all played apart in some tough decisions. Snap ones too.

    In fact I raised a few pointer out with higher management due to safety concerns and cost.
    Whom decide to cut back on maintenance must have need there head testing.
    By that I mean could they not see that on a four day tour a coach breaking down 5 times,,one being the relief coach would be damaging the rep of the company,,and for us needing to get passenger from A to B because I’ve got a arsey police officer asking me when am I moving them.
    I think I told him I understand the problems but I can’t magic a coach out of my arse can I?.
    Oh and the coach I have sent can’t fly over the road block you guys set up and won’t let the relief coach past so what do you want me to do?. Send a magic carpet?.
    He says very well sir I’ll contact you soon. I was well pissed as you can tell. Not drunk.
    But yes my mind has always been wired like that,,,I feel after 15 years I could walk in and do it all again. I still remember drivers names their motor and tours feeders and favourite digs. Some loved the lady’s of the night;) So if the few naughty drivers that didn’t mind a stop out say in the Old Stone Trough near Barnoldswick over the weekend then I knew the ones that would like a weekend away from home.
    It also helped with other issues say that may have been at home.
    So yes I did make a lot of friends and respect. But like we mention in DMs I was still young and so I had to earn that respect.
    I found the best way was to listen and for me to be open and not treat them like they was stupid.
    Mangers forgot the drivers was a close bunch so they would talk about duties between them.
    So I would never lie or be dishonest. They knew if I could do something I would and if I couldn’t they knew I was struggling so they would help me and do what was needed even if it meant being away from there families.

    I knew perfectly well what drives gave up be with Coaches or Trains. Those drivers gave up quality time and so I would endeavour to return the favour and show my gratitude. A favour for a favour.

    They made sacrifices we all did. As a team.

    Anyway I’m off again so moving on I know what you mean about the old stock and new. I also understand the hush hush,,,I am and have been into engineering and design for a while partly in the Aircraft Manufacturing Industry. I worked as a PPM in Airbus on the massive A380 Jigs and the decommissioning of A340 long range Jigs. Wing Jigs. It’s there I spoken to flight crews of the Beluga’s when laser alignment was need for the wing transport. It’s then I ended the dream of wanting to be a pilot lol.
    I earned more or twice than them,,,it wasn’t a lot they got paid. But going back to the point even the factory in Belgium where the VANHOOLs was built we seen differences between the eras. Obviously I can’t say to much either but I know what you mean about new stock and issues but I will leave them there:).

    I’m so happy to hear your Dads still with us,,,and going strong. Like I say I man I feel I know but have never met by reading and watching the old ways back then. I have to say listening to the men and boys at the age of 12 as runners for they dads when building the Manchester Ship Canal. Men and boys moving tons of earth every day of the lives still lived till 90 odd?.
    A diet of warm ale and bread yet worked like a bulldozer but lived to those ages. I have great respect and I wish I could chat about some early days. They called a spade a spade and bloody worked like one.
    I know Dave but some memories down and I think has written a few books I’ll have to check,,but I don’t know if it would be worth will for him to write a few things down. We did something similar to a family member not from my side who was on HMS Hood.
    He was like uncle Albert who just wouldn’t stop talking about the war he too had a way of adding excitement.
    So before he left us we asked him to put some down in a book.

    We later found out a few things and some how they wasn’t the same as what he told us them like.
    They didn’t have that playful tone put it that way.

    Maybe it’s worth doing your self if you be not thought or done it yet. Not that he need to keep going if still out and about on a tractor. It was we also found due to the situation that keeping them taking or even keeping that grey matter alive by writing or talking about the past gave them light again if only for a short time.

    But if you could for me just tell him I have great respect for a proper grafter. A real man that’s done a great job.
    Well he must be sound because you are so yep,,,proper bloke that like coaches and trains are sadly not built the same.

    And just quickly I’m thankful what you say,,,and I think we both understand that when it comes to work and relationships.
    I know I have a few more messages to read so I don’t want to drag it out:).

    But by taking to you and going over the past for the first time I didn’t see that I did have a live,,friends and loved one I sadly cut of due to me getting worse.

    Without being to personally my life suddenly changed and it effected my work greatly. Outside friends and some of those nights or being naughty didn’t help. I fell of track mate. And those ladies we speak of in early days one came back to haunt me.
    Nothing bad but did mess with my emotions and so I ended up with a massive spanner in the works.

    I miss those men like I say,,,I miss the comradery and the whole hustle bustle of it all. It was my life the Job that gave me satisfaction every day,,,that gave me the rewards after the pain of say dealing with a coach broke down on a ferry. no drivers in Ireland because they was to busy getting pissed while a coach went back and too 4 times from Holyhead to Dublin. No fitter in England nor Ireland. It turned out that Pat my mate from a company in Ireland felt so sent his gang of lad to push it of by hand. Thankfully we could still get air into the tanks for the ferry lift but yep it was all worth it after 10 hours or so.

    And those lads and the beer helped out massively. Well done the Irish and Mr Mullvey:)

    So yep there we go.

    Hope to catch you soon Matt.
    Speak soon.

    • Like Like x 1
  25. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Hi Matt I’ll DM so it’s not to open.
    Again I feel bad as I’m behind and got a few things to do at home but I will try catch up. I did go to respond last night but our net went down ya see so that’s not helped in writing back or on work for this livery and a few more,,so I’m playing catch up now.

    I tried answer a few simple post and that from others yesterday so I could spend more time on these but again me net went down so doing me best to keep up.

    So yes I’ll DM so we not all over the place.

    I’m so sorry about this please forgive me.
    I hope to catch up with you soon Matt.

    • Like Like x 1
  26. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
    Likes Received:
    No, not leaving you all haha! No, it doesn't dishearten me.. it just annoys me!! ;)
    Not leaving anytime soon, just taking a little break I guess - those HSTs you made look brilliant by the way! HSTs can make anyone giddy to be fair, they're amazing trains!
    Anyway, sorry if I've left out anything you said - I'm off now, catch you soon!
    • Like Like x 1
  27. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    It's alright mate, no rush on my side, DM whenever you have the chance.

    Yes, it can be very high risk sometimes! I would imagine she is really quite a handful at the moment though coming up to those teenage years.

    I did think you were! As you say though it really is useful as a place to sit down and do paperwork, browse through forums or whatever else needs to be done. It is great for the posture too, especially with the way age is: it's not there, until it is! It is a shame about the knocks you have taken causing you as many issues as they do just doing things which shouldn't be hurting at all, especially a 40 odd year old man.

    I must agree, you can't beat watching the classics in comfort! Holmfirth is an absolutely beautiful village, me and the mrs went to that cafe in 2019 I think and there were a bloke with an old bus who did a tour of the key filming locations and that were just brilliant, Nora's is a B&B now and I think there is a museum or something in Compo's but it weren't open at the time. Fawlty Towers, or whatever condition the sign was in at the beginning, was short but really bloody sweet, I could watch it over and over and not get bored and laugh every time, though I just can't seem to find it to watch it any more which is disappointing. Well I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it all right... :D I thought your name rung a bell and that would make sense now, another golden oldie which I haven't seen in years, and I think you went with the right decision as politics don't ever bode well on this forum! On the buses is another that I could watch over and over and over and laugh my arse off every time, got to love Butler and off course Blakey, got to love them! I always like the female clippies as Olive reminded me too much of my mum. I could sit here all day too mate, so I'll join you with moving on!

    It's alright mate, my internet has been shambolic today, if you would like I could find a picture of the power car.

    With the colour, the only thing I knew it as were 'virgin red' and never dug further into it, but the flowing lines and coaches were all vinyls so I don't think that the undercoat would have as much of an affect. What I do know is that unlike with BR it was one consistent shade across the whole fleet due to the vinyls. I am sorry I didn't have that one quite important piece of information. With the degrading over time that really wasn't noticeable apart from a bit of fading of the red, though that only became apparent when the LNER stickers were put on. If you try out a few clours share the screenshots and I could try and help you get the colour right.

    Yes it does sound similar, similarly difficult to plan and for me to understand as well. We work per depot, so Kings cross crews sign different routes to Leeds crews, but there is overlap between them too, so it really must be a headache hen we are all in the wrong place for whatever reason. Yes that is something that needs to be nipped in the bud because things never go well when things are taken into each others own hands in situations, there is always something that can go wrong. Yes the classification is important, for example the class 801s can't go to Lincoln, but the class 800s can. Classification really is very important.

    I know that the ER dropped the 254 and the WR kept it going a bit longer. I don't know of it being used officially by any of the privatised TOCs, though as you say it was ideal to try and keep sets together, though it rarely lasted long. The HST Mk3 variant were numbered in the 40XXX (Buffet coaches), 41XXX (First Coaches), 42XXX (standard coaches) and the 44XXX (Guard's coaches) series' and I believe and the two prototype PC were renumbered 43000 and 43001 I believe, thus leaving the first production HST as 43002 and in set 253001. Oh it certainly is a minefield though and even I am sat here rereading and checking I am not talking bollocks because I get myself in a twist!

    Those really were different times and looking back now the amount of things that would be wrong applying todays standards to it is crazy. The railway has always been safety conscious but you could certainly skate a bit closer to the edge back then, and speedometers were slightly less unreliable! I am not saying this is a bad one but in the 80xs you can't even speed because they have been limited electronically to 124.xxmph. I won't elaborate more in public, but I will in a DM. I do agree what you say because after all we are there at work and so should be kept safe, and having your vehicles braking don like no one's business really is not good for the stress of workers or the reputation of a company. Ah so you didn't have magic coaches either: the way some passengers are you would think that another transport industry did have flying bloody carpets: perhaps it's the taxis! You do sound as if you could walk in and carry on from where you left off because you are really bloody knowledgeable mate and it just goes round to you being a good manager still remembering such things about your colleagues. Respect does work both ways as you clearly learnt very quickly, it is just a shame others couldn't have learnt like that because so many companies would be better off.

    That sounds like it would have been great working with the aircraft and certainly know what you mean about new stock and issues! :D

    Oh yes there were certainly a different mentality back in the day, work were work and meant work, and it really did do no end of good for their health on the whole, you see many, many people reaching the 90 mark and still being rather agile. I am sure many would give a strange look to the diet back in the day but by heck it did it's job, I were never hungry as a lad living off what today would probably be considered muck! I have said to him about writing stuff down but his response were "bollocks I'd rather snuff it here than write a bloody book" and you know what fair enough to him! I will pass on what you said to him though.

    Life can throw some horrible rocks at you and collects them from the path you've already trekked and the one your about to trek and so sometimes things do come back to bite us but I suppose we just have to try and make our best of it as we can't change what we have done, but only remember that we have now stopped doing it. A true group spirt though does do you the world of good, I find that just one humorous comment to or from another member of staff each day (at my TOC or to another TOC's staff) just makes that day much better for both of us. There are very few things better than working in a great environment with great people.

    Sorry if I were a bit brief closer to the end but as I say the internet has been playing up and I need to get some kip for work tomorrow.

    Catch you soon mate.

    • Like Like x 1
  28. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Like I say it's no sweat, whenever you get a chance because I know these do take a large chunk of time to write! Like I say I also need some kip so am going to be even more brief than you were! :D

    Catch you later!

    • Like Like x 1
  29. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,thanks for the replies a lot there and I will DM after I pull me socks up.
    But here is that work I was telling you about.
    Oh and thank you for the help with matters involving colours and rakes etc.
    Your correct and not wrong or talking bollocks.
    So for Virgin or LNER the colours are the same colour codes as the ICE. They was passed down I believe when Virgin took over the franchise. So the red will be Flame Red and the Black is signal Black as these are used on ICE and HST and the Class 225.
    I’m not too concerned for the others as you say these are decals so paint values and undercoat don’t come into play and not much of an issue as the flame red and signal black is fine. Virgin liveries are easy on that front.
    But for BR Rail Blue then that’s a different cuppa tea.

    My OCD kicked in last night mate and couldn’t move on,,I was up till four and still till six say looking over and over them.
    My eye are fooked. I keep blinking and seeing HST’s lol.
    Here are quick peek and a few pictures over the next post so ya can see the colours in BR CHROMATIC BLUE and BR RAIL BLUE.
    NOT MONASTRAL BLUE. Ill show you 253 001 too a early BR livery that was used up to 43 007. And 43257 VTEC.
    Even the coaches which we are going to sort out soon when me socks are pulled up. I’ve DM you about me silly moods today.
    They used the black above or near the roof line,,but I’d need to some homework for those rakes to be sure.
    I also believe 43 007 was the first to be painted in the livery or banana livery we know or see today. A different blue.
    So yes just some pictures for you.

    Hope you like and I’ll speak to you soon Matt.

    Lee,,,,,,,. IMG_9636.jpeg IMG_9637.jpeg IMG_9630.jpeg IMG_9616.jpeg IMG_9570.jpeg I used a different yellow as modern paints have different properties than old paints. New on the front PC and Old on the rear PC.
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  30. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    And here are is the LNER in VTEC colours. IMG_9638.jpeg IMG_9642.jpeg IMG_9643.jpeg IMG_9644.jpeg As you can see I re used as testing and if you wanted to keep the 40 Year plate on it but as you can also see I’ve used the wrong DLC,,I ve rushed into it,,,so need to see what’s what’s again.

    I feel bad showing you work and not responding fully to your comments but I have DM you so hopefully you can see what’s up.
    Just need to focus a little and hey don’t you worry about responding to me.
    You work I don’t. I just want you to know I appreciate your time I really do.

    It’s helpful and means a lot.

    Wish more users and people was like you.

    Speak soon Matt,,,.

    • Like Like x 1
  31. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,
    It's no sweat mate, as I say I have really enjoyed chatting with you mate!

    That's alright mate, I am glad it made sense because my English can fall to pieces when I am trying to explain things!

    I must say you have taught me something there, I wouldn't have thought it were the same shape as the ICE red, so that is a really interesting find. Rail Blue really is just a bunch of rabbit holes though and I have to say whether it were particularly good for you or not that is some real commitment there from you mate! There could be worse things to see when you blink so at least it is HSTs, though I would imagine you have become slightly sick of them!:D

    Those HSTs are looking great and the colour matching is certainly looking about right there mate, so the work has paid off. I always thought the black looked good so I will be looking forward to giving this one a go in it. The VTEC livery is coming on too and looking slick so that will be an enjoyable one when you get it out too. I always thought that the coaches were the standard blue and grey MK3 livery from the start (after the prototypes) though this is based on nothing but memory, and this being my memory in the ER. Yes, I think the black only went on 43002 to 43006 with 43007 being the first outshopped in blue.

    I do like what you have done with the old and new there.

    Sorry for being brief but I have a bit of a headache, I will go and read your DM but I am sorry if I don't end up replying to it tonight but I will rely to it tomorrow if I don't tonight!

    Keep well, and I'll catch you soon mate!

    • Like Like x 1
  32. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Like I say that is really shaping up well and has served as a good practice run for redoing it on the GWE version. It didn't carry it in real life but it's down to you if you want to keep the 40 year plate or not. Don't worry mate, I will go and have a look at the DM and I will give you a response it just may be tomorrow rather than tonight because of my head. I appreciate your time as well, mate because I really do enjoy a good chat with you.

    Likewise, speak soon mate.

    Matt. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  33. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hello Matt,,,I’m not gonna bore you to death on why I done a disappearing act,,,especially on here.

    But I couldn’t come on here again I’ll DM as just being here no I’m shaking like a leaf.

    So I’ll just show you what I’ve done and where I’ve been. Again I needed your help but couldn’t come on here so I’ve had to spend hours and hours think I’ve even seen you:) well think it is on the last run and I didn’t know how much of an honour it must have been. Again the whole importance of it so this is why I’ve put so much time and effort in trying to bring you back with that day and make these liveries probably the best I’ve ever done.

    You was so right about getting correct information but I hope I’ve got what is need to make this as perfect as they can be.
    I’m just stuck now on if 43 318 had a Brush Traction Plate on the right side B as I think there is one on side A the left.
    Also there is a logo for the Golden Spanner Award I think is 2015 but can’t make it out.
    Not sure if that’s on both sides or just side A left and I hope I’m getting the side names right.
    I also man need to adjust the different loads limits on the data plate as this is information was copied of 43 001 on the MML Unit.
    Made it again for GWE but now noticed different loading numbers and location etc.

    Like I say I needed your help but shut if and why I’ve just locked my self away for a few days and just focused on these the best I can.
    Stupid I know as I’d have to come out sometime to show you and get back to you.
    Again I’ll DM for the low down and for me to catch up.

    I’m sorry again for being rude on here but I couldn’t deal with a situation but I didn’t want to lose my passion for making liveries and then what I found out was an important day for many HST enthusiasts and you was a vital part of it.
    So yes I’m going on and on but these may be my last and wanted to maybe go out with a bang lol.

    These hold so much importance for me and for you and as I say seen how important they are to train enthusiasts.

    So without further ado here they are.
    For You and Robbin.

    43257,,,VTEC/LNER. Used as seen on that day;) IMG_9856.jpeg IMG_9857.jpeg IMG_9858.jpeg IMG_9859.jpeg IMG_9860.jpeg

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  34. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Cont…. IMG_9860.jpeg IMG_9861.jpeg
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  35. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Now as a treat so you can be reunited Ive done it in the COLAS RAIL Livery. This has been re weathered in fact all have been tailored,,but this has the paint faded more but with a thin dirt layer and more surface wear on the front. IMG_9862.jpeg IMG_9863.jpeg IMG_9864.jpeg IMG_9865.jpeg IMG_9866.jpeg …….
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  36. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    • Like Like x 1
  37. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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  38. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Cont…. IMG_9872.jpeg IMG_9870.jpeg IMG_9869.jpeg I’ve show you most of the side so you can see what missing or not so then can place say the Golden Spanner in the right place and the Brush Traction.

    I know there is a lot here and if you talking about head aches which I hope has cleared up by the way,,I’ve had one my self,,,even the kids.
    Must be something going around again. Then I feel all this information and pictures of HST may add so I’ll keep the personal stuff private and respond directly and just leave the train HST side here to follow things better.

    My heads up my arse as it is but I hope you’ll understand when I tell you.
    I just needed to focus the mind and get these right without my passion being taken away.

    I want them to be as close to perfect as I can get them on a PS5. No Mods;)
    If I didn’t get a train set as a child for Christmas and still don’t own one today then at least I can make sets of models on here for us all to have.

    I hope I’ve on the right tracks I’m just sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. You’ll know why tho.

    Lee (TSLP).
    • Like Like x 1
  39. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Thanks Matt,,,I’ve shown you some pictures and I’ve left of the 40 Year plates as I’m close to a 1000 Decals now,,about 958 used.
    So keeping aside for say the Brush Traction Plate for 43 318. I couldn’t see one for 43 257. But I’ll speak to you about all this in one go so we can keep it simple.

    Speak soon Matt.

    • Like Like x 1
  40. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,just trying to get some bearing here:).

    Talking about chatting I have missed these little chats and without going of topic I’ve been watching lots of videos for ref for liveries I’ve been working on. I think I seen you pulling into King’s Cross. I’ve tracked it leaving Edinburgh Waverley Castles pulling into Kings Cross.
    1E18 14:00 Edin - Kings X. (Ex Bounders Green). On Arrival a large fan fair was awaiting its arrival for the last time. A load of fans climbed aboard to have a look around 43 257s Cab and 43 318,,even has the same Rake.

    So yes been busy,,and so let’s try continue without feeling it’s an English Lesson:)
    I blame technology for our laziness in Spellings,,my Grammar is poor tho.
    I am not bad for a child kicked out of school at an early age tho lol.

    About the Colours I’ve been reading up on the actual design department and Sam the main Project,Team Leader who was asked to come up with the new VTEC livery and corporate Image.
    Like say the Grey Uniforms changed to Red but Virgin handing out vouchers as black was showing,,,small stuff like that:).

    But I can not find no actual code as such or standard name apart from Virgin Red.
    Yet during the development phase Rft was still behind colours inherited like the light grey and why we see use of this from older ICE Liveries.
    I also believe the colours used are similar if not far of Flame red used on IC sets. I found this out in testing.

    So as a new livery for Virgin in it being a new start yet the red was a familiar colour and been used for some time in varying shades.
    Reds,,Dark Maroon. Greens,,,Light/Dark Green SE. All colours from the past.

    Same for the dreaded BR Blue sorry Rail Blue. If you look closely on say 253 001 done by LNER paint shops and then say one’s done by GW the colours do appear different. I’ll have to find out if they was out shopped to the same location but I doubt that.

    So yes I’ve found I’ve got addicted to paints and shades using different paint shop methods that all effect the finished look.
    Some things as a young lad I found out when working on David Brown body work if only for a week,,,the preparation of body work is key.

    And with the lighting in TSW you can get feed back from the paints and colours. I tried to replicate this in the yellow on 43 002 and the PT 43 002. Pigments in modern paint over old paints. They will look similar in the shade but in the light the paint absorbs light differently in modern to older so reflect the light differently. Ie washed out to looking full or rich, vibrant.

    That’s why I found out anyway over all this time and was wishing DTG done this sooner to get that right contrasts in different lights and shades for the paints with a reflection on the models.

    Well I’ll crack on finding where I’m up to but I’ll try find more information on those MK3 Prototype coaches.

    As again so where not all over the place I’ll try focus them all together as we go if that’s okay?.
    So I’ll be moving on to the Fictional LNER livery soon now I have more knowledge. I’ll send one message with all in for you again to make it simple in one place.

    I hope your feeling better too.

    Cheers again Matt.

    • Like Like x 1
  41. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Hello,,,Sorry for disappearing,,,been under me rock. I think I may have needed a break without knowing it.

    And thanks,,,I’m glad you like them I’ve been working on this for Matt after the 66 for you.
    I never knew how important this was and whom I am actually speaking to when speaking with Matt.

    He drove this thing,,,the last train in to Kings Cross. Mad man. IMG_9857.jpeg I’ve placed a made up name off the top of me head for this PC and event for Matt.

    I’m obsessed now with these,,,so until next time my friend.

    Have fun.

    Lee (TSLP).
    • Like Like x 1
  42. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Haha, I've been busy with school and all that, that's why I've not been on here much. Wow, Matt drove the last HST service with LNER?? Awesome!! :0
    I've always been obsessed with HSTs haha, they're brilliant trains!
    Anyways, catch you soon! All the best.
    • Like Like x 1
  43. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    I am sorry, to have to be short with my reply as I am currently on my break and haven't got long left, but just to confirm I didn't drive the last HST into Kings Cross, but the last HST I drove were the set which did the final service, sadly my days off fell on their final days. The last drive I had were on the service 1E18, just not on the last day. I am sorry Lee I probably mixed my words up in that DM where I typed it quickly.

    I will respond to the rest of your posts once I finish but I really must dash!
    • Like Like x 1
  44. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,
    Don't worry mate, I understand mate, no need to apologise.

    I am sorry for my briefness though today, but I finished later so I am all behind. I have just skim read your posts again and I will try and provide you answers to the stuff tomorrow at some point as I need to get to bed. That livery is looking bloody beautiful though, both versions, would I be able to be cheeky and ask if you can add the EMR badge (I'll put an imagine for reference below to make that a bit easier) on as that is the condition it were in when my son (Robbie's dad) drove it at his place. I do really hope this isn't your last set of liveries, and if it is we can still have a good chin wag on here!

    Also feel free to drop me a DM whenever you get the chance.

    Here is the EMR red HST:

    Don't worry if you don't get the chance to do it, it is only a thought I had whilst typing.

    Like I say I should be in bed now so I am, yet again, going to have to dash.

    Keep well and I'll catch you again soon mate!

    • Like Like x 1
  45. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Oh school I remember that place:).
    Yes I He must have done unless I’ve got it all wrong in my haste,,,I was watching some stuff for ref on that service ya see.

    I know what ya mean about the Class 43 I loved them as a kid and the class 37 but must have grown out of it. I used to have my holidays in Towyn in North Wales as a kid,,,a site called Wink up’s I think it was called. I’d hear them thundering through as I tried to sleep in a thin walled caravan. I find it quite funny now to because I live right next to the North Wales Coast line so see a lot of special charted excursions passing through.
    Lots of Steam Trains passing for Llandudno Junction or Holy Head.

    I remember buying a few bits and pieces from an old run down model shop in Warrington in a box with a few quid I had for my birthday.I had a class 43 in the box well 3 only one ran tho but still got me started until my mum stopped me from having more due to cost and room.

    Probably why I’m fixated on working more with the Class 43,,if I couldn’t have them as kid or found the time now I’m older we’ll at least I could bring them back here.

    I’m sure certain companies are missing a few trick here with models and 3D Models.

    Anyway,,,I’ll save that for another time:)

    Cheers again Elliot.

    • Like Like x 1
  46. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,No worries mate. I know I’ve been away for a bit so wanted to catch up but not overload.
    You know me mate I’m an easy going guy so the same applies in response if that makes sense. I mean that’s fine coming from me with how I’ve been in correspondence between us. We can catch up in more detail when we find the time tho.

    And Hey you don’t need to apologise as I’m the one that got it wrong. I understand what you mean tho now.
    I was looking up on YouTube for 43 257 and 43 318 and they came up on that last HST service seen coming in to Edinburgh Waverley 43 318 leading with 43 257 at the end. I counted all the numbers on the stock as passed. Same Rake and then same service number so I instantly jumped to the conclusion it was the service I assumed you was speaking off.

    My Bad,,,I wish I known sooner as I was basing all the markings from that day,,,took me bloody ages hahaha.

    But I’m Glad you put me right tho and I’m sorry for any confusion. A shame to hear it was you day off tho or rest days. I did wonder if due the occasion if certain drivers was chosen.

    I know with that Job I spoken of, if we had something special we would use the lads that was professional but had a charm about them and down to earth.. Poster Boys lol.

    So yes it’s all good here Matt don’t worry about catching up,,seriously as I say it’s a pleasure to speak to you but I know your a busy man and that.

    I’ll drop you a small message later or DM you as I call it:). (Don’t know why)

    Speak soon Matt.

    • Like Like x 1
  47. rigsby#3981

    rigsby#3981 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2022
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    Hi Matt,,,again no problems.

    Well this is getting more interesting by the minute:).

    Your Son drives them too,,,Wow amazing a tradition handed from father to son over the generations. That is so nice to hear it really is for a son to follow in your footsteps. And now I know this then of course it’s not cheeky of you I’ll gladly do it seen in the photo.
    Thank you for providing it as this was the side I was struggling to get a clear view of so it’s probably helped me with a few things I was asking information on like the Brush Plate and Golden Spanner Awards so I think we may be good there mate.
    Im Shorted for 43 318 Plates but struggling for 43 257. This will help massively so thank you so much Matt.

    43 318 Brush Plate. IMG_9897.jpeg IMG_9898.jpeg
    I did a bit a digging in MTU,RR records for when this was re engineered by Brush a FGW joint Project. 43 318 went to Brush on 13th August 2008. It’s all in the detail,,not that you can see it when sized down but at least you know it’s done and right.

    Plus this is not a problem because I was planning on doing that logo anyway so now I can bring that forward and build it into my plans as I’ve got about 9 Units set up but would like these finished first for file purposes. But as I say and you can see I want these to be right.

    And just quickly as the kids have just got back but I’ll tell you more later on,,,as I hope these are not the last batch. But again I’ll explain later:)

    Catch you later Matt.

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  48. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    Yeah, school.. it's a pain in the rear end if you're wanting to see any trains, they all run during school hours!! You live in North Wales..? Funny you mentioned that - I live in Llandudno Junction! I'm using the station WiFi for LLJ at the moment haha!!
    I've got a little N-gauge model of a 150/0 in Centro livery, would love a HST but they're ridiculous prices so don't (and probably won't for a while) have one.. same goes for any and all models on that note! I've always loved trains.. I wish I was born when 37s used to actively come up this way.. I'd give anything to see that... It's always such a great thing when I hear a 37's coming up here, which is barely ever sadly, we do get some decent tours though!
    Yeah.. the models you can buy at the moment are great but something is missing from them.. I can't tell what it is either!!
    Anyways, my taxi (my dad) has arrived so I'm off! Catch you soon!
    • Like Like x 1
  49. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hi Lee,

    Sorry for the delay, but like I say I have had a busy few days!

    Also I am sorry for not being clearer about this being the last set I drove rather than me driving the last ever LNER HST service, which sadly I didn't do. Also I got myself confused above too, my last service were 1E15. Sorry all these numbers and letter get me confused sometimes!

    As I remember it both 43318 and 43257 did not have spanners on the cab sides at this point, however both had the BRUSH plates on one side, I can't remember which side with 100% certainty, however looking at the screenshot that looks right so you I think you have got it on the right side. Have you got all the stuff for the data plate or have you got that?

    Like I say mate I understand and have been just as bad myself over the last few days and I have got a couple of days off after tomorrow so should be able to catch up with myself again! I do hope you keep your passion for the livery making but obviously you do have to do what is best for you!

    Catch you again in a few minutes!

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  50. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    That is looking excellent mate, as are all the other variations, however what I love about this is you have got the trace of the 40 Journey shrinker logo which just really made me smile so thought I'd give a special mention. :)
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