Change your "Go to Condition" from Overlap to Within on all your stop instructions and you should find them working properly. You won't need to set as an exact stop then. Try this too MagicMinion Hope that's the fix for you!
Thanks very much for the tip Josh. That one works for me very well and now all of my AI services seem to be doing what I want them to do. Still lots of learn methinks but, for the moment, Matt's tutorial really has opened up routes for Scenario Creation. And that is fantastic. One last quick question. If I want to send an AI service into a terminus and then have it come out again later (with correct lights etc) do I need to "End" the first service and then create a "NewService" for the second bit in timetable. Linking the two services together of course?
It depends, if your service is ending and a new one is starting, yes best to end your service. However, I think it is possible for a service to continue and reserve out if, let's say, the service is just using the terminus as a reversing point. But if the timetable would have the train run this as 2 different services, always end and start new. Hope that makes sense.
If you want to change where the driver is, change the lights and other things relating to the actual direction of the train then yes only an end service and starting a new one will do that. If you want to drive in and reverse, you dont need to do that. In a scenario, ending a service and starting a new one makes no odds to the player (butr remember to add them all to player-only-services to avoid AI embarrassments ). Matt.
"If you want to change where the driver is" is a good way of thinking about it. (Especially now that I have seen a number of my AI services pass me tail lights first). I presume that if you want to take over an AI service mid-scenario you have it arrive at your platform, end that service, and then start a new drivable service using that formation? One more question. Is there anyway to limit the maximum speed of a player service within a scenario? There appears to some selectable functions with speed limits but, so far, no one them seem to do anything for me. (I have an engineering train starting at Newhaven Marine and I'd like it to be limited to 40 mph). Finally, re "AI embarrassments", I edited a scenario and "lost" the player tick. When I ran the scenario the player train drove off without me but, after that, I let the scenario play out anyway and it was really good walking around Lewes station watching 7 AI services arrive and depart over the next 10 minutes from all 5 platforms. The TSW4 naysayers may moan about lots of things but, tbh, that 10 minutes of going backwards and forwards across the footbridge was one of the most immersive experiences I have had in the game. (And I didn't even drive a train). David.
Hey Matt, thanks a lot for the Tutorial - it makes it a lot easier to start with developing Addons. But I do have a couple of Questions that I didnt find answered elsewhere on the Forum: Is it possible to create Train Formations that use Liveries other than the default One, so Liveries created in-game using the Livery Designer or downloaded from the Creators Club? And If not is there an easy Way to convert these into a separate Loco Plugin and use that instead? Is there a Way to spawn a Loco and its Wagons separately? An Idea that came to mind was to make an AI decouple the Loco and drive it to the intended Location before the Player Service starts - which is pretty easy to do but I just wanted to know if there is a direct Way of doing it. To be specific: I want to have the Player couple a Vectron Loco to 11 IC Coaches at the start of the Scenario, but I dont see a Way to have the Coaches as a separate Train Formation or to spawn them in decoupled from their Loco. After looking around the Editor for some Time I realized you can define your own selectable Formations by creating a Data Asset of the TrainFormation Type, oops. I attached the "Solution" for anyone that misses the Option like I did. Thanks in advance.
Might be worth getting it included into the master document to go alongside the video that hopefully is in there already
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DTG Matt - is there a specific cargo type for loading/unloading mail vans, as I tried 'Passengers@ and it didn't work. Also, can you send a rake of wagons into a portal empty and have them come back out in the other direction loaded?
Believe so, when a train is in the void it can still do other instructions like a load/unload if memory serves.
Has anyone had trouble with getting a train moving after coupling to a train formation? I have been having trouble with getting a train moving in the play in editor mode after my train couples to formation I don’t know if this is a bug or not.
Hello everbody I follow Matt Tutorial, then i open the Scenario Definition and there is nothing. So how can i fix it? xtrame90
so ive been making my own scenario over the past week (on off) and it was going well got my train amd was spawning in cab as planned, started adding a bunch of ai (not sure if i did it right in (timetable,layers) but they are showing up so thats good), but now everytime i try to play it in the editor to test i no longer spawn in the cab and i spawn randomly around the map (i even deleted my formation and did a new one and still the same). Also as i cant find an anser for it HOW DO I transfer creator livereis into the editor I.E GWR 800 from Trainfan, i cnat find the file to drag over
Hello Matt , I'm currently creating a service timetable and I would like to use some user created livery's (with creator permissions of course) , is there anyway of converting user created livery's into the editor ??
At the moment I'm afraid you cannot use community liveries in the Public Editor. Hopefully this is something that will change in the near future. Although this is a pain it doesn't stop us from creating scenarios and timetables and then dropping the liveries in when the facility becomes available.
As you say, it is an issue, but for now i will keep working on my service timetable, a lot of the formations ain't available (yet), but i will build the paths and keep compiling , it's a challenge, but I'm enjoying the process, the Livery's, Destination blinds, platform display would be nice to have working in conjunction with my timetable, but these are after all cosmetic items, that hopefully by the time I've built my timetable will be available (here's hoping)
i believe you can use someone elses livery in the editor as the west cormwall modern timetable mod uses other peoples created liveries, so unless he asked directly for them to send the file to use then there is a way which ive been trying to figure out my self. along with why when i press play in editor it spawns me in a random location no where near the train i want to drive
In my service timetable, I'm unable to take control of a service, "is player driveable" is ticked, but it says "you don't have permission to drive this service" , is this an option on the editor to allow this? or have i missed something, ta
Is this a continuation of an AI service? If so the AI might still have control until the player service start time.
You should have three services: an AI service (blue start node) to leave the portal (e.g. until the first station), a player service (red start node) that continues from the first to the last station on the map (the "start time" of this service is the time you're looking for) and an AI service to enter the portal (from the last stop to the portal). Is this how you've set up this service?
Right this is how my timetable looks, formation > Driveable service > Exit portal > Station Stop(s) > load> enter portal > end service. No AI services for now (but this will change), as this a Service timetable it should be possible to drive any service ? its organised this way, because it works for me! The main problem is at the moment, i am unable to drive any of these trains because its not allowed for some reason, i've changed the front end time to match the start time....still non the wiser
A drivable service must start and end on the map. Formation > AI service > leave portal > end service > playable service > end service > AI service > enter portal > end service
hi ! has a solution been found to export these scenarios from the unreal editor and to be able to give them to friends to play in the game?
There is an unofficial mod for the editor which makes paking and cooking of scenarios and timetables possible although it’s something I haven’t attempted myself. I’m hoping this facility will be made available officially within the public editor before too long. Unfortunately the final pak file is only of use in the PC version of the game.