And the wizard strikes again! Thanks, that worked great! Now I can run a train over Cajon in the rain while drinking some warm coffee, enjoying the ambience.
Hey all. Bit late to the party commenting but I bought a used Pico 4 last weekend especially to play TSW with UEVR. Been tinkering with the settings to get the most out of it but I think I'm about there now and wow! As others have mentioned it is like playing a different title. I can notice details in VR that I have missed before like when traversing a viaduct and peering down at the landscape below. I have been absolutely loving playing through my back catalogue of DLC and it all feeling fresh again. Thank you everyone who has left feedback with tips and tricks for setting up. I know this is just the beginning and very excited to see where the community can take this!
Welcome aboard and glad you got set up. Yes it is very much early days but I am sure this will just get better and better as the mod evolves. Have a go driving on the Arosa line if you haven't already, the VR is amazing and brings a ' Meh ' route at the back of my DLC catalogue back to life
Hey! Glad you're enjoying it so far, definitely good to learn how to tinker with the UEVR settings to get the most out of it. Definitely try experimenting with the in-game TSW settings too as you might find you can get extra bits of performance by turning down or turning off certain graphic features. Yeah I think your reaction is what a lot of people, including myself, have walked away with. Be that details on the locos/carriages or scenery, it just allows you to see the game in a new light. I was playing the bakerloo DLC which usually would have bored me but thundering down tunnels and trying to bring the train in correctly, eyeballing the platform etc from inside the cab, is so much fun. This is the first time, and i did predict this, that going to VR would mean I could pay WAY more attention to the dials in-game instead of relying on the HUD. Again as i've mentioned before, i basically run wihout a HUD minus the minimal one which sits at the top of the HUD which lets you know the current speed limit. The only other HUD item i have is the track monitor for sanity checks and so i can see upcoming speedboards.
There are camera and hud offset sliders in the UEVR app. When I try to adjust them I get huge changes and am having a difficult time making small changes. Is there a way to finely tune these sliders? The UEVR documentation says depth buffer integration helps latency with Oculus. Is anyone using this feature? I find if I turn it on, then the HUD and Menu screen are blocked out by the loco.
Hi, Is this what you are on about? Have you unchecked or checked the enable depth tick box or is depth buffer integration in another menu?
Yes that is the setting I am talking about. If I check that setting, the HUD will be behind objects. Just wondering if anyone else is using it. The documentation says, "enabling it can greatly improve latency on Oculus headsets when using OpenXR with the native Oculus OpenXR runtime".
Okay thanks for replying. I had a quick look earlier and no I wasn't using it but checked the box to enable it and the HUD moved a bit further away and you are right it does move behind the front of the loco but only the bottom of the menu was not visible to me and I could still see the majority of the menu but I could not use the mouse cursor inside the cab as this has also been moved to the same distance as the menu out front of the loco. I will have a look at it this evening once my headset is charged up and see if I can come up with a fix or solution to it, strange one. I'll let you know
Did a video today just talking about the general state of TSW in VR and a bit of a casual talk about it. Feel free to give it a watch!
Okay I had a look at this and found a way of being able to control the position of the menu when enabling the ' depth ' option. Go to Debug - Disable VR overlay. Once you have done this you can control the menu position with your mouse, just simply place the mouse pointer on the edge of the menu and move the mouse cursor up down left or right until you have the menu were you want it and then right click your mouse button to set the menu in position and then you can then interact with it. One caveat is that you cannot see your HUD while driving as the HUD is outside of the cab view ( hidden by the front of the loco / roof ) and you would have to move mouse or gamepad left right up and down to be able to see each segment of your HUD, obviously dependent on your HUD make up. I use minimal HUD with current score disabled. I gave up testing after my headset had crashed 3 times due to me messing about with the settings and my Oculus wasn't happy but I did see another depth setting before I came out of the game, I think it was called VR_depth_enable so I may gave it another look at later today.
Hi Yes of course sorry. They appear straight lines at angles rather than smooth curves and then 'spring into' smooth curves closer you get. It's mostly the older routes this seems more prevalent one (less noticeable on TSW4 routes)
Thanks all. I've got all my TSW4 application settings on Ultra or High (whichever is highest) as I have a beefcake rig. I could muck in the text file which I've done over the years to reach settings not offered in the GUI in the game. Kind regards
Nice!! What specs do you have if you dont mind me asking? Feel free! I might make a collection of ini files for people to download which offers different options for different tiers of rigs etc
it's got 2 years on it back now but it ploughs through most things; 10900K overclocked to 5Ghz RTX3090 64DDR4 RAM
When you disable volumetric fog (to stop the flickering) it gets rid of all the clouds. Is there any way round this?
Unless you have a mega rig, there's not really a way around it for now other than using the alternative render option "Synchronized Sequential" but it will SEVERELY impact performance for most rigs. My 3070ti can't keep up and oddly I get weird audio artefacts as a result where the pitch just dances all about the place, very weird glitch. If you do give it shot, let me know if you find a way to gain back performance as I've not really done a deep dive on it yet.
Oooft! Still a great rig by most standards though. I'm on a 3070ti, not sure what my next upgrade will be before I hit a bottleneck with being on an AMD AM4 socket.
If you want to get the most out of AM4, 5600X3D is pretty much the last word in AM4 processors before looking into AM5 stuff.
Yeah that or the 5800x3D - apparently it's really not worth it unless I got a good sale on my current CPU. Might look at selling my entire rig at this point and holding onto the 3070ti.
Thanks for the reply. I’ve got quite a good rig (running a 5800x3d and a 4090), and currently running in VR at high settings. I did try Ultra, but it turned into a slide show. Does that mean no weather effects in VR at all?
For now yeah! Again bearing in mind this is a community project/fronted thing at the moment. Hopefully this might sway DTG to implement something that might play friendly with their shaders/weather effects etc but I doubt it unless people voted for it.
If you mean having the mouse appear, the should be a tick box option in the UEVR menu which can be accessed via the INSERT / INS key. As mentioned, it's not working terribly well at the moment so your mileage may vary.
Or if you are using a game controller press in both L / R sticks together to access the menu and select the enable mouse option, I don't use the mouse cos its bad but controller for me is good. Like Elf said milage may vary for each player. Hope you get sorted
I got this working tonight and can only say it’s absolutely incredible. Driving along the Brighton mainline past lots of different trains, the sensation of speed at 90mph and then the beauty of pulling into a station and being able to judge your stopping distance just by sense. Amazing. Absolutely revitalised my love for the game. Still need to play with settings. Need to work out how to sit closer to the windscreen as quite far back. is anyone able to share a config file that is doing the business?
I figured this out today as I was doing this via UEVR which was making a mess of the mouse and HUD controls and just making it worse. What you want to do is when stationary, hit pause and then take your controller which lets you recenter with a button press/hold and do the recenter procedure. When you do it make sure you roll back or move backwards or something from the original position. After you hit recentre you will be able to move back to where you were originally and you should be in a better position in the cab
Хочу поделиться впечатлениями. Вчера взял у сына шлем Quest2 и опробовал его на TSW VR. То, что я увидел, превзошло все мои ожидания. Я был в полном восторге. Я теперь абсолютно уверен, что VR для СВХ лично для меня имеет высший приоритет в развитии. Захотелось еще раз изучить все маршруты. Есть желание пройти маршрут и покопаться за каждым деревом и под каждым кустом на маршруте. Хочется посмотреть на каждый дом и изучить каждую деталь по маршруту. Это просто здорово. Теперь я одержим идеей приобрести шлем с линзами более высокого разрешения. Я бегал по Арозе, подвижной состав потрясающий, но маршрут требует доработки, декорации и антураж надо переделывать. Ривет, пожалуйста, сделайте Арозу лучшим маршрутом на СВХ. Проехал на GP9 через район Оквилля. Поездка пролетела как одно мгновение. Я ошеломлен эффектом пребывания в кабине. DTG, пожалуйста, мне нужен VR с поддержкой контроллера. Я буду с нетерпением этого ждать. Рекомендую всем попробовать и игра преобразится для вас.
It is my understanding that Praydog's program 'awakens' the VR capabilities inherent in UE engine made software. This isn't a 'fake VR' mod like Luke Ross' Cyberpunk release, as Matt P warned against in this thread. It would be fantastic if Matt and other VR enthusiasts within DTG would maybe look into how TSW4 can better work with the injector in regards to controls, for both future and historical DLC releases. For me and most other people who have tried the UEVR injector, it is 'a game changer', literally. I think a VR TSW4 support would bring a whole new player base.
It’s a shame that so much weight was given to the surveys where VR constantly came bottom of the list. Ultimately if you don’t have a VR headset you are never going to vote for its implementation. Those of us that were/are lucky to have one and could see the potential early on are now realising, through this mod how awesome it is and it could be even more awesome with native support. Once I have sussed optimum settings, got controller and mouse to work, and maybe upgraded my vr headset I will not play this in 2d again. This mod has turned the game into something I may dip into every now and again to something I will now set evenings aside to enjoy it.
've been testing Quest 2 on TSV for a week now and I really like it. I am a weak VR user and this is my first experience. I ask you to share your experience in the UEVR and Engine Ini settings to improve image quality. I don’t understand what quality I can achieve and how to do it. I would be very grateful.
Been using this fantastic plugin since release. Absolutely love it! I am unable to finish longer runs though (can’t give an exact time, but am getting CTDs after a while). had it happen on several routes now (probably about 40 minutes in). anyone else experiencing this?
Ahh ok gotcha. Can you list your specs too if possible? If you can let me know what resolution and refresh rate you have your Quest 2 set at, this would be ideal also. You can find it in device settings through the oculus app but it needs to be connected and turned on for it to show up Can you let me me know if you're: Using Dx12? if so, turn that off or/and remove the launch option. OpenXR or OpenVR? OpenXR runs a lot better. Which headset are you using? How're your thermals?
Make sure DX12 is OFF or/and is not in your launch options. It seems to be unreliable and unstable both 2D and in VR. If you mean you have DX12 installed and haven't triggered it in launch options, disregard the above. See in your Oculus settings, is the slider for resolution sat at the line/default resolution? If not, make sure it's there and not higher as TSW runs poorly unless you have something like a 4090. I am running at around those settings on my 3070ti and it gets me there for the most part. I might be sitting just above the default resolution but I do get laggy moments, of which I dont mind. Keeping it at the default resolution at 72hz will give you a good base to adjust other settings. Also make sure you're not running anything else that might be eating into GPU/CPU usage.
Hey all! I've made a new forum post for people to feedback on regarding VR. Please feel free to leave a post to let DTG know your thoughts of TSW being playable in VR. I've just done one for myself if you want some inspiration - My intention for the post is not to push DTG into doing VR for TSW, I just want to provide them some data to look at should they ever consider going down that route later with the franchise. Post: Always happy to answer questions so feel free to fire away.
So I noticed a really funny bug last night. I was using the sync render option in the UEVR menu so I could use shaders and fix other things but I didnt realise it was messing with the sound. Oddly enough I had been detecting pitch changes and anomalies but it was only when I switched back to the Native 3D render mode in UEVR that I realised how much it had been pitched up! So yeah, just a heads up if you try it, you might get some weird sound glitches with it.
Is there any setting that will sort out the signal flare only rendering in one eye? Can’t understand why it does that.
Think it's just a weird render quirk. You can try using the sync render option but you get a lot of weird stuff happening including the sound getting pitched up and all sorts. It's very odd.
I'm going to chime in as well, same sentiment as everyone else here, it really is incredible. Playing on a valve index RTX 4090 R9 7900x it holds 144fps on maxed out TSW 3 except from the occasional stutter, which is the same as playing it without VR. Same glitches noted with me in regards to some visual bugs, for example flares around signal head lamps is only shown in one eye, and the draw distance is really horrible, if I could increase the draw distance that would make a massive difference. There's also a weird audio bug where the horn pitch is altered and stutters when traveling at speed. The lighting was unplayable imo with the stereo render method so switching to AFR was a must for me. Hopefully this shows DTG that VR is a worthwhile investment and shouldn't actually take that much time to at least get it playable. Will try TSW 4 to see if the cab rendering is different, in Stereo rendering in TSW3 the right eye is basically black.
Yeah I noticed this too with the sync render method haha! Sometimes it was ok but then sometimes it would get super freaked out and go wild, entertaining but annoying/immersion breaking. Did sync not work for you instead? AFR was very weird but this might be a Quest 2 issue. I was getting the weird sensation as if it was the viewports moving or dropping out of sync and making things a bit weird. Only way I can describe how it looked visually was that when I moved my head or camera, it wa like the world scale changed until the camera stopped moving
I said many a time that maby who dismissed tsw as vr were people who hadn't tried it. Now we can see that with its launch people do like it
I think the biggest hurdle especially in the niche TSW fits in is that a lot of people have misunderstandings of what VR actually is if they have never tried it. Some people confuse VorpX or flat screen VR (with trackIR implemented) and then quickly dismiss VR without understanding that proper modern VR places you in the 3D space. I've said it here already, quite likely, but I doubt I will ever go back to playing TSW on a flat screen.
Hey DTG Matt - hope you're well! Just wanted to drop you a quick ping to find out if you'd had a chance to try the mod/UEVR? I know you showed interest initially so was just curious to find out from you if you'd had a chance to try it out!