This is the master feedback thread for the Bahnstrecke Salzburg – Rosenheim Route Add-On. Support Information: Bahnstrecke Salzburg-Rosenheim Gameplay Guide Please keep all discussions only related to feedback.
Hello, as shared in our recent announcement, we will be pushing an update later today which will add in the fifth scenario for the route, so for players on PlayStation and Xbox you should receive this shortly. We will keep you informed once this update has gone through
Well have to say that so far, the 766 is not impressing me You get up to line speed, you coast as you should but then when you go to put the power back on, you are waiting what feels like an eternity for an imaginary brake to release before you get the power back on It sometimes takes anything up to 2-3 minutes for the train to get any kind of power
Please keep all comments in this thread specifically on providing feedback for the route, any discussion can be held in the General Discussion forum.
Man with brown shirt has issues Hair gone weird, shirt ripped Other man what’s wrong with his legs it’s on all passengers in that new route Ps5 user
That's what I was saying earlier, the brakes take forever to come off and when you then go and try to accelerate when the brakes are fully off, it just doesn't want to know
Train moves fine even with it showing a number at the bottom but surly it should be 0 like the other 2
Mine is the complete opposite then, the brakes are off, the console says they are off but the loco/766 is like, nope, no power here even though it has power
Brakes not coming off OBB on new route took them off but say raise panto and close main circuit Done that but still doesn’t work
Hi, I can't find the route in the playstation store. I play on PS4 and my region is Central Europe. It seems like other players on the same platform already got the route but even if I search for key words like "TSW", "Train Sim World", "Bahnstrecke", "Salzburg" or "Rosenheim" the store can't seem to find it. It usually releases around 10 am Central Europe Time, now it's 5 pm and it's nowhere to be found. Any news on this? (if this can help, i did install the latest patch 1.34 half an hour ago) EDIT - literally after I posted this, I found the route, not in the store but in the DLC option under the game. Hope this can help other players
You can type in on google: playstation, route destination (in this case salzburg-rosenheim, tsw4 and it should appear. Just a tip next time
DTG Matt needs to check his instructions for the 766.2 DBpbzfa training module because I've followed his instructions and am getting absolutely no power being applied at all!
Hello, are you able to clarify any more details of this issue, please? We are aware of a couple of issues relating to the 766.2 DBpbzfa training, but not specifically to the power application. Is the power failing to apply after you initially set the reversed throttle to 'Off' and then back up?
The power just completely fails to apply. Following Matt's instructions and it just stands there. I tried the reverser switch and nothing happened. I tried the panto and MCB switches and nothing happened. I went and turned on PZB and still nothing happened UNTIL I acknowledged PZB. Then it got power. Did the module and only got gold so went for another try and again noting happened, even acknowledging PZB did nothing. I had to mess around with the Operating Mode Switch to get it to apply power. This module is even worse than the traction lockout that broke the Rapid Transit module because at least we knew what was wrong with that one
Further to this it seems like it was an issue I can't explain. Have tried the module a number of different ways, without PZB, turning on PZB. at different points of the start up procedure and it's working as it should. Only difference is for the retries I entered the module via the training centre loco list. The problem times was via the continue menu of the 111 so am wondering if it could be something there that caused the issue
Passenger lights on the DoStos don‘t work, the destination boards of the DoStos don’t work either. EDIT: This happens after the circuit breaker had to shut down at the border crossing. Lights and Boards are working again after resetting the „Zugsammelschiene“ even though the switch was in „on“ position.
So for me the problem is a little easier to explain and hopefully I do a decent job of it It's seemingly stemming from a problem with the PZB/SIFA system because I did a scenario earlier without the PZB and SIFA activated and it was very slow and sluggish to accelerate, when you were braking, it wouldn't brake for you, when you wanted to accelerate even if you had fuly released, the accelerator wouldn;t do a thing for you, it just stood there like it wanted a butler to bring it to you When you activated the PZB/SIFA system, it was much more responsive, it accelerated nicely, gave you some decent braking capacity as well but it came at a price because the PZB system, even though you are braking for the right speed, wanted you to slow down to 45kmh in a 100 zone Hopefully that sort of explains it
There are some problems with the destination displays of the included trains: - the ÖBB 4024's destination display doesn't work at all, it's completely blank - when you want to change the destination from the Dosto cab car, it just doesn't do anything when you press "OK"
XBOX - Dosto Cab 766 You can only release the Sifa pedal by pressing „B“ once the sifa light shows up on the screen. (Usually you can press the „B“ button at any give time, so the light never comes on)
First impressions... Yet another route which starts the "Journey" in the Training Centre. Let me loose on the route itself. Matt mentions two methods of controlling the tap changer but we are only shown one. (And yes, Training modules still switch that wretched coloured track section stop marker back on, requiring a visit to settings *every time* to switch it off again. Route looks nice but the first thing that hit me is once again that godawful saturated light, even in the early morning of the second Journey run, the track and ballast is reflecting and dazzling like it's painted with high gloss varnish. ***********Something really needs to be done about that*********** The Class 111 is nice and a bit different to handle. Tap changer is a bit different as unlike the 103 and 110 it is self regulating so no real skill in tapping up to avoid tripping the MCB. And while not 100% sure of the DB procedures, generally you would run down first before setting the controller to off, not straight away as in the tutorial which induces a noticeable jerk. Sound, well it definitely seems like the 110 or 103 to me albeit with a few new ancilliary sounds. Not the end of the world but the Zusi 3 version IMHO sounds better. Some interesting gradient changes even just driving for 10 minutes so I think this could be a better experience than Vorarlberg. A keeper? More than likely...
And the internal destination displays of the Dostos are a little broken (doesn't happen with English localization, but with German localization). The wrongly formatted date is also on the Dostos' cab displays as well as the ones on the 185.
and in this route Add-on there are even working lifts for players to use as they get around. Yeah I’ve checked and there’s no working lifts….
According to Steam, I do own this route, but it doesn't show up in TSW4 The Steam Store says it's in my library. I've run a file check. But when I select the routes screen in TSW4, Bahnstrecke Salzburg – Rosenheim isn't in the list. What's up?
When BR111 is loaded from a save, PZB no longer works and SiFa has no sound. PZB can be restarted, but then it has no sound either. Resetting SiFa does not help, it remains quiet. Then there is also the issue of crossing barriers, already reported, some (not all!) close only when the loco enters the crossing. Otherwise the DLC looks good so far. Edit: resetting the reverser to the off position, resolves the SiFa/PZB problem, and they make noise as expected again.
Yes they do as I mentioned in my edited original post. My bad. But on both DoSTo and IC coaches the passenger lights are shut off at the AI trains. Looks a little bit odd in the dark. And the gauge for the electric brake in the DoSTo control car shows only a very small rash, even if the brake is fully applied.
I have the same with 4024. With the DoSto however, I brought the displays alive by starting the Train Line Power (this was after changing ends of the train upon arrival at the terminal station, so I'm not sure if it works like that also when you start a run, as I have not tried that yet).
As mentioned in another thread on the main forum, reloading from a saved game PZB on the 111 has been switched off.
I must say the variety of different traffic is impressive. Now on the third Journey run from Rosenheim to Salzburg and I've had 101 hauled IC services, seen a Class 628 DMU, a double headed 185 long freight and even a 363 hauling a short trip freight. Obviously it helps having most of the German add ons (other than the 187 and 204) and stands out from the UK routes like BCC where we get minimal variety of AI. Edit: And a double headed Vectron freight just passed. Nice. This is a route where it will defintely be worth exploring the timetable, not just doing Journey.
stuck on a red signal near liefering on Rosenheim-Salzburg with the 10:06 re 27972 beacuse 4 trains are waiting on eachother and no one is getting a green. been here for 15 min
problem got fixed when i removed the freigth train i was behind. And when I restarted the service it happend again but this time with a RE
I have found a Bug: KM 24,4; A main signal in the wrong way with a wrong placed PZB magnet. See pictures. You get a 2000 Hz influence.
There are no stopping markers in the austrian stations. Please add them. Timetable S3 5061 salzburg to freilassing: You get stopped in Salzburg because of a Freighttrain. The freighttrain route looks odd.. Öbb 4023: Why is there always the wrong light configuration loaded on startup? Please change.
I’m playing the English version of the game (although I bought it on the German PlayStation store to be fair). Wondering what keeps triggering this immersion-breaking bug…
Got two in one... The floating island saw twice... near both ends of the route! And the timing on the crossing is not right.