I don't understand why I have to pay for the class 158 AGAIN for ScotRail as for someone who already owns the Midland Mainline. The class 158 was part of the Midland Mainline. Whilst I have heard there have been a few improvements and I do respect the work Skyhook have put into it, I think £12.99 is too much to pay for a locomotive that already exists in the game.
If you are happy with a creator’s club livery, then use that and don’t buy the DLC. You’ll have to create your own timetables and scenarios and it won’t actually look anything like a Scotrail 158 apart from the livery. It’s a little expensive in my opinion, but it certainly shouldn’t be free.
I don't have any of the Scottish routes but if you have them all then I think you have to treat it as more of a timetable and livery pack. It seems all the Scottish routes get Ai and all except Cathcart get some decent services or substitutions. Without owning all the Scottish routes it does seem poor value if you already have the MML 158.
Charging new train price is too much, and whilst this is more than a reskin I don’t think it’s appropriate to try & sell it for the cost of a brand new unit. Especially considering it has no suspension & lacking a few features other trains have had. The timetable is ok, but nothing special, as with most rolling stock add ons it’s pretty minimal. Most runs are half route services on E2G & then it’s zilch for Fife at the moment. £7 - 9 range would of been of been palatable on this one & since we’ve gone fictional on E2G anyway, the option to use a 380 & 170 would of been nice. I think between the rather optimistic pricing & nothing special on the timetable front this is going to have to be a sale grab for me. The 158 is a great unit & Skyhook did do it wonders, but that’s the reason I paid £30 for a very limited route with it bundled in. Edit: seeing reports that the new timetable omits previous layers from the old timetable, including a paid pack for E2G, seems silly & certainly not going to be entertaining this add on whist it takes away other content.
The ScotRail Class 158 should never have been released by itself. It belonged in the Fife Circle Line route and the fact that it wasn't included with it is outrageous.
I don't have the ScotRail class 158 nor the Fife Circle Line, if the Class 158 was part of the Fife Circle Line as well as the ScotRail Express, it would have made me more likely to buy it as there would have been more opportunities. Another of the so many missed opportunities.
I bought it to see what the new timetable was like on E to G its not much so refunded will re buy when the Leven branch is finished
It is a different add on. If you want it, pay for it. If you don't think it is worth the money and would rather a creator club livery you are free to do that. It will eventually go on sale so you can wait too. Really its nonsense to compare official DLC with creator's club since: 1. Creators club usually looks like a MS Paint version. No offence to creator's club contributors, they do great work considering the tools but they can't match the tools that devs have access to. 2. Creator's club doesn't come with a proper interior or the other small details that are different between the units (snow plow, different headlights etc). 3. Official DLC isn't just a train but also scenarios and timetable.
The release article goes into some of the details of what makes the ScotRail Class 158 different, if you are interested: https://live.dovetailgames.com/live/train-sim-world/articles/article/scotrail-class-158-out-now
More evidence that some know the cost of everything and the value of nothing! I agree that maybe that it could have been a couple of pounds cheaper but definitely not free, there is much self entitlement around. It is more than a repaint and a timetable isn't a five minute job. I am undecided whether to wait for the FCL timetable to be updated before I purchase it. It's not obligatory to purchase it anyway if it doesn't represent value to you!
cheaper? we both agree for free? there's no way, skyhook developers need to be paid for their work time
Here's a radical idea - why not produce some NEW locomotives and NEW DMUs, rather than just recycling old content and charging yet more for something we already own?
They are not identical. There's nothing wrong with creating the same class of train in a different livery. If they exist in real life, it should be made in tsw
Well we have a 158, we have routes for the 158 in Scotland - it makes sense to make a ScotRail 158 rather than leaving a gap.
I agree with what others have said. I wouldn’t expect the Scotrail 158 to be free given it’s not just “A simple repaint” and there are quite a few changes from the MML version. However, releasing a product such as this at the full price of a new loco addon isn’t something I feel is justified and however much I want the Scotrail 158 and the new Edinburgh to Glasgow timetable, I won’t be purchasing until it’s on sale - and as an Xbox player, it’s looking unlikely
I think a discount for those who own the Midland Mainline 158 would have been nice, maybe £2 off but on the whole for me so far it's worth it for what we get, extra scenarios, timetabled services on two DLC's with a third coming at some point in the future, plus any future Scottish content and it looks incredible. If you don't want it, don't buy it. If you do want it, buy it. It's that simple.
I bought it and don’t really regret it (I like the 158), but I would imagine FCL is just going to be a better route for it… EDN is quieter than a library on EDN-GLASGOW. I’d probably say wait if you can… after a few runs I’m going to tire of this route, personally I already prefer FCL even without the upcoming branch
Not free but as I said before once sat in the cab driving it pretty much looks and sounds the same. I haven’t bought as I don’t intend to buy the two Rivet routes but the rework maybe justified a price of around £7.
Maybe more along the lines of the ROG 37? We already had a 37 in game. Some changes were made, new livery etc, it was £5.99
Everyone is entitled to their personal points of view, and some are level headed... But some of these opinions just come across as pure entitlement and are laughable, and others come across as ungrateful. The odd post I see is level headed but for the most part I feel alot of the criticism put forward is unfair. Particularly, when it comes to the expectation for Skyhook to make other units other then their own developed 158 driveable on services, on a route that is not developed by them, is utterly ridiculous. For me I think the price is fair and the standard rate for a unit add on, and I'm treating it as more then 'just a reskin', it's a rebuilt 158, much like how the EMT HST is a rebuilt HST and I don't see many people moan about that? If Skyhook wanted, all they really needed to do was add a 158 into the exiting timetable... Did they do that? Nope. They've added much more... new timetable, AI traffic that has brought EG alive, and static ECS around Haymarket. And I'm sure in time, this will be updated further. Is it worth then money? Well if you're like me yes, it definitely is. My concern is the unfair criticism will lead developers to think "we don't bother, the reception we got last time was pretty bad.", and personally I don't want that, I want developers to see people like me are sincerely grateful and think the 158 is genuinely very good, and will be bringing life to 3 independent routes as driveable and AI services. If you feel it's not worth the money, then fair enough, go to creators club and use that, but I can guarantee it won't have the realism and authenticness of the real ScotRail 158, nor the same level of detail. As a railway enthusiast, I'm all for detail and subclasses...
I can perfectly see where you're coming from, and I do respect the work Skyhook has put into it. The thing I'm unhappy about is the pricing situation as I think it's a bit too expensive. But I am okay if you disagree with my opinion.
The only trains I had on E to G was the 385 and the 158 services and the AI GWR HST shouldn't there be more layers on the new timetable
This is why you get no likes on your post. The price is right? I'm glad you've got money to burn.. Let's just forget there's a cost of living crisis in full force. SMH..
And I respect your opinion too, but I just politely disagree and think the pricing is fair for the work that's gone into it. What have likes on someones post got to do with the validity of their opinion? Is there any need to be nasty? Nope.
Nasty? Only because you're biased and accept paying the LOVE they charge. So no, I'm not nasty, I just 'real talk' and you don't like it.
Who made you the judge of 'real talk'? I feel you've elected yourself to that role... No need to get your knickers in such a twist and be nasty to other members. I don't really mind your opinion, what I object to is your poor attitude and unnecessary ratty replies that are quite obviously looking for trouble. Absolutely no need for it quite frankly.
Bought this and had a fiver of PSN credit, so in real terms it was £7.99. Am I disappointed? Not really, the model is well designed, although the GSMR screen isn’t working currently- no display. We cannot expect companies and devs to work for free and even though it’s not a BRAND NEW unit in TSW, it brings more gameplay and layers eventually.
What arrant nonsense! "Real talk", it is just your opinion, just like anyone else has on here. I have also bought this "LOVE" and also think it is worth the money. Do you think you are being "edgy" or something? What have likes on a post got to do with anything (ironically as of 11pm he has more likes than your zero), the arrogance of some on here is astounding sometimes, what has it got to do with you how he/she spends their money? Should we not spend our money if we can afford it, how we wish. The cost of living crisis, doesn't affect everyone anyway, plenty of people still have money for hobbies. I remember there used to be a downvote button as well as a like button. Sometimes I wonder if they should bring it back as it might really demonstrate what many think of some of the "opinion" on here!
I'm waiting for Leven upgrade first before I buy it. I don't think its worth it since you only get 60% of the product at release. However when it's added to the Fife Circle timetable I will be quite fine with the price. It should probably have been released after the Leven Branch in my opinion.
I agree and I was going to wait, however I hardly play Edinburgh to Glasgow due to the timetable, even though I like the route, so I thought I might as well get it now anyway. I probably should have waited till the cost of living crisis was over first though......................
It kinda feels like Skyhook likes to release unfinished DLC. The last I bought day 1 was MML, amd that took what, 8 months before it was in acceptable state? I wasn't going to make that mistake again. And 3-6 months before you get the full product (the most services at least) you paid for. So I don't knock anyone who bought as they seem to be paying Skyhook to be able to finish their products, before I buy them. So thank you.
Well we know what it currently contains and what is to come, personally I don't see the problem. It has improved Edinburgh to Glasgow with more variety and a new timetable, a new way to enjoy the route so for me it is already worth the money. I can wait for the Leven branch. Ideally I would have liked it all to have happened at the same time but I can wait for the rest.
I am okay when people disagree with my opinion, but I'm with you two. There's no need for others to be arrogant about it. C**p isn't a word I would use on the forums. I don't swear in the forums. What alexjones6024 said didn't make me very happy.
I like the fact Scotrail is getting some love and the fact you now have several different locos operated by the one company in TSW. So, Scotrail must now have the largest variety of locos in TSW? It would be nice to see this happen with other rail operators in TSW?
I've always been on your side when it comes to talk about this simulator, I am disappointed in your last reply truthfully. I've chosen to state my view on something, I find it abhorrent, that anybody should think of me as an argument creator, I'm purely stating that it is unfair to be made to pay a certain amount, I have also chosen to disagree with someone's view on the price being justified. It's doesn't mean to say that I am right, or they are right, just my opinion. If I come across as arrogant, then that is purely down to trying to give my view in a manner that tells you that I am dissatisfied with something. In this case, I really am annoyed to potentially have to pay full whack for something that isn't worth it.
I am sorry if you are disappointed in my response, I am sure there are many areas we will continue to agree and sometimes disagree on. However surely there is a difference in disagreeing with someone and completely denouncing their view in the way you did? Why bring the cost of living crisis into it, it is irrelevant! It sounded like you were trying to make the poster feel guilty about spending their own money. Using the word "LOVE" is disingenuous, time and effort has gone into creating something, you might not feel it is worth it, fair enough but denouncing it as "LOVE" harms your argument in my opinion. It clearly isn't "LOVE". Something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it and in the case of DLC how much use they will get out of it. For me it is worth £12.99 as it makes the Edinburgh to Glasgow route more interesting with a better timetable and will add more to the FCL when it is added on there. There has been quite a lot of posters telling others how they shouldn't spend their money recently, some even trying to turn it into some kind of moral crusade where you are the bad person! No one is "made" to buy anything. If you want it, which presumably you don't", then wait for a sale and it to be at a value which sits better with you, something I do with quite a lot of DLC which I want but know I won't be using it often.
Well I bought it partly because I thought Skyhook did an excellent job upgrading their MML to a very high standard after initial bad reviews, setting a good example to other 3rd party devs. In addition I have the Glasgow - Edinburgh route which I’ve always found a bit empty, I saw a YouTube review this morning by Richy Rail saying the 158 had a full timetable on that route so it was an insta-buy once I discovered that. I’m holding off on Fife though for a deep sale as I see it’s not on there, and won’t be for some time to come, when the Leven branch is finally done.
If you want to get your hands on driving a train, there has only being 2 options, become an actual train driver or get a trainset? Now, we have a third option thanks to the likes of DTG who kinda gives us the best of worlds without taking up the whole living room or making you give up your current career to become a train driver. Players are happy or not happy about the price of the new loco and it is good to have a debate, but if you look at it from a trainset perspective...(see below) Please ensure you are sitting down before clicking the link https://railsofsheffield.com/collections/class-158-locomotives Now...What's expensive?
The Scotrail Class 158 has a couple of bugs which really annoy me, so I'd say wait for a bug fix, or just hold off for a discount if you don't actually need it right now. - Panel under the master light switch is bugged. When you have headlights switched on, one of them on that little panel will change to red or go off completely after a while. - GSM-R is broken on a couple of routes. I know for a fact is doesn't work on 2P11 Edinburgh - Dunblane.
I think you get a lot of new gameplay and a model where a lot was changed. I like what I have seen. Price is what it is, buy or do not buy it or wait for a good sale at some point in future.