I think there becomes a point where TSW20×× becomes more appealing than TSW×. In 5 years we'll be at the stage of TSW10. "TSW2030" sounds more appealing than TSW10. Either that or we'll be on Franchise #3, Train Sim Universe
They could call it SD40 does Dallas for all I care, as long as it has trains in it, and it makes me go I want a piece of that action, I'll buy it.......
Its been argued in the past that changing to the TSW20XX format would confuse players with the TSC 20XX format so....
If it was named by year it would be TSW2025, just like TSW2020 which was released in 2019. It’s an annoying naming convention. I know why they do it but it is still wrong. I think TSW5 would be fine.
Given the prevalence of artificial intelligence in the game and now on the forum, I think it should be called TSW2001: A Train Odyssey
There were already years and numbers. It's time now for names, eg. A New Era... later maybe followed by return to years again, but skipping the century part, or numbers, but skipping some of the numbers in between for some reason.
DTG can name it in the way they like, if TSWX becomes boring, then they can use TSW202X or even use a new name to bring some freshness and make it look more like a brand new game develops from scratch, perhaps use a new name can attract more people to buy it and DTG can gain more profit.
Wasn't this the reason for renaming Train Simulator 2022 (or so) to Train Simulator Classic? But now it's back to Train Simulator Classic 2024, so I don't know. It's probably going to be incremented to Train Sim World 5 rather than 2024/2025
Why would you use a year for a train sim? Would the game then use the weather data of that year? Everything that happened on that route that year will happen in game? I get it for sports but for trains?
I don’t really care what they call it. We‘ll find out in a couple of weeks. No doubt It‘ll have a lot of the same issues as TSW4 and with 18 days to go until the announcement, we still don’t have suspension, an editor that can cook (or any documentation on how to use it and while we have Free Roam (and I do like it) it doesn’t always work so well. So maybe TSW 4.1 I‘ll still get it if the routes make it good value and it doesn’t break too many mods. But if it is a paid core release, it’s a little ridiculous that they didn’t finish the last one yet.
I think it will probably get called Train Sim World 5, as to not confuse it with Train Simulator 2025 (Classic) .
They may shift it up to ten before double digits become ridiculous. An alteration of the current year release is much more attractive to the brand.
Every TSC edition and TSW2020 would like a word. And, no, the year on the cover doesn't impact the routes. It just indicates what year it's released for.
Well, it obviously missed the July deadline, I cannot believe there has been no communication from them about it.
This was a big discussion when TSW 2 came out. They said back then they didn't want to do the same as TSC and use the year on every new title. But that was back before it was going to be a new version every year so who knows. But I assume TSW 4 - Something catchy like Rush Hour. Or TSW 5.
Not to us existing players maybe, but it matters in terms of marketing to potential new players in a competitive market where catchy titles seem to be important.Train Sim World 2025 would be most effective I would think.