I mean Rugby could work, you could have the stopping 350 services which terminate at MK, then have more direct 350 services go on to Rugby, this would also make the 390 journey better.
Sorry, what was photoshopped? Have you seen something that has not made its way onto the forums? Something like that should have been a massive thread that blew up - there's been nothing at all that I can recall on the magnitude of ostensibly showing some kind of multiplayer play in action. All I have seen are a couple of times people have mistaken XBox UI features or lines of unused Unreal Engine code that are present in the engine for every title. Definitely not anything that someone would need to go to the lengths of faking with photoshop, just wishful thinking to imagine it's something it is not.
Exactly mate, I be happy with that, I understand with the BNS thing but I feel like we are coming into the 5th TSW now, DTG should be aiming higher not lower in terms of route length. But I understand WCML Is going to be hard to do and so much scenery to implement but it will 1000% be worth it, I shouldn't grudge as I have always wanted the modern WCML in the game and looks like from what we have all seen we are getting it. With 350 To get to Rugby would be 1 hour 40 mins! That be incredible would love that! With 390 it be 50 mins to 1 hour depending on the stopping pattern. Ideally would love more time in the 390 but you never know.
Same, I love the WCML. Its the line I live near so have more personal connection with it. I am looking forward to driving the 390 aswell, I love those trains. Although I miss them in their classic Virgin Livery.
I live in Shrewsbury so I am pretty near the WCML. Only got to go to Crewe and I am their. Yes Virgin livery was amazing to see.
Tbh, I think WCML Euston to Rugby, is probably best case scenario at this point, although if we got to Milton Keynes then I would expect it to have the Watford DC line and Branches.
Yes! Certainly agree with you. We can only assume from what we have seen but I feel like DTG are better than just to go to MK.
I don’t think it will (barring maybe Cathcart) but I really hope the 390 gets back ported as AI into the (many) routes where they’d be in real life. off the top of my head it would be: Bakerloo Glossop Fife Circle Cathcart Birmingham CC E to G Would really make the big terminals in those come to life.
Nice, that should be good. Though will wembley stadium even be seen. They will need a license to make the stadium.
Yes! It would also make the Lichfield Trent Valley constantly busy with 350s and 390s as well! But it should all layer, you may have to bar Rivet Contents so E to G, Fife circle as you know what they are like. Useless to the TSW Franchise. Other than that I can see it happening on BCC, Cathcart, Glossop and maybe Bakerloo. Depends how DTG want to do it
Same could be said for MKC tbh, in fact I think a good 60-70% of avanti services don't call at Milton keynes
Just had a look on Realtimetrains and tbf lots of services stop at MK. Just around over 100 I have managed to count that stop at Milton Keynes. In total going to and from Euston
It’s not tbf. Quite happy with it as well. and obvs lots of 350 services stop there which I will do my research on as well.
While I think a longer route would be great, the complexity of building a route is not just in the length but also in the timetable. I've just counted and per hour 16 tph stop at Milton Keynes, 6 of which are Avanti. Add in the ones that terminate at Tring or Watford junction and this could be a busy timetable. That said, I don't know how that compares to other routes. Doesn't the new Koln to Aachen timetable have over 1000?
There's a new timetable that's been on the roadmap for a while now and should be released at some point, but I think it's got pushed back due to other projects.
Yes you are correct. I am travelling from New Street to Euston next week and the train down I am booking doesn't stop at Rugby or Milton Keynes. Some of the services on ECML don't call at Doncaster so start further down the route so it wouldn't be anything new. Shows up the difficulty when making long routes and not making it to a more important station.
Regarding the possible UK route. If it's on the short side for express trains so be it. We probably have two new pieces of traction coming that will bring life to other routes as AI in the short term and provide good route options in the future. A bit like the IET last year, while the route it came with was on the dull side it makes other sections of the routes they run on more likely in the future. Oh and I believe one of the units that are expected could be modified slightly to liven-up Clapham Common or even lead to us getting a South West route with the DC version, their longer distance siblings and 159s at some point.
So ‘so be it’ Why with the arrogance? It’s not a so be it. A lot of express routes for UK are limited to only an hour which ain’t that long for a high speed train.
I´m always amazed at how large walls of text you people always come up with... but it will all remain a dream. Spoiler: There won´t be branches, new trains won´t be "ported back" to all old routes and the route won´t go to Rugby, Glasgow or Wladiwostok. Every time all this hype and what do you get at the end of the day? Doncaster to Peterborough, Barking Riverside to Gospel Oak, half of the Bernina Line....should I carry on? At this point players should know, what to expect from this game. It will be Euston to Milton Keynes with the DC lines. Including Pendelino, Class 350 and the Aventra. If everyone behaves, we might even have the tubes from Bakerloo running along the DC lines.
Just one thing you are wrong about... The newer stock will definitely become AI on other routes, DTG always do this. So Birmingham New Street, Manchester Victoria, and Glasgow Central will all benefit. And the 72 Stock would be added as AI regardless. (on the condition people own the relevant add ons to layer on). DT are very good at layering existing stock to new routes. My guess however will be that, like ECML last year, the preorder early access won't initially have a full timetable with the relevant AI, it'll be the standard edition that utilises stock from other available add ons...
They definitely don’t always do this. For example the London to Brighton traffic never got added into East Coastway when it came out.
There's always a lot of wishful thinking when new routes are anticipated. Just remember that routes are generally shortish with one new train. Any branches would be a surprise, as would busy terminal stations and/or extra new trains. Remember ECML and expect something very similar. Better than that and you can be genuinely overjoyed.
Extra heavy on the Cross City line. Despite having Cross City trains averaging every 10 minutes for the most part, Birmingham is so painfully empty that I really avoid playing that route because I just don’t enjoy it. The immersion is significantly lost, which is a shame because I think the cross city as a route for TSW is really good
I totally get where you are coming from, my point is DTG should be aiming higher, 5th TSW. ANd to then like go down to a 50 mile UK core route when ECML was 75. Is quite poor in all honesty.
I used to love playing BCC but can't anymore cause of the disgusting lack of traffic and the immersion. Its really good in sense of it has all terminating stations which is great. Is a lovely route just needs more traffic to create that immersion
I think even if fhey do only go to MK. The amount of traffic if you include the DC Watford lines. Bakerloo obviously would be AI only trains but still, if its as detailed as the Goblin scenery wise it would make sense for the distance and I'd be happy. And then the BCC timetable will really need an update for sure. New Street would have so much potential to look so busy, just like Joe did for Hamburg.
Euston to MK would be okay. You can't compare it to ECML as the stretch they modelled is mostly rural, obviously Euston going north has much more intensive urban scenery. I still think it is disappointing as a run for the Pendolino though. My main hope is that it isn't something like MK to Rugby as that would not be immersive for me.
MK to Rugby via Kilsby would be over in 20 minutes! As I’ve mentioned elsewhere IMHO it’s either going to be Euston to MKC (Evens), or WJ to Rugby (think I gave that one 2/1 odds) but don’t think we will see Northampton. Four days until we find out. Of course the supreme irony would be, if the leak was for something not related to TSW V but just an ongoing DLC and we got something quite different. North Wales Coast would still be nice!
When you say ‘always do this’ you surely mean ‘hardly ever do this’ which is the reality. This usually only happens if an old route is revisited at a later date and a new timetable is made. Even then, these are usually passion projects by individual devs in their spare time, and that is when the trains from newer routes get added to older ones. It certainly isn’t a standard thing for new train content to appear on older routes. Don’t expect any trains from the new routes to appear in any old routes as you will likely find yourself quite disappointed.
Euston to Rugby should be doable, its 81 miles as well. I would take that but MK is funnier enough not even 50 miles its 49 miles ahahah.
I think DTG will 100% implement the 390 and 350 on their own routes. So CCL 390 will be put on, BCC, Glossop. etc Rivet with Edinburgh very unlikely in all honesty can't see that happening.
Exactly. I just took a 390 yesterday and that section between EUS and MKC felt a bit short compared to EUS and Rugby
I think you are probably correct in it likely being Euston to MK. I do wonder if it could be MK to New Street. Although you would have to put the Northampton loop in really. We have New Street in the game already and there is a bit less urban scenery to model.
To be honest (as the thread says), this would be a disappointment for me personally. A modern high awaited tilting train on a even more awaited route with the lenght same as GWE... Too short and the fun is over instant. Such a route has to end at rugby...(or is it supposed to be a demo run?)
30 min direct from Euston and if its a stopper I think 45 minutes. F all that is. I will melt down and cry if its only to MK! its no different to GWE tbh since 390 can get to 125 very quickly than the HST. It is basically the equivalent to GWE. Different miles and 350 is faster than the 166 so its like a replica to GWE if you get me.
That wasn't "arrogance" it was "flippant", "dismissive" perhaps. Either way, I'm surprised you misinterpreted it that way. If the core premise of the route is the WM and LO services then this is not really a "high speed route" a 390 just fills things out to make it and others (BCC for example) more realistic. Like the IET, It won't be the last route a 390 would appear on. If the core premise is that it's a "High speed route" then you'll probably get more than Euston - MK but with less focus on WM and probably AI only for LO services. No-one knows, but personally, I'm a bit "meh" about flying along at 125 mph for just an hour as that doesn't represent a realistic driver's shift. I occasionally like a properly long high speed run in TSC from London to Leeds or even Paddington to Paignton (both well over an hour) but I can't see anything of that length coming to TSW, yet.
Rugby will certainly be better than Milton Keynes, but it is an odd place to end, as although it is a junction it isn't really a major station. For me the idea of having "express trains" is that you are going somewhere, far or farther away. If it is Euston to Milton Keynes and both express trains and the stopping services terminate at the same place it takes away the glamour of having an express train. I feel that the express services should go to a further away place. GWE suffered from this and I found this frustrating from the beginning. MML does to some extent. At least with ECML you do feel you are travelling some distance (I still feel it should have gone to York).
I mean it wouldn't be quite so bad if the save game worked on multiple services. So you could go out to MK with an Avanti service, come back with a WM stopper, then do a round trip on the DC line. Yes I know in reality all different companies but it would let you chain together an interesting series of tasks. Let's hope that has been addressed, finally.
I wouldn't hold your breath, there seems to be silence around it now. I would love to be proved wrong though.