Tsw5 - The Honest Feedback

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Migsithepigsi, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Redbus

    Redbus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    TSW has a long history of leaving people feeling short changed with regard to routes, with the notable exceptions of Bakerloo and London to Brighton, the latter of which I believe was Dovetail’s finest hour. Crewe to Liverpool was a potential masterpiece but we all know how that ended up. Expect disappointment and let’s see how many boxes we can tick off on the corporate bingo card on the 20th.
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  2. Wivenswold

    Wivenswold Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Or just stop buying it? I'm getting utterly fed-up with mob-mentality sarcasm, pessimism and bad-faith insults that bring the mood down.

    Having had to replace a car, a washing machine and remortage my house in the last month while dealing with a neurological disorder and work stress-induced anxiety that's left me unable to function like a normal human......I can tell that so many in here simply have no sense of perspective.

    If you think DTG are evil, try contacting the Department of Work and Pensions. If you think TSW is a rip-off, get a quote for mortgage. If you think DTG don't care about their customers, give your bank a call and ask to speak to a manager.

    Perhaps for the suggestions thread but DTG Alex DTG JD can we possibly move threads that descend into having a dig at DTG and any other creators into a separate section? You could call it "The echo chamber" or similar.
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  3. yambam#1598

    yambam#1598 Member

    Jun 10, 2021
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    Just throwing in my 10p worth... There was a loco on the road map for the UK, I'm sensing a 730 in WMR colours
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  4. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Agree with you as well
    Totally agree with you mate. I can’t stand people complaining about stuff like that. It’s like the Expert 101 I understand why it costs £30 cause it costs so much to develop a fully interactive train
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  5. Redbus

    Redbus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I never realised how ripped off house buyers are in the UK until I moved to France; a variable interest rate can literally ruin people financially. Fortunately over here it's possible to get a fixed interest rate for the life of a mortgage (my own humble abode was procured with a 1.5% rate). Saying that, French estate agents will happily take a hefty fee, usually between 5-10% of the property's value, which is included in the selling price and thus paid by the purchaser. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2024
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  6. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Not just house prices. Repairs too. Last year we paid nearly £2k to have a leaking cold water header tank in the loft replaced. Just fortunate the cascade of water through the airing cupboard didn’t, 1. Bring down the ceiling and 2. Get into the CH/HW electrics.

    And that’s if you can get a decent plumber, not a cowboy like the first person we called out who charged £100 for doing sweet fanny adams.
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  7. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Plato himself could not have conceived of such a pure, distilled essence of the ideal of a concept existing within our world.
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  8. 6233Jess

    6233Jess Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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    In some respects GWE would actually be a better route if this were the case. At least all trains out of Paddington stop at Reading.

    With the WCML not all pendolino services stop at MKC - which means not only would the 390 be limited by distance but also by actually playable services.

    Though you may get a similar situation like with the ECML where you only drive part of the journey - in this case would be the grand journey distance between Euston and Watford for some other services
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  9. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Good thing if it is Euston to MK Again I am happy with Rugby, least you got Euston has a big terminus and you can basically play majority of the services at Euston so your not gonna be bored waiting. And you also got the immersive of taking a 390/350 to Euston then waiting 30 mins or less for the turnover. That is the big difference with the ECML, ECML is just boring with no terminus and having to wait ages for a train back to PBO/Doncaster.
    I hope the Scenery will be lot better on WCML as it has stunning Scenery.
    ECML Scenery was horrifying
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  10. 6233Jess

    6233Jess Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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    Most pendolino services in and out of London typically run non stop to/from at least Rugby, with a few stopping at MKC and WFJ. My point is that this will seriously impact the justification of having a pendolino, with only a small number of playable services of which are further restricted by playable distance.
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  11. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Yea 100% agree with you. We are coming into the 5th Generation of TSW, Should be aiming much higher than half routes!
    We should be getting full routes, Euston to New Street. I was saying to someone if they are going to do it to Rugby which is 81 miles, might as well go to New Street. Be amazing for us players who love TSW, but ofc you are going to get a bunch of moaners who complain it is too long, tell you what they wouldn't survive in the railway industry.
    Anyways back to my point it really should be the full route, 30-45 to 60 mins in a 390 is disgraceful. I don't want to moan as been wanting this route and 350+390 in the game for ages and getting it but ofc it has to be a half route rather than a full.
    We shall find out on Tuesday!
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  12. Wieczorek

    Wieczorek Active Member

    May 28, 2018
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    I have read chat on Youtube and WCML will comming:Manchester Piccadilly to Stamford via Crewe and Stock on Trent.Link is on Discord Tsw news-no TSC channel (train Sim World channel.
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  13. samuelpower2001

    samuelpower2001 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Is this legit?
  14. Xander1986

    Xander1986 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    No of course not! Such things are all speculations. Nothing confirmed there with any evidence.
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  15. Wieczorek

    Wieczorek Active Member

    May 28, 2018
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    This wrote User- MH trains.
  16. 6233Jess

    6233Jess Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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    No disrespect to anyone intended, but when it comes to live chat feeds or comments or anything, if you see someone saying “XYZ is coming” then it’s probably best to take it with a pinch of salt unless DTG have already confirmed it
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  17. Xander1986

    Xander1986 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Maybe if you claim such bizar things you can share more information with the Videolink for example instead of writing with no clues or anything that can proof this story
  18. Xander1986

    Xander1986 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Thats the problem on the web there are people they can bring a "i think" situation to "this is the real true" in 3 seconds
  19. 6233Jess

    6233Jess Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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    I think a lot of it can also come from somebody’s excitement and complete misinterpretation and misreading the whole story without context, not necessarily from them trying to stir things up.

    I’ve seen multiple times people have misconstrued the suggestions forum to become some kind of “Announcement” then rock up on the forums a number of months later asking where that suggestion is and claiming it was announced
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  20. 6233Jess

    6233Jess Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2019
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    Nobody is debating that somebody may have said that on chat, but the chances are highly likely that the person who made that claim doesn’t work for DTG and doesn’t actually definitively know for certain what is coming, so you should take it with a pinch of salt until DTG make any kind of official announcement
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  21. Xander1986

    Xander1986 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2018
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    Long Stories Short.... We have to wait until next week Tuesday than we have all the answers..... The problem is on YT there is a lot people they have no clue about the effects that they have so better wait until official confirmation from DTG it self
  22. ididntdoit

    ididntdoit Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    Milton Keynes ain't too sad. As long as we get the dc lines and plenty of traffic.

    Would be much better than the suffragette line that's desolate right now.
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  23. mortal1234

    mortal1234 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2022
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    That is a possibility. We have only had 1 UK route from them and it’s been quite a while so maybe. I think goblin released back at the start of the year.
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  24. mortal1234

    mortal1234 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2022
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    I wouldn’t be surprised… and if that is the case about Leven I think that’s ridiculous if they do that. Im just like yourself and will only buy it if it has a good route worth buying.
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  25. While I sympathise and empathise with all that you say, I think a clear distinction between criticism and vitriol needs to be drawn. The existing rules are pretty clear, if not particularly rigorously enforced. The dangers of censoriousness are well summed up in the following, and would not I think serve DTG well I terms if its brand reputation. Studios that shut down criticism invariably perform poorly thereafter.

    Incidentally, the Reform Section 5 campaign was successful.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2024
  26. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    As far as I'm aware every route DTG have brought out themselves, they've updated retrospectively when appropriate stock has become available? I don't understand where alot of this unnecessary whinging comes from...
  27. I think only within the context of supported titles? So anything from TSW3 or prior will not see any updates as you describe. Not a criticism btw.
  28. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    When I say 'updated', I should of been more specific and say 'updated with relevant AI Layers' when appropriate rolling stock becomes available.
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  29. My bad. I misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying:)
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  30. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    Yes but you are wrong because it hasn’t happened that way. When new routes come out the trains depicted in it do not get added to old routes. With some routes (mainly German routes) some new locos will automatically substitute in on older routes but if anything requires any changes to the timetable, such as new services, then that almost never happens. Some of us have been around throughout the history of TSW and have lived through the experience of new routes coming out and the trains in them not appearing in any older routes where they would appear in real life because DTG just do not revisit their older routes when new ones come out to add new services with those trains. I’m actually struggling to think of a single time when they have. They have on occasion revisited old routes and added services but it doesn’t automatically happen when new stuff is available but at some random time much later on.
    This is exactly the thing that does not happen. Never has.
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  31. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    I've been playing TSW since 2017, and train simulation since 2007 so I've seen the journey. But I've played every British route on TSW and I can promise you in that regards to AI Layers, that they have been added to every DT made British route when the relevant rolling stock has been released. The only developers who haven't done this have been Rivet...

    Even in your own post you've even said 'at a later stage they add services, but not straight away'. That's not entirely true, as every British route/rolling stock I've purchased from DT that they have personally developed has added AI layer services to other routes. Maybe early on in the franchise this wasn't the case, but over the last few years it has always been the case.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2024
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  32. eldomtom2

    eldomtom2 Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Er, every AWC service that stops at Ruby stops at MKC.
  33. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    It's all wibble!!!!
  34. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    They are only ever added if the route gets a remaster of some sort, like the TOD3 updates to certain TSW2 routes, SEHS, LIRR, etc. Or edge cases like the big overhaul to NY-Trenton. But you don't see things like the 801 or 170 on Edinburgh-Glasgow unless you are driving one.
  35. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    Without sounding rude to anyone, am I not being clear enough?! Is it not already clearly evident?! Sorry if this comes across rude, but this is getting frustrating... DT do layer on relevant locomotives/units as AI to their British routes when they become available. This is now always the case.

    The example you give is a Rivet product which I've already pointed out they as developer DO NOT add relevant AI Layers to their routes.

    Just to make sure this is clear... DT layer relevant locomotives/units to routes when they become available. DT do this with all their British routes. Rivet are different developers and never bother layering units or locomotives to their own routes.

    Now to cool down so my blood pressure lowers! This will be my last two pence piece on the subject... I think I've made my point!
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2024
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  36. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Routes ONLY get new AI layers when the entire route itself is overhauled. Look at stuff like Birmingham - only locos released prior to it. Even though we have newer appropriate stock since. Same as how ECW got no updates when London-Brighton released.
    WSR, SEHS, CCL NECBP- all got new timetables with the addition of locos released after their original iteration as part of a full route overhaul for a newer edition of TSW. The thing all the routes that get new rolling stock from other routes released since them as additional layers have in common is that they're TSW2 routes that previously used the old systems and lighting.

    This post correcting you is accurate. In the case of WSR for example, some of the locos added as AI were added in the remaster several years after their introduction to the game. This was not simply a case of DTG adding them as they came out, it was a case of them deciding to do a big TOD4 update to the route, incorporating a whole new timetable with additional AI services that had become possible in the intervening six years.

    Sometimes this is because they clearly decided to do the route lighting and other effects update to coincide with the release of another DLC scheduled to release shortly before. The Boston-Providence overhaul for example made obvious sense to coincide with the release of NY-Trenton, so they could design the new timetable in parallel to incorporate the new locos. But that's because the route was an older one and it made sense to do the overhaul at that time because it meant being able to incorporate the new NEC rolling stock they were working on at the time.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2024
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  37. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    If what you are saying is true (It's not), then why doesn't NTP have the class 31?! The 20 and 37 I can understand as they are post sectorisation, but the 31 is BR blue.
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  38. trainsimplayer

    trainsimplayer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Since Birmingham released, we have got:
    - Class 385
    - WCL Railtour
    - ROG Class 37
    - EMT HST
    - EMT Class 158
    - the 4F Steam Loco
    - Northern Class 323
    - Class 700
    - Class 801
    - Flying Scotsman
    - Class 142
    - Class 710
    - Class 170
    - Class 380
    - ScotRail Class 158.

    So, 15 trains.
    Exclude ScotRail (because why would that ever be on BCC?), and that's 11.
    Exclude the BR Stock and FS (Railtours aren't a prototypical layer, just done for the fun of it) and that's now 7.
    The ROG 37 falls into the "not entirely needed" category layers wise, so 6.

    Between the EMT HST and 158, Northern 323, Class 700, Class 801 and Class 710, which serve Birmingham New Street?


    That's right, none!

    NEC:BP's timetable was already open to having the Acela, with a slot for it having been in place since it originally released. The route itself was remastered to coincide with the Acela Express, not NYT, which in itself was probably done to go with the Acela. It just so happened they both were able to use that train - they weren't remastered/created because of each other.

    The only NEC train that made it's way to Boston was the Acela. The Cab Car + NJT Transit (obviously) didn't make it to Boston.
  39. pauliesc

    pauliesc Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2024
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    The next week will likely see announcements of stock that will layer into BCC and Glossop to name 2 routes. So someone is going to be right on this argument as to whether DTG layer new stock onto old routes.
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  40. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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  41. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    And I'd be over the moon to see an announcement of new timetables being made for those routes which incorporate the new locos as additional layered AI services once they become available. But I certainly will not be holding my breath. Because that's a significant project each time they do it, and as others have pointed out in this thread, is often a serious labour of love passion project by a single DTG dev, not some kind of company policy.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2024
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  42. Agent Qracle RUS

    Agent Qracle RUS Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    I don't know about you, but I'm already tired of such topics of fortune-telling on coffee grounds... I wish they had already shown all the content and everyone would calm down...
  43. DTG Matt

    DTG Matt Executive Producer Staff Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Generally speaking, we do NOT go back to add new stock to old routes until some kind of an update.

    E.g. Joe has done personal projects to enhance timetables and will bring in latest stock at that point (indeed, that's usually his motivation for doing it).

    It can take a few weeks to add 1 train to a timetable depending on how complex the timetable is and what the train adds. Adding 2, or 3 or 4, doesn't actually change that number by much, because the time is taken in the simulation process making it all work smoothly (which for London Brighton, for example, is about a 5 hour iteration cycle per change). In addition to that, adding stock might have serious memory implications (this is why the BR101 is not on the Munich route), and if the original timetable was built in such a way that the new services don't quite fit (eg. because they added more services by masquerading as others) - then you're basically starting from scratch, not just "adding a train".

    Sometimes things will layer in, but that's incidental.

    I'm always keen to find an opportunity to refresh a timetable to add more to it, but it's a large job and can't just be thrown into an existing dev schedule i'm afraid.

    Just wanted to clear that up.

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  44. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    I'm not one to shy away if I'm ever wrong, so apologies to those who were right.

    I'm just going on the personal experience of my British routes which I've always found to have additional layers (undrivable AI layers of rolling stock) when relevant stock has come out. And I've found this on most of my British routes, pretty much without exception (the 700 on BML I think is the only one I've personally noticed)

    So, I shall eat my hat so to speak!
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  45. Mark Moreton

    Mark Moreton Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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  46. Redbus

    Redbus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Good to know, thanks. A shame there’s no “box art”. ;)
  47. mortal1234

    mortal1234 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2022
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    So tommorow is the big day. Hope it makes a lot of people happy and excited and not disappoint.
  48. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Thanks for the great thread guys.
    Had to stop tho as it went off topic and was a really good convo before.
    I feel like it will be Euston to MK but Rugby would be much better giving the 390 that extra room for speed. Can’t wait!
  49. Redbus

    Redbus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    TSW5 could be a case of extreme shrinkflation tomorrow when DTG announce…
    WCML: Euston to Willesden.
    Experience the thrill of driving the sleek class 390 to the depot and back!

    Seriously though, it has to be Euston to Rugby to match more or less the distance with ECML Pete-Donc, no way they would insult players by proposing a WCML mini route like Eust-MK.
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