Upcoming Release Tsw5 First Look - West Coast Main Line

Discussion in 'Dovetail Live Article Discussion' started by DTG Alex, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. DANtheWALLY

    DANtheWALLY Active Member

    Aug 21, 2021
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    Imagine if the pendolino wasn't there. Would be as bad as Birmingham new street.
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  2. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Erm yes there is.
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  3. toms87

    toms87 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2022
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    People are getting overly negative now... what is actually missing from the timetable besides the 15 minute thing on the Watford DC Line? Maybe that one is still work in progress. The other timetables look fine.
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  4. bakedpotatos.jm

    bakedpotatos.jm Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2020
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    Well we didn't actually see the Underground or Southern timetable so how do you know all the rest are fine.

    I wonder if they are only halved as well.
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  5. DB628

    DB628 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    Class 377 had only 36 Timetables the Day
  6. Fitz

    Fitz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    They never showed the inside of the 377/2 during the stream. I'd like to see if the internal changes were made or is it a just a 377/4 renumberrd.
  7. Thomas Ham

    Thomas Ham Active Member

    Feb 18, 2020
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    you could use the network south for the west coast
  8. junior hornet

    junior hornet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    I can’t believe the negativity over the lack of branding on the 350. What do you want them to do, remove the train altogether? That would be a major issue. Not having the name on the side of the train isn’t. Besides, the sticklers for accuracy will presumably be inside the cab driving, not using external view so won’t notice.
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  9. TKessel

    TKessel Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2021
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    Just don't announce stuff when the licence agreement isn't finished.

    It is always the same with DTG...

    Announce steam locos - not working properly - abandoned
    Announce rush hour passenger system - not working properly - abandoned
    Announce suspension for TSW4 and all upcoming locos - deliver it one year later in the next titel
    Announce an Editor for TSW4 - not working properly - abandoned as well?
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  10. Kamaratko

    Kamaratko Active Member

    Mar 12, 2024
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    Well, this preview got me think about buying standard edition for 40€ in preorder after all, instead of just regional DE edition of TSW5 for 35€. Those more 5€ seems fair for this UK route becouse it looks very nice with all those trees around and maybe I’ll drive few 350 EMU and DB livery freight loco services to enjoy scenery.

    It’s kinda weird how in cab lights in class 350 works in dark places like departing from station on start of the stream or passing through tunnel? Shouldn’t id be dark / shadows in cab rather than all cab is glowing with light?

    An to the new track shadows rendering, it’s a pity it doesn’t work for junction sections as well.

    I can full understand disappointment of players that class 350 EMU operator branding was unexpectedly canceled, but as far as I have absolutely no idea about train companies in UK, I wouldn’t even notice anything is wrong there on 350 or stations if I dont read this thread.

    It’s also very dissapointing that improved suspension will not be included.. and as we have experience so far, it would propably take months to be fixed. Commercials said that all upcomming trains will have it, and suddenly it won’t? Whoa, it’s still weeks to release..
    Just keeping my fingers crossed that the Frankfurt - Fulda route won’t have any hidden downsides as well as new German rolling stock, like we seen last night in UK stream.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  11. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    From what I’ve seen and read, LNWR pulling the branding is the least of the concerns about the route and TSW5 in general. Maybe they were shown a preview of the route and decided it was so awful, they didn’t want to be associated with it any more.
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  12. Juice#3053

    Juice#3053 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2023
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    Which isnt even available on the 350 at launch
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  13. Fitz

    Fitz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    This adds even more weight behind the theory that the 350 is a Rivet construction. There are indicators of this inside and out of the model. I stand to be corrected on this however.
  14. Scorpion71

    Scorpion71 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hmmmmm, I didn't watch the stream myself but reading this thread it sounds like the route is not ready for release, surprise surprise, this is why I never pre-order anymore!

    The licencing issue, well LOVE happens, I can live with that, being on PC, hopefully mods will sort that for us. Nah, it's the other things that have put me off getting it for now, synthesised sounds, poor light baking, no suspension, no off map PIS, reduced timetable? christ!

    Nope, I'll wait for a sale and hopefully by this time all the issues above would of been sorted, though I'm not counting on it - only expecting proper sounds and branding via the modding community,
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  15. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    I wonder if LNWR pulling the license at the 11th hour is because of the leak a few weeks back.

    So negatives first and this is only my opinion.

    The light baking at Euston is bad, Carriages were glowing at times.

    Services are missing, especially the Watford DC lines.

    No off world Destinations on PIS...Really? How is that still an issue?

    No suspension on the 350/72 stock for day one? Come on guys, this was a selling point for TSW4 a year ago and it's still not sorted? Sloppy work.

    Euston Station is empty, I've been Euston many times and the one thing it never is, is empty.

    Issues with switching from driver mode to Conductor mode was spotted on the 350 run.

    The route hop is already being scaled back with hopping from the Bakerloo line being removed.

    The Pendolino sounds weren't right, they have a unique sound when you're on the platform and they pass at high speed which wasn't replicated in the game.

    Wembley Yard was empty.

    Euston was very stuttery

    As mentioned in the stream, having the 710 display still read as 25KV instead of DC is jarring

    Those were things I spotted.

    Now for the positives.

    It looks good.

    The 390 model does look incredible

    Having the option to drive the 377/2 is a nice touch instead of just having it as AI.

    I don't think Matt should resign, I don't want to see anyone lose their jobs. But something else is needed, several years in a row we've been told that a day one addition is being scaled back or postponed.

    And DTG are wanting people to spend best part of £100 for the game that has already been scaled back from what was promised.

    It's simply not good enough.
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  16. Nick Y

    Nick Y Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2020
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    That was because the tutorial prompts were active and Daisy was too quick for them so the game didn't recognise that she had done the tasks.
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  17. AvfcWalpole7

    AvfcWalpole7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2024
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    Slightly disapointing that the LNWR branding has been removed from the Class 350 and station signs, It shouldnt be too much of a difference though, I guess PC modders will just create their own version of it. I enjoyed the preview and must say the Class 350 sounds great! I was worried about the Class 390 sound, they seem to have nailed the Startup/moving sounds. Its just the sound when it goes past at high speed which does not sound realistic at all. Im still happy though and looking forward to the route coming out.
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  18. darrentee01

    darrentee01 Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    I've seen that as well , surely that will be corrected before launch?
    (I hear laughter in the background )
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  19. Rutger Luiten

    Rutger Luiten Active Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    The first thing I noticed was the missing piece of overhead wire. On the platform, in the beginning of the stream, why is that missed?

    Vorral berg en Dresden Riesa is also a mess, most routes if I am honest.
  20. rpb1966

    rpb1966 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    In game sound drop outs I noticed a lot of those.
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  21. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    I think you should seriously stop sniffing the newsprint vern.
    The snowflakes have really gone to town on this. I was lucky enough to drive the route over two days a couple of weeks ago. The only trains I didn't drive was the 710 and the 72 stock. In my honest opinion the route looks and feels great. Running at a smooth 60fps in most cases. I have seen posts where they claim there are no AII 710 services running or there are no 8 car 350 services. Which in both cases false. There's so much BS floating around at the moment from certain members of the community it's unbelievable.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  22. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    It’s not just the route though Tony. It’s DTG’s blasé attitude to the whole thing, particularly the numerous core issues such as the save game and lighting which just make the whole thing look dreadful. So at the moment, standing my ground on this, will take the free name change and wait to see what the JT route is shaping up like. If the Deluxe pack ends up going for £30 in the Christmas or the Festival Of Rail type event next year, I can live without it until then.
    • Like Like x 9
  23. gavin.gledhill

    gavin.gledhill New Member

    Feb 7, 2019
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    Sorry but that’s enough for me to cancel my pre order. It’s becoming a joke with you announcing something and then an element being removed. A core route of a new version of the game and the fact you get permission for use of a brand retracted is ridiculous too. One day you might actually listen to your customers and think twice before doing things although I highly doubt you will.
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  24. col1948

    col1948 Active Member

    Feb 27, 2024
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    I just picked up on this as I've been busy elsewhere, as for the branding thing, they could have used a fictional one similar to LNWR but not copying it.
  25. fakenham

    fakenham Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    There's a few minus points definitely, but sometimes it's easy to focus on them and miss out on the positives which I feel are many. To my eyes it looked good and there seems to be lots of playability with different stock, depot moves etc. Lots of runs on different parts of the route/lines. I haven't personally been put off, day 1 for me, even with a few dodgy AWS issues spotted. Just a bit miffed that I need to get the Suffragette line for extra AI - wish it was included.
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  26. Luk396-e464

    Luk396-e464 Active Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Will there be the possibility to switch off all those text on new 2D map?
  27. aeronautic237

    aeronautic237 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2022
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    I think I saw an option to 'disable labels'
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  28. DJsnapattack

    DJsnapattack Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2020
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    I'm not sure what the issue is (if true) if the 350 is from Rivet, the 170 they previously made is excellent.

    Overall I felt the WCMLs Presentation Stream was below par, Matt seemed narked about something, Rosie was moving the camera so quickly it was hard to see anything, and Jamie said hardly anything, bring back Alex please!

    Clearly listening to the dialogue the route is unfinished, and will ship unfinished given it has to go to Sony/Microsoft several days before release for certification.

    Suspension not working, unbranded signage clearly needs re-working, Lighting at Euston appears poorly baked, missing clutter and passengers at many stations, Bakerloo sounds unfinished, some timetable shortcuts taken.

    As a PC player, the missing licensing is not a deal breaker, as I am sure the community will mod it, but If I were a console player I might be somewhat narked. Especially since the official statement reads like "we assumed we could use it"

    The 390 sounds are (partly) not real, have DTG and AP fallen out?

    I felt like some of the answers were "like it or lump it" attitude.

    It was interesting to hear Matt say that he heard the community feedback asking for the route to potentially run to Rugby, and that Milton Keynes was too short for the 390, but ultimately that's not viable, given 30 people worked on WCMLs for 4 months.
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  29. SteveOfTheStow

    SteveOfTheStow Active Member

    Feb 5, 2023
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    Matt has the patience of a saint, IMO, and I'm not surprised if he came across a little narked. If it were me, I'd have blown a fuse by now :D The number of people still asking questions about what the Starter Edition means for them, and whether the Starter Edition gives them WCML, is just appalling. All the info is there - it's in the Direct, it's in the FAQs, it's in the threads, and it's not rocket science.
    I don't understand how we've moved into a world where more people can write than apparently read? *shrugs*

    Edit: Just want to clarify that I didn't mean to say that the demeanour of any of the presenters was not to the standard that they would like to hold themselves to! Nor that if Matt were frustrated, that it was about a particular reason I've speculated on. No-one's asked me to say this :) But I know it's unfair to ascribe, or appear to ascribe, motivations to someone in a way that looks like it's from a position of fact, when clearly it's not. I was describing what would irk me if I had to be on the answering side of that Q&A :D I obviously couldn't do that job ;)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  30. mjc83me

    mjc83me Guest

    With all due respect, you wouldn’t say anything else given your relationship with DTG.
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  31. mjc83me

    mjc83me Guest

    This has always been DTG’s attitude. Like it or lump it. A great way to look after your customers. Can you imagine Nintendo doing this?
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  32. maccagee#4924

    maccagee#4924 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2024
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    Didn't get a chance to watch but did they include the "HST STOP" signs at Euston?
    Even though the HSTs don't stop there any more, they are for me an iconic part of the station and a throwback to the past.
  33. mjc83me

    mjc83me Guest

    You can’t get narked with your customers. They have every right to ask questions, even if the question has already been answered. If you can’t keep your cool in those situations, you shouldn’t be customer facing. Simple.
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  34. DB628

    DB628 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    It’s Great How DTG is silence about all the issues an ignoring the things Like the wrong Timetable and the horrible Landscape on the Route
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  35. Jack R.

    Jack R. Member

    Sep 29, 2023
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    Alright. I cant lie now that you have no licensing, you are selling a half finished job and for that, the price should be lowered. Selling a de-branded route as a main package/primary route is kinda scammy, we are paying for LNWR not for a “use you imagination class 350 and stations” the 350 doesn't sound the best when running, the sounds are quiet (i know you explained the door sounds are meant to be quiet) but just feels half finished. The train itself looks great but it looks like you have made absolutely no effort to try negotiate with LNWR or are making a attempt to get the license in the future. I mean, i run these trains everyday, and if you blind folded me and played the audio of it in motion i would not guess it.

    The 390 sounds ok, the interior cabin doesn't look great, i mean it looks like you’ve just modelled it with play dough or low quality plastic, there’s just no shine, no detail, looks depressing. How hard is it to put a AI or food modelled in the shop like you did with the magazines and news papers at Euston? i mean, look at the colours of the seats, they are pale and barely colourful it seems like from the stream last night. Also, the fly past sound, sounds absolutely nothing like a 390 at speed if you were standing at a station, you barely even here the whine as it approaches you. Even the stopping sounds or slowing down into a station sounds off or going over sets of points, you don't hear the rumble.

    Why is 1st class not at the london end of the train? That basic common knowledge! Why does the PIS say milton keynes when its final destination is Glasgow?

    what is wrong with the lighting? You said it will improve but you also hyped us up with new suspension and LNWR so im not going to believe you. Euston is empty and you know its empty because you have just placed random items in random locations on the platform to fill it up more.

    Train headlights at night do nothing. You said “the lights are for knowing the train is there, not for the driver to use, its all about route knowledge” soooooo how does a driver see trespassers on a track at night? How do they see any Track Workers on the track at night? You really thing trains will be safe at night if the headlight let you see no more than 2m in-front of you? What if there was debris, broken track, anything, you think route knowledge and drivers not needing the headlights is the right answer? Its just a excuse to cover up the mess.

    Please just either delay the game and finish stuff off properly like getting in motion running sounds for the 390, you cant sell a train, a route a operator this big and do a half good job.

    delay the release. Get the proper 390 sounds. Get the LNWR Branding. Otherwise sell it as a cheaper price for the half a game you are giving us. You cant sell the main route/package this unfinished especially after you have hyped it up.

    also, don't just look on the forums for opinions, the opinions of sweats is always going to be biest, look at youtube comment sections of your creators and they are all saying the same thing i am saying.

    if you released a game every 2 years, stuff like this wont happen. Getting better 3rd party games on roblox.

    i will say the stations outside of Euston looks really nice, aswell as the track and scenery.
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  36. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    What has my relationship with DTG got to do with that post?
    If theres something I dont like I will say it. I have done it on my stream in the past and I will say it if needed in the future.
    As a matter of fact there is one which I mentioned and in my opinion I think there should be more varied frieght on the WCML aside from only intermodal services as well as Wembley and Willsden Yards could be filled out more. I think Wembley looks like Acton (GWE) when GWE was first on the consoles. It looks empty and souless. I will also be saying that in my streams when I get round to doing them. I also said that at the Q&A if I remember rightly that we had. But apart from that I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had driving on the WCML. Personally speaking the non branded 350 isnt a game or immersion killer for me. Theres alot more going on in this world than to start losing ones mind over non branded items I can assure you.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  37. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Yeah the version of Euston I played on the PS5 seemed a lot darker, so that did surprise me a bit last night in seeing it quite bright. I was kinda hoping that we would be able to walk around the concourse area but hey ho. As per the save games. Its a ppain in the rear, as I would love to have say 1 or two save game slots per route that we could use. I dont understand why they cannot introduce some sort of light slider adjustment tool in the options. Maybe that might help.
  38. andrewandjane66

    andrewandjane66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    The TSW Circle of Life.

    DTG announce something and everyone gets excited.
    Content is shown and the usual suspects highlight things that are not to their liking.
    Anyone offering an alternative viewpoint is shot at.

    Come to the forums for knowledge, stay for the petty squabbling.
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  39. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    Being annoyed/frustrated that things promised for day one are already being scaled back/delayed and won't be seen until god knows when is valid. Especially because it's not a cheap game. Hell, look at Suspension, took almost a year for it to be fully released....and they still can't get it right for the 350.

    If people are looking forward to the game, awesome I hope they genuinely enjoy it and get many hours of fun. But we are allowed to vent our frustrations.
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  40. 4-COR

    4-COR Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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  41. mjc83me

    mjc83me Guest

    It’s more than things that aren’t to our liking. DTG always over hype and under deliver. Always. They always manage to screw something up.
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  42. mjc83me

    mjc83me Guest

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  43. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    I'm glad to hear a positive response from somebody who's actually played it. I'm still cautiously looking forward too it.

    I think the reason so many people are freaking out is that this route has so much potential, and everyone really wants it to be good, but there are a lot of signs that it's being rushed out the door and won't receive the polish it deserves.

    Ok, to be fair, that's just par for the course in software development to some degree, and things happen at the last minute (i'll put the licensing snafu in that bucket for now), but other things like the suspension not being ready to go in TSW5, when it was supposed to be a TSW4 feature is just poor planning and management IMO.
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  44. andrewandjane66

    andrewandjane66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Absolutely vent your frustration, just remarking that it's always the same circle, excitement>frustration>argument
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  45. ehz0689

    ehz0689 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2020
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    Should've put the route on the shelf since LNWR backed out. This is inexcusable
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  46. trainguy#6029

    trainguy#6029 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    And just not have a UK core route??
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  47. peter787

    peter787 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2024
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    Why is this so accurate? This is too funny. Can't expect anything less from some ambassadors :D
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
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  48. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    My apologies, I came across as a...well, a not very nice word lol.
  49. mjc83me

    mjc83me Guest

    Watching the stream now.
    • Lighting in Euston station is horrific. Pendolino trains with a dark exterior carriage then a super bright exterior carriage and then another dark one. What the heck?
    • The label font on the new map is very jarring and I can’t imagine it to be easily legible to those with sight problems.
    • 350 cab lighting so bright (even within Euston Station) that you’d need sunglasses.
    • Euston Station empty and quiet.
    • Can barely hear the motors of the 350 in the cab. Having watched cab ride videos on YouTube, the motor sounds are very audible in the cab.
    • ‘Last minute’ problems resulting in missing features. Why does DTG always find so many last minute issues?
    • Why does the 350 cab interior flash light and dark in tunnels?
    • Where are all the Bakerloo Line trains?
    • Adding more and more stuff that doesn’t work 100% (track shadows) with a possibility of looking at them again in the future. We all know this list is becoming endless with nothing being ticked off.
    • Still way too much pop in of shadows and scenery. After five years of development, the look of routes is still not advancing very well.
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  50. MarkCovz4761

    MarkCovz4761 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    Also the lack of passengers especially at Euston it's completely dead when it shouldn't be
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