BR 411 ICE-T claims to have eddy current brakes (German: Wirbelstrombremse, "WB") on technical display, whereas brake markings state (most probably correctly) that the train has magnetic track brakes (German: Magnetschienenbremse, "Mg"):
same here with a Ryzen 7 5800x, 32 gigs of DDR4 @3200 MHz, a 3080 and the game being on an external SSD through USB-C all graphics settings are completely maxed, playing on a 100 Hz ultrawide reaching a steady 60 fps. no real second long freezes. just a couple stutters along the ride.
That spec is the best system for gaming available right now. You cant use that as a base line for a "normal" player. PS: Nvidia driver 561.09 is available now.
Locomotive BR146.2 LZB mode. When entering the LZB section, the indicator light Ü does not light up. When leaving the LZB section, the ENDE light does not start flashing. The ENDE light comes on and does not go out when switching to PZB. Another problem is the dim light of the main headlights.
The route is nice but the LZB is weird... See it's still activated even after the cable isn't representend anymore. I only reached the "Ende" section near Wirtheim, when it should stop earlier before Geinhausen.
For all Mybe I have solution for all console players and for players with cheap hardware Deactivates all ice layers ice 3 ice 1 ice t first and wait for solution from DTG
When driving over a flyover, bridge, etc. with tracks underneath, the screen gets darker (just as if one was going under the flyover, bridge, etc.). This phenomenon is already known from Köln-Aachen. A good way to experience it is the bridge over the S-Bahn tracks that go North at Offenbach Ost. Also, unfortunately, Mastery does not unlock. I had and still have some issues in Tier 2. First, the kilometres driven did not register. Now, the timetables completed are not counted. PlayStation 5.
Only had a chance to try the route once looks very nice but on Series X near Bad Soden and Hanau fps down to 20 and Frankfurt HBF between 3 and 10fps. And I only have whats in the Deluxe installed.
I had a strange occurrence where the 'next GNT speed' stayed 350meter for a few kilometers. At the next drop it worked correctly again
Somethings others..... When I see container trains on the West Coast Main Line, I wonder why there are only three container variants on the German maps? At least one or two more colors would be nice......
On Fulda Platform 36, close to the buffer, a white parking lot texture has inadvertently been placed right over the rails! The FlixTrain wagon 100 number font looks kinda off, the 1 doesn’t seem to match the 00. Why is the underpass at Frankfurt Hbf inaccessible? You can look at it in photo mode and it’s (almost) fully modeled. Shame it wasn’t finished and made accessible. Hanau Hbf: The underpass is lacking tons of platform signs, only the first 6 or so signs are there and all the other platforms are not marked in the underpass at all. There are some light baking issues on many of the platforms, under the roofs: The station signs appear very dark (black instead of the typical DB sign blue), and the vending machines have very dark and glitched textures on their sides. The railings/handrails of the escalators heading down to the underpass at Frankfurt Süd have no collision. More: The original (not expert) DB BR 101’s accelerometer (the blue bar next to the mini HUD speed display) is bugged on this route. When stationary, it shows a negative acceleration (as if the train was braking), and when moving at a constant speed, it shows a positive acceleration. Very confusing! The small bridge at the western end of the triangular junction between the Main-Neckar-Bridge and the Stresemannallee S-Bahn station has invisible walls (= see-through textures) at its endpoints. You can look at the inside of the asset and it’s very noticeable when driving by. ICE T environmental lighting issues inside the Frankfurt Hbf station hall at night. Observed at Platform 7. ICE T nighttime interior lighting making coat hangers/hooks near dining car glow overly bright.
Conductor mode is for sure bringing the issue of lack of passengers to the forefront. I just completed a conductor mode run from Frankfurt to Fulda in the AM rush hour and only checked 4 tickets across 10+ stops... Nearly fell asleep. A passenger overhaul is much needed.
So far i have to say : awsome route! But I'll wait till all the layers are available (at least the ones i got) to see its full potential. But there is a clear step up even from Salzburg-Rosenheim in terms of line side decoration. Great work on this area ! Two things right away. Performance is somewhat inconsistent. I had runs which where pretty much okay, on other runs my fps suddenly starts to dropping. (The LiveMap actually causes severe fps drops when zooming in and then leaving back to the train, fps remains really low as long as ypu dont go back into the map and zoom out) but even without using the Map, fps remains inconsistent. The second thing : Frankfurt Main Hbf is a ghost town. Sure there are times when even Frankfurt gets a bit empty, but on rush hour ? It feels absolutely odd knowing Frankfurt Main hbf as the busiest Station in Germany. And I've actually been there not long ago ... Couldn't be further from reality regarding passengers.
On the 114 the wiper key is mapped to the wrong control, so it might seem the wipers do not work. If you directly operate the correct control, the wipers do work.
The one thing I noticed yesterday wad that when I drove a service with the ICE T from Fulda to Frankfurt and it was starting to rain as I approached the Frankfurt station hall the rain effect was still on my ICE but in the mainstation it was not raining. Playing on Xbox SX.
After three full drives with ICE-T and Flixtrain I would also like to say: great route! Best german one yet. This has to be the standard going forward and to be very frank, this is what I was expecting from TSW 1 years ago. Like Dresden-Riesa or even more so, this route has massive potential to become a network. Nordmainische Strecke and the S-Bahn tunnels need proper scenery (the tracks and signals all there with AI going back and forth). Add Frankfurt Flughafen (5 miles from Frankfürt Süd) and Aschaffenburg (about 15 miles from Hanau) and make some Loco DLC (BR 1440) for this route. It opens up endless possibilities. I would gladly pay for that extension!
Dosto Control Car 766.2 dosent drain air from the brake cylinder after driving with 146.2 (AFB, PZB, SIFA) from Fulda to Frankfurt. Cant get the brake cylinders to drain so you are stuck in Frankfurt with brakes on. Upon further testing with some friends it seems to be coming from the AFB somehow
Those having performance issue on this route, check this post. In my case it is the new map that is causing performance issue. If I close the map, while zoomed in, so labels are shown, I loss more than 50% of fps..
My platform: PC with Steam. Ryzen 7 7700X, 4.5 GHz 32 GB RAM Nvidia RTX 4070 I've driven the entire route now and have some points: Upon entering or leaving a tunnel, the lighting is weirdly off again. The same problem was there upon release of Kassel-Würzburg. Then, it was an environment probe that was acting out. Looks like the lighting in the cab is way off the chart. In Fulda, there is missing LZB cable on the tracks that definitely have them as they belong to the SFS Hannover-Würzburg. Technically during gameplay, it is considered as LZB area but optically it isn't. The stop markers in Frankfurt are not where they should be:
Continuation: This leads to the problem of trains standing outside the platform area and blocking pathways. I'm curious how this even simulated as those stop locations are also used during simulations. When you drive an ICE T service to Frankfurt and return to free roam after the service, it not only immediately departs (preventing you from free roaming) but also does not reduce the lights of the now tail-end to tail lights. Upon entering Frankfurt Hbf, I only had slightly above 30 FPS. Once everything was loaded in, it got back to about 50-60 FPS. Overall, the route is very well made and reflects the real thing quite good. Would be interesting to replicate the current timetable on the route with way more overtaking. Since the ICE 4s are missing, the route feels quite empty when driving through with the ICE. But maybe I simply had the wrong time.
Overall, I think this is a good route, I did experience some stuttering on the first couple of runs but nothing as bad as on ECML last year. I like the fact the route is busy, on a run from Fulda to Frankfurt I was stopped before leaving Fulda and on the approach to Hanau. It was definitely more interesting than a run with green signals all the way, but this brought challenges with keeping to the timetable and I was around 12 minutes late into Frankfurt. Also, I found the GNT system confusing, I was getting a flashing "G" when I was already below the speed limit, or even an upcoming speed limit. I didn't get the GNT display on the right hand screen that Matt got on the preview stream either.
You need to manually click on the UD (top right corner) button on the right display to show it. It does not activate automatically. The G thing with GNT was irritating as well. But I've just gotten to ignore it and just brake in time. I guess it is statically signalling a speed reduction whether you have to slow down or not.
Correct, the flashing "G" indicator tells you that you are in the brake curve before a permanent speed reduction, regardless of the speed you are traveling hat. If you brake late, though, and are still faster than the speed limit that you are approaching at about 200 meters before the beginning of the brake curve, the "G" indicator will be lit steadily at first, and will extinguish as soon as your speed is below the announced limit, but (in my understanding) still come back flashing when you hit the brake curve. So if you brake early, you will only see the flashing "G" indicator. From what I have seen, this works as expected at about 90 % of the speed reductions in this route. You can check out the details in Richtlinie 483.0301 3 (11)-(14):
ICE T got a lot of issues it seems. One more? Let's go! Door sounds are fixed on the center on the coach rather than where the doors are leading to the sounds on your left/right ear rather than in the middle when facing the door.
This happened as well on my own timetable for Cologne-Aachen. So my guess is that TSW 5 has a core problem here. The stop markers don't seem to be interpreted correctly, resulting in the same position being used for every train. A workaround in the editor could be to force a specific position for each stop but that can't be the solution.
Having the same problem. Interestingly at one point when I clicked UD again a few times, it showed some GNT information for a second before replacing it with just the "BEREIT" message, but that might have just been placeholder text.
The 146.2 does weird things when leaving an LZB zone. The 'Ende' light keeps burning and for some reason it wants to brake.
I'm having some strange signalling in places, usually with distant signals. On approach to Schlüchtern when heading towards Fulda, I had an expect stop distant followed by clear main, then expect stop distant and again a clear main, then back to clear all the time. There were no AI trains around and the blocks were clear. My guess is that some of those distant signals are configured as the distant for the other track of the double track pair, as they would have been correct had they been on the track next to me.
My game always crashes when I get just outside Hanau in the direction of Frankfurt, other than that I get stutters and lag. Frankfurt - Fulda takes all of my CPU processing power, even though it handles WCML just fine.
The stopping points and spawn points are off, meaning that if you start the first Flixtrain service of the day, it spawns the last wagon outside of the platform. If I were to stop at the stopping point I see on the HUD, my train (RE Fulda - Frankfurt) would also stop partly outside of the platform.
Wächterbach shows up normally on the dostos' and the 146's pis boards, but is only represented by the letter W in the destination selector in the cab car or the pis board on the 114.
It appears those systems have the same problem as the BR 628 and don't support German umlauts (äöüß).
Apart from the usual issues with wrong speed limits because they are attached to rails instead of signals, I've found a couple of issues with signalling and PZB so far: 1. If signal 883 (on the approach to Frankfurt before the Main-Neckar-Brücke) shows Zs3 Kz. 6 (60 km/h), the repeaters will also show it, as they are Ks signals. The distant signal is mounted on the same pole as signal 208 and is a H/V signal, which shows Vr1 in this situation. This is wrong, it should show Vr2 (green and yellow)! The 1000Hz track magnet is also active in this situation, which is correct. 2. Missing PZB speed check section on the approach to Hanau from Fulda. There is a speed reduction from 160 km/h to 110 km/h with no speed check. There should be one near the beginning of the platform at Hanau-Wolfgang. I've checked this in a cab ride video and there is one present in reality. I will search for more problems like this...
PS5 Im a bit disappointed about the ICE-T. It was clearly stated that sounds were recorded for this train, yet i struggle to find which sounds are truly new beside the horn and "Neigetechnik". Sounds of the throttle lever, brake lever, afb lever, door sounds, afb activation sounds aswell as the sensitivity of the levers are 1 to 1 from the ICE3. Driving it feels a bit like a recycled ICE3. Also the rolling sounds are really badly looped, which is especially noticeable at low speed with open windows. Compared to the Avanti 390, it feels dated. Which is a shame because the Model of the ICE-T is fabulous! The Cockpit is okay (we are missing the tinting function of the lounge window!) and the interior of the wagons is actually really well modelled. I really hope the Sounds can be revised, at least the rolling loop sound should be fixed i think. GNT: Like others stated, the GNT Monitor which Displays the GNT speed limits sometimes doesn't work. I had a full run from Fulda to FFM and it didn't worked at all. Should get a look aswell.
I don't know why but I can't deactived the help instructions for the safety systems on Series X. Is this a bug?
On the 423, at stations like frankfurt and fulda, I can't hop onto the train because it doesn't say step up, this was the same issue matt had on the preview when he spawned a 423
just drove one of the 624 services out of frankfurt. I have the track monitor on for speed limits that aren't announced for when I play a route I don't know by heart that has no expect speed signs. the track monitor gave the speeds for driving under GNT though. haven't tested other trains but that doesn't seem right.
The track monitor apparently does not respect your train but shows the highest possible speed allowed by the track. On my run on Cologne-Aachen, it showed 250 for an RE 9 run which is limited to 160.