Taking in account how much i despised the Kassel-Fulda or Wurzburg-Fulda distances and that i dont like lengthy routes, i wasnt expecting much of this route. But damn, how wrong am i ? Even with the ICE-T there is nothing boring or tedious here, the changes from PZB GNT LZB are such a nice choice. Also i have done quite a few runs on the weekend, and i must say every run had some special encounter in it. (or im lucky) This is easily my new favorite route (and my layers only come next tuesday)...
Played my first runs on Frankfurt-Fulda today and… Wow! I was really impressed by how much love and effort was put into every kilometre on this route apparently- 10/10! The only things I noticed were: - Almost no passengers in Frankfurt- is there a way to improve this without killing the performance? - I took the ICE1556 ride at 17:xx from Fulda to Frankfurt with light clouds and in September- at the junctions where the train goes over other tracks in the area of Hanau and a little later on the lighting bug where certain coaches get pitch black while passing this place appeared- I don’t know whether it’s only on this service or not. - The ICE 3 „Railbow“ and the ICE1 with the green stripe from the new journeys pack are not playable; which is really a shame since the trains layering in are the ones from KWG in the same consists as in this pack… Would be amazing if this could be fixed!!! Apart from that: Really the best route from Germany and one of the top 3 in general in this game- thanks DTG
Do you know if its just the "weight" of the brakes or are there other things bugged? It seemed the Pull! scenario was heavy with starting/stopping, but I can't maintain speed. every time I get going an audible alarm sounds and kills power, forcing brakes to engage. I'm playing with Sifa PZB/LZB on, but there's no indicator for either on the control panel. No Sifa indication, No 1000hz indication. nothing, but an audible buzzing, that then stops when the train is fully stopped.
btw I have read here somewhere (also on wikipedia about ICE-T) that there is comfort tilt 2° and full filt 8°... whats the difference between those, and can you influence the amount of tilt with sth in-game or not? ... cos as far as I know, with Neitec on, you will get full tilt if you have AFB on as well, after coming off an LZB section, you have to reset it, aka first put AFB lever into zero, then back onto desired speed, and throttle should come back alive
One bug I found - the individual parts of the ICE-T are missing from formation designer, only the full formation appears. This also happens with all the stock from WCML South. I also agree with thoughts about freight wagon layers mentioned here.
For me it looks bugged, when you have a special consist, which is basically 2 trains coupled together, and you end up with another loco on the far end. If you look on the air gauges in the cab car (now in the middle of the train), and the tail loco, you can see that the tail loco doesn't get brake pipe reduction, actively preventing brake application. Cab car does get air reduction, but it doesn't always match the loco. You can also hear it, when you apply brakes, the lead loco doesn't stop venting air, if the brake pipe reduction was achieved. This means that something is actively pushing air into the system (the tail loco most likely). So you basically have partially unbraked consists, with the braked part being bugged as well. That's why the brakes are so bad, and why Matt crashed into the buffers on stream.
The entry in the PIS device in the BR 766.2 shows only "W" when it should show "Wächtersbach". Needed quite a time to find it! Note that its only the entry in the device. PIS screens at the outside show "Wächtersbach" correctly. Platform: Steam, Service: RB51 Frankfurt-Wächtersbach (15512)
I initially thought the brakes on the DB BR 114 were working fine and the issue was only in the "PULL!" scenario. However, after running another timetable, I've realized the brakes still aren’t working correctly. It seems like the problem might be related to the formation. I was driving the BR 114 with Dostos, followed by two more Dostos and a BR 146.2 at the rear. Something seems to be going wrong with the brake setup in this configuration.
when I was testing AFB behavior under LZB and upon LZB exit (spawned in Koln Ehrenfeld in Free roam, as thats the most convenient spot for that kind of thing), I noticed that 403 RBW and 411 had a strange quirk - I usually dont use AFB to lower my speed, but I was feeling lazy, so I lowered AFB from 60 to 40 while still under LZB... what I was expecting was that the e-brake would go in full force to lower my speed, what I did not expect was that it also locked my throttle (when under PZB regime, it didnt do this)
looks like this got carried over from 112, because that one has the brakes like... sometimes they work, sometimes the e-brake barely engages anyway, I had a bit of a go with 146.2 in pretty weird formation - one in the front, 10 dostos in the middle, and one in the rear, so I set everything up, and turned Banking COMM on... looked like the other loco was doing its work its LZB exit behavior was still kinda strange (took some time and even with AFB reset being very fast, it still took a lot of speed down for some reason), but well, better than previous 146.2
The ICE T doesn't show the "GNT" and "Ü GNT" indicators on the MFD. This means that you technically aren't even allowed to go the higher speeds. EDIT: If you follow the advice in the first post of this thread and only activate safety systems after putting the reverser into forwards, GNT indicators work as expected. However, they don't turn off if you keep the tilting disabled. Realistically, the "GNT" should turn off, the "Ü GNT" should never come on, the GNT should surveil the regular speeds in the background and only show "G" if you're exceeding them. In the game, it stays on and surveils the increased speeds, even though without tilting you really shouldn't drive them.
BR 423 Introduction (tutorial): If you accelerate the BR 423 to 60Km/h at a slow rate, you will pass the "trigger" point for the "slow down to stop at the station" message before the game finishes telling you all the previous messages. This will cause a bug where the game will show the stop marker for the second stop at the station (this you should do after you stopped the first time) but nothing will happen when you stop there. The marker disappears, but the instruction is not updated making it look like the tutorial cant be completed. Workaround: Start driving the loop again. When you reach the trigger for the "slow down to stop at the station" message again you will get the message and everything will work correctly after that.
It is the tutorial, not a service. Tried it with safety systems on and off, same result. I don't think it is related to safety systems at all.
PS5 DB Vectron .... Scenario or timetable ...... The Sifa circular button is only active during the Sifa acoustic signal, it's not the happiest
have you tried the screen on the right, and click UD like once or twice, and it should show GNT Bereit, and when you enter GNT territory, it will show stuff (they showed it in the preview stream, thats how I know)
sorry if I posted it here but the second LZB section which is around Fulda only works for ICE-T (havent tried ICE1 there yet)... 146.2 and FlixTrain Vectron dont register that section as LZB for some reason havent tried BR 101, will see, but knowing how well even the OG version is made, I assume it will work, will see this LZB section doesnt work for aforementioned locos both ways, be it if you enter from PZB territory or start at Fulda... hope this gets fixed for all LZB equipped locos
I haven't played this one yet on Series S because I am waiting for the layers. But I can confirm very noticeable bird chirping on WCML, I was using external camera but with train at speed I have never been able to discern ambient wildlife sounds like that before. Turned down the related audio slider which helped cover up but did not erase the issue.
Noticed that too. Also, the "85" and "PZB" indicators are staying under LZB supervision when in reality they should disappear.
While playing the service S8 (35803) - Wiesbaden Hbf to Hanau Hbf I found the following problems: 1.- Signal n345 indicates a speed limit change to 120 Km/h, but if you look at the tooltip (top right) the limit does not apply at the signal (where it should) but several hundreds meters after. At the signal, the speed limit actually changes to 100 Km/h. Image below. 2.- Signal 09436 is not showing any aspect. Using the new map 2.0 it seems it should be showing "yellow". Image below.
This seems to be some kind of screen redraw issue. As you enter LZB (when 85 and PZB should disappear), quickly change to an external camera then back to the cab - the lights disappear!
ehm, I just noticed sth weird - I am driving a BR 101 service in sandwich formation... I apparently set everything up correctly, cos the train is accelerating/braking really nicely... and now like in the middle of a service I have just noticed that I am only getting points as if I havent turned on safety systems... which is weird edit: I was getting +35 under LZB supervision, but I am now getting +65 under PZB... dafque?
started a FlixTrain service from Fulda, and for some reason, once I switched to LZB track, it didnt go under LZB supervision... dunno why... I know that section is pretty short, but still
PS5 Similarly, both DB Vectron and Dosto Cabcar are not supported the Sifa circular button, is only active during the Sifa acoustic signal, it's not the happiest
I did a service with the 146.2 and LZB was enabled in Fulda (it was service 4545). It acts very weird when leaving the LZB zone though
I just tried a flixtrain from Fulda and LZB was off there, but i noticed he started on a track without that lzb wire
Yeah some tracks doesnt have that in Fulda! Thats realistic btw. And after the station until you leave the section before the SFS starts there is no point to get LZB connections.... I mean the white sign with the text LZB
I have seen that also.. Strange... A turned off signal on purpose have always a white indicator to show its off by purpose this one is a typical version of a "signal störung" hehehe
I got the BR 193 (Flixtrain) wipers broken. Don't know how to replicate, but i turned them on because it was raining (it worked), then turned off because sun came back, then tried to turn them on again when rain came back. This was before today's update, not sure if it has been addressed already
(Edit) We have under the map as in my pictures to see. Also tunnel sounds say it echoes and the trains are a bit louder there. So If we don't get an extension for the s Bahn Frankfurt then I don't know what to do next I've been sitting on the ki train for 10 minutes and so far the train is still running The next stop is supposed to be Offenbach East, but the train stops quite often in between (edit 200) Apparently there is even a collision, i.e. invisible walls. (Invisible tunnel walls.) And yea the tracks have collision.
I don't think so... Those few rails, without any additional scenery, will have very little impact on performance. My performance in Frankfurth is actually reasonable, and in-par with other big stations in the game. If you have issues, check if you didn't leave the 2d map zoomed in..because that actually kilss performance. https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/live-map-2-0-feedback.84531/#post-897521
I think it's because of all three things 2D map Ice's And the s Bahn Because the bottom the despawn not but they drive off their complete route and that are not driving their complete route off
Anyone checked the 114 after today's update? It seems it doesn't fill the HLL to 5 bar when putting the handle into Running any more and has become quite aggressive.
Nope same issues wipers still wrong Holes at the driver cab door Breaks work Etc and the good dam train don’t want to drive anymore
Die Bremsen des Dosto Cab Car sind schrecklich. 1. Die normale Bremse ist ok (aber auch nicht stark genug), wenn ich eine Notbremsung mache, bremst der Dosto Cab schlechter als mit einer normalen Bremse. The brake cylinder empty the brakes to 0,0 bar by an emergency brake to slow (It has to be immediately to 0,0 bar) and if you release the brake, it going to fast (this must be a little bit slower) 2. If the Brakes are set i hear all the time an "air" sound. This sound is right, but only for a short time and not all the time. 3. The next Problem for the Dosto Cab and the Vectron. the electric brake release to slow.
For the route, I have kassel wurzburg, but there aren't any ICE 1 or 3 services (xbox series s). I hope these are added at some point as well as playable 425 services
It's definitely been resolved, but I'm already confused in all the confusion... What is the current situation around the TGV layers? So that I don't need to buy a map with TGV... thank you
Did you enable the relevant layers in the timetable? There was supposed to be a small number of playable 425 services if you have BRO.
PS5 Overall im pleasently surprised with the performance of the route especially around the Frankfurt to Hanau Area. Even with all of my layers activated (which only really missing BRO) it performed quite solid. Frankfurt isn't butter smooth but still far better then I feared. Deactivating some layers noticeably making things better performance wise. Even with the ICE1 sitting right next to me in my ICE-T, the performance can be really good actually. Driving the Expert 101 into Frankfurt with all Layers on was quite choppy, but I didn't even expected to reach the Station so... Good job for such a busy route ! (Not really route specific feedback but it seems layers have to be managed again after every session as they get a reset which i feel is a bit inconvenient.) I expected some more freight action during the daytime but still its enough to give a good variety of ai traffic. Would also have been a good opportunity to mix in some different colours into the Intermodal Trains, the orange-pink-red theme is a bit old at this point. After Frankfurt really came alive on my platform, this route really excells. Its a really string package, a lot of gameplay potential and driving full lenght is really divers no matter what service. There are some little things here and there, open scenery and floating signals f.e. but nothing major thats putting the experience completely off. Credits where Credits due, in my eyes this is the greatest german Route we have to date.