You need to go to store via TSW 4, otherwise you won´t see discounts. Surprisingly a lot of new releases with discounts. Goblin Line does not have a discount (the one I wanted to buy)... is that maybe a mistake?
I'm trying to understand: if I buy add-ons for TSW4 right now, will they automatically appear in TSW5 or not?
Can you slow the video down a bit please. It goes too fast to take everything in, particularly the information screen at the end. I couldn’t pause it in time before it moved to the end of the video. I appreciate that you have put the details in the forum but not everybody reads these.
Yes, I just bought the Berninaline in the TSW4 sale and it immediately showed up in my TSW5 download queue.
Probably not a mistake. None of the routes included in TSW 5 Special Edition have a discount, so it seems that is done on purpose.
Yes, I noticed that. I guess we're not allowed to cherry pick the past catalog to add layers to TSW5 base routes. I notice even Cajon Pass is not on sale, even though it's a 2 year old ( TSW3 ) route. Obviously, DTG is protecting sales of the " Special Edition ".
Massive bummer for me... I own everything in the deluxe except for Goblin. Well, I´ll give Bernina Line a try... has a nice discount. Also check for TSC stuff =)
Goblin Line was £16 on XBOX for the last week, but I'm guessing that was due to Microsoft curators and not intentional by DTG. The wife is going to murder me after the Xbox and Steam TSW sales...
Blackpool branches from Just Trains is available for 51% off! Considering that this is one of the few routes that is still worth it at full price, its an absolute steal. Go grab it if you haven't already!