is TSW 5 a massive flop this might be a unpopular opinion but with the current issues plaguing TSW 5 issues and bugs that could of been ironed out before release of early access and the full launch is it fair to say the game in its current state is a massive flop or is it just a unforeseen circumstances ? side note: this is a fair critical view so please can we have a healthy discussion
"Rushed to release" bugs and unfinished features aside its by far the strongest TSW so far, its finally getting to be what DTG waffle has promised from the very start. Edit: I should add this is from a PC players point of view, no idea what the console releases are like.
Hahahaha, this is comedy gold, the game hasn't even been officially live 2 hours and your setting the seeds for a it's failed and Dovetail are going to go bankrupt narrative, I can think of a few very loud voices in this virtual hall that's going to be all over this like flies on shi........
I have been quite enjoying it through early access actually, even WCMLS despite all the flaws. That said, no waay did a redesigned UI and a few cosmetic core updates really justify declaring a new iteration of the game and putting existing owners through the grind of having to yet again download all their content (I'm still in the process of grabbing mine a route or two at a time on Steam). However there are a number of reliability issues particularly UE4 CTD's possibly caused by the redesigned 2D map that it's imperative DTG get on and sort along with the quality issues on two out of the three new routes.
- DLC issues on consoles. - The menu system is really ugly, and badly designed in many ways. - The map colour scheme is horrible, and makes text hard to read. The map is also horribly aliased on PS5. - The Special Edition is priced in-game at 10x less than its real price. - The haptic feedback on PS5 (my first experience with it in TSW) is terrible. There has been no attempt to use the feature properly, to the extent that it is physically unpleasant to use.
I've enjoyed playing the game during early access, though the problems with WCML become more and more apparent the more you play it... But now I'm having to reinstall all my DLC, I'm falling out of love with it. I've already put a note in my diary for next September to remind myself not to get TSW6 as this gets more and more painful each year as the amount of DLC I have increases.
No, its not too bad imo. Fair enough there are a few issues but nothing that makes it a ‘massive flop’ as the OP put it!
I haven't paid much attention the past couple of weeks about TSW in general (except maybe two or three quick looks into the forum), and it looked like TSW 5 was actually holding up to DTG's promises. I mean the "Enough is Enough" OP even made a poll if they should close the thread. Is it any better than TSW 4? Are there any new bugs or fixed bugs that have been plaguing TSW 4 and earlier?
Issues plaguin TSW5? I am on PC (deluxe version). Imo it is the best new TSW version, and the best TSW transition, there has been. The routes and trains are good to fantastic imo. I would rate it a 9 out of 10. From my point of view, I don't see anything plaguing TSW5, but maybe there are Non-PC platform plagues, I don't know.
Haven't bought it yet so would not know until I buy it. But just because it's there doesn't mean I have to!
Hardly a Flop, in fact, despite the rough start, it’s actually one of the best games released on the TSW franchise, they’ve done it good this year, but work needs to be done with the bugs
A " flop " ? No, certainly not. I decided to buy the deluxe edition and, so far, I'm enjoying it. Only done a couple of runs on WCMLS so far but the route seems well-crafted as do the trains. However, as predicted, the timetable is awful. On a run from Euston to Watford, passed only one train and even that was a stationary tube train. And, once you've been through the set-up of the emus, there's not much to do. Will try the other two routes later, but I already know the issues with SBL. But no not a flop, just not great. And not, as OldVern said, worth a new name and all the downloading.
There is some amusement to be had in the OP starting this thread & then another thread shortly after, with a screenshot of the game & the title ‘this is what dreams are made of’.
Jumping to conclusions after just a few minutes game play? And why has everything to be expressed in superlatives? Massive? Hmmm, great new world, I guess ... I've just got the Free Starter Pack. Drove around a little with the 323 there at the Training Center. Bit of a bummer: Those godawful moving track shadows are still there. First let down. There will be more, I'm sure. The GUI was never DTG's stronghold. But "Massive Flop"? We'll see.
to be fair you have to show the little enjoyments despite the issues the game has still got potential
Well people on xbox can't download their content on top of everything else. So hahahahhahaha to you with knobs on.
Hardly a flop. As usual we see all the usual names, refusing to buy but have gone ahead and bought or preordered, cancelled, preordered. As night follows day you can always expect this. Because if even those most opposed to TSW5 still get dragged in by it, that’s a success.
Not a flop at this time IMHO. They released the game with all the DLC available in early access (only for Steam users, I know, but it is a start) and I'm having a mostly enjoyable experience so far. Yes, there are a number of bugs that need fixing. Some of them related to signals and safety systems I feel need to be 100% fixed and fast, because those immediately ruin your game. Not saying the other bugs don't need to be fixed, but many are only cosmetic and do not cause the same level of harm. So, if they fix the important bugs I will continue to think it was a good release overall. If they don't my opinion is going to change fast.
Can we discuss this... I'm curious what you know about the dev cycle..... Why would it? What factors stopped it? Or, are you speculatively inviting a bias debate.
Hi, I'm on XBOX Series X and what you mention I agree 100% the whole menu design is terrible. and why the colour purple.
The game literally just released today. 2 hours ago to be exact. Hardly enough time to gauge whether its flopped at all.
No, but we have been here before. Last year, the year before that, and the year before that. Give it some time and resignation will set in, but have no fear for the health of the franchise- the model works and sales continue to fly out the digital door, despite the unforced errors. In the meantime, dip your emotional sponge into the turgid puddle of last years threads, soak it all up and give it a squeeze on the still wet paint of this years iteration.
Why the need to be so dramatic? If it helps you sleep at night thinking it was a flop then I wont stop you.
In knowing the outcome of your decsion there's probably not much to discuss in its very nature then I guess. Feels like affirmation bias being sought, or lighting a fire and sitting back. 77% are liking so I conclude it's landed pretty decent in the main
WCML is growing on me. Currently doing an all stations MKC to Euston (yes even blooming Bushey) and it's quite good fun. Doesn't seem like the tedious electric bus service we got around the Medway towns on SEHS and even the 350 is growing on me. That and the 390, I think DTG have done a decent job with the UK trains this year.
lighting a fire and sitting back sounds on the mark just count how many people will come to dovetails defence on this its funny to watch like i say theres a element to my madness
yeah, same on xbox x, the menu looks ugly and feels kind of weird. TSW 4 was ok. I can't see the driven distance of my locos. The voice sound is way to low. even with playing the %. The LOVE with missing owned content and the answer "we hope this will be solved within a week" is insane. And for me personal the worst are the missing? achievemets. They said something about "clean sheet", i didn't unterstand this as we are not giving any achievement for older content except CJP. Thats the final nail in the coffin. Not gonna spend more then a couple hours for TSW 5 and then go back to TSW 1-4. I'm so LOVE disappointed over this release Thanks to Xbox Gamepass, you don't have to spend any money to get disappointed. Sorry for the bad english ^^
Not at all. One route isn’t where it should be but is still playable and enjoyable (but that is still no excuse for, you know) and the other 2 are excellent with only minor niggles. It’s an annual refresh and with the preorder you got a lot of content for £53. Why would be that be a flop? My only gripe with TSW4 was it put the continued use of the game behind a paywall. TSW5 doesn’t do that and is a step forward from 4.
Well that must suck a little, as I'm on the Xbox too and have managed to download everything that is available right now, so your not entirely correct there, so let's put a cherry on top of the doorknob lol.......
No it hasn't been a flop. Name me a game other than tsw, that's been released in the past several years without problems?
Despite me really hating that DTG keeps making a new TSW game every year, TSW5 isn't a flop honestly. It's not exactly amazing, but it's pretty alright. I enjoyed the Kinzigtalbahn route and am looking forward to more of my older routes being made compatible with TSW5. Been lucky that I haven't encountered many issues on Xbox Series X.
I'm about to find out as I have just claimed the free starter pack on Steam. 180gb to go, so plenty to go at. Not pre-ordered this year. Too much personal stuff going on at the moment.
Ive got Simrail, Derail Valley, TSC and of course TSW. Despite everything TSW is still best in class, even with the shotgun wound to the foot.. Of course its not without its foibles.. Dare I say it, Ive uninstalled the free update and am going to stick with my tried and tested alternating between TSW3 with engine.ini tweaks and Reshade, Derail Valley and Simrail. They all scratch different itches but TSW5 is just a branding exercise as far as I can see. Its TSW4 in a new coat. In the meantime.. WHEEEEEEEEE...... 177mph..
I don't know. The purple is different, but not bad. This is a cool simulator. Really huge once I finally got all of the previous things downloaded. I like this game. My son likes it too. The same, he's getting tired of PVP, shooting, and zombies too. I wish we had known about this simulator years ago. Maser Faze haze stays always.
I'm really loving TSW5 so far. The 3 routes that come with it are really nice + it looks alot better to me.
You need to take a look on YouTube. There are some videos that have over 100k views after being uploaded just few days ago. There IS a world outside these forums... Just saying.