Platform: Steam Train: Vectron Am I remembering this wrong, or didn't we use to be able to confirm set AFB speed with Shift+R in TSW4? Is there a key combination for this in TSW5?
BUG: DB BR 114 Releasing the brakes will only fill the HLL to 4.5 bar instead of 5 since today's update.
I really don't know, but I used the right-hand screen to turn it on. Now, depending on which Vectron, it is in different screen locations on that monitor. I just went searching, its symbol is a speedometer.
One of the freight services (DGS 69170) is very difficult to complete. You get stopped at a red signal just before Fulda, on a 1.4% uphill gradient. The train rolled back several times before I managed to get it moving forwards at about 5kmh. I was using the DB Vectron. On the plus side it did enter the LZB section around Fulda correctly.
Jo_Kim I put your points in this thread too - The brakes are too weak. Too stay under the PZB brake curve you have to apply full brake from 160km/h, whilst on the real train (depending on the track condition) usually step 5 is enough. - The fire protection doors on the interconnecting corridors are closed, whilst they should be open. - When returning from free cam to the cockpit with enough distance to cause a loading screen, the ICE-T plays its startup warnings, even though it wasn't shut off. - When starting the ICE-T the announcment "WB gesperrt" is played, which is wrong. The warning referes to the isolation of the Eddy current brake, which can be only found on the ICE 3 family trains. The ICE-T doesn't have this system. - The brake display (normally on the right display) also shows "WB" on the top row. This should be "Mg" (Magnetschienenbremse) for the track brake. - In overcast conditions the glare on the displays can be too much, making it impossible to read anything of the screen.
When I drive the DB BR 101 or the ICE 1 from Frankfurt, I always get the blurry textures on my train. I'm on Xbox series X.
On the BR114 Shoot scenario, the train brakes were not working at all, at the beginning in Frankfurt the textures were abnormally shimmering and blurry (I play in Ultra). BR114 tutorial, light task not in the right cabin
Yeah the tutorial is rubbish. It also tells you to put the door selector to "Open both" instead of "Close". And that female AI voice is terribly cold. (And pronounces Main ("mine") like main).
Thank you for your answer. I might have been a bit unclear. English is not my native language. I was thinking about when you are using the AFB and change speed. In the Vectron you have to confirm the new speed by clicking on the AFB lever. I think the key combination for that used to be Shift+R in TSW4, but that does not seem to work in TSW5.
Can someone tell me where I see the GNT speed info in the BR411? On the right screens its the brake information atm
Will give some more feedback in due course - much of it positive. Just one thing about the Frankfurt Ferry scenario. This may be me being dumb or there is a bug. When you do the return leg in the Dosto from Frankfurt to Offenbach, if you follow the guided instructions the game seems to think you haven't properly released the brakes from the cab car. The hud and controls in the cab will appear to show the brake released, but you can still hear the hissing sound from the 146.2. Even at max power on the throttle it then means you crawl out of Frankfurt and then cannot get above 75kmh which caused me to be 20 minutes late. I think if I was to try again I would see if the workaround is to put the 146 brake into full service to complete that scenario objective of the loco shutdown and then release the brakes before leaving to head back to the Dosto cab car.
I could only complete that one using the physics reset, as on the last leg the brake cylinders were stuck at 2 bar.
so the fact that you enter a track with LZB wire doesnt mean the train will get on LZB? just did a quick test, the 18:37 sth service from Fulda does turn on LZB even though there is no LZB wire on the platform and the actual LZB wire starts quite a distance afterwards... and the earlier service at 10:40 doesnt turn on LZB upon entering LZB wired track...
Thats not correct yeah.... Fulda has some tracks that did not have LZB but what you written is something different and not correct
I mean, as soon as you enter a track that has LZB wire, the train should go into LZB supervision... and on the other hand, when you dont have LZB wire, it shouldnt be under LZB so looks to me like the section around Fulda, when doing a service FROM Fulda, has some LZB detection bugs going on
While playing the freight service KT (50131) GroBberen to Mannheim Hgbf - Part 2 there is an instruction that stops you at Wirtheim Platform 1 and wait for around 10 minutes. My guess is the wait is for a fast train to pass, BUT the problem is that stopping at the platform where the stop marker is leaves at least half the train in the main line. There is plenty of room before the next signal, so I think the stop marker was incorrectly placed at the platform when it should have been placed just before the signal. Half the train on the main line: The fast train waiting because half my train is on the main line: PS: This service is part of the Journey Chapter "Vectron Venture". PS2: The service is in the Vectron chapter, but the loco for the service is randomly chosen. Most times you will end up in a BR 185 and not a Vectron.
The timetable layers are broken on Series S. The BR 101 layer shows as activated, but the BR 101 services are not present. This is true even if HRR is also installed, although it is not clear that HRR is actually required in any case. Manifest-3, Manifest-5, Tankers (DRA) and Laaers (VBRG) show as activated but do not appear to add anything to timetable mode. RB58, RB45, RB12, RB61, RE2, RE14, RB 53, RB34, RB52, RE70+68, and RE9 all display as "not owned," even if DRA is installed. The BR 103 shows as activated but there are no services for this one either. The BR 363 layers are unknown because I can't even download it right now even though I own it. To be sure , none of the layers work for SBD either on Series S. Very disappointing for DTG to let down Series S players like this without even a warning.
Just because a track has LZB installed doesn't mean that trains automatically enter LZB supervision. Since LZB needs to know exactly where a train is on the track, it only allows trains to enter supervision at the border points between two LZB sections. At the marked entry points (indicated by an LZB sign next to the track), there are special entry transmitters installed, which provide the train with the data it needs for its first telegram to the LZB computer in the signal box. If a train enters an LZB section without these entry transmitters, it will only be supervised after crossing the next LZB section border. It should also be noted that the displays in the cab remain dark even after the first telegrams have been exchanged and are only lit once the entire train has passed the LZB section border or after passing the next signal (depending on the version of LZB installed).
I’m on Xbox Series S, too, and I think they‘ve cut down the layers to Gen8 cause of the lack of RAM. I would understand this, but I’m a little bit confused due to lack of communication, DTG…
Because we are on xbox series s, I think they made them Ai, hence the reason why I see Ai 425's. ICE 1's and 3's are probably AI as well
I for one cannot discover the layer of IC + Taurus and NJ. But 101 Layers is OK ..... The tankers are parked at the stations and there are also freight trains composed of tankers in the timetable. For example Offenbach Gbf, Hanau, Fulda Gbf .....
Had my first drive one Frankfurt-Fulda yesterday evening. Did the first Flixtrain scenario. Just wanted to give DTG big thumbs up for finally adding the a button for console users for confirming AFB speed in the 193. Makes it so much easier to drive. Will this also work on the RP 193? Or only on the Flixtrain and DB 193's?
Compared to ICE-T, ICE1 and ICE3 almost deserve a texture update ... they are too artificially white .... Yes, I can turn off the ICE1 and ICE3 layers ....
I've found another signal irregularity. On the approach to Hailer-Meerholz from the middle track in the direction of Fulda, you get this signal into platform 2 at Hailer-Meerholz: I don't quite remember what the speed through the points is, but I think this should probably indicate langsamfahrt or maybe clear with a lit number above. The track and signals after this signal were all clear. When you are routed into Hailer-Meerholz platform 1, this signal does work correctly and displays langsamfahrt.
So far I've tried my first trip with layers turned on. Before Frankfurt, the game fell into the ps5 menu.
So far, every timetable service I have done has crashed my PS5 (ICE1, ICET, 628, Flixtrain, 185 and Dosto), even one where I simply spawned on the platform at Frankfurt to see what trains were there at 10am. Really hoping this is just teething issues.
that explains one of the services I talked about in here but it doesnt explain why that FlixTrain Vectron enters LZB supervision even if there is no LZB wire on that platform... yet also, if you happen to start a service on a track with LZB wire, how are you supposed to know if upon turning the reverser into forward, you enter LZB supervision or not? so far I have only done (like doing a full run) only from Frankfurt to Fulda, so far all locos worked and registered both LZB sections... but from the other end, I have only tried partial runs with FlixTrain Vectron to see how the loco registers LZB and got those very confusing results (one of them is clearly a bug)... dunno when I will have time to test other trains/locos on services from Fulda, will try today but will see how dead I come back from work lol
That's just a modelling error. The 18:37 service starts on platform 4 which is equipped with LZB, they just forgot to put in the wire. In reality if you would start a train on a LZB track you would never start in LZB. The train would already exchange telegrams with the signal box but supervision would only start at the next section border. But in Fulda they've modeled it so that you would already start under LZB, which is correct as normally the trains would come from the high-speed line running under LZB supervision.
ICE 876 has a rather unusual route through Hanau. When exiting Hanau towards Fulda, you pass this signal It is labelled J in the map. When you pass it, it is indicating langsamfahrt, but incorrectly has an active 1000 Hz PZB magnet.
oh, I kinda thought so, considering that service as for LZB entry - if you are switching tracks and find yourself on an LZB-wired/equipped track, then LZB kicks in only if there is LZB board afterwards? If it is so, I think this kind of stuff should find its way into that Training center kind of encyclopedia thing that they are introducing in TSW5... like, this is pretty important, cos I guess many ppl including me didnt know that and could assume some situations to be bugs when they arent when I get home I will certainly save your comments into a useful tips/comments file I keep in Google Docs edit: what about that 10:40 service? I think you start at a non-LZB track, then you wait for BR101-led train to pass and then you switch like two tracks to the left, which has LZB wire running there, and you run that track/section till the end of LZB wire on that track, not entering LZB supervision at all... is that correct in that service? I only remember seeing the LZB sign towards the end of that section, so I dunno
I don’t think so. I did a journey from Frankfurt to Fulda with the 411 this morning, and I had very few AI traffic, no single freight train, just some 114 and 423 visible. My train selection screen for Frankfurt - Fulda looks like this (I own every German and Austrian DLC except the Flixtrain Vectron and have all of them installed which are currently available): As you can see, no ICE1 or 3, no BR 101, no 103, etc. Interestingly all those layers are shown as installed and can be selected or deselected at the new layers menu: This is very confusing! So please DTG Alex or someone else - could you please explain what happens on Xbox Series S? I red the FAQs before I purchased Frankfurt - Fulda for my Series S, and it says: Xbox Series S is Gen 9, for sure. I’m aware that it is shorter on memory than a Series X. And I was aware that I probably need to deselect some layers. Now it seems that it not intended to take any advantage of this feature in Xbox Series S at all. But I thought the claim for TSW5 is „The rails are yours“? There are two things that disappointed me the most: 1. Not being able to use my favourite loco, the BR 101 on this route. (Not the Expert one, the good old TSW2 one which works well on my old Xbox One) 2. The lack of communication from DTG if I’m right and this route had been cut down to Gen8 specs for Series S. I’d no problems with this decision if it would had been announced prior to the launch of TSW5 and Frankfurt - Fulda. Maybe I’m wrong with my guess. Maybe it’s part of the troubled start of TSW 5 on Xbox with all the missing stuff. But it would be very appreciated if somebody of DTG could give us some information on this. Thank you.
PS5 console I don't know what went wrong, but it doesn't respond at all to switching off layers... even if I switch off BR103, for example, it stays in the menu and, in addition, the next time I start TSW5, the Layers setting is reset and it's on... once it was ok and suddenly it doesn't work.....
Driving the 423 on the route really makes me want to have more 423 action around Frankfurt. Really makes me wonder what's gonna happen in the future with the unused tracks, the BR420 and pilots21's project...
The BR411, is anyone else getting the GNT screen just showing ‘GNT AUS’ even though GNT is enabled? When activated it actually flashes the GNT speeds for a second before going back to the off state.
do you have Neitec activated? I dont know, havent tried, because I usually activate both - Neitec activates the tilting itself, and GNT provides supervision (tho I tested even with Neitec + GNT both off and the game still let me go those higher speeds, just without the GNT enforcement)
I usually turn on Sifa+PZB+LZB first, then Neitec and then GNT... it shouldnt matter tho... once you have everything turned on, when you press UD on the right screen like two times, it should show GNT Bereit... you should definitely have PZB on, otherwise GNT wont work I think, cos it works on top of PZB... but I guess you play with every safety system on?
Is the 80 kmh speed limit on the middle track approaching Wolfgang heading towards Frankfurt in the right place? You first encounter a signal indicating expect 80 kmh at next signal, but according to the HUD the 80 kmh speed limit applies immediately after this signal. The signal indicating proceed at 80 kmh is still quite a bit further down the line at the end of the platform at Wolfgang. I get the impression the 80 kmh limit shouldn't apply until there. There aren't any other speed boards on this section of track.
Yup, I did see somewhere DTG said to enable your saftey systems on the 411 after the reverser was in forward, so have been doing that. I’ll have another play around later & try enabling things in a different order.
which is weird cos in the Pendolino 390, if you enable safety stuff AFTER setting reverser to forward, you have to isolate and the re-enable the tilting thing so the safety systems isolation light goes off and you get full points, but if you activate em BEFORE setting the reverser, you wont have this problem and some other trains/locos can but out if you enable safety systems before setting reverser (I believe Acela would brick out in the past, dunno about now) but I usually go in this order - Sifa, PZB, LZB, then Neitec and then GNT... oh, and AFB afterwards
there are also some minor modeling issues I believe some time after Frankfurt Sud where there is a mesh of switches, and some rails are modelled in a way that if you passed em IRL, you would derail cos they dont have gaps for wheels cant remember exact place
Yes I agree with you the silence is problematic. At least we have verification with SBD that DTG is aware of the problem (although nothing about when or even if it will be fixed). But with FTF, nothing but silence. I also agree that, if Series S is going to have less layers, then I understand due to system limitations but it needs to be communicated beforehand, because in that case I would have just gone with the free version. So we will see but the silence from DTG makes me think we may be in for a big disappointment.