Im trying to play TSW5 on my latest PS5, everything updated, on my brand new Frankfurt-Fulda route that i paid 75€ on deluxe edition and the game lagging, not running smoothly, the camera outside is not working, only when i passing a platform, i can't see the train from outside, the light and the shadows around looks so bad, what is going on??? Why the new game is so broken? Have anyone a good answer please???
Your doing a service in the night and it's dark, so the external camera is working you just can't see your train because it's pitch back, always has been a bit too black at night not a new game issue......
I just fired up BML on the PS5 version of the game and have to agree - it's worse than TSW3 or TSW4. You can't blame potato CPU's or old GTX graphics cards as the PS5 is standard kit. But juddering, sound dropouts, or sounding like it's coming down a drainpipe (which I always thought a by product of using the onboard sound board when encountered on PC) is really not good enough. DTG have had 7 years to get this game sorted and optimised. It doesn't encourage spending any money on PS5 versions of the new DLC coming out.
haha, Trying to run old routes on my PS5 i can see there is some more bugs also, so you right, we need to push them to make the game and all the routes playable by fixing and adding the new features, its like different guys working the same game...hard to believe i paid so much money just for my passion...damn..
The only good thing about running BML on the PS5 under TSW5 is that the trains no longer insta derail as they were doing in unsupported TSW3.
PS5 user here, the performance is really bad. The game should have never been released in it's actual state. Worst issue for me regarding performance is the new map. If you leave the map while zoomed in you loose FPS during gameplay. Really annoying during shunting. Open the map, zoom in to switch some junctions, zoom out and close the map. If you forget to zoom out the FPS drop. Did anybody test this mess? Glad i just went for the free starter pack. Unistalled until DTG sort this out.
Likewise, free update on PS5 but I paid £54 for the privilege on PC! Little wonder I’m spending most of my train sim time in TSC at the moment. Just hope they sort it before the good stuff like WCML Shap arrive, on all formats.
TSW was never a super smooth experience on PS4, PS4 Pro or now on PS5. I usually don't care too much about FPS, but TSW5 is really bad. Even on old routes.
It's never been this bad. All routes old and new play poor at the moment. Have got stuttering where I never used to have it. Something has happened and I'm praying dtg look at this. On the new train sim World 5 routes stuttering in places is just not playable. The only way I can get a smoother run is to go to free roam which obviously takes everything away like a ghost town. Please DTG this is very frustrating.
I, personally on XSX, think the performance is better than TSW4, but that's not saying much, it's never been great.
Also juddering when you walk around stations or a train goes by it's like micro stop and start as it goes by
plus this type of map is ridiculous, why have to know to much details when i cant see which is the next station, i dont know who request this mess....
I never had any really bad performance issues on PS5 with TSW4. But I agree, TSW5 is a poor performer. I’m getting sound stutters that I never used to get. Not having any serious performance issues on PC, so seems to be console specific.
Except that on pc you can use certain tweaks to make things slightly better. Not perfect but much better. I don't know what the guys can do on consoles, is there a performance mode, or maybe switch from 4k to 1080p output just to see if it makes any difference? Hopefully some fixes might be issued by DTG in the upcoming patch.
Haven't had much of that lately. Which is probably a good thing. Either that, or I'm mistaking it for my ears popping which happens quite a lot.
Dust your console Turn off 4k Just because it runs 4k Doesnt mean 4k runs Same issue on series x sometimes Theres alot of graphical happening on these maps
TSW5 does seem much choppier on both the xbox s series and the PC than TSW4, even on TSW4/3/2 routes.
When you zoom out of the map, usually it improved the frame rate. The live map might be the cause of the performance issues
Have been playing this game since TSW2 first on PS4 and now on PS5 and TSW5 is by far the buggiest version to date. Have all the issues mentioned in this thread plus Free Roam is almost unusable and switching to the map crashes the game at least 50% of the time. Even the UI looks cheap and rushed and is a downgrade from TSW4. I've been foolish enough to keep buying TSW updates even though the game has so many problems but this is the last one. Not buying anymore DLC either until DTG takes these problems seriously.
On PC this time, playing Frankfurt to Fulda last night which I was quite enjoying but in a couple of locations the game was literally jud, jud, juddering must have been under 10 FPS. No previous version of TSW has done that and the earlier mention of 4K is misdirection. I’ve been running TSW at 3840 x 2160 ever since it came out.
So I downloaded tsw2 at the weekend on ps5 and omg the performance difference is unbelievable it was a total joy to play. Silky smooth no stuttering nothing just pure stunning performance and on all routes. So wish Tsw5 could be like this. It almost feels we've gone backwards after playing tsw2. Oh and nothing white washed or nuked.
Up until yesterday it wasn't all that different to tsw4. Last night I had to turn it off! Tried doing a service on Frankfurt fulda and after 20 mins of averaging 8fps I couldn't play it any longer. I can't see why as I've not noticed any updates.
I fired up RRO last night, like you say, smooth and no z fighting or audio popping. Really enjoyed it.
hahaha you want me to uncheck the 4K to see it how it works on HD, really you want, worst graphics than TSW2 how you guys saying like that air words??
Thank you for the feedback everyone, the team is aware of the performance issues and its something we are currently looking into.
How you looking on this to fix if the new MBTA US route on your trailer video also train lagging?? if you watch the trailer the train passing not run cant fix it!