I had a southern pacific livery on for my ac44 I logged on today and I didn't have it I go to resubscribe and it wants like 5 different D.L.C's But the locomotive is one d l c which i've already had So are the shapes in the livery.DLC dependent or the colors or what
Can you elaborate?........ and add in the missing words. Seriously, the above is hard to read and understand, which will only lead to incorrect responses to something not related to your query. Please try to add more info and make the issue clear.
I find this a lot with liveries. A class 66, you can't download it and use it because you need this route and that route! I think it may be down to the tags that they add to it?
I mean, tags wouldn't make sense because you know, for instance, if you add Locomotive d, l, c, then it would add like every DLC in existence. You know what I mean. It doesn't add up that way Like I know some of the locos come from multiple DL.C's Or different versions Don't quote me there But it's like the shapes or where they took the picture of it or something None of the required dlc makes sense for a lot of these
Can you take a screenshot so we can see the issue? How I read your initial post is that you subscribed to a livery in the creators club. Which you used without issue. Then today you discovered that the livery was removed from your subscription, and you can no longer subscribe the same livery? If this is correct, it seems the creator has at some point edited the livery and changed its tags
Typing is hell today If i own a locomotive with a route And I play it And say I want that locomotive purple And I go grab somebody's livery where it's purple And now I can't use that livery for that locomotive.Because purple requires seven different d l c from anywhere from germany to california That doesn't make sense because I already own the locomotive and it's required route Thus meaning is it the colors or the shapes that add the d l c requirement to the community hub liveries? Because there's literally nothing else.That would have a d l c requirement for a custom made liveries that makes any sense That's the entire point of the custom made liveries
I wouldn't have thought that the colours or shapes used would make any difference. It's only if you don't have the route required that stops you from using the livery.
Also are you sure that the livery that you're trying to download is the same one as you originally subscribed to?
Not from you Why does painting something make it require D l c's did it didn't previously require without painting If you can't understand that then no I don't want your help But I figured it out.Anyway , it's just some kind of mix up in sorting or files Some some of the cars will Show up in custom livery list but not show up to spawn in game or vice versa Like the usa flat car , there's five different colors , but only some of them were made off of the base grey color some were made off yellow So if you make your own liveries they only show up under the yellow flat car even if you painted it off of the grey base unpainted car So when you go in game you can only spot three colors But then when you go into custom formations you can add others that weren't there It doesn't make any sense other than things got mixed up. Stop.p It's really hard to explain.It's just an inconsistency.Somebody started doing something different halfway through So Now everything's unorganized So I think when you upload a livery, it's just gonna make it require.Whatever d l c's you own that apply to that vehicle Regardless if you actually need them all or not Like I don't need Cajun pass. To run some of these american locos So if somebody made a skin and they already own cajun pass i'm gonna need cajun pass for that skin It makes no sense but Then again.So do a lot of things on this game right now
I mean, I wouldnt either.It was half sarcasm, but in all honesty half serious beCause there's really nothing else
Yeah , no , this this is screwed up , dude This is making the custom free liveries More content dependent than the actual content itself. (for lack of better words)
Yes, I agree it shouldn't matter if you own the routes, just as long as you own a route with that item, you should be allowed to use it. But then it's a way to make players buy dlc's that they don't want. Putting more money in the bank
Like I understandsome of the american locos Have different versions across roots But it's not that issue.Because there's one I came across that needed.Frankfurt or something Completely out of the continent like some of them just simply are not making sense at all But yeah , overall , dude , if you can own that and drive it and paint it , I don't think there should be d l c requirements on that because now that's making more restricted than the actual purchasable d l c
I will add.I did just discover one of them And that's with whatever update happened the other day.It wipes all content and I didn't have that specific one reinstalled(the SP livery i stated above, i didnt redownload the loco i guess.even though it has a route reuirement and the route redownloaded.) Now, Xbox/tsw should be automatically updating and reinstalling those and not me And not having to completely wipe all content and then reinstall just for an update. But then again here we are..... Up is down and left is right. Sometimes.....
I'm just glad that I'm on pc. I don't think I could handle the stress that you console users have to go through
Yeah, dude, it's looking like a lot to do with console.I mean, I'm not an expert but the s*** just really doesn't seem ready to be released.I'm not being a naysayer here it's just this is craziness I mean, just the glitches in the simple menu left right up-and-down alone.It's kind of crazy But then you get into these other features and then put money in the mix.Yeah, this is wild man.I'm glad I came here before I spent anything crazy
I know it's free but That was supposed to entice you to spend money Not bring you here to figure out if it's broken or what the actual deal is