I'm on PC with a keyboard and the brake handle keys are incredibly sensitive on the wcml class 101. I haven't tried one of the older ones yet to see if it operates more slowly. But I don't think it used to be so sensitive.
Do you have Tees Valley or the Northern Transpenine route? Try the Class 101 that came with those routes to see if the brake handle is any less sensitive.
Good idea Graham. I just fired up the 101 in Tees Valley and it performs as it always has. The over sensitive brakes seem to be a feature of the new version.
Strange how different users experience such things. To me, also a PC keyboard driver, the brake handle response is just right. I found it rather slow on the Tees Valley version.
I recently took the Class 47/4 and picked the very first service in the schedule. To my surprise, it lasted only 2 minutes! The task was to travel 200 meters and detach the wagons. After finishing the task and staying in the locomotive, I was offered a new task—this time, to couple the wagons from the other side. Once I completed that and stayed in the locomotive again, a new service unlocked: a trip to Preston with those same wagons. The strange thing is that this trip to Preston doesn’t appear in the schedule menu at all. It only shows up if you stay in the game world after completing the previous tasks. Why is this structured this way? It feels like there are "hidden" services that only show up when you stay in the game world. Is this intentional, or just a creative way to extend gameplay?
The sensitivity of the Class 101 brake handle indeed has been increased. I've always been using the brakes with the mouse because the brake handle of older versions of the Class 101 was not responsive enough. Now I can use the keyboard as it's much easier to fine tune the brakes (along with the "put back to neutral" key to quickly stop increasing/decreasing braking).
This may have been mentioned elsewhere. Anyone have any idea what the 87 is doing on GWE? From Paddington you can actually run. Legends stock on the route. Obviously the overhead runs out. Apologies if this is somewhere else. Was expecting on WCML south at some point, with the refresh. Perhaps someone is having a Monty Python moment?
This is intentional but due to the way the game works. Anything that needs to switch cab to reverse needs to be a new service for it to work correctly in the game and as I didn't want to clutter the list of services with lots of 2-3 minute runs I made it only show the initial service.
Thank you for the explanation! I completely agree with your reasoning—it’s an interesting way to create a more dynamic experience. However, I think the time duration listed could be more precise. For example, the menu says 3 minutes, but the actual trip, with all the follow-up tasks included, lasts nearly two hours. That detail really threw me off at first, as I didn’t expect such a long session after seeing "3 minutes." Maybe adding a note or more accurate timing would help avoid confusion for players like me in the future.
Also, I think this could be confusing for less experienced players. They might exit to the menu right after completing the short task, not realizing that they need to stay in the locomotive to unlock the continuation of the journey. Maybe a small hint or indication about this would help players understand there’s more to come.
heliq, how do you stay in the cab? When a service ends I am automatically booted to the stat menu. This sounds interesting and would love to do this.
I press the button to return to the free world. There's a picture of legs. I hope I explained it, if need, I can take a screenshot.
Loving the new route so far, Just found a slight bug on the PS5 version. When doing service 0E43, the moment you couple to the limestone wagons it instantly derails the locomotive. I have also tried coupling outside of the service but with the same result
There's actually quite a lot so listing would be a task in itself, most are just locomotive run rounds or coupling rather than something substantial.
heliq, well I did it twice and bad luck each time. I ended up in a train that was headed off the map so I couldn't get into the drivers seat. Will keep working on it. Thanks for this idea.
It's not a core TSW bug as it only affects certain rolling stock. Something about the rolling stock is causing it.
I'm driving the Class 87 in the snow and did I just notice that we now can actually hear the axles slipping ? If I'm not mistaken, wheelspin and wheelslide in TSW are either not really audible or not in a realistic way (you do not actually hear the axles, gears, motor suddenly going faster or slower all together). But with the Class 87 ... to my surprise, you can hear this ! Everything howls like they are meant to do. Along with an automatic instant reduction in power, quickly stopping the slip. Definitely one of the best modelled and immersive locomotives in TSW ! Edit : doing a Preston-Carlisle with snowy conditions, slowly gaining speed departing Oxenholme to Penrith with a set of 12 cars on the ramp while avoiding wheel spin, is a perfect example of how good the Class 87 physics and sounds are. Using sand also made a true difference in handling. Congratulations to Just Trains !
Have done one run from Carlisle to Preston nonstop and what a cracking route. As I’ve said previously this era generally doesn’t interest me but I got the Blackpool route following the feedback and really enjoyed it & so bought this today. Have to say on very early impressions it’s a very well done route, with a very well developed train. The 87 is very different to anything I’ve driven before and I had two loss of powers leaving Carlisle(ultimately causing my late arrival into Preston by 20 minutes!) but once you get used to it, it’s rather good fun to drive. JT setting a very high standard. Well done.
JT have said in the rolling stock video on Train Sim TV tonight that the vacuum system (I assume for the brakes) has been reworked.
I forgot to mention a couple other minor bugs for the rolling stock. The Mk3a buffet is named as "RMB" this is incorrect since the RMB (Restaurant Miniature Buffet) coach code was only used on specific Mk1 catering vehicles. The Mk3 catering vehicles depicted in this pack actually are RFB (Restaurant First Buffet) coaches. Secondly when switching off the lights through the switch in the Mk1 BG. The lights in the buffet corridor of the Mk3a RFB will remain lit. And finally when I was testing hauling an 87 via a diesel in free roam, when coupled to the diesel, the 87s RCH/TDM jumpers disappeared. (Tested with a class 45/1 from NTP)
With 2x Class 87, only one set of jumper cables would be connected not both I believe. In the attached picture you can see both sides are connected. Would 2x Class 87 not have operated in 1986? I ask because there are no services I can find for it. I created a formation of 2x87 and mark 3s thinking I could use them on a timetable service and that doesn’t seem to work, only spawning in free roam.
Not sure if any passenger services were timetabled for a pair of 87s but they would have operated as pairs in the event of any faults or to get a loco somewhere.
So on PS5 I used the manual to identify where the DSD switch is for the Class 47 but when I point the controller anywhere around the switch nothing comes up to switch it on. Everything else in the loco works fine. Positive feedback I wanted to add was just how amazing it is to be able to walk around so much of Morecambe after finishing a 1p1 service. There's just so many little touches too like if you cross the road the cars slow down for you and there's even a toilet you can sit down on! Barely scratched the surface of the potential of this route so far. Roll on the weekend!
Probably a core issue, but that snow trail looks like i'm leaking nuclear material Also, pantograph flashes light up the front windscreen which shouldn't be possible Probably also core as the class 465 had that too
I believe the DSD in the class 47 caused issues so it was just removed. You can run services using the 47 with just the AWS active and you'll still get the points for having safety systems active.
On the Cumbrian chopper services, are the 2 class 20's supposed to work in unison? I know they were often paired nose to nose on heavier freight trains, but I'm unsure weather paired working is possible with a rake of carriages between the 2 locomotives.
Having completed the scenarios only so far, the brake handle on the 101 is a bit too sensitive as others have said.
Class 20s used to stand-in on HEA and MGR coal trains when a class 56 or 58 was not available, along with operating many other last-minute stand-in services. It seems very strange that newly Railfreight Gray painted class 20s would be relegated to a sole railtour working, when in reality they would be hard at work hauling freight services nose-to-nose on the WCML in this time period. Could we get a few more class 20 substitution options for freight?
I'd love that but I think the issue is that freight services on TSW UK routes are usually made to be hauled by one loco. Having a pair of 20s spawn in on those services would cause issues.
Yes I think the key needs to be bound manually in the settings. Once done it's much easier to drive the 101 DMU.
Tried five different services that are available in conductor mode (3 on 87, 2 on 101). I've been able to dispatch the trains ok, remembered to get back in before departure, but no ticket checked at all. And when the service is over an hour it can get pretty dull with nothing to do between stations.
On mine 'Move To Lap Position' is mapped to the '/' key, by default I believe, I don't remember setting it myself.
The route looks and sounds amazing, however playing on the Xbox series s I haven’t been able to complete any service with the class 87. The crashes frustratingly happens near to the destination either Preston or Carlisle (after a hour of playing time) where the train is slowing down to come to a stop. The services are as follows: 1M05 1S47 4M12 - This crash happened shortly after pulling out of the passing loop after express train passed and I got a green to proceed. Curious to know if anyone else playing Xbox series s has been able to do over an hour long service in the 87?
Game crashes for me when passing the 20mph speed board on approach to Carlisle. You know it's about to happen when the XBOX Series S starts lagging as it tries to load the station assets.