Athena Simulations: Ecml Diesel Railtours

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Mike-ATH, Aug 28, 2024.

  1. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    By those standards most TSW content would be "false advertising" so you'd have a helluva lawsuit and you wouldn't have bought virtually anything to date.
  2. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    This DLC has been getting more and more desirable with every update and especially now that it includes the two extra locos. We all have those locos already from NTP but the more playable content we have for them the better and that’s what their inclusion in this pack enables.
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  3. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    It's difficult.

    On the one hand, as stujoy says - it's good we'll get more playable content. And also, I suppose some may not own NTP so it would be new locos for them.

    That said, I absolutely think that the locos should be bought up to TSW5 standards with suspension etc.

    Not sure this DLC will be for me, as I already have the locos and I find them very loud in otherwise tranquil stations - but I guess price dependent, it could be good value for those who don't own NTP.
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  4. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    False advertising? HAHAHA HAHAHAHA!!!! At no point have they said the 40 and 45 will be updated and given modern safety systems. You can't claim it as false advertising just because you don't like what they are doing with it.
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  5. richardg#8232

    richardg#8232 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    I'm just stating a blatant fact Its not a modern railtour if it's not modernised units
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  6. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    Did they claim they were updated?
    Are you going to apply that standard to every other layer that isn't exactly correct in your opinion?
    That's most of the game at this point.
    If you don't like it, then don't buy it.
    It doesn't hurt you in any way for it to exist, nor for others to enjoy it.
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  7. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    So again....point out where they said the 40 and 45 would be updated with modern safety systems.

    Also considering that the real 47484 is sat in a siding rusting away somewhere...that's also not true to life for the ECML.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
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  8. richardg#8232

    richardg#8232 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Okay my bad I did make the assumption.

    But if a Gameplay Pack being advertised for the ECML (set in 2023)

    The ECML Has European Train Control System

    Meaning the GSMR talks to the computer
    Updating speed, location, a lot of accurate information to allow for Highspeed running because high speed trains need advanced warning

    So they would not work at all

    This is no.2 of the make believe DLC at least holiday express is advertised as make believe

    Unless there is a separate timetable back in the 60's for BR era these locos on the ECML Would make it red light city

    If you Don't believe me If you have Flying Scotsman in your collection go look in the cupboard on the lefthand side of your tender

    In there On a 100 year old steam engine

    Is a GSMR required to run on the mainline

    You're defending that they didn't state they were updating them

    All I'm trying to say is it makes no sense if they don't do it

    I Don't know how well you know the rail network but if this sells well this is the defining moment of sloppy, recycled,

    Unrealistic Simulator DLC

    And those two words aren't supposed to go together

    I want to drive a SIM
    Not playing a game
    Millions of requests from around the world for new routes and locos
    And what do we get "OLD Recycled Locos"

    Anyone who thinks this 47 is completely rebuilt is a fool.

    You wouldn't start from scratch and build something already in game
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  9. coursetim

    coursetim Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    With respect after some of the stuff you've mentioned in the steam thread about people pushing DTG off making steam by complaining about wanting realism etc I find this a little unfair towards Athena.

    Personally I'm happy to buy this pack for the Mk1s in blue grey, it's a good addition to the collection and will add some much needed coaching stock variety and be a really good source of layers for future content. It's nice to also get the 45/40 with this set as well as before you're limited to what was on NTP and the JT routes. They'll make for some nice variety in the timetable even if it's not 100% prototypical. I'd rather have more railtours layering in to other routes with new scenarios. The 45 imo is excellent as is one of my favourite locos in TSW so I'm happy it's getting utilised a bit more :)

    They've said they adjusted the cabs and changed some of the modelling on the 47 after it's accident as well. So it's not completely reused? JT also did a lot of leg work on the 47 for BPO and honestly I like it where it is.

    As a first production for Athena I'm more than up for giving it a chance especially if that means less one handle EMU action and more third parties working on UK Content :)
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  10. coursetim

    coursetim Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2020
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    Also quick question for Athena, is there any chance of the guards whistle working with the BGs similar to the JT routes?
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  11. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    Also the 40 and 45 are options on East Coastway Railtour as well. So it's hardly just Athena doing it.

    Also, Midland Mainline has double headed 45s Railtour as well.
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  12. richardg#8232

    richardg#8232 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Exactly my point it's an easy cash grab
    Where an Update to timetable layers would suffice
    I could understand this DLC if it was a mainline ready railtour pack

    But its far from that it's going to have safety systems from the 60's working in 2023 it couldn't happen
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  13. richardg#8232

    richardg#8232 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Yes read my thread bar the overpressured boiler it's as real as can be to be a steam driver that was my point it was realistic

    I Go on Train Sim World to explore the railway in a simulation.

    If I wanted train games I would play train games this is supposed to be a simulation.

    If flight simulator did the equivalent
    It would be an easy jet 747 that can land and take off on water

    Has no buoyancy no floatation devices it just can

    These trains break so many regulations they aren't even allowed to sit on any sidings connecting to the network

    Unless the flat bed under them is certified

    This pack would avoid all my backlash if it was on BPB, TVL, NTP, Preston to Carlisle

    It's the wrong ERA and trying to sell this in a simulation game is just outrageous and every creator who recycles reskins and adds a timetable and calls it new will be getting a nice post from me maybes new players might do research into what's wrong with it and see for themselves
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  14. mkraehe#6051

    mkraehe#6051 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2022
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    I don't think it's reasonable to hold a railtour that layers in a loco from a historic route to the same accuracy standard as a pack that is specifically meant to represent railtours.

    If I buy a vintage route, then getting to use the locomotives included on railtours across modern day routes is, essentially, a free bonus on top of the experience that I paid for. If the locos are not 100% right for the modern day, then that's perfectly understandable because they weren't built, and I didn't buy them for, modern day railtours.

    If, on the other hand, the pack that I'm buying is marketed as representing modern-day preserved stock for railtour use, then expecting it to actually do that doesn't seem that unfair to me.
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  15. uvm0902

    uvm0902 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2020
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    This DLC will be of great value if the developer implements the suspension function for class 45 and 40. If you have any possibility to do it, please implement it and we will be immensely happy!!! I admit that it is impossible for you, but maybe you can do it!!!
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  16. matt#4801

    matt#4801 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2022
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    I feel people are being very harsh considering this is their first DLC as a new development group. Lets give them a pass on this one and see what they bring with their next one. I completely understand the complains people are having with the DLC, but like I say, lets give them a chance to get into the air before shooting them down.

    There is passengers finding stuff out before staff and then there is this. Us on the frontline are always the last to find out these rather important things!

    If the sarcasm above had no effect on you mate, this part of the ECML doesn't have ETCS. ;)
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  17. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    richardg#8232 - There is an ETCS isolation switch in the 801 presumably to future proof it, and perhaps it's even implemented (but out of use) on the train - idk. But certainly isn't in use irl yet.
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  18. Tim RTC

    Tim RTC Member

    Feb 5, 2022
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    For me the biggest missed opportunity is that this would have been the perfect pack to introduce a Class 55 Deltic - these are often used on ECML railtours and the loco has been highly demanded. Could also add it in layers as Railtours on other routes and even onto the Edinburgh Glasgow route as an EMU delivery tow loco, as one was used in this role a few years back.

    Would definitely turn far more heads (and wallets) than another Class 47, even one with great detail.
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  19. richardg#8232

    richardg#8232 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    My bad I it's pre fitted ready for ERTMS but the point still remains without GSMR this would not work
  20. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    With the ECDP, is this going to eventually use ETCS for the in cab signalling, or a similar system? Feel like I read it somewhere but can't remember
  21. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    The railtour train exists in real life so should it never be made then?
  22. richardg#8232

    richardg#8232 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    It exists in an untouched state since the 90's
    Well bar moving to a storage yard by lorry where it still hasn't been touched so it literally did railtours just after leaving service with BR

    So I think yeah by all means this DLC should be available to anyone who wants it
    But in the Right Timeline Not next to Azumas

    It should be next to 37's, 60's, 57's, HST's 20's 31
    Do you not think it's a bit sloppy that an engine noise change and a little edit to the engine physics you have a class 57 thunderbird still in use on riviera night services on GWR would layer lovely on to so many routes and no developer will touch it they just keep giving us the 1st gen

    And i realise this is work in progress so if I see a good quality Simulation Product at the end I will personally apologise for my comments thank them and put my hand in my pocket and buy it
    Key to simulation is being realistic
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  23. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    Anthena Simulations seems to have gone awfully quiet in terms of replying or interacting on the forums?

    I think a break in radio silence might reassure a few people. I am still highly excited for the Mk1s!
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  24. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Paging Mike-ATH
  25. samuelpower2001

    samuelpower2001 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Mike check one two lol
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  26. Schmalf

    Schmalf Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2021
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  27. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    If the 47 sells, they could reasonably do another single loco railtour like the 55, or redo the 40 or 45. They seem like a very small developer with limited resources. We don't even know if they're full time or doing this part time as a hobby (like the guy doing the new London route) Before demanding more from them, I'm going to see what they release, then if it's decent ask for more.
  28. tft#6439

    tft#6439 Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2022
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    Mike Check Unsuccessful.
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  29. Bristolian

    Bristolian Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Still no split-box Class 40?...
  30. Bravo2six

    Bravo2six Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2021
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    Feels like Skyhook around MML all over again ':)
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  31. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    100% support this, and hope Athena Sims folks are still reading this thread.
    Please take the money of all the people demanding the 55 so it can be in game already, even if it's just for railtours.
    Enough people will use it in their own scenarios that even without a full timetable or the right era, the COMMUNITY will quickly scramble to create one I'm betting. So, it'll be a sale for a certain number of people just on the Class 55 alone.

    Or maybe release it as a later add-on to the add-on like other routes for maybe 10-15 euros? That seems to be the going rate for a brand new loco without being bundled. Not too much more because they'd have to buy the 47/40/45 pack too for the timetable to layer in on so you're already getting their money.
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  32. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    I think this is their Linked In company page if someone wanted to contact them....

    And their Crunchbase page

    Interesting it's "Athena Worlds and Simulations"
    Seems they have experience on mobile games so this would be a new area for them.
    It's also just 7 people so we need to temper expectations a bit.
    Let them produce the current pack first, then demand they do more.
    I'd imagine their hands are already full on the current project.
  33. martschuffing

    martschuffing Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2020
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    Not sure how difficult it would have been to make a bodysnatcher/zombie instead of another ye olde 47? As that is a loco I am waiting patiently to see in TSW, great for railtours and hauling freight, however it is cool to see a new dev on the scene and am looking forward to their content.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025
  34. ilovelucky63

    ilovelucky63 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2023
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    This is one of those addons I am not overly excited about but I expect I will buy it anyway for fear of missing out!
  35. sean-ath

    sean-ath Member

    Aug 28, 2024
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    Hi guys,

    We wanted as a team to thank all of you for your support and answer a few questions that you have posed to us here in the forums.

    We are a very small team and this is our first collective foray in to TSW, so we have started on a careful footing with the Diesel Railtours pack. Our plan is to expand our scope as we grow. We do not want to overpromise and underdeliver. So our business plan is simple, we are building our TSW portfolio carefully and incrementally, increasing the level of ambition with each release. We do indeed have a number of projects under contract to DTG which we will be able to discuss very shortly. We are working through them one by one, building both our experience and team as we progress.

    The aim of Diesel Railtours was to bring a spiritual sequel to the highly successful Diesel Legends of the Great Western, bringing classic traction to the East Coast Mainline. Yes, we are aware of anachronisms with a “classic” loco on modern metals, as was the case with Diesel Legends “under the wires” of the modern Paddington line. That said, there was a strong interest in recreating 47484 Isambard Kingdom Brunel in her classic guise rather than equipping her with modern equipment she never carried. Many fans of this icon of the class did not want us to mess with how the loco saw service. This does allow the loco to run, of course, on the range of BR era routes including the fabulous Blackpool and Carlisle routes from Just Trains. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that the Class 47 operates within the timetable of many routes, including all the era specific routes and even heritage routes in TSW5. We are grateful to DTG and Just Trains for assisting us with ensuring compatibility across numerous routes and timetables.

    We are including the DTG Class 45 and Class 40 within the pack, which are also fully layered. Our contract with DTG does not allow us to modify these locomotives currently. What this means is that the purchaser of our pack gets 3 classic locomotives, that we have gone to pains to ensure function on a wide range of routes. We bolstered this with the MK1 coaches (at fan request), also included in the package.

    In short what we are offering in one pack are three BR classic locomotives plus appropriate coaches that can be used on all the era appropriate routes. Fans can purchase all three locomotives in one DLC and find them usable across the entire UK network. The entire suite of locos and stock are available in free roam and can be used in your own scenarios, so we are excited that we bring a great deal of content to fans of the era to use how they see fit. The 10 ECML scenarios form just one part of that.

    Again, we are grateful for all your comments, suggestions and advice on current projects and future ideas. We do listen and have already made amendments based on feedback. We look forward to growing the team with the much valued support of the TSW community as we get ever more ambitious with future releases.

    Lastly i wish to say we will try and answer your questions as much as we can however, as i am sure you will understand with us being a small team it may take us a little time to respond. Athena-DRP-Class47-WM-3.jpg Athena-DRP-Class47-WM-1.jpg
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  36. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    That's a nice bit of update.
    Thank you.

    Since it's rather difficult to keep up on the thread, perhaps there is a general office email folks could send questions to?
  37. sean-ath

    sean-ath Member

    Aug 28, 2024
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    We would prefer comms to be on the forums this way when questions are raised here everyone can see the answer and we avoid repeat questions. Hopefully you understand this.
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  38. phillipa#1949

    phillipa#1949 Active Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    I am looking forward to this & all other UK Content they announced in there season of reveals which was actually announced post launch TSW5 back in August 2024 apart from Thomas the Tank engine .

    To appoint where i have seen enough Screen-Shots of it to appoint where i feel like i have already played it Twice over.

    What i am trying to say well we ever see it ? . it,s nearly just under 6 Months & there has hardly been any new content for TSW5 .

    This can,t be looking good for DTG & there Third party Developers
  39. ilovelucky63

    ilovelucky63 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2023
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    The only major (UK) content we've had post TSW5 launch is Preston - Carlisle. Hopefully the new stuff on the roadmap will come thick and fast now. I am worried that what is there now is all we will get now before TSW6 in September. I am also looking forward to Trainz sim coming out on Xbox soon as it launches with a 9F. If only TSW/DTG could develop one of those for us.
  40. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    The Trainz one (9F) will probably have better physics!
  41. SonicScott91

    SonicScott91 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2020
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    Nah, I’m glad the Deltic hasn’t been done as I don’t want a modern day railtour pack for such an iconic locomotive. It deserves far better than that.

    The Deltic should star in a route set during the BR era when it ruled the ECML. This is a better representation of the locomotive but also gives us another segment of the ECML in a different era, we’ve got a modern section, the rest of the ECML should be done in different eras now to represent the history of the line. Including one being reserved for the steam era, featuring the real LNER when DTG get their heads together and reverse their nonsense decision on steam traction.

    I’m hoping JT will be the ones to make such a route for the Deltic. They have one of the best modellers on the Train Sim scene in their team now and did an amazing job with the Class 87 and the upcoming Class 86 looks to be just as good! They would definitely do the Deltic justice :cool:
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  42. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Deltic from Newcastle to Edinburgh (backed up by the 40’s and Duffs) set around 1975 would suit just nicely thank you. I mean you could stretch the era to 1978/79 when the HST’s started to arrive but, no, pure loco haulage please.

    Steam era could get York to Newcastle for the “racetrack”
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  43. SonicScott91

    SonicScott91 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2020
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    Yes! Pure loco operation would be most welcome. A Valenta HST could always work as a separate timetable option.

    Generally, I just want vintage stock based in their own eras when they were ran to their potential and not limited by any modern railway restrictions. It also gives greater route variety, which any proper train sim should always strive for! ;)
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  44. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    Yes agreed. Prefer to run locos like that doing the things they were intended to do rather than just railtours. Although it's good to see them too.
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  45. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    1975 would also be pre Metro Newcastle so you would have Met Cams departing every 20 minutes round both sides of the Tynemouth Loop. Two an hour to/from South Shields, Two stoppers an hour to/from Sunderland plus the hourly Middlesbrough service. Fantastic! Come on JT, how about it!
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  46. operator#7940

    operator#7940 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    This is exactly why there are so many railtours in the game.
  47. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    For me I'd disagree.

    It all depends on the playability of a locomotive which is important to me. If a locomotive is represented in preserved condition, I'm not against it at all aslong as it has plenty of room to stretch its legs on existing routes.

    If it had its own dedicated route and time period, which in turn offered more realistic playerability I'd obviously opt for that. But I wouldn't write it off because it was in preserved condition. To be fair the ECML at the moment could offer a nice full throttle run in a Deltic...

    I was pleasantly surprised when Flying Scotsman was modelled in its preserved condition with working AWS, it really added something to it and makes it really accessible and realistic for preserved steam running on the mainline.

    For example, with JTs Mk2Fs and a Deltic on the ECML, wouldn't that make an accurate and pretty realistic railtour that would be enjoyable?
  48. sean-ath

    sean-ath Member

    Aug 28, 2024
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    We wanted to share a few images today of 47484 running timetable services on the Just Trains routes (Preston to Blackpool Carlisle to Preston). A natural home for the loco. Yes, despite being based at Old Oak Common she often found herself much further north!
    Sharp eyed amongst you will also notice some visual updates as we continue to refine the loco. Stay tuned for some imminent release news!

    image004.jpg image003.jpg image002.jpg image001.jpg
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  49. Agent Qracle RUS

    Agent Qracle RUS Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2019
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    Does your team plan to work on electric locomotives after the release of the ECML Diesel Railtour Pack?
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  50. theicehound101

    theicehound101 Member

    Feb 12, 2020
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    Did you upload the right photos i dont see anything changed lol

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