Bug on Blackpool Branches: A broken version of guard mode was mistakenly made accessible for all 2-car Class 101 services.
Just done a conductor service on a Blackpool South - Colne service. Whilst you get points for "declining" logically valid tickets, such as St Annes - Poulton, Lytham - Bournemouth etc, you loose points for declining (seemingly) "incorrect" tickets such as Lytham - St Annes, although they are travelling in the "wrong" direction for the service. Is this a "bug" in the Conductor Mode in the core game, or the JT implementation on Blackpool Branches?
Guard mode for Blackpool Branches using the Class 101 from Preston - Carlisle works, though I have only checked for PC Steam. The Class 101 from Tees Valley doesn't work since it doesn't have a guard buzzer
Just done my first conductor mode service (Blackpool branches) with the class 142. I'm really enjoying the conductor mode, but it's a bit weird that the passengers do not leave the train when arriving at the final stop (which was Blackpool North).
Same, check the tickets and then relax. Really enjoyed the scenic BPO ride. NEC NY Trenton was no fun though. Train refused to move, so had to give up.
Tried the 158 on Edinburgh Glasgow - fail with the instruction to unlock doors refusing to go away and then the trained pulled out of Edinburgh. Tried the 170 on Fife - fail with the instruction to open local doors refusing to go away even when local doors were open Tried the 350 service on WCMLS - fail with service stuck behind another train on Euston platform Tried a 67 service from Carlisle - fail when I blew the whistle on the platform and the train departed without me. Pun intended, this mode is a train wreck
Oh no :/ I actually had success with the 158 and the 170 and 350 (don't have the 87 (assuming you meant this not 67) before this update when I last played. Wonder if perhaps the update broke conductor mode. DTG Harry is this a known/ticketed issue please?
Sorry, meant the 87…. Also failed on 390 with it retaining the message ‘unlock the door controls’ even though I then put the key in… harrumph! And the 142 is also retaining the message Lock the Passenger Doors after they are locked…… double harrumph!!!
Are you actually waiting until it asks you to complete each part of the objective, as if you are “infront” they won’t complete properly.
Yep but also conscious that I am doing it without objective markers so if the instructions are not mapping with the correct button or the instructions are in the wrong order then I am probably doing it ‘wrong’. I have just discovered that the 142 tutorial steps do this for example; they ask you to close the passenger doors and then you need to reopen the local door and then close it again (there are no instructions for this but the objective cursor is there). It’s badly considered to be honest
170 on Fife: Finished the Conductor Timetable Run. It is tough. 46 tickets had to be checked between the Edinburgh Gateway and Haymarket. But it is a nice different approach to Trains and I personally like it so far.
This conductor mode is really broken to the point I don’t want to play it no more to be honest. Doing conductor mode on the Boston Worcester line. All of sudden at Framingham Station, it say “Stop Movement Locked”. Same with the NY Trenton Route waiting on Trenton. This isn’t fun anymore
First run as conductor on the Blackpool Branches route. Just as patchy/shambolic as ever. 11:06 service to Blackpool North I had nothing to clear from the aisles, only 7 tickets to check the whole journey and then on arrival at Blackpool North the buzzer wouldn't stop. What was even odder was that several people got on at Kirkham and Wesham but apparently there were no checks required until 3 people boarded at Poulton le Fylde. The mode definitely has potential, but is being badly let down by extremely shoddy implementation.
Another minor grumble....as I had plenty of time to wander the Pacer and then just sit in the drivers cab, I did notice that even when the train was going full speed the speedometer was sitting at 0mph the whole journey.
I tried it briefly a week or two ago on Fife Circle. Think I managed two stops before deciding the gameplay “spur” wasn’t giving me much value. Back to driving. I mean, if I absolutely wanted to enjoy a route without driving, I would just take a seat as a passenger on the train for a few stops.
The Fife Circle is the only route so far where I've "enjoyed" it to be honest. Always feels like there are loads of tickets to check and, with the stops being as close as they are, not much time to do it before the next station. Makes the route feel quicker than driving - maybe that's because the 170 isn't much fun to drive mind you
I’m not sure if this has been posted. I know others have mentioned the lack of response from driver when giving the ready to start. I’ve noticed there is no real way to fail a scenario as a conductor. There’s no SPADs for instance. If I give two against a red, it would be a SASPAD. IMO, an option should at least be given in difficulty for this to fail a scenario.
That’s not the point though, if guard mode is going to be implemented, it should be properly. As a guard irl, if I was to give two against a red id be pulled off service and drug tested. There should at least be a difficulty option to fail a scenario for dispatching against a red.
Not necessarily. If a guard dispatches on a red, they should report it, the driver should also do the same. Ditto the other way round. A drug/alcohol test would only be given if it was thought to be a contributing factor.
not sure if you’re a rail employee, or if it’s different across TOCs. But, every SASPAD is an operational incident and “medscreens” are organised. I know at least four tocs other than my own do this. The only way you would continue in service is if it is agreed by control and on call managers that getting to a more suitable location is best.
Very true! Of course the game itself is notorious for doing this, there appears to be no check in the AI despatch algorithm that the platform end signal is clear. I’ve had it on one of the German routes on a curved platform at the start of the trip. Get the “right away”, power up to come hurtling round the corner onto a red signal. Game over, no tea and biscuits!
obviously on German routes, I’m not sure what their rules are! What I would say, stations where signal observation is required, and view of the signal is blocked by station architecture or curvature, an off indicator or banner repeater is usually required. Wether DTG and their partners accurately model this is a different story. Some stations just have a signal, and it’s your responsibility to “work for the signal.” I.e. when in platform train interface, you should be appropriately positioned in the train to see the signal and the entire train. One station on one of my routes is like this, and on a three car + the appropriate positions would be the middle. this is why I suggested it as a difficulty option. apologies if I’ve also misunderstood your reply, but the AI in the game isn’t the best lol
I do work on the railways, albeit not a guard or driver. I got that information from actual guards, although knowing me I probably interpreted it wrong.
Probably too advanced (pardon the pun) for TSW but I'd like to see Advanced Tickets to check against. Also, some of the destinations, I think I've seen Rhyl whilst checking on the 350 and you have to say 'not valid' but technically they are valid as you could travel on that service (advanced ticket permitting) in real life but change at an intermediate station.
With the new update conductor mode works on the 323 but similarly with the 350 the signal buzzer doesent work from the rear cab.
Was that not fixed on the 350 in a previous patch? Thought it was, but could be getting mixed up with it working on the 170 or something. Pretty sure it works on at least 1 of them. *EDIT* Maybe it's been broken again since
It does work on the 350 now ot wasn't in the past is what I was referring to however doesent on the 170 or 323 and posibly others but I haven't checked.
Thank you for the update today, the Guard Panel on the 323 is still not functional. If you press the door close button all the doors including the local door still close. This works correctly on the Glossop Line but not on BCC. Do you know whether this is being looked at? Thanks
I keep spawning into black screen on conductor mode . Just tried it with 323 all that's visible is the time and way marker ( Xbox series X)
I've found this just now when playing on 2R03. Very disappointed Also, no tickets to check between BHM and Five Ways despite the train being packed??
Would be good if JT's head out option could be added to all relevant trains with opening windows in the cab for example of the 323.
No tickets again to university, and the signal buzzer in the cab sounds, but doesn't dispatch the train! More and more is broken seemingly that I'm finding as I'm playing. Really hope these can be fixed as I do like BCC and the 323.
Would also like all the steps to operate the doors to be one step except for the signal button. And yes fix the signal button in the cab.
Tried out a guard mode on BCC - 2G88 Bromsgrove to Birmingham New Street . Nice to finally see it working but there's some room for improvement in addition to the usual guard mode issues: - You don't have the option for the game to accept you using the guard controls at the rear of the train as would happen most of the time in real life. - I had some passengers who had tickets for destinations beyond New Street which the game considered invalid but in reality it would be perfectly valid for a passenger to just change at New Street onto a Lichfield service. - I didn't always check every ticket before a station particularly when I had 22 get on at University. This then led to some passengers staying on board after their stop so I rejected their ticket but the game considered it wrong. But again in real life a passenger couldn't just say the ticket is valid because the guard didn't get round to checking the ticket as soon as they got on The usual passenger issues of not all getting off when a service terminates were there of course. So still some room for improvement in the game logic and passenger system.
I think I’ve found a work around for this go to settings hud and gameplay go to last row on the bottom and turn off conductor mode control guide. Tried it with 350 was able to press signal from the rear cab and the train is now moving. Edit: tested the 350 it’s working but not the 323
Hello I love the new coductor mode on wsr however i would like to see the guards door on the mark1 rolling staying open a bit longer then the others as that door isnt closed until clear of the platform
Day off from work tomorrow, I'm looking forward to giving the Conductor mode on WSR a try. I hope it works properly and able to stamp tickets. Edit: Gave it a quick go this evening, upon departure from Bishops Lydeard the notification was "wait for next stop." So no ticket collecting then.