Since, WCML has released, it would be brilliant to see 390 and 350 layers onto Cross City and Glossop for that matter. They spoke about it during the beginning of WCML. how did only Cathcart get the layers and not the others. I also believe the 350 is used on Walsall-Wolverhampton Routes? would be able to drive it as far as Aston. its unbelievable that a route that runs trough the second largest UK city is empty.
To answer your question the reason why it was added to Cathcart was because they added the paths during the remaster since they knew the 350 and 390 were coming, Cross City and Glossop don't have these paths added yet so it would require a bit of extra work but I hope they get around to it at some point because now we have the stock it would make sense to use them wherever possible.
I think it was very short-sighted to not make room for a possible 390/350 layer when Birmingham Cross City was released; I think all route timetables should be built with non-existent stock in mind, should said stock be released in a future add-on. I find it frustrating that Birmingham New Street remains a ghost town despite the stock needed to make it a non-ghost town being in game.
You also have to consider staffing. They don't always have people to pull to work on timetables which by the way is a ton of work. They couldn't just stop a project or have one person work overtime to work on 2 timetables at once. Any development requires staff
Strongly Agree with on this one Birmingham New Street looks pretty Quite maybe they will Re-master it as With GWR if we ever get it?
BCC was also created when DTG was going on an insane rampage of DLC so of course this route would've likely been left without provision for additional AI services. As much as I was frustrated I felt the 390s and the 350's not layering in, it does question me on what assessments DTG even do to choose between CCC or BCC.
If by CCC you mean Cathcart Circle Line, I would imagine this was chosen over BCC because of all the additional Scotrail stock that has come to the game since CCL's release. Would certainly like to see BCC remastered - could do de-branded XC turbostars too
I don't really buy the excuses... And people are welcome to disagree with me. But BCC is a fairly decent route and built really well. It would make sense to add these layers to the route and give it the love it deserves. One of the DTGs annoying habits, is building really good in house routes such as BCC which has potential, and then wasting the opportunity for AI 350s and 390s to be added and make it a phenomenal commuter route. Imagine the amount of players who'd revisit, or the amount of new players that'd bring in if updated? Such a bloody shame. It's crying out for some TLC. Glossop is another one, a nice small commuter route, very well built, but incredibly one dimensional. Just simply adding 390 and 350 AI would give it so much more character. It'll take a bit of work, but that work I'm sure would pay for itself through new players or people revisiting such routes. DTG do make some odd short sighted decisions at times.
Oh absolutely, The 350 would also be playable as far as Aston because doesn't the 350 run Walsall-Wolverhampton? Id love to see it as BCC is one of my favourite routes.
I don't believe it necessarily needs a remaster as it was made in late TSW3 meaning the lighting and scenery is better than earlier routes.
I can't see why DTG can't make a couple of timetable packs for BCC and Glossop to add the 350 & 390 and sell them for a few quid, I'd happily pay up to a fiver for each pack as long as it's close to the real timetable as possible and not just a made up rush job.
I feel like I wouldn't pay for it. I've already payed for BCC and WCMLS, why can't I have the layers from one in the other I shouldn't have to pay again. Maybe I would because that's what DTG would do
Hopefully a modder will come along and create a timetable for them, there are some good ones that have been created for some of the old German routes, so you never know. I had a dabble in creating a timetable for NTP but I've just not got the patience, I prefer to play rather than create
To add the 350 and 390 the timetable will need redoing. They didn't now that they was going to back making the 350 or 390 back when BCC was getting made
My view on this is that something simalar to Cathcart could be done the upgrade to the timetable was a paid update with the 380, so for birmingham cross city they could do the same and bri g the class 730 in which is the more modern replacement of the 323 as a dlc with a new timetable including 350s 390s and posible the transport for Wales 150 when it releases. The 350 no longer runs wolverhampton to walsal this is now done by the 730 which could also justify bringing it as a loco and timetable addon. Then players get both the layers they want aswell as a new loco to justify the price.
Even if WCML wasn't planned at the time, they should have at least created the timetable on the basis that other stock could layer in, even if it wasn't planned.
And what if the 350 and 390 never came? Then there'd be a timetable accounting for something that will never come.
The problem is, personally I can accept challenges and difficulties to adding stuff to a backdated route (within reason). But, without turning this into an heated debate, what really grates me that time is wasted on the likes of Thomas The Tank Engine, but resources (which I would imagine is considerably smaller), aren't put into updating preexisting routes to their full potential and thoroughly maintaining the back catalogue of existing routes properly and thoroughly in terms of timetables and rolling stock. I think there is being understanding as a community towards technical challenges developers face, but also on the same hand there is just accepting any excuse that they give not to update or put a little bit of work into a backdated route or adding the relevant stock to a backdated route when it is totally possible to do so. BCC and Glossop Line are just two such examples where it is completely possible to give them a little bit of TLC at not much cost. If we look at the work Liam and others in the team did voluntarily in their free time on the likes of Cathcart Circle, WSR, and the upcoming GWE? Not just financially, but just look at the amount of positive reception it received within the community... Surely that must act as a morale boost, as well good publicity from your customers? It's not just DTG who are guilty of this, but TSW developers in general seem to have this 6 month bracket of interest to update routes before moving on and never revisiting them when appropriate rolling stock becomes available. I think there definitely needs to be a shift in this attitude and a change of vision. Not only will it benefit the player by providing extensive updates where possible, but it will also really bring in positive reception from customers/players which I think TSW5 is in desperate need of at the moment. I think JT are breaking the mold slightly on this by adding the 86 and Mk2Fs which shows long term thinking in action, and recognising that perfecting a route and giving it variety sits well with people and gives a route real love and care that shows in the finished product. But as for everything else, it does feel short sightedness at its best. I think SEHS is the only route I've ever seen given its 'Full Potential'.
To be fair, Skyhook have done a lot of stuff like this with Midland mainline (and still are) and are now going back to Cane Creek and Horseshoe Curve too. So it is possible for these older routes to get some TLC. Just to echo what people have said, would be excellent and generate a lot of good will if Glossop and BCC would get these relevant layers added in.