Here you`ll find the rocks: Kaiserlautern Hbf, Ludwigshafen Hbf and Mannheim Hbf: 3, Hochspeyer, Neustadt Hbf and Limburgerhof: 2, Ludwigshafen Mitte: 0, all other stations: 1 The rocks are situated mostly in front of a platform or in the grass verges left or right the outer tracks along the platforms and some meters before or behind (esp. in Ludwigshafen). In Kaiserslautern you`ll find two of it also in the grass verges between the tracks in the freight yard, in Mannheim in the grass verges between the bridge an the platforms. And here you'll find the bikes: Kaiserslautern and Ludwigshafen Mitte:3, Böhl-Iggelheim, Schifferstadt and Ludwigshafen Hbf: 2, all other stations: 1 Exceptions: Neustadt Hbf (2), Neustadt-Böbig (1), Ludwigshafen-Rheingönheim (1) und Ludwigshafen-Mundenheim (1). There you can see bikes in the station area left or right of the tracks, but you cannot get there because the subways are not usable or you fall through the map (Neustadt-Böbig). One of the bikes in Neustadt Hbf you can reach through the fence beyond the front stairways. In Ludwigshafen-Rheingönheim is a possibility to squeeze yourself through wall and fence somewhere on the left side (in direction towards Ludwigshafen Hbf). Here you can walk back on the road to the station for locking the bike. I think these are bugs and will be fixed soon.
Im on PS5 and i've found some things missing and some things which should be made better. At some points i was really shocked. 1. At Mannheim Hbf the P2 Parking Garage is missing. It should be near the Stellwerk Mannheim. 2. When you cross the Rhine from Mannheim to Ludwigshafen, the Rheingallerie( huge Shopping Mall) is missing. Its right at shore in Ludwigshafen. 3. At Ludwigshafen Mitte Station the Exit to Berliner Platz is missing and its completely wrong. The road acts as a part of the Exit to Berliner Platz. 4. The Colour of the Roof Support at Ludwigshafen Mitte is wrong. Its more a white/grey Colour and was never that yellowish/ beige. 5. The Yard at Ludwigshafen Hbf ( Betriebswerk Ludwigshafen) looks currently dead! In Real Life its always full of trains like BR 425, Dostos and Br 642 or 628. 6. At Neustadt Hbf the Pfalzbahn Museum is missing a Wall on the Back. 7. A bridge or tunnel between Neustadt and Kaiserslautern has a Gras shape clipping through. 8. At Berliner Platz the so called "Tortenschachtel" a huge round Building is missing. It was demolished in 2015. 9. Some tunnels between Neustadt and Kaiserslautern have bushes of gras hanging from the ceiling. (No pics of these) Thats all i found so far. Here are some pics to these things. Please fix those things as they are key things and important for the whole look and feeling of this route.
I've been watching this video, and it seems that after the update there are still problems with passengers, the stations are empty.
Just got the new update ( on PS5), and the timetable didn't update for this route, even with missing rollingstock like the Br642
Same here. Also on PS5. I tried removing the route and downloading it again. Did not make a difference. looks like none of te stated fixes/improvements are there. No trams, no extra ai , still empty platforms without any passengers. Honestly. I don’t even know to be disappointed or just should laugh about how te state of all these updates are. Again and again. When several streams showed this working and paying customers still don’t get what they where promised to get when the route was released. How hard can it be to just upload the correct build to Sony? Sure, mistakes are only human. But these kind of things keep happening over and over again.
I would doubt that , when I turned on my ps5. It started downloading the update (and lots more for other routes too) and in the past this always meant the new features/bug fixes where visible in the game after updating. But I’ll guess I’ll have to give it the benefit of the doubt and wait until tomorrow
Or are PS5 consoles no longer supported..... EDIT: For the Preston Carlisle map, some AI layers are reportedly being removed for performance reasons.......we didn't initially notice any major issues it's going in the right direction
DTG Harry Can you look into this? It seems something has gone wrong with the update for this route. At least on PS5
I’m still seeing 370 Services on PS5 as well. It should be over 400. Also no trams in Mannheim, or 642’s in Kaiserslautern
It doesn't matter, I have the Glasgow DLC and I don't see them either, the update was released incorrectly on PS5.
Ah well ..... that's more like the update didn't come out at all ...... I'd be interested to know what the update file actually "improved" But in this situation, DTG usually comes up with some information promptly.... this time it's silent.... it could almost mean anything...... for me, it's disappointing and I'm glad we believed the information that there would be an update and bought this map
It has always appeared as AI for me, but not been driveable. I was able to launch a service in it and open the doors, but not power it up before I had to leave this morning. I don't know if it is still not available or if I'm not doing everything correctly; it has been a while for me and LGV!
Is just me or does some sections the pzb really does you over like emergency brakes through a green light even when pzb override. Also if thought update was to add more passengers yet the stations are ghost towns so empty.
Wish I'd seen this on the forums that update didn't work on PS5 before purchasing this evening hopefully it gets sorted soon.
regarding 425, I noticed sth thats probably just a visual issue, not sure: both units look like they work fine, since the acceleration is how it should be, but I dont know if this is just an oversight or a real difference in use of those units on different tracks IRL
Just commenting in that I'm checking over this with the teams today to make sure the patch has landed how we expect. For those not seeing the AI trams, we've discussed how this required the Edinburgh-Glasgow route add-on, as they are officially a layer from that route on to Mannheim. Can I check for anyone who owns this layer, are you still not seeing the trams? Can I also ask, if you're not seeing the update - what is your build number? (You can find this in the pause menu > Settings > should be in the bottom right)
Same on PS5, I have installed the last update, nothing changed. I have the Glasgow DLC and I can't see the trams.
The patch installed normally on PS5 Pro yesterday, no changes are visible in operation, I don't have the EDN map, but I would see at least a tram layer in the layer manager, there's nothing there. BR642 is not showing up, etc.
Thank you folks - We've confirmed that the patch yesterday should be using build number 1209 - so we're checking on our side to make sure we can prompt systems to update this. I'll keep you updated as we go in this thread