Hello everybody! This is the master feedback thread for the Mildmay Line Add-On from Incredible Trains! Find More Information: Mildmay Launch Article Mildmay Line Gameplay Guide Please keep all discussions only related to Mildmay feedback and provide the game platform you are using in any comments for feedback. This helps us work through your feedback and pass any relevant issues to dev a lot more effectively. Thanks, folks!
on xbox X there are after about 5 min playtime blurry textures , you can't read the text of the buttons. and everyting else is also blurry.
Firstly, considering this is 1 guy the route has turned out pretty well, the scenery is amazing very detailed and it’s very busy. That being said it’s not perfect I completed my first run earlier (PS5) this will be a mix of general feedback and bugs I’ve found and I will update this when I find more. General feedback: -Track unevenness is set too high I think, the train rocks about way too much -Blurry textures between Camden road - Stratford -Poor frame rate around the Kings Cross/St Pancras & Stratford areas Bugs: Most of which are on the 378 (I might be nitpicking sorry) - Class 350 & Unbranded Class 710 Ai don’t have their pantographs raised -Speedometer goes too high -This fan -Pantograph head is disconnected from the upper arm -Class 378 has no compressor & flange sounds
The blurry texture problems on PS5 Pro are shown clearly on the British Ace’s videos of the route in both directions.
Was enjoying the new Mildmay line route until you got to Gospel Oak driving a class 378 from Stratford, the game crashed straight to main menu I Get its a new route and looks great but the framerate is awful as well around Willesden Junction & Stratford. Playing on Xbox Series S
On PS5, On the training modules, both learning how to drive the 378 and the route introduction Matt repeats himself constantly, as nice as it is to hear his voice, repeating the same things is a bit distracting lol. Also, on route introduction "Press X to continue" shows as "Press E to continue"
Texturing issues on Series X, have also experienced similar on WCML south but not to this extent. After about 5 minutes play time, everything becomes low res and blurry, makes the DLC unplayable
Hi, Theres some bits i've noticed in the preview streams that I hope to see fixed in post updates possibly. I know light baking in UE can take some time, but there is some glaring bits where there should be more darkened areas of the route. Here are a few examples. The lack of AO or even texturing also becomes present on certain assets used. Camden town an example, the supporting for the OHLE stands out too much, and has a huge disparity between other OHLE supporting assets which creates a bit of an immersion break And generally some of the assets at Camden Road look sterile without any kind weathering as if natures elements did not touch them at all and in that specific picture makes the scene very bright. I also +1 the above complaints and issues with the 378. Blurry textures and FPS seem to be a present problem which is a shame (even on TrainSimTV's PC build it seemed to struggle around certain areas) I'm still looking forward to giving this a go later, theres just some things that I feel went unnoticed that could do with some work, especially when its very present from a driver in cab point of view.
Unfortunately another route not optimised for PS5. I have blurry textures absolutely everywhere; the drivers seat, the dials, the window surrounds, the warning stickers, the roundels on the platforms and that just all I have noticed in the first 2mins of starting a timetable service.
And a crash to desktop at Caledonian Road after accessing the driver screen to change the destination from 'Not In Service'
Hey folks. Keep the feedback coming, I've logged the blurry textures and crashing. If you're able to finish the route, and the texture issues go away, please let me know in case it's a 'first render' issue. Apologies that this is happening.
PS5 Apart from the blurry graphics which seem to happen about a third of the way into the route ( both directions ) and continue to the end, pretty good route fast paced but easy to keep to the timetable .
The blurry textures - is anyone able to provide screenshots of these? And are they happening in a particular area?
All I've done so far fast travelled to a few stations in free roam mode - it's so exciting to see my own route, and the area around Hampstead Heath station is very impressive. It's a shame West Hampstead and Brondesbury have no exits though, not even an invisible role. I tried to fast travel again, but it locked up. Then I had do do some work, sadly, but will drive later.
You get the repetition on a lot of the tutorials now, even the older ones. You get the repetition on a lot of the tutorials now, even the older ones.
The usually happen for me around Willesden, Stratford and between Camden road & Dalstaon Kingsland (The kings Cross/St Pancras area
I will say, that the decision to provide so many AI specific trains is such a leap forward for TSW, and I hope we see it more. Much better to have close approximations than an empty route. Is it me, or does the 378 look a bit lower res than other trains in TSW?
DRA example poor texture. This is at West Hampstead but happens at most stations between West Hampstead and Stratford. Platform signs also suffer
After seeing this blurry textures again, its another no buy for me on console. Thanks for sharing it. Helped me a lot to make my decision.
I have listed them in the server DTG Harry. i will tag you in them with the places where they appear as well.
Fps is really poor on this route, doesn't even stay green for the whole journey. Lots of fps drops to below 15 which can cause crashing to 8th gen as well as 9th gen. If their is any way to prevent the dropping of fps, that would be good and it will benefit consoles
I feel bad for the dev, on the preview stream he mentioned not having console dev kits, but he had been assured by QA that everything was looking good on console, when clearly it needed a lot more optimisation.
The previous map, London Overground, works quite well on PS5, I didn't even notice any problems with the textures there..... This is a sad story.
One thing I would do for Temporary fix is to disable Dynamic Weather. Think about disabling the ECML class 801, 700, SEHS 395 and 700 layers. Keep the mml HSTs on if you wish. But you will rarely see the 395 and the ecml stuff running. It's upto you but there's a lot of stuff going on in the route. An enjoyable run but yeah FPS is an issue. Hentis
I haven't used dynamic weather for months, and HD instead of 4K, neither of which helps significantly, the blurring continues ....... And yes, so far it seems that the consoles can't handle almost any additional traffic layers at all ..... but honestly, the basic implementation of maps in general and traffic is quite boring ..... so uninteresting, but that's my personal opinion. Since the release of TSW5, the above described is more or less standard, but in relation to the PS5 Pro, when DTG does not support this platform in any way, I would say at all, it's also a rather sad story .....
One thing I would say is that Mildmay line has alot of services*, and loads more trackside detail than Gospel Oak. So that all adds up on system performance. I dont think TSW 5 is as good as 5. Somethings broke in this version and I wish / hope they can figure out what it is and get it fixed. The route is great and I loved driving it in my stream but with the added pressure of a livestream on top of running the mildmay line my playstation was relieved when I stopped. Hopefully they can sort it. Hentis *I think i was told 10500 ai and player services. Whether 10500 is the correct amount then you are looking at a 12 mile Brighton Mainline regarding services.
I mentioned this recently, the problem will not be in general only in the length of the maps and the density of objects, but especially in the density of traffic and therefore also in what the game has to calculate while running. That's why turning off layers is so helpful for optimization on console, but in reality we are in a state, even if we don't pretend to be, that the console versions are being cut. The only time it works fully is in Foot mode, but don't forget to jump from station to station, then you can watch it and nothing is blurred, at least not right away. ---------------------------- But something must be wrong, because maps like Semmeringbahn, Salzburg Rosenheim worked without any problems under TSW4, but with Salzburg Rosenheim, something also went wrong ...... but fortunately there you can turn off practically three or four layers with not much impact on operation
The PS5 HUD does not seem to know that the controller was used on the door buttons ( they are shining red, Open, ) but to be worse, using the controller D-Pad to open and close it looks like a lamp test has failed: no buttons light up, illuminate, turn off, at all. None light if your controller lands just above the two open buttons on SDO. Do we implement Selective Door Operation for the 378 ( used on platforms that are too short for a long train ) ?? Or i am wrong and the lamp changes are too fant for me to see n a daylight room with this PS5. I now see that my D-Pad is doing a milli-seconds flip of the covered all doors button and it is faintly glowing red under its cover. The HUD says Unlock doors. The D-Pad to close the doors causes the faintest blue glow of the close doors button. Why is there this tiny SDO hot-spot there just barely above the two red door buttons ? I only hit it by accident ( palsy hands, Parkinsonism ) ? Having the Hud say Unlock Doors after a door action used to mean that the user unlocked the doors on the wrong side, right ? But fades in comparisn to the fatal errors on PS5. Is it intended that if the 378 stops short on a platform, a traction lock results because the HUD now says Unlock Doors ? I have been driving the old 185 Series on JR East on Steam and it sure makes this seem odd. Which trains lock traction after a stop short without use of Emerg Brake in TSW ? Why dos this 378 seem so weird ? So i went to the 377/4 on WCML and this is not the way a PS5 controller D-Pad works on that near identical train. The Unlock Door message disappears after using the D-Pad, the lights glow brightly. It is not the lighting of daylight in this rom ( the screen is facing North, the sun is still southerly at near noon in late wnter ) The SDO hotspot is on that button easy enough for my shaky hands to position the cursor on in with the PS5 controller. It lights itself and that next to it when clicked. Does it do Selective door ops and how ? I don't know, Is that in a manual ? Using it, i can see the critical blue light button go dark. The change is obvious, not subtle at all. There is no less that 1 sec op anywhere else in TSW that i can think of comparable to that ALl Doors release "flip" on the new 378. I actually failed to see it. Maybe i am old and alone in wearing multi-focal glasses. I just want to run trains, not test trains. I do buy the best trains for Epic, Steam Xbox and this PS5. Not this one. Just consider what i spend on JR East for those routes on Steam. It is not about the money. JR East Ongakukan developers fix their few bugs fast. MBTA Westborough has one of the silliest graphical errors that Alpha test should have found ... it is still there. It is not about falling off, invisible wall or floating heavy objects. Much simpler if you just walk the station once on foot, along, up, down ... a complete walk. How is that not caught by QA or the Beta testers ? Well, were they doing a complete walk to find map #25 of 25 ? No. I was. But why should i report a mis-constructed ramp ? Why me ? Like The German underpass in station that was invisible-walled as if never once tested in that small passenger station ? Reported but ignored ? When ? Early ? Late ? Ah, By a user looking to find a map ? But this Mildmay gets worse: driving the opposite direction from W. Junc as if from Richmond, the HUD is behaving. The Unlock Door message is not staying stuck on. And driving in the same hour of the same month in the same weather, same cab lighting, the covered button is in the shadow, and i can see it glow ON. The flip to ON lasts a fraction of a second, unlike when used with cursor click, but hey. Visibility was tested driving to Stratford on a May morning at 7:15 ? Maybe. For the lighting. But the bogus HUD "Unlock Doors" message ? I give up.
On Xbox SX I did a run from Stratford to WJ with all layers on. Everything was fine until Camden Road. The rest of the run was low res, blurry textures. I’m going to try losing 50% of the layers and see if that helps. I wish DTG would sort this out though WCMLS still has the same issue too.
Even on foot I'm getting major lag and crashes to dashboard on Xbox Series X, the game will literally freeze sometimes for like 5-10 seconds. And I'm also experiencing the severe blurring issue to the point the Overground Randals you can't even read them. Also I have had to turn the suspension off as coming into some stations its like the train is practicing to be a trampolinist and just bouncing severely. If anyone needs to see how bad the blurring issue is look at The British Ace first look gameplay on YouTube you'll see how bad it gets.
Is there a Class 390 layer? Blurry textures on other routes disappeared for me when I disabled it. Xbox Series X.
This blurred issue has been there since launch. On WCML and especially Fulda. It rears its head on the Mannheim route too and now on this route. DTG you really need to sort this before it becomes the norm on all routes, that's 4 routes now.
but there are definitely more ...... the Salzburg area in the Salzburg - Rosenheim map, on Mittenwald it is also sometimes, it is good to see it on Krokodil, but it is not so disturbing. I think we noticed it after the first update and on Preston - Carlisle unfortunately
I must say, I'm enjoying the route learning scenario. Feels like I'm playing through a Don Coffey video
There's a definite pattern emerging of releasing more unfinished routes quicker and then attempting to patch them at a later date. Very poor.
The texture issues look very familiar, much resembling issues I had on ECML, E2G for example. Therefore I’m unconvinced this is Johannes’ fault, and believe it is a core issue. I can’t justify the purchase of any more DLC till these issues are fixed with the core, but once they are, this will be one of the first routes I buy. TLDR, route looks fab, core is not.
I wouldnt say its unfinished. It Just needs optimisation and a bit more polish. Overall its a good route. This is the firsrt route that ihave suffered with the blurry textures on Since Frankfurt Fulda. The other ones mentioned I havent (PS5). Hentis
Definitely not Johannes fault. He popped into my stream today and said he had a meeting I believe in the morning with DTG. So heres hoping something will get done about it. Hentis