So let's have a guess on how much the Cardiff route and frankfurt s bahn route will cost i would say £32.99 or more.
Cardiff ought to be £25 as a short route but one and a half new trains, they might gouge it up to £30 or maybe something in between. Dutch route I’m expecting to be the full £30.
Well the mildmay route is £25 and thats only 12 miles so cardiff is 21 miles and new trains i can see them charging £32 plus for that and the frankfurt s bahn £35
Technically 1 new train the 150/2 on Welsh route is the rubbish 150/2 from rivet heavily modified and hopefully setup correctly this time round
That's why I referred to one and a half new trains! As I said, lots of hard questions to be asked on the Q&A to secure a Day One purchase.
I don’t see any reason for any of DTG’s upcoming route releases to be anything other than the standard £30 route DLC price. There may be an outside chance of the Cardiff route being £25 but I don’t think it’s small enough in scope for that.
If the 150 is not setup correctly this time around I will cry (wont actually) and just uninstall the game for good, this is the one chance this train is getting to be fixed. Honestly I would be happy to go back playing TSC with my huge library of content and an actual good AP 150, never buying another DLC again, they can lose a customer in me. It's not like I have much confidence in it being fixed either, the question seems to be ignored. Weather that is because the route is still early and they do not want to reveal too much or because the train isn't getting fixed is yet to be seen. It's definitely an over-reaction on my part but this could very easily be the last straw for me, TSW is a bit of a disaster with a truckload of problems never getting fixed as it is.
Well if it does turn out to not be up to standards I’ll stop using 150/2 and substitute with class 153
All new routes are below £15 and all standalone loco add-ons are under £7 ... If you can wait 6 months for a sale, instead of breaking your neck to pre-order or buy them on day 1. Spoiler: Digitally purchased goods have infinite supply. They won't sell out.
I'd say a sensible price for a feature length route would be £29.99 (or £34.99 if we got a 100+ mile route). I think that's a reasonable price. For shorter, but more self contained routes I'd say between £19.99 - £24.99. Again depending on the variety we get. I'd price Cardiff Sprinter in the £24.99 range because of the rolling stock and variety the route offers (well if it lives upto a reasonable standard).
I actually don’t mind paying £35 if they give us the distance to drive. If we ever see the 390 or HST again featured on a route I would want the route to exceed the 100 mile mark so it can stretch both ladies legs a bit. A WCML 390 run is a snooze fest for me now, as after hard a dozen runs, the 30 minute journey time is over to quickly. Also the point A to B with no stops in between is boring too.
Cardiff City Network: 20-25 Pounds, Manchester Airport Commuter: Between prices of Glossop and Birmingham cross city lines, Great western Express: 10-12 Pounds
Well Cardiff City just announced at £30. Can’t say I’m surprised but £25 would have been a more realistic level for a very small route, possibly built by a second party with less than stellar reputation with one reskinned and one new train. Plus doubt now hanging over how much work the 150 has had done on sound and physics and by derivation then, the 153 also.
£30 thats a bit steep isn't for short a route and one new train i was hoping it would have been between 20-25
Plus as pointed out in another thread, back when the route was announced the EP postulated it was a bit of an experiment and if sales disappointed, they wouldn’t attempt a similar network style offering again. So a bit of coercion really, hoping people will just pay up to avoid that eventuality.
Ha ha no chance I'm buying that. Will probably arrive passenger-less too. Maybe DTG will start charging for a passenger add on?
For Manchester AC , I would have said £16 or £21 if DTG continues on this price guideline And for GWE, I think it will be more than 10 or 12 given how the remaster is, there will certainly be a reduction for those who do not have it yet but it will be minimal I think
I ain't paying a remaster when it should have been like that to start off i already payed £30 for gwe I understand he done it in his own time much respect to him .
No one is charging anything for the GWE remaster, as far as we know. Much like your Cardiff pricing, that GWE pricing has been plucked out of thin air.
I think Manchester Airport Commuter will be priced at £29.99 with a discount for ATS subscribers reducing it to £24.99 for PC only. Frankfurt l expect to be priced at £32.99 and Tadami at £29.99 if it is a solo release!
Why would a rural Japanese route be part of TSW6? I’d assume it would be like every other year with a UK, US and German route would it not?
Was thinking that too. Unless they are absolutely on their knees for route building talent, this is going to very much be a specialised item, appealing to a particular group of players - mainly those who back in the day played Densha De Go, BVE or are curious about the Japanese rail scene. Not really a mainstream title. A Tokyo or Osaka/Nagoya commuter route might have been. Besides, the way it’s going if DTG do indeed continue with incremental annual re-releases it will be TSW8 or TSW9 before Tadami surfaces.
l personally wish they would stop the annual release of new games in the hope the new version will work satisfactorily for everyone. I feel it’s a chore having to re-install all your DLCs every year. I hope this time DTG work to get TSW5 working satisfactory for everyone.
I think they have to have a new release for console platforms. Not really a big problem as long as they do what they did with TSW5.
Doubt it’s a console thing but maybe more of a Focus Entertainment thing perhaps? Pretty sure there was something stating that Train Sim World was a yearly release.
Why would it be a console thing? Utter nonsense. Also the pricing of it isn’t at all an issue, it’s generally a great price, relative to standard DLC pricing. The annual DLC installation is the problem, even more so for their loyal customers who snap all the DLC up, what’s the annual tally at now? Must be at least 50gb releasing each year, ontop of what you already own which again likely totals at least 200gb. It feels ridiculous to have bring this topic up again, so soon, yet we’re only 4/5 months away from the cycle repeating.
TSW is released annually because it makes more money to do so. People are more willing to try a new game than an addition to an existing one (for a train simulator, you'll want as many new people as possible). Platforms favour new games because the more games a platform has, the more enticing that platform is (If Steam has more games on it, it will do better than a platform with fewer games on it). There are also minor benefits like the chance to do massive sweeping core changes (if everyone needs to redownload their content anyway, now is the time to make such changes). Is it a good thing? It can be as long as existing players can transfer their content over for free and as long as we don't have to redownload our full collection again. One of those issues still needs rectifying for me to support the annual release.
Sweeping core changes like the new 2D map which is probably responsible for the current performance issues. Or route hopping which is a glorified menu shortcut!
I’ve never understood people’s hype with route hopping? Every time I see somebody talk about it, they act like DTG are merging the routes.
It's something. It is a small change, but the ability to walk to a marker, press a button, click a couple of times and appear on another route at that exact time can be an awesome feeling - especially if you're on a run that spans multiple routes (eg. driving on the East Coastway; then on London Commuter; then riding as passenger on the Bakerloo Line before ending as a conductor on the West Coast Mainline). That example isn't currently possible because we are still waiting for that 'bug fix' to come to the Bakerloo Line that'll put its route-hop points in, but you get the idea. It is certainly better than having to go to the menu each time (partly because it has more loading screens; partly because it feels like multiple separate sessions rather than one complete one). Obviously, mergers are more favourable but we have this until they arrive.
At least somebody is finally saying it, I've never understood it personally, never once used it. It does nothing but create a horrid bright blue marker on the platform (lucky someone on PC made a mod to get rid of that). Its not even like it keeps you immersed, its not at all a seamless transition, still puts you into a menu and then a loading screen. Waste of development time in my personal opinion, cant get my head around how people seem to love it so much.
These two posts are the definition of 'someone's trash is someone else's treasure'. We have someone saying it's a good first step and an improvement on what came before, and someone else calling it a waste of dev time, which no doubt could've been spent on something that interests them but would be seen as a waste of dev time by someone else.
The only thing route hopping has done for TSW is to ruin the look of many stations with giant luminous Daleks that you can’t hide. All other in-world markers can be hidden but they just didn’t think when inflicting these most hideous abominations on us that these also need that most basic option.
I am Starting to get the impression they are Price Fixing its certainly looks mis-leading & unfair that you should pay more for & not so much for another Wcml-South 29.99 Metro Link-29.99 WCML-North 32.99 it then went back to 29.99 with the German route they released at the End of January Then it went back up to 32.99 on the Austrian they released at the beginning of February Mild-May-line Cost 24.99 Cardiff City Network has been confirmed for 29.99 interesting could be one for trading Standards to investigate they cover online as well as off line DTG are UK based so they would be covered by Trading Standards
How is this price fixing? £29.99 is the starndard route price. If a route is so short or has so little content in it to not justify that price tag, it gets lowered. Similarly, if it is felt the pack offers so much as to justify a price increase, it does. This is how they (and other thirs parties) have always operated. Worth remembering Mildmay, WCML North and Mittenwaldbahn are all developed by third parties, which may have an impact. I assume you have reported DTG to trading standards since you believe they should be investigated?
The £32.99 is likely just for Third Parties to recoup some of what DTG take from them, personally I’m happy to pay it. DTG will likely stay where they are in terms of pricing, which considering their recent quality, they’re lucky to be getting.
Well you just proved my point quite nicely if third party developers are influencing price . No i have not but someone else might? Not forgetting Sony may Suspend it from sale on the Psn if there not sold at uniformed price all it will take is a couple of Complaints same if the game is broken & DTG do not bother to fix