It should be the "à" key (default settings), Vern. Put your combined handle on notch 3 (power range), holding it down. When you hear the engine revving up, release it. Easy! PS. Now Fife Circle has become a more than decent route. Waiting for that damned 158 timetable...
Yet another reminder to rivet, you still haven't fixed the running sounds for the class 170 and they've been broken now for almost a year.
It will never be fixed Chris Honestly you know and we know it will never get fixed. Be a miracle, 385 sounds currently still really bad and give me a horrible headache.
I know it'll never be fixed but hoping against hope that rivet actually have some pride in the stuff they release and have some respect for the customers who pay for that stuff. Either that or the people up in dovetail towers have a higher standard of quality control not only of the stuff they release but also of stuff released in their name developed by third parties. For me, Fife circle would be fine except for the fact the train makes no noise at all apart from "engine on" and "engine off". Might as well be floating over the rails because it definitely doesn't sound like a train and i have no idea how anyone who even tested it for more than a couple of minutes would think "good for release"
West Cornwall Local, and the 150, are still in a state. A state which is worse than Fife Circle and the 170. They didn't fix that route, they ain't going to do anything to this one.
Dint buy fife circle day 1, neither at 50% sale and also wont buy at 85% sale. I remember the running sounds being a thing only after an update, not with initial release. Thats what players mentioned here in the forum. As a Tsw player i like to spend a lot of money for well prodeced dlcs, thats fact. But i really, really do understsand everone, who lost patience with Rivet and their "give me the buck and f. Off" atitude. Passion into your own product looks different (Example just trains), also respect to customers, who take their time to report a lot of bugs and stuff in a constructive way, and getting ignored is sadly telling the fact, such a company is noth worth to get players cash. Even if fife circle is a decent route by now (according to feedbacks), Rivet wont get s single cent from me anymore.
That's just it, even after the updates it is little more than - if even - that itself. I'd still struggle to give it more than a 5 or 6 (at a push) out of 10. Blighted by embarrassingly bad "scenery" and the 170 'sounds' continue to suck the life out of it. I'm sure the long overdue addition of 158 to timetable services will improve things a bit, but even then I'll probably stick to night driving as that way can also forget about the scenery ! Having lived all my 49 years in Dunfermline, Rivet's interpretation of the look of the area is unforgivable.
Most Rivet routes are best enjoyed at night, or as the sun sets! That’s about the only time of day I drive WCL!
One of the main reasons as well as the horrific timetable I hate FCL, Timetable is an absolute disgrace, why on earth are depot services AI only WHEN YOU HAVE HAYMARKET DEPOT! Edinburgh so quiet it’s a disgrace. Now the Scenery one reasons I absolutely despise this route. It’s horrifying, nothing like the actual scenery, very bland and boring. Again we can blame DTG this whoever decided to give it to Rivet. I mainly bought FCL for the 170, didn’t take them that long to break the sounds on it and as we know it will never get fixed
Done the Leven branch today. A 170 back to Edinburgh. I don't know how common it is to have a 170 on the line, but Rivet got that part right.... unintentionally lol
Exactly, if you have a depot, use it! It's one of the reasons why I like the 380 timetable on Cathcart Circle. When I only have a few minutes free to enjoy the sim, I dive in and do a short ECS run to/from Shields Road. There's so many of them as well.
Did a Cameron Bridge/Edinburgh return last summer and it was a 6 car 170 in one direction and a 2 car 158 going back again.
Any chance of an update on the remaining bug fixes on this? I think Matt mentioned after the update was released they were fed back to Rivet…..
The running sounds have been broken for almost a year now despite working fine before the first patch. You'd think DTG would at least do some testing and QA before releasing broken patches either by themselves or 3rd parties who develop for them but I guess not and it seems they're all happy with it remaining broken. It makes me wonder what the point of these feedback forums are for as they seem to be an echo chamber.
Exactly where the Community Managers should be fulfilling their purpose. Even though it's a Rivet route and train, DTG still publish it and the least they could do is light a fire under them to get it sorted and feedback timescales.
Mentioned earlier in the thread, the incorrect departure boards referring to both Dunfermline City, and Dunfermline Queen Margaret as simply "Dunfermline". Noticed today whilst doing service from Edinburgh that Edinburgh Gateway was showing simply as "Edinburgh". Yeah, it's a minor niggle in the scheme of things but just shows how little attention and/or polish was actually put into this potentially fantastic route. As it was, I quickly remember how much I dislike the route and ended the game before I'd even got to the Forth Bridge.
The blank journey in journey mode preventing it being completed is also very annoying. Things like that are just sloppy and cannot be difficult to prevent/resolve. Same with things like the Leven announcement saying Leven Station.
The tram on Fife Circle appears to be missing textures. It is fine on the Edinburgh - Glasgow route. PC Steam, TSW5
Why? Just why? Otherwise, this route, for me, is mostly okay to play and not too bad. Kinda pretty. But this got me infuriated.
Yet another reminder to rivet, fix the running sounds. It's a train, it runs on rails, it doesn't float. Yet another reminder to DTG, allowing a third party to release paid dlc which gets broken in a subsequent "patch" and completely ignoring the problem is not acceptable especially when the patch which makes things worse comes out so late customers can't refund your now broken dlc.
Might as well stop wasting your breath reminding them. More likely to get blood out of a stone. I console myself by knowing their 150 is 1000x worse.
Rivet don’t care. DTG don’t care. Route has probably already made its expected financial return and Rivet are no doubt working on the UK route for TSW6 by now. Best hope will be SHG’s Class 158 timetable when it releases.
I also reported it as A BUG in a support ticket. I didn't expect anything, maybe a "it has been forwarded to the guy with the list that collects bugs and will maybe looked at in the future" but instead got this boilerplate, which makes me angry: Are you f-ing kidding me?
Verify integrity... is a valid advice... it solved some temporary issues many times for me, so it isnt a bad advice... might not help every single time, but after reinstalling a DLC it is the next logical step to try...
Slightly OT but had to smile. Currently got a problem with Paramount+ on our LG TV, sound dropping out couple of times a minute. Put in a ticket to Paramount support, explaining everything we had done so far to troubleshoot the app. Got a reply back, guess what… asking us to carry out the exact same measures we had already tried and didn’t work. However I do have to concur that verifying files is a good place to start. The last update actually damaged my install and it took me a couple of days to finally repair TSW.
It is not in this instance. Am I that unclear? This is a BUG, not a problem. The bug has been mentioned on the forum several times over the last months. I did my homework beforehand. There has not been an acknowledgement of this bug as far as I can tell. Therefore, it needs to be mentioned again and again until some dev does. And hopefully, it get into the list of things to fix. If that ever happens, is another topic altogether. Matt mentioned in past streams several times that the best way to report bugs is via the support. Unfortunately, there's no dedicated way for it. Also, I do know how to maintain and troubleshoot my games. And I only report like every 10th bug, if it annoys me enough. Furthermore, I put the word BUG in the header of the support ticket. I did not expect any support. I was a BUG REPORT. And then basically telling me to turn it off and on again is just insulting. I'm doing what the Executive Producer recommends and I get back "it might be on your end. It's probably you." when we all know that they have many many bugs to catch up on.
Anything further with Skyhooks new timetable including the 158? Seems to have disappeared from the roadmap
Oops, almost missed it! Time for the almost weekly reminder! Hey Rivet, you still haven't fixed the running sounds you broke when you released the first patch.
On service 1L29, part of Journey Mode, I'm running into red signals while the previous signal was showing green aspect. Happend first on the last signal on the Forth Bridge, and then again 0.7 miles before Inverkeithing. Repeater signal showed a clear aspect too.
I've had that in that location (Inverkeithing), but in timetable mode. They did patch it and it hasn't happened since, for me at least.
They never will either. This route, like every one released before and after it (bar maybe those released within the past month or two) are all abandonware (should be noted this does not apply specifically to Rivet).
Yeah this is playing a big part in why I’m losing interest in buying anything new(along with increasing amount of random end points). I can accept issues on releases but seems if they aren’t fixed in the first post release patch then there’s little chance of it ever being fixed. Seems to be no desire in making the routes as good as they can be and much more that’ll do. Short term thinking to simply say well we’ve prob made as much money as we can with this route so we won’t improve it.
Absolutely this. I hate to whinge (!) but not just routes, even fixing the core seems to be on hiatus, with issues being “investigated” presumably by the same coder(s) who broke them in the first place!
This 100%. If they can't be bothered to go back and fix something which was working fine until they broke it in a patch and then completely ignore all the feedback on their official feedback forum to me says they don't actually care. Neither rivet as developer, or dtg as publisher. I guess it shows what they think of paying customers. Likewise, whereas i used to buy most dlc, I've given all of the recent releases a miss and haven't got any plans to buy any more (or even play much) until they start actually fixing things and stop.blaming everything on "the core" which somehow never gets looked at.
Pretty sure not all station stops in reality are 30 seconds. Also, cannot hear AI 170s pass me when I'm driving.
Rivet yet another reminder to fix the running sounds you broke in the first patch. Dovetail, yet another reminder to show some respect for your customers, show some pride in the products you release and make sure third parties fix their bugs if you're going to keep selling their products.