Mein Ein Hundert Funf Und Funfzig Ist Kaput

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by synthetic.angel, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Entschuldigung..... Ich habe etwas zu verzollen:

    "Mein DB BR Ein Hundert Funf Und Funfzig Ist Kaput.....! Der Zug ist nicht laut in dem Tunnels wenn Ich am RSN mit die Play-Bahnof-Vier zu fahren". Verstehen Sie? Es ist ein Notfall...!

    Der 155 ist sehr kaput wenn Ich in dem Tunnels Kein laut...! Es ist fehlerhaft....! Ich bin sehr traurig. Es tut hier weh..... ;-( ;-( ;-(

    Konnten Sie der 155 reparieren? Ich mochte mein 155 nicht kaput, bitte...! Konnten Sie mir bitte sagen, wann der 155 ist anreparieren? Ich brauche einen Mechaniker. Oder - kann Ich noch ein 155 bekommen..?

    Wann gibt es Fruhstuck..? Tanzt du gern...? Haben Sie vegetarisches Essen...?
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  2. Maik Goltz

    Maik Goltz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Lern erst mal richtig Deutsch schreiben, bevor du hier auch noch deine unnötigen und ständigen Wiederholungen verteilst. Einmal erwähnen reicht auch aus. Ständiges nach treten ist nicht sonderlich hilfreich. Du hast jetzt bestimmt schon 100 mal in allen möglichen Themen das Problem erwähnt. Wie sagt man so schön: "nach fest kommt lose". Das passt hier auch. Zu viel ist eben zu viel.
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  3. OnlyMe1909

    OnlyMe1909 Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2019
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    *rolls eyes and backs out of thread*...
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  4. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Are you saying that if I write a request in proper German*, to the DTG Support Team - and it gets passed on, that the DB BR 155 will then get fixed...? If so - that's great...! I will get my juris-linguis lawyer to start drafting the request....!

    NB*: I note that nobody ever tends to complain about your English. Anyway - that's a minor point. The major point is.... if only the maker of the DB BR 155 had your attitude - you know - such an attention to detail - then the ridiculous sound bug with DB BR 155, when used on RSN on PS4, would have been picked up immediately, and fixed, before this premium priced loco went on sale on PlayStation Store. Two years ago.

    One thing that we do know is that he/she didn't make the DB BR 155 utterly broken, just for a laugh.... ;-)

    EDITED TO ADD: And don't you "du bist" me, sunshine... your aint me grandpa...! ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
  5. Maik Goltz

    Maik Goltz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Nein, natürlich nicht.

    Ich weis nicht wer die 155 gebaut hat, aber es war garantiert nicht seine Schuld, dass der Sound auf der PS4 nicht richtig funktioniert. Das ist mehr ein Game-Core Bug. Bekomme das endlich mal in deine synthetische Birne, denn das wurde schon öfter mitgeteilt. Und "Premium-Preis" ist was ganz anderes als das was DTG hier für das AddOn aufruft. Premium-Preise findest du in Flugsimulatoren bei z.B. den AddOns von PMDG. Das ist "premium", nicht was du hier als das darstellst.

    Bitte was?? Lass dir sagen, dass das überhaupt gar keinen Sinn ergibt, was du da schreibst. Prüfe mal bitte deinen Übersetzer (egal ob technischer oder menschlicher Natur).

    Und hör endlich auf alle mit der blöden 155 zu nerven. Es wissen mittlerweile alle, die es wissen müssten, dass da ein kleiner Fehler im AddOn ist. Zeige mir bitte die vielen AddOns, die keine Fehler haben. Wenn dir der TSW nicht passt, dann deinstalliere ihn, kaufe keine AddOns mehr, oder bau dir deinen ganz eigenen tollen TS. Aber höre bitte einfach auf, diesen nervtötenden Kram in diesem Forum zu verteilen. Ich weis, du bist auf deiner Mission. Aber es könnte doch sein, dass viele Leute hier deine Pilgerreise nicht mitmachen möchten und du sie aber dazu mehr oder minder zwingst, da du in jedem Thema deinen deplatzierten Senf dazugeben musst.

    PS: viel Spaß beim korrekten übersetzen .... L O L
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  6. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Well - my original post was created to be a bit of fun... A sort of "English speaking tourist in German hotel" kind of translation*.... I thought you might understand that, given that I translated "PlayStation 4" as "Play-Bahnhof-Vier".... If I put some English text into an actual online translator, then it would have come out better than my jokey broken translation, for sure... Anyway - I should maybe not have expected you to have a sense of humour... Silly me. ;-)

    And - to be honest - this thing with the DB BR 155 is completely my problem - my expectations are simply far too high. I am nostalgic for the 1980s.... when if you saw a label that said "Made in Germany", then you knew that you would get high quality. You would pay slightly more, but get better value in the long run. Back then, if you saw a label that said "Made in China", then you should run a mile (or 1.6 kilometres....).....

    Nowadays, with the decline of German industry and education, and maybe with younger people not having any values, morals or pride in their work, the reverse is now true. If you want quality now, then look for "Made in China", "Made in Taiwan" and "Made in Korea" - these countries are now the powerhouse of quality engineering and technology, not Germany...... And maybe Germany has now fallen down so far, that the broken DB BR 155 probably is a fair representation of the quality you should expect. Broken. Doesn't work. Nobody cares to fix it. Nobody cares about anything at all. No pride at all. And no shame.

    Oooh - and I nearly forgot. I don't know why the maker of the DB BR 155 wasn't able to make a working product, but if I write an e-Book and get it translated into German then I will get the translation checked and tested by a competent person, before I start to sell it on PlayStation Store for fifteen Euros. That's just me - I don't like to rip people off with dodgy broken stuff, like the maker of the DB BR 155.

    *NB: You didn't answer my last question - Do you have any vegetarian food? ;-D
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  7. Maik Goltz

    Maik Goltz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    I do have humour. Alot of it for sure. But i'm afraid to tell you, that you are not very funny at all. Especially not with this threads start post. German humour works differently than yours.

    And your beloved 155 for TSW is, unfortunately, not "Made in Germany". So please don't compare it to the typical german standards when something is actually made in Germany. But for sure, that doesn't applies to all products made in Germany.

    For the rest of your post, you are repeating yourself again and again. It gets boring.
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  8. Railfan722

    Railfan722 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2018
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    The problem might not be as easy as bung in some code and call it a day. My programming experience is limited, but what's almost certainly happening is that the game, which only has 32 sound channels, is running out of them trying to play the echo noises, and has to decide which ones to play and which ones to drop. Evidently, the motor sounds don't make the cut. To fix this, either the echo noise needs to have less priority in the sound queue, in which case then you have people moaning about how the tunnels have no reverb on PS4 in every single thread, or you modify the core to allow more sound channels, but that would require a) making the actual change, which I'm sure wouldn't be easy, then b) going back and testing every single piece of content since Heavy Haul to make sure that the sounds work on those. I wouldn't hold your breath for a major core change until DTG decide to update the core to Unreal 4.24 or later. DTG staff don't really check the forums all that often, so your whinging about the sound bug really does nothing but annoy everyone here with every thread being hijacked by you. You can try sending in support tickets frequently, or you could join the community Discord server and just ask the devs yourself. By now, I'm sure they've been made aware of the problem, and bringing it up all the time will do nothing.
  9. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Thanks for this sensible response.

    I think that if the choice was between "lose just the reverb noise in tunnels", or "lose all sound in tunnels", then I'd go for "lose just the reverb". That would be fine by me. You'd at least get to hear the alerters, and other stuff critical to the simulation, and to the immersion. You wouldn't get the Blade Runner reverb effect, but that's okay - I can live with that - maybe the tunnel is a shape that doesn't reverb much anyway, in real life..

    Regarding bringing up of the issue - well - I think it is necessary. This broken DB BR 155 is still actively on sale on PlayStation Store as a loco requiring RSN to run. So if you buy the loco and RSN (the route it was made for, but a route it doesn't work on), then you don't get to use it how you'd expect. I'd be very happy to stop raising the subject if:

    - the broken loco is taken down from PlayStation Store; or
    - the PlayStation Store description makes it clear that the loco is broken on RSN; or,
    - the DB BR 155 gets fixed.

    Until one of the above three events happens, I think it is only fair to provide constant warnings that the DB BR 155 is broken on RSN on PS4. I got caught out because I made the assumption that the DB BR 155 would have been fixed shortly after release, given that the fault was reported years ago. In all good conscience, I feel that I must warn others to not fall into that trap.

    NB: (for Maik) - I am not questioning the loco's performance on PC or XBox, as maybe tested on a PC. But the DB BR 155 is also PlayStation 4 product - and that product - the loco itself on RSN on PS4 - is broken. The loco. Not the UE engine. Not the Playstation. Not RSN. Not the electricity supply to my house. Not my brand of coffee (probably). It's the loco - the DB BR 155 on RSN on PS4.
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  10. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    The problem is that there are NO sounds in the tunnels when this happens. No engine, no pumps, no clanks, no alerts - you can try the horn and that doesn't work, so it doesn't seem like the priority issue you describe. If there are 32 channels available, something other than eerie silence should still make the cut!
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