Your Biggest Issues

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by DTG Protagonist, Jun 6, 2020.

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  1. DTG Protagonist

    DTG Protagonist Has left the building Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    While I am still getting up to speed in reading posts on this and other forums (I'm going back 2 years in order to build a picture) I'm hoping you can help me in pulling together an initial please-fix list. I'd like to invite everyone here to name their biggest issue - it could be an obvious bug, something that doesn't ring true or something more general.

    I'll compile this list and submit it to the development team for their feedback. Obviously, I don't possess a magic wand, infinite development resource or the power to command people to do my bidding, but I'm hoping that this exercise can establish the scope of what is and is not possible.

    I'm repeating, a little, of what I've said in the Train Simulator forum here (some reorganisation of the boards is in order, let's save that for another time), but Train Sim World, like Train Simulator before it is an ongoing, living project. As a result, equal effort should be paid in improving what we have while always pushing forward. Perfection may well be unachievable, but that doesn't mean that we cannot aspire to more.

    Set aside route requests - there'll be ample opportunity for specifics on that front - and limit yourself to one issue each in this initial exercise. Yes, just one issue per person - this won't be the last time we do this.

    Thank you.
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  2. danh2903

    danh2903 Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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    The lack of an editor to make new routes or train DLCs. As a content creator for TS, I would love to experiment with TSW but just can't at this point.
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  3. ChrisRCentral

    ChrisRCentral Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    Consistency. All of the routes in TSW, have differing levels of features. For example, the 377 has most things in the cab animated (albeit not functional), whereas GWE lacks a lot in features. Bringing all DLC up to the same standard would mean better enjoyment across the board.
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  4. RobSkip

    RobSkip Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2018
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    I think the lack of standardisation and consistency in features of products is a huge issue, with newer releases having newer/more polished features that are then not then put back onto older products, things like the auto-switching of brake modes on the 31 depending on route/stock, which was not then implemented on the NTP locos to allow them to be used on WSR, and also things like the different 66s, would it have been so hard to take the progress made on the systems in the ECW 66 and put them back onto the GWE ones?
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  5. DTG Protagonist

    DTG Protagonist Has left the building Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    Okay, so you've had maybe 15 minutes and these replies are already excellent (genuinely). Please keep them coming.
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  6. LimitedEdiition

    LimitedEdiition Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2017
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    We need to address long standing bugs that still exist in DLCs. Here are some off the top of my head (these are the ones that immediately come to the top of my head, there are more that others can fill in the gaps for):

    - NEC River signalling - you're at restricted speed the entire length of the tunnel which is unrealistic
    - LIRR (needs a complete overhaul tbh)- lack of AI, lack of signal posts/whistleboards/speed posts other trackside scenery, ATS train protection does not do an adequate enough job of preventing you from rear ending the train in front (see Suburban Sunset scenario), lighting issues at night where the world under you seems to provide some sort of lighting. Very apparent at night - makes it seem like you're in Chernobyl instead of Long Island.
    - ECW - missing London trains to Eastbourne/Seaford. We should be able to drive that segment from Lewes to the other Eastern destinations from the other end of the portal, not just a railtour train. 377 AI deceleration sounds are missing.
    - RRO - they need to bring the improved 422 PIS system over from HRR's 422 to RRO's 442. The Dostos/146 need to have this new PIS system adapted and installed instead of having it just display NOT IN SERVICE all the time. Missing S8 services and only 13 freight services total on a route that has a railyard, and signals display red until the doors have closed.
    - HRR - add missing yard services (passenger and freight) and S1 services and other services that are missing on the route. Freight "service" is unimaginative and purely used for decorative purposes. Give us some shunting, and more varied more realistic consists instead of just engine+10 cars. Add Essen HBF's skyline. It's a city, not a countryside suburb. You wouldn't know that from TSW's interpretation of it.
    - GWE - release the FGW repaints and add the missing HST services. Route has a lot of AI but feels like a ghost town in some cases. Only a fraction of the irl HST services are in service mode.
    - RT - Route is boring and not taken advantage of. We should see more S Bahn trains and Dostos as scenery and drive able services. Even with the 182, it feels like a ghost town.

    M3 - texture upgrades for poor interior textures. They seem pixelated due to low resolution source material. Also need to fix the sound bugs on the train.

    Trains that have been released should be updated accordingly. I've already singled out the Dostos/146, but the M7 should be given a PIS system along with other trains like the 143. Engine sounds leave a lot to be desired on most trains pre-Caltrain DLC.
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  7. lewisthomas22

    lewisthomas22 Member

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Here are some issues I can think of:

    -GWE: Just outside of Reading ,heading West to London Paddington, there is an invisible tunnel. (The train goes all dark)
    -When loading the 2D map at places like Leeds, or New York Penn, there is a good 15 second delay where the game freezes as it loads the map.
    -In the rear end of the Class 66 the instrument lights or AWS doesnt work.
    -The AWS doesnt work when loading save files.
    -The TPWS works when it feels like (Not consistent)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  8. Scorpion71

    Scorpion71 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Wouldn't it be easier just to set some time aside and look at the 'Known Issues & Bug Reports'
    thread? I'm sure you'll find all you need there as I doubt many of them are yet fixed.
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  9. doublefine7

    doublefine7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    My biggest issue is on the graphics' front.

    The overall draw distance of shadows and scenery needs to be fixed/improved and the overall lighting has to be fixed so light doesnt go through walls which kills immersion big way.

    Thanks for providing this thread btw :)
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  10. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I'm going to give a general overview of TSW. Nothing too specific or anything applying only to one DLC.

    With TSW, I find there is the lack of consistency when it comes DLC quality. You could have a great route with good scenery and relatively few bugs, followed by the next route which is the complete opposite. The same applies for rolling stock DLC's too.

    I'd expect each DLC to be constantly evolving and getting better over time. As well as including a number of features which weren't simulated or enabled in past DLC's. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case. The most obvious issues which some DLC's face are poor sounds, textures, scenery and route length. As well as an astounding number of bugs which sometimes never get fixed.

    Secondly, the support for older DLC's is quite poor. Be it bug fixes or them supporting new features. Such as working destination screens on trains, for example.

    Bizarrely, some newer routes seem to have features taken away from them or not working properly. One example is working level crossings. Which only works in TSW's first ever route: CSX:HH. A more recent issue is the lack of wet platform surfaces on some routes. On some it works, on others it doesn't.

    Finally, the lighting across newer routes seems to be very inconsistent, and in my opinion much worse than how it used to look. Newer routes seem to be terribly bright, over bloomed as well as over saturated which all makes the colours look washed out.

    Just a few of my thoughts on TSW.
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  11. Plastic Pal

    Plastic Pal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2020
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    I've mentioned tunnels on the PS4 version of this thread, but since I have TSW on both PS4 and PC.... here's another one...

    - Not being able to use loco DLC across multiple routes is a major issue. Loco DLCs are relatively expensive propositions, and when you can only use the Class 33 and Class 52 on WSR at 25mph, it gets a bit grating. The German locos can be used on multiple routes - can we have the same for the British ones? Ideally we'd get the Class 20, 31, 33, 37, 40, 45, 47, 52, and 66..... all able to run out of Paddington/Leeds/Darlington with some MkIs, MkIIs and MkIIIs, and maybe the 101 as well - basically a Quick Drive mode would be very nice....
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  12. Mattg17

    Mattg17 Member

    Feb 7, 2018
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    Right, time to probably cause a few headaches......

    I am a big timetable person, and most of the community couldn't give a care less about how accurate they are. I'll save the dead LIRR service mode timetable as that's been beaten to death enough times, but the fact that the timetables are sometimes just thrown together rather than based off the real area that is depicted, like some of the operations on Caltrain don't match what would happen IRL. My main grip is that it is possible to achieve a "correct" timetable, but I want to see a better attempt at actually making a service mode as close to the real thing as possible.
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  13. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I'd like to see the track render distance increased, make the 3D ties go farther out. I'd also like to see switching be a little more realistic, give fewer instructions to have us figure it out a bit more.
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  14. MillerPC

    MillerPC Active Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    The GENERAL idea of TSW is that it doesn't feel like a simulator. We'd want TSW to be a simulator that simulates what it says it does. Right now it feels very dull and very "arcadey". Something I'd like is overall fixes so modes aren't just go from point a to point b then back. Quality of life is something TSW needs. Weather affecting your train, AI improvements, Traffic Overhaul, safety systems and basic bugs that can be easily fixed but hasn't since launch of the dlcs. I'm hoping you can voice our concerns to them so that we can know that we are being heard.
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  15. xpert2036

    xpert2036 Guest

    I don't really like how the bombardier cars don't have the metrolink cars that were bought by caltrain. The bay area doesn't spawn in(I give sparmi credit for taking this photo routes traffic is bad & there aren't much of the rolling stock like in irl & the route's being incomplete

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  16. StratPlayer62

    StratPlayer62 Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    How about some general quality control. Everything has the impression it was rushed to get it up for sale without enough time given to find and fix bugs, or nobody cares anything about the quality of the product.
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  17. shamanspark

    shamanspark Member

    Jun 5, 2020
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  18. max88183

    max88183 Active Member

    Aug 20, 2019
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    Some things that should be done in my opinion are listed below:

    - Better standardization and quality control throughout the game
    - Updates to older DLCs
    - Fixes to bugs on older DLCs
    - Editor
    - Multiplayer (Would really change the game play if done correctly)
    - Better optimization
    - More AI so routes don't feel dead
    - Rail Adhesion
    - More services and more detailed services, especially with loco DLC's.
    - More detailed weather (Thunder storms)
    - Fixes to the safety systems
    - More liveries for the trains (If they have others IRL)
    - More mastery challenges for different routes
    - Longer routes
    - Better sounds
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  19. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    The prioritising of an editor, or some sort of progress update. If there is a genuine will to make this happen soon,and its high up the list, but there are obstacles to get over, we would understand. Or at least people would know what to expect from TSW, from an catalogue building prospective, and not worry that TSW is going to be a selection of mini games in isolation.
    Sounds. If TSW is a successor to TSxx, we need a quality of sound that lives up to the visuals. Whilst there are examples all over tsxx and tsw. For quick reference, compare An AP MTU HST sound pack from 2/3 years ago to the TSW HST and now the tsxx LNER HST as they are pretty much the same. Or check out anything from TSW vDTG tsxx v TSxx 3rd party enhanced. When it comes to sounds from DTG, players/simmers have come to expect poor representations, even if DTG had stated that they had access to the real thing. Difference being Tsxx players dont complain so much anymore because they have an editor and 3rd party enhancements.
    Ie People are asking for the 33 and 52 on other routes as the 33 is probably the best sounding loco, the 52 is pretty good too(if you ignore the horn which is possibly the worst attempt at anything done in tsw)
    Liveries- Would have a major impact on the way routes look and feel. Ie GWE mostly green- Needs FGW blue if its available. If Licenses such as GWR go quiet or arent available, make it a priority to get the logic in there that means a 43002 Kenneth Grange could be added or Locos with special edition vinyls.
    The German routes are populated well but all trains are DB red apart from the single MRCE black 185.2 that is tethered to RRO even though it was hinted at being subbed on other routes. When RRO was advertised.
    Something to give people longer routes. IE HST run on GWE only lasts 30 mins. Stops once at best. A GWE extension could if possible, incorporate more rolling stock as it expands. Would give the class 66 aggregate train a more meaningful run also.
    Heres an example of what TSxx with 3rd party help can do soundwise, note cab not up to date I know.
    Then look at a more up to date DTG sound offering in tsxx

    and finally the DTG TSW
    There are stark differences and comparisons to be made across more trains in TSW ie 166,66 and certain aspects of other locos and rolling stock.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  20. jagay

    jagay Member

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Support for generic game controllers, rail driver, and remappable key bindings please!
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  21. JustAVaporeon

    JustAVaporeon Active Member

    Feb 24, 2020
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    The thing I would really like to see fixed on Train Sim World (Northern Transpennine to be exact) is the underpowered Class 47s and Class 45s on Consoles. Its been a big issue that’s yet to be solved. The trains appear fine on PC but on Console they’re severely underpowered. If a fix could be made to that, it would be much appreciated!
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  22. Ps4Player

    Ps4Player Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2020
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    I would be happy if the whole trophy and mastery system would work as it should (Ps4). It's frustrating that so many trophies don't get awarded or only pop up randomly days after reaching the goals. Same applies for mastery. If it would work it would be a great addition to the game, but it seems only be working randomly.
    But I'm still very happy to such a simulator for trains fot the consoles!
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  23. LucasLCC

    LucasLCC Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Please please fix the sounds of the turbo so that it doesn't sound like a lawn mower. The sounds are far far too quiet.

    Also, just general transparency. It really feels that DTG doesn't listen to their player base. It's extremely rare to hear anything back when you do a bug report other than "it has been fed back to the developers". Good communication will solve a lot of other issues.
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  24. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Then compounds your frustration when you do get a response, denying the issue exists, or hasnt been fed back.
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  25. hightower

    hightower Guest

    The lighting. Please, for the love of God, the lighting! And the sound. And lack of variable adhesion.

    Just 3 of the 100’s of issues.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2020
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  26. Jeannot41

    Jeannot41 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    For me, the possible connection of the Raildriver.
    And especially scenarios where there is life and unexpected. Because there it is very monotonous.
    The rest has already been said a lot.
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  27. karlo

    karlo New Member

    Nov 1, 2019
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    I wish to control the Ticket of the passenger in the train.
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  28. Aquantis

    Aquantis Active Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Sound, always the sound, it swings from really well done to piss poor. Sometimes the horns sound amazing and the other times they sound thinner than a Victoria's Secret Model. I'd love to see a lot more just general "noises" added, like heavy thumps or rattling of various components, it'd definitely give the trains some more weight.
    Edit: For noises I mean like in this video:
    You hear the clank and squealing of the bogies, various window shuddering sounds, the controls have a nice "thud" to them, the hum of the HVAC in the background, the seat creaking as the train sways, the AWS alarm/ping has some nice reverb inside the cab, all really minor things that would make driving in TSW all that more immersive.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  29. longo239

    longo239 Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I think you hit the nail on the head for me in yesterday's stream. I personally would rather DTG just say "No there's not going to be an editor" for example. Rather than the constant "No news" replies we're getting at the moment.

    Just give us the truth, let those who want their 15 minutes to vent do so, then they'll move on to the next moan on their list.

    As with most customer facing roles you're never going to please everyone all the time.

    I'm relatively new to Train Simulators, I used to go trainspotting as a kid, many years ago. Now I'd probably struggle to tell one end of a train from the other. So I don't know if the doors sound or open wrong, and tbh I don't care, it's not a vital part of my enjoyment. But what I don't like is just being able to get in a loco, put it in drive and then forget about it until I have to stop. So I'm probably your middle ground who wants a believable simulator but it doesn't have to be technically perfect.

    The Mastery feature seems a bit pointless, same with the community rewards. A wallpaper isn't a reward, these days most people can create something like that in seconds. I would prefer a livery or bonus scenario, something that adds to the game.

    Similar with the career points, realistically what is there purpose? What benefits are to be gained from levelling up?
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  30. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    For me atmosphere or the lack of is a biggest factor.

    Roads and streets are devoid of life, no people gathering, or shopping, no railway enthusiasts around the stations, I am sure back in the 80's both Leeds and Manchester would have had plenty of "train spotters" with cameras and even camcorders.

    This is really noticeable on the WSR which does not have the bustle and atmosphere of a preserved railway, especially on a perceived gala day. Why is Blue Anchor beach empty, or was the route pre-dated to look like it was set during a pandemic lock down! A lot of TS1 routes have much more atmosphere.

    Also I wish you could wander around a bit more away from the railway, you have gone to the trouble of modelling outside the stations but we can't access them. Why can't you wander up the lane a little at Dunster and maybe get some screenshots from different positions, why can't you wander around the main street in Watchet which has been modelled? Or get an elevated view of the railway from the hillside in the Pennines or walk outside the station at Saltburn on sea. You can't even walk into the station car parks! So I think TSW really lacks atmosphere in some ways and in others is very immersive.

    The people are all the same, where are the young, the elderly, students with luggage, tourists, holiday makers with cases, children and adults with their ABC spotter books, no platform staff. It would be good if when a train is about to leave if we could have a whistle blown, a flag or pole held up, a raised hand from the platform supervisor.

    Station announcements suitable for the era would be good.

    GWE has gone very stale, there are opportunities for new add-ons yet it has been abandoned. The class 166 is far too quiet, I had a ride on one recently and the engine sounds can be heard, not very loud but audible, much more so than on the sim where it almost sounds as if the engines have stalled! The 166 monopolises the local services too much, why a class 165 wasn't produced is beyond me.

    There are the occasional bugs in service mode where you can't always enter the loco, the class 45 springs to mind and one where if you save a session then start a new one and try and use a different loco (well I have noticed it on the class 47) there is an alarm ringing which you cannot silence!
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  31. Monder

    Monder Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2019
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    As has been mentioned many times - some love for the older DLCs. E.g. the NEC is one of the most interesting routes, ACSs have a stunning amount of functionalities, but the route is bugged on every step. Just take a look at Penn Station and its platforms clipping through trains (which appeared again on LIRR). SW1000R is like a mystery box of falling apart. Also maybe have AI run LIRR rolling stock on NEC and NEC on LIRR. Give some life to the routes.
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  32. KingOfCunard

    KingOfCunard Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I'd like for the many bugs and issues on NTP to be fixed. The game crashing near Miles Platting is a horrible problem that needs to be fixed desperately. The 47 also desperately needs a fix, it seems so underpowered, I'm sure a handcar is more powerful than the 47. Also the class 40's horn needs a fix. These are some of the more obvious issues that need fixing.
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  33. Maxxxxx

    Maxxxxx Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2018
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    I know its a small thing, but it'd be really nice if we were able to turn off the Bloom as I, and probably a few other too, despise it.
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  34. Zigg

    Zigg Member

    May 30, 2018
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    In general terms, without repeating what others have commented, I would like to see an updated 2D map with station names / location labels at the bare minimum. This would make it much easier for those of us wanting to learn a route by heart and eventually drive without the HUD. Even if you are using the HUD, this will allow you to more easily grasp the spread of stations and locations along the route without needing to use the web browser in the Steam overlay to look at external route maps. Your position relative to these locations would be made clear and it would be more easily accessible.


    In addition to this, I would like to see the distance to the next objective changed to track distance instead of being a straight path distance. On Ruhr Sieg Nord this is especially apparent as the displayed distance from end to end is far below the actual track distance. Both numbers could be available since track distance is not always relevant.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  35. Ost-Trieb

    Ost-Trieb Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    #1 please improve the sound engine in TSW. I don´t like that the fan sound stops in the BR 155
    #2 please add all manuals to the DLC´s
    #3 improve/overhaul the signal symstems. UK, German, US
    #4 please fix some small issues on the routes. like the wrong speed sings on the german routes.
    5# improve the light/shadow draw distance
    6# overhaul for the BR 143. like the max speed when driving the Dosto Capcar. it is not possible that the 143 drives over 120 km/h
    maybe its possible to give Maik Goltz this projekt to build a (perfect) 143. :)
    #7 and many more. :)
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  36. Steve 31

    Steve 31 Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    It is great that this sort of thread has been started. Many people have been concerned with small issues being ignored so it is good to see that some effort is being put in to try and fix some. I've now got to try and remember all the issues I can think of!

    Main concern is the consistency of braking force on Trans Pennine. The DMU is fine but the loco hauled trains with either 40/45/47 are very unpredictable. When moving the train brake to initial application the brake force applied is very rarely the same. I would think that the initial force should be around 20 lb/in and sometimes it is but it can be anything between 20 and 40 lb/in which is virtually full service which makes a smooth stop very difficult and also keeping to the speed limits downhill means constant applying and releasing rather than just keeping a constant small pressure to maintain speed. I would have thought that every time you move the brake handle to initial application the brake force should always be the same. It is on TS2020.
    Next up is my lack of confidence in the signalling. On Trans Pennine there have been odd occasions where a distant signal has shown clear but then an associated stop signal has been red. One was approaching Standedge tunnel from Manchester, the distant signal before the loop was up but the signal just before the tunnel was red so it was an inevitable SPAD. The distant should only have been up if all associated stop signals were clear. The distant signal approaching Dewsbury from Manchester is always at Danger even though you can see the signal at the end of the platform is green. Also on many trips, particularly in the 101, the signal is often red at the end of the platform (various stations) but the second you come to a stand it changes. Obviously this could happen but it wouldn't happen every time, it would normally just be green already. Similar on WSR, the distant signals before stations never seem to be clear but the second you come to a stand the stop signal at the end of the platform goes up if you are not crossing with anything. Just makes you think it is an automatic instruction rather than the signals actually showing what they should.
    Third main issue is the lack of wheelslip based on train weight and/or adhesion. Don't need to go into detail, I think many people feel the same, this is the most difficult part of train driving so it is a big omission. It must be remembered that it needs to apply when braking too with wheels locking resulting in the train skidding. This is where SPAD's and station overruns happen and this is very rarely modelled, even in TS2020.
    I'll finish with a couple of small niggles.
    Tees Valley:
    3 car 101, passengers alight from wrong side on centre coach at stations.
    Class 31, should the brakes take that long to release? Don't know myself but other classes are much quicker on same consist.
    Be nice if the routes on service mode for the freights were more random in using freight or main lines, they all currently use main with only the scenarios making use of the freight lines.
    Trans Pennine:
    Seen a few messages saying the 47 is underpowered. Not noticed this myself, it should just outperform the 45 and I felt it did but if it doesn't it should! I do feel the 40 is a bit overpowered. They were notorious for being underpowered but it doesn't seem that much slower than the 45 on the passenger runs. I would be surprised if a 40 on load 8 would reach line speed between Stalybridge and Standedge tunnel but it does easily in a similar time to the 45, it should only have 80% of the power. I could be wrong but just my opinion.
    Finally a general view that all locos owned should be available on all routes, I would love to drive the 31 dragging a DMU on a Manchester - Leeds stopper but still can't do it! Also be nice to give the 33 and 52 a good run out on a charter so any braking issues need to be fixed to allow then to haul the mk1's and mk2's.

    I hope these issues can be attended to as they are the small things that currently bug me about the simulator.
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  37. Oskar0110

    Oskar0110 New Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    My biggest issue is that for train simulator nearly every route has been in America, Britain or Germany with a few exceptions, as of now its looking like the same thing is happening to TSW. I fully understand that this is probably the three most popular countries when it comes to routes and rollingstock, but seeing more diversity in countries selected for routes would be good to see. Countries like Australia, Sweden and Russia for example.
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  38. dave55007

    dave55007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    First, can I say a big thank you for producing a train simulator in the first place. Having had Trainz for over 10 years and only recently coming to TSW has given me a real contrast in both substance and style. They are both quite different animals! Having read the above comments I realise that many are personal to the contributors as I don't have issue with some points, but some do resonate. I agree with the comment about having more population about, including spotters on platform ends. Access to streets and towns would be nice. My main issue is having locos available in whatever route you want. As I've mentioned elsewhere, Thornaby depot on the Tees Valley route was home to 40s and 47s and saw 45s too, so it would be nice to have them accessible if desired, albeit in a slightly different time era.
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  39. GarethDavies21

    GarethDavies21 Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Below are a few points I've seen on the forums and facebook groups plus some of my own things for TSW and classic TS. I appreciate you can't wave a magic wand but going forward I think as a whole we would love more communication between content creators and the guys over at DTG.

    Points for TS Classic

    - Fixed OOM error. I appreciate this is going to be a tricky one and DTG are fully aware of it but it's becoming more common with every window update coming and really should be a priority before releasing any major content for TS Classic
    - More TSW models ported. It's a common belief that the 43 HST was released recently by DTG was a port of the TSW model which was fantastic. The texturing was top class and a step in the right direction. We would love to see more of this.
    - When DTG release a product add more functionality to the cab. Armstrong Powerhouse, a marvel in the TS content scene has revolutionised the space with it's GSM-R radio, lights and just clicky things in cab in general.
    - On a personal note I'd like to see more recent stock released. Something new and great. 345's, 755,745. The UK's rail space has really changed in the last three years with the introduction of 800 series trains, 700's replacing the 313's, FLIRTS replacing the 90's.
    - Beter communication between community members and DTG. It seems like we are told three days before a release of a bit of stock for TS classic and when bugs reported, not alot if done.

    I do think the OOM error should be the first thing is fixed before anything else. At times it's almost impossible to play the game so why release products if people can't play them?.

    Points for TSW
    - More UK routes. I get there is a cycle of things and various constraints regarding this. But some decent UK stuff. Yes the game is shiney and the models are generally good for the trains but other then that, we have a boring, ghost town game. GWE is a good example. Paddington is on the busiest stations in the UK yet it feels so bare and baron. Maybe a GEML. This would be perfect way for TSW to really be put on the map. Variety of stock, stations scenery and freight movements.

    - Game Editor. Again, I understand that EPIC games have licencing constraints on an editor as in essence, you'd need to release a version of the unreal engine for it to be possible. Maybe a commercial agreement?. But it's a must at this point.
    - More included scenarios for TSW. The included scenarios are just boring compared to the TS classic ones. Not much to do.

    I personally don't play TSW that much, often getting bored of it, I do feel though the above is kinda just a general consensus in the community currently.

    Again, welcome to the community :D. Hopefully we have some good things to come out of DTG.
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  40. TrainSim_Fan

    TrainSim_Fan Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2020
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    The lack of an editor is a big thing for me. Followed by the outstanding number of bugs on older routes.
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  41. BjornGroen02NL

    BjornGroen02NL Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2019
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    My "please fix" issue isn't a very big one, but very inportant for immersion. It is the quality of the sky in TSW. It looks way too unrealistic to me. Yes, I know that this is UE4 and skyboxes are hard to make. But seriously, every time I play TSW the sky bugs me all the time.
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  42. TheNoGamer44

    TheNoGamer44 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2019
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    I don't want to report an issue. I just want to say that this thread is a good start in the right direction! Before solving a problem always get the big picture and then focus on the details. If a problem seems too hard to solve, skip it and come back to it later, the solution will appear by itself given enough time! :D
    As I said, no issues, I'm just trying to encourage you guys and your hard work on TSW!
    Just spreading positivity like the little sunshine I am.
    • Like Like x 2
  43. 37114

    37114 Active Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    I genuinely think TSW is from a playability point of view far more enjoyable than TS but the lack of editor is my main gripe. After that, the implementation of signalling on UK routes and the lack of restrictive aspects when going over junctions drives me up the wall! It's totally incorrect and it's an issue with all UK routes produced so far. I'm pretty sure the functionality exists but it's not been implemented at the route build stage.
  44. Vinnie

    Vinnie Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Nice initiative.

    LIRR - NYC Penn tunnel bug on consoles (no textures loading on the same spots)
    Overall route performance on consoles and lack of AI.

    Sorry, I've tried specifying my biggest grip, but mentioning only one thing and having others issues on the same route, bugs me instead.
    • Like Like x 1
  45. ehrenholt

    ehrenholt Active Member

    May 6, 2020
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    LIRR M3 horn, open the window, it's silent.
    LIRR M3 ATC, penalty is too frequent even after aknowledge.
    BR HEAVY FREIGHT PACK 08, impossible to refuel. Tried everything
    A way to move the train if on a 3rd rail gap.
    WSR vintage railtour for ECW
    101 on WSR
    3 car 101 on NTP
    Brighton depot has 5 gronks with special couplers for shunting stock in and out of Brighton
    • Like Like x 4
  46. justinsacher

    justinsacher New Member

    Jul 18, 2019
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    There are many things TSW could have but in my opinion the light system needs to be changed. If I drive the M3 and see lights from a train behind me on a side track, something isn't right. Also older routes like Rapid Transit or even all routes does have light issues. Another thing is that TSW get's boring after a while because there is no multiplayer. With or without multiplayer TSW needs a feature where you can check passengers for valid tickets.The last thing is the performance. It needs to be a bit better, especially for AMD graphic cards. Example: If you look into smoke with the camera, the game will have 5-10 fps instead of 40. That's a game issue.
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  47. TigerT

    TigerT New Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    My wishes probably go against most other peoples. But I’m going to add them anyway.

    Firstly the Editor - Don’t want it, never going to use it. It’s going to be far too complicated and I’m pretty sure 90% of people are going to try it and complain about it and never produce anything good. What I would like is a scenario editor. I think a lot of people could imagine some excellent scenarios.

    Route extensions - Would be nice, but I’m not that bothered. I would rather have more variety of routes in the future - I’ll add my suggestions in the appropriate place. I certainly wouldn’t revisit old DLC other than to fix bugs. Played them, want something new.

    And finally (unless he doesn’t want it). Can you make Sam’s Community Manager position permanent please? He’s one of the best things about DTG, he’s entertaining, seems well liked and seems to have the right skills to bring the community suggestions together.
    • Like Like x 6
  48. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    The thing is, the game is a bit boring. TSW is a far better game than RailWorks on almost every level but I keep going back to RailWorks again and again because there's a lot more to do. An editor would help with making routes and scenarios but I'm scared that DTG will make it like RW's, where you must own all the DLC required for a scenario/route to run it. In Saints Row The Third, Volition released free versions of the main expansion packs that just added the assets to the game - you couldn't play with them yourself but if your co-op partner did have it, you could play with them. This would open up the game to a lot of people who usually can't afford to buy every DLC to get a couple of routes to work.

    I also think that the DLC is overpriced. I thought that the DLC for RailWorks was overpriced but with routes costing at least £10 more than their RW counterparts, it seems like a rip-off, especially when the scenarios are less interesting and the routes are shorter. The same applies to locomotives, the trains are only slightly more detailed than RW's yet they cost £12. The WCML North for RW costs that much, and it's a better route than anything released for TSW.

    Then there's the bugs and quality control (or the lack of it). There are so many things broken that it's sometimes unplayable. Then you've got just bad developing, like RT looking utter crap and the Class 47 being completely underpowered. The recent bug fix on the BR155 on PS4 didn't even fix the bug, it just stopped what caused it. It's moronic. It's no use having a wonderfully detailed train that has loads of features perfectly made for it if no other train is made to that same quality or that when you save and reload the game, you'll break it.

    Really, I think that DTG needs to stop, take a step back and start all over again. There are so many flaws in the base game that, no matter how good some routes are, it is always limited by stupidity and carelessness. It's like they winged it when developing it.
    Only on PS4 and Xbox One. Should Dovetail make a dedicated PS5/Series X version this will not be a problem on any level, and in some cases routes will play better on the new consoles.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
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  49. Christiano

    Christiano New Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Very tarred ladies and gentlemen
    Very tarred developer of Dovtailgames,

    I love playing TSW (Train Sim World) and admire your development, content and fleet. For me Train Sim World is a nice and long lasting game which doesn't loose the fun.
    Because I like to play Train Sim World I would like to share my wishes and mistakes I have discovered with you. Of course I'm aware that some wishes the community wishes are not possible to realize because of some occasions.
    But trying to write them in here doesn't hurt.

    So I start with my wishes:

    *Since the two addons "Rhine-Ruhr East: Wuppertal - Hagen Route Add-On" and "Ruhr-Sieg North: Hagen - Finnentrop Route Add-On" came out, I wish that the two addons could be connected. So that you get an order which leads for example from Finnentrop to Wuppertal with implementation time in Hagen. Of course it is a prerequisite that you own both addons. Even if you only own one addon you can only drive to and from the destination. (This is just my imagination) This idea made sense to me, because in the Train Simulator they also built track extensions.

    *In any case, I wish for faster trains like Intercity trains (IC) or Intercity express trains (ICE)

    *I wish that there are also tracks that not only play in the USA, England and Germany but also in Austria, Switzerland or France

    *Then I wish for narrow gauge lines like private railroads

    *That you can change your ingame name without changing your profile in TSW

    *FIS on platforms may be provided with correct targets that can also change

    That would be now everything what I have wished for in the past years and have written on the list. If a certain part of the wishes I mentioned above, like the merging of different routes, would be fulfilled, it would be like a permanent Christmas for me.
    Let me come to the pale ones I have discovered on some of the routes.

    Track RRO:

    -Some stretches have serious bends in the road between Schwelm and Ennepetal.

    -The passenger lights shine at night in the cab of the BR 422

    Route RSN:

    -I believe the lights are off on some platforms at night.

    That would be all I could find.
  50. Thelonius16

    Thelonius16 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    I have learned about a bunch of things, such as PZB, signalling and certain control keys, from Matt's streams instead of from the in-game tutorial material. I think a more robust in-game learning module would help a lot. These could be videos or full interactive lessons. I'm sure some of that is explained in the manuals, but most of those are pretty tough to read.

    Behind-the-scenes articles, videos or streams would be great. You could even create these as you develop a route and release them as part of the marketing.

    We'd all probably like a roadmap or preview of upcoming content.

    Routes that overlap should be merged at some point. Or, at the very least, updated to make it more consistent. NEC should have gotten the new verison of Penn Station when LIRR came out.

    Small additional features:
    • Spawn on foot at current CPU time.
    • Better map with labels and stuff.
    • A control to enable more substitution -- even if a particular train doesn't "belong" on the route in real life.
    • Cheaper small-scale DLCs such as scenario packs or repaints.
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