PlayStation Tsw2 Zoom Control

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Northlander, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. Northlander

    Northlander Guest

    Quick one, Am I correct in thinking they never enabled zooming for locos from the Preserved Collection? (not least because they force only the classic control scheme)
  2. Knightfire1964

    Knightfire1964 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    you can zoom in preserved collection by just changing the settings it's only restricted to classic in scenarios where it may ask for specific buttons to be used
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  3. Aufzug

    Aufzug Active Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Zoom settings are in classic mode for the scenarios. Everything else it will automatically be the new immersion controls, that's evident if you just play any route on timetable mode with your preserved collection.
  4. Northlander

    Northlander Guest

    This is what caught me out, playing it tonight I'd discovered this to be the case, I originally thought it was because I was on a Preserved Route, but it was because I was in a scenario. Thanks for the reply though
  5. Knightfire1964

    Knightfire1964 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2018
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    no worries glad i could help
  6. box215

    box215 Active Member

    Mar 30, 2019
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    There are no restrictions anywhere on the control type you can use. You can use either Immersion or Classic controls on any scenario, any time, regardless if it's a TSW2 route or Preserved Collection route

    The trick is to make sure you have the default control scheme set before you choose a route:

    For TSW 2 routes, make sure your controller scheme is set to Immersion
    For the Preserved Collections routes, make sure your control scheme is set to Classic

    This way you'll be able to select whichever control scheme you want once you're in the driver's seat

    If you start up Bakerloo with Classic set as the control scheme, you'll get that popup saying it requires immersion and you won't be able to select classic once the game loads
    If you startup Bakerloo with Immersion as the control scheme, you'll be able to switch to classic if you want once the game starts.

    And vice-versa for Preserved Collections routes
    Hope this helps

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