PlayStation Tsw2 Sand Patch Grade Problems...

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by rich.minty, Aug 22, 2020.

  1. rich.minty

    rich.minty Active Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    GP38-2 Chapter 1 Journey

    Y104 - Brakes seem to be permanently on. Have checked all brake systems set to off, including handbrake and emergency brake systems. Have to apply throttle to level 3 to get going (with the sound of brakes as if applied) and as soon as throttle is set to idle to engine comes to a complete stop without braking.

    Y105 - Same problem as with Y104.

    Y106 - Same problem as with Y104. Also, 2 switches needing to be changed at the start of this tutorial are so close on the map they have to be manually changed as only one switch can be selected on the map screen.

    Coal Loading tutorial - Hud disappears after switching to classic controls to be able to select the engineers screen to further the tutorial. When switching back to immersive controls the hud is unretrievable.
  2. Vinz

    Vinz New Member

    Oct 4, 2020
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    I've been having this problem as well with the GP38-2. I haven't tried other trains yet. I just bought the game for the sole purpose of playing on Sand Patch Grade and come to find out, there is a huge bug. The brakes won't release! I notice it will only release after restarting the scenario and loading it like 5 to 10 times trying to get lucky that it will reset itself eventually.

    The brake pressure won't load in properly at the correct pressure, it will be stuck at 25-30psi. The pressure won't increase once you begin the scenario. When you put the Auto brakes on emergency, the needle will bounce in that spot while also making a broken air brakes sound and that's when you know it's broken and have to try and reload. This only works sometimes and hasn't worked with X582 for me one time. I hope a staff member sees this.
  3. StyluzP

    StyluzP New Member

    Jan 14, 2021
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    Dont know in its help you Since its a half year that you writed this.
    Y104-Y106 The mu-2a valve von The lead Lokomotive is set to trailing 6 or 26 and The brake valve is von cutout.
    Set the mu-2a valve to lead and the brake valve Tod freight and it should work.
  4. CrazyDash

    CrazyDash Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I know what is wrong. The tutorial misses a crucial step to configuring the GP38. If you do not set the MU-2A Valve to Lead Or Dead, the train's brakes will lock. The tutorial does not cover this. The valve is located near the left of the independent brake. When a train is in "Trail 6 or 26" the train does not have control of its brakes because it is considered a trailing loco. This is only used in helper units and secondary units on the front of the train. Setting the lead locomotive to "Lead or Dead" gives the train full control of the braking system on the whole train. When the lead loco has this setting on, and releases the brakes, the rest of the train will release its brakes. I hope this helps.
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  5. fabienlimp95

    fabienlimp95 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2019
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    I have this problem only when I'm in a AC4400 with another AC pushing. I'm not able to release brakes (did the break cut in as mentioned in tutorial) this doesn't happen if I'm in an AC4400 and the 2nd loco is a GP38 or a SD42.. Any advice ? :D

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