There is a problem with the time on the services, mostly the Javelin ones. They don’t give us enough time to get to the next station. E.g., Rochester to Strood (southbound direction Faversham to London). I have noticed this and it is kind of a bug. I have noticed that if you leave the station at the exact time, you arrive a few minutes or seconds late at the next station, which affects your AP score. It really bugs me because it makes me have to leave the certain station a minute before on the Javelin, so I can be on time. The amount of time is wrong between some stations when doing 395 services, it really pressures me. Please can you sort out the time management between the stations. (It is kind of a bug on SEHS for the Class 395 Javelin.) I just need enough time to get the next station when doing the Class 395 Javelin services because when I am running late, it makes me really anxious, so I find it extremely hard to make up time. It also happens in the northbound direction (London to Faversham too). Mostly in the DC section, especially HS1. Who else is having this problem? I am a lot. I have extremely noticed that the loading passengers for the 375 is a lot quicker than the 395. The 395 passenger loading is completely slow.
I had a run tonight where I literally tried everything to stay on time in the DC section. I arrived 4 minutes late to St Pancras. You have to drive the 395 like you stole it on the DC part of the route. By that I mean, close the doors as the loading circle approaches fully yellow, put it straight into Notch 4 of power when you pull away, and also have the brakes at Notch 3 when loadings o they release quicker. It's a art form to keep to time, but I assure you practice and you'll slowly get faster and meet the timetable times.
Simple fix would be to reduce the passenger load times for some stations. Then we can make up some time. Resimulating the timetable with more forgiving times would be the best way to address this.
Red signal usually just as you come out of the tunnel towards strood, makes you late on the eastbound runs
That is what I have being doing too. Just put the notch on 4 immediately, when I close the doors to make up for lost time
I mean I saw that other users were comparing timetables, and for some reasons they don't really align, sometimes there is a difference of like 5 to 6 minutes, which would be exactly these times we are missing. If the timetables are however correct (since they took something from like April 2021 they said?), this could be an indicator that the performance of the Javelin under DC is maybe not accurate, for example accelerating too slowly and therefore using too much time?
That’s my feeling too, having been a daily passenger in these IRL they seem to be much slower accelerating on DC than I recall, especially at the top end. A 375 shouldn’t be able to out accelerate a 395 on DC but it feels like it could here! I’ve given up trying to keep to the timetable. It’s too much like hard work, even though I feel as though I’ve got the braking down to a fine art now.
I tested the acceleration of the 395 on the flat and is it accurate. There’s an illusion going on as the power is less than under AC and the unit of measurement changes from km/h to mph at the same time but it is what it is supposed to be compared to the spec of the real unit. So it must be something else, the timetable timings and/or loading times.
And the PIS at stations give the departure time instead of the arrival time so its actually displayed that the train is supposed to arrive 1 minute after what the objectives times are
Have posted about this on another thread but I completely agree that the loads times need to be reduced as the Mainline stations (even for Class 395). One minute is completely unrealistic. I travelled on a High Speed service between Strood and St Pancras today and the longer load time was 54 seconds at Ebbsfleet Int’l. Strood and Gravesend were around 30 seconds.
Totally agree with you. Passenger loading times are way too long. Just a 15 second reduction at each station would make all the difference. Please adjust this please DTG.