Koln To Frankfurt Hsl

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ZeenozPlays, Apr 6, 2021.

  1. ZeenozPlays

    ZeenozPlays Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2019
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    Today, I am suggesting the Koln - Frankfurt High-Speed ICE Line.

    Most of the information can be found in this video:

    The Koln - Frankfurt HSL would serve as an extension for the Schnellfahrstrecke Koln - Aachen Route. It would have over 240 KM Of Route when combined with the current SKA Route. (Standalone route is about 180 KM)

    This is one of the fastest ICE Lines in Germany, as it sees Trains running up to 300 KM/H.

    The ICE Lines would have 7 Stations spread out across that 180 KM of the new route.

    This route sees multiple S-Bahn, and Regional Lines running alongside it. Between Horrem/Duren/Aachen and the Siegburg/Bonn Stations, the Rhein Ruhr S-Bahn S12/S13/S19 Lines can be see running, and the RE9 Line as well.

    Between Koln and Aachen, a new line would be added, the RE1. This Regional Line comes all the way from the HRR Route and goes all the way to Aachen. I don't know why it wasn't included in the original SKA Route, but I would like for it to be added to the route if the new extension is created.


    Rolling Stock

    ICE (BR 403/406)


    BR 403

    BR 406

    The BR 406 already runs on the SKA Route, so only the BR 403 would be layered onto this route to give it a nice variety in ICE variations.

    Regional (BR 442 - Talent 2/BR 425 + More)


    Talent 2 (Would be seen on the RE9 Regional Line)
    Talent 2 (würde auf der RE9 Regional Line zu sehen sein)

    DBAG 425 (Would be seen on the RE1 Regional Line)

    I know that there are other rolling stock that serves these Regional Lines, however, I do not know all of them. If you do know them, please feel free to add them in the comments.
    DBAG 425 (würde auf der RE1 Regional Line zu sehen sein)

    Ich weiß, dass es andere Fahrzeuge gibt, die diese regionalen Linien bedienen, aber ich kenne nicht alle. Wenn Sie sie kennen, können Sie sie gerne in den Kommentaren hinzufügen.

    Rhein Ruhr S-Bahn


    BR 420 (Would be seen on the S/12/S13/S19 Lines, This can be layered onto the route from HMA, and the necessary modifications from the Munich version can be made to the Rhein Ruhr version)
    BR 420 (würde auf den Linien S / 12 / S13 / S19 zu sehen sein. Dies kann auf die Route von HMA geschichtet werden, und die notwendigen Änderungen von der Münchner Version können an der Rhein-Ruhr-Version vorgenommen werden.)

    DBAG 423 (Same lines as the BR 420, and the same situation. Layer, make necessary modifications. This train would replace the BR 422 on the current SKA route, as the BR 422 isn't even supposed to be there)
    DBAG 423 (Gleiche Linien wie der BR 420 und gleiche Situation. Schicht, nehmen Sie die erforderlichen Änderungen vor. Dieser Zug würde den BR 422 auf der aktuellen SKA-Route ersetzen, da der BR 422 nicht einmal dort sein soll.)

    Rhein-Main S-Bahn

    Now this one is tricky. The Rhein-Main S-Bahn would have only 5 Stations along this route (6 if you include the underground platforms at Frankfurt Hbf), so it's debatable whether it should be added or not.
    Jetzt ist dieser schwierig. Die Rhein-Main-S-Bahn hätte nur 5 Stationen entlang dieser Strecke (6, wenn Sie die U-Bahn-Bahnsteige in Frankfurt Hbf mit einbeziehen), daher ist es fraglich, ob sie hinzugefügt werden sollte oder nicht.

    DBAG 423

    DBAG 430

    I go into more detail about the Rhein-Main S-Bahn in the video linked at the beginning of this post, so if you want to know more about how they would fit onto this route, check it out.

    What do you think about this suggestion?
    Ich gehe im unten verlinkten Video näher auf die Rhein-Main-S-Bahn ein. Wenn Sie also mehr darüber erfahren möchten, wie sie auf diese Strecke passen würden, schauen Sie sich das an.


    Heute schlage ich die Hochgeschwindigkeits-ICE-Linie Köln - Frankfurt vor.

    Die meisten Informationen finden Sie in diesem Video:

    Die Köln - Frankfurt HSL würde als Verlängerung für die Schnellfahrstrecke Köln - Aachen dienen. In Kombination mit der aktuellen SKA-Route hätte es mehr als 240 km Route. (Standalone-Route ist ca. 180 km)

    Dies ist eine der schnellsten ICE-Linien in Deutschland, da Züge mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 300 km / h fahren.

    Die ICE-Linien hätten 7 Stationen, die auf 180 km der neuen Route verteilt wären.

    Auf dieser Strecke verkehren mehrere S-Bahnen und Regionallinien. Zwischen den Bahnhöfen Horrem / Duren / Aachen und Siegburg / Bonn sind die Rhein-Ruhr-S-Bahn S12 / S13 / S19 sowie die Linie RE9 zu sehen.

    Zwischen Köln und Aachen würde eine neue Linie hinzugefügt, die RE1. Diese Regionallinie kommt von der HRR-Route bis nach Aachen. Ich weiß nicht, warum es nicht in der ursprünglichen SKA-Route enthalten war, aber ich möchte, dass es der Route hinzugefügt wird, wenn die neue Erweiterung erstellt wird.

    Was denkst du über diesen Vorschlag?
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  2. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
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  3. ZeenozPlays

    ZeenozPlays Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2019
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    The BR 420 was retired from the Rhein-Main S-Bahn in 2014.
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  4. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    That means Frankfurt S Bahn will need to use DB BR423 from HMA and a new train DB BR430. If DTG sets the route in 2013 then HMA DB BR420 will get Rhein-Main S-Bahn Frankfurt Skin. Satisfying players like myself and others wanting retro trains running on modern routes. Own NTP & East Coastway Brighton area allows the use of Class 45 rail tours. In the case of this route DB BR420 serves as the vintage railtour train for S-Bahn Rhein-Main provided HMA is owned. At some stations like Frankfurt Airport and Hbf permits transfer of DB BR420 rail tour to DB BR403 & DB BR406. Furthermore doing the evening Frankfurt Airport HSR station gets Railjet Trains layered in from an Austrian route since there's a Railjet Frankfurt Budapest.
  5. drnicktgm#1259

    drnicktgm#1259 Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    Like always to Köln Frankfurt a great suggestion, a hopefully this will come to the route map next
    • Like Like x 3
  6. formulabee#1362

    formulabee#1362 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    Most of the rolling stock is already in tsw, and tsg is making the 420 emu
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  7. elaineedwards2013

    elaineedwards2013 Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I love the suggestion, but it could also include OBB Railjet.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. truckerdave18

    truckerdave18 Member

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Awesome, very good and detailed presentation. It guess it would be surprising if DTG would not make this route after it got suggested so often and in great effort on the forums. Thumbs up for your work ZeenozPlays .
    • Like Like x 2
  9. drnicktgm#1259

    drnicktgm#1259 Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2020
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    The thing is, that this route should work without a problem because there don't have to be as many layers so it would perfectly work on PC and console
  10. driverwoods#1787

    driverwoods#1787 Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    The Railjet is only seen at Frankfurt Airport Long Distance Station towards Budapest via Augsburg Munich HMA line
    • Like Like x 2
  11. elaineedwards2013

    elaineedwards2013 Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Oh, never mind.
  12. milkyb007

    milkyb007 New Member

    Apr 12, 2021
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    This would be a great route and wit autogen it might be easier i would love this route and it would only come with 1 new train so the can't charge loads
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  13. kosti.nuuja

    kosti.nuuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    This is probably one of the most suggested route add-ons. Hopefully, one day this will happen. I also have a name suggestion for this route and it is "Schnellfahrstrecke Rhein-Main".
    EDIT: This route would also include DB BR 407 aka new ICE3
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  14. milkyb007

    milkyb007 New Member

    Apr 12, 2021
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    Definitely should
    • Like Like x 2
  15. 59321747

    59321747 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Hope DTG will take this route and extend this route to Munich! such! You can drive the ICE to experience a high-speed journey of about 3-4 hours!
    • Like Like x 1
  16. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    I like this idea. This route can act as an extension to ska as ska is way too short for ice services. There have been many suggestions for this route and the mix of high speed and commuter rail should satisfy all players.

    On a side note Line RE1 is indeed in ska if you have msb with the db br 143/146 which goes from Cologne to Aachen and you can do a return journey back to Cologne. I wonder why the 425 isn't in ska though
    • Like Like x 2
  17. darkage

    darkage Member

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Wasn't the db br 143/6 reaplced by the BR 462 RRX? because from what I know, those now run the RE1 between Cologne and Aachen and DTG could sell it to bring the route to its modern day

    From what I keep hearing form those on discord, the reason Frankfurt - Cologne hasn't been done yet is because the high speed track "is boring" but it will need to be developed at some point to complete some routes
  18. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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  19. cadeshr6s

    cadeshr6s Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Ich hoffe die Route kommt irgendwann für das Spiel
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  20. da.virus

    da.virus Member

    Apr 20, 2021
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    I really wonder, why this route is not already in the game or why there are at least no eager efforts to release this route. Any ideas?
    I mean, it is probably the most popular suggested German route ever. Some days ago I replied to a thread concerning this route dating back to 2017.

    DTG made it even officially that ICE routes are a big seller and consequently highly demanded. So it was back in the "Train Sim World 2 end of the year Q&A", that Sam has said, that the "Schnellfahrstrecke Aachen-Köln" was the most popular route after release and München-Augsburg the most popular DLC at this point. And these two routes are not really the real deal. 250 km/h is nice but it is not quite 300 km/h and being able to fly with that speed over hills and through valleys, constantly chasing one narrow curve after another and thundering over steep bridges and tunnels, makes also kind of a difference in comparison to drive along a straight and flat track on Aachen to Cologne.
    Imagine, how the reaction from the community would have been if this suggested High Speed Line came out! It would have been the highlight for i guess not only the German train sim community for years!

    DTG has proven, that they are able to do stuff. I know for a fact that the process of making High speed lines are not an easy job but it worked and it seemed like the effort paid out. So it feels a little bit odd to me, that they "wasted" their potential on these slower sections, instead of investing in the relevant parts. Germany is very proud to have ICE services on daily basis which run 300 km/h especially on the rollercoaster between Köln and Frankfurt. Also driving 300 km/h is THE feature for what the ICE trains are famous for across the border. Likewise with the route. It is like the High Speed 1, the LGVs in France or bullet trains in Japan. The "SFS Köln-Rhein/Main" is kind of a global attraction and also well known to people not living in the country. This is why it is always sad to hear, that there is still not even a comment from DTG about this queen of German High speed lines.

    I sometimes read that the route would be too long or "boring" (lol) because of the LZB. I already replied to these concerns in other threads but to give an complete statement in this one I want to formulate my points briefly here:
    1) The route might sound long with 180 km but the track runs predominantly through nature which looks nice but is fairly easy to build because first, it is mostly trees and second, the train races up to 300 km/h and Details wouldn't be seen anyway. Furthermore the route consists of a lot of tunnels, adding up to 47 km.
    2) LZB doesn't make a route uninteresting. Just because a route is under LZB guidance, it doesn't mean there cannot be any red signals. It is also no Autopilot. It can be but in reality the majority of train drivers brake manually for a smoother deceleration. And the third point is that only with LZB it is possible to reach speeds over 160 km/h realistically. So basically LZB means speed. And velocity is something what us humans are seeking and fascinating since the beginning of transportation.
    And this route has so much more to offer than "just" velocity. It is also about being a rollercoaster through the otherwise so peaceful scenery of Germany what is the reason why this route in particular stands out of all the other ICE High Speed routes. It is by no means boring. I promise: Board a train on this route and you wont forget it.

    Perhaps I write a suggestion on my own together with the links to all the other suggestions on the forum to show that there is a big interest in this route and to contribute my part for making the developers aware of that.

    But maybe all I want to say is that this route would be an inexpressible joy to me.
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
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  21. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Personally when I use the ICE, I don't use lzb and if people think lzb will make the route boring, you dont have to have it on. I personally would like to see the Koln Frankfurt high speed line which could act as a extension to ska and if London To Brighton (which is a popular route) is coming, than this route is probably on dtg's radar
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