Tees Valley Line - Mileage Doesn't Count Towards Overall Total

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by forteanjo, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. forteanjo

    forteanjo Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I'm slowly working towards that 10,000 mile mark on my way to the trophy but I've noticed journey miles I'm travelling on the Tees Valley Line (or at the least the Class 20 loco) don't seem to count towards my overall total.

    Does anyone know if this intentional or a bug?
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  2. Ghostface1701

    Ghostface1701 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2021
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    Myself and others have the same issue, and not just with TVL. In fact, in testing over the past week, I've found that I have more routes that don't count miles in the total than those that do. I've posted in a thread in the Technical Reports forum here, but there may be inconsistancy in what routes work for whom, or when the bug first appears (I didn't notice it until my total miles reached 6,000), so the more reports, the better. Have you noticed it in other routes?

    YMMV, but here are how the routes I own work. It'd be interesting to see if others with this problem have it in the same way.

    Not tracked (0 miles):
    Long Island Rail Road
    Bakerloo Line
    Tees Valley Line
    Rhein-Ruhr Osten
    West Somerset Railway
    Ruhr-Sieg Nord
    Isle of Wight
    Hauptstrecke München-Ausburg​

    Partially tracked (1-5 miles per service):
    Peninsular Corridor
    Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen
    Southeastern High Speed
    Main-Spessart Bahn
    Nothern Trans-Pennine
    Haupstrecke Rhein-Ruhr
    Tracked accurately:
    LGV Méditerranée
    Great Western Railway
    Rapid Transit​

    There may be variation with some routes (I was sure HRR tracked accurately, but I did a run today that didn't), so it's really hard to pin down a pattern. As the 10,000 mile trophy is the last one I need to get, I'm grinding through the LGV timetable, as that gets the fastest results. I don't expect this bug to be resolved any time soon. Good luck with your trophy!
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  3. forteanjo

    forteanjo Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Wow, I never realised. I'm been mixing it up a bit so the 10,000 miles wasn't a grind (doing different routes/locos working towards their individual trophies) so I've done about 1,500 miles more (if I count the mileage of individual locos) than my total shows. Just noticed it with the TVL coz the services are so short.

    Try another strategy it seems. Damn, those are some of my favourite routes too.
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  4. appleerwin

    appleerwin Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Thanks for the list. I was already wondering why my counter added up so slowly. Fortunately I only have 600 km to go. Hamburg - Lübeck also counts partially. Appr. 1/3 of the total distance.
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  5. shhweeet#4292

    shhweeet#4292 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I’ve been playing Tees Valley an awful lot so that’s me goosed. Just as well I’m not that bothered about getting trophy’s or whatever. I just enjoy driving the trains. :love:
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  6. borg#1850

    borg#1850 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2021
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    Must admit to never really looked until I reached some sort of milestone. Just presumed that the mileage worked. Now I shall try to keep an eye on it. Bit of a huge bug, as from what you say, it covers many of my favourite routes. The issue in finding the bug might be which one broke it or was it an update. As we all have probably loaded up routes at different time times and in different orders. Though again it should be part of the main program, as it adds up across all routes.
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  7. bozo#6476

    bozo#6476 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Hi all, I may be wrong but doesn't the 10,000 trophy require you to do it all on the same train? The wording for the trophy seems to suggest so; 'TSW2: Taking on the World Operate any rail vehicle for 10,000 miles' ? I've been doing most of mine on the Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen DLC which seems to count to the mileage.
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  8. forteanjo

    forteanjo Active Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    The TSW2: Unstoppable - Operate any rail vehicle for 1000 miles didn't seem to require the 1000 miles were all in the same loco. I'm hopefully the 10000 mile is the same.
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  9. bozo#6476

    bozo#6476 New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Me too, otherwise I may be here as looooooooooooooooooooong while :D
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  10. shhweeet#4292

    shhweeet#4292 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    I shouldn’t be far away from the trophy using the Class 101 DMU then. Maybe I’ve got it already? I’ll have to take a look because all kinds of trophy’s and awards have popped up I just haven’t taken that much notice.
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  11. DB628

    DB628 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    I drive over 16.000 Kilometer but it count only 8400 kilometer in the Statistics on Xbox for the trophy.
  12. stephen220378

    stephen220378 Active Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    There's certain DLC that doesn't seem to count towards progress not only for miles but for the complete 100 services trophy and the earn 100 gold medals trophy as well. I was around 120 gold medals before the Gold Mine trophy popped, and well over 100 total services before that popped too. I've no idea which DLC it is unfortunately as I'd jumped between a lot of them before I noticed the game wasn't counting stuff.
  13. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    I believe that the effect you are experiencing is part of the design of the game, and is not a bug. It's not a particularly great design, but I believe it works as intended, and the "better" you drive, the more miles/kms get counted. Essentially the game uses "AP" score as a proxy for distance, which is slightly silly IMHO.

    If you provide an example service, noting the number of miles/kms added to your player profile, the route, and the loco, then I will try and reproduce it for you. You will need before and after numbers for all three stats, in order for a specific service to be reproduced, and the results compared.

    I can reproduce most stuff on PS4, and quite a lot on PC. And soon I will be able to do XBox as well. ;-)
  14. L89

    L89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Achievement has only ever counted medals in scenarios and services. Tutorials do give gold medals but I remember the achievement never counted these. Intended behaviour I think.
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  15. Thunderer

    Thunderer Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    No, not the same train, any mix of them will do.
  16. stephen220378

    stephen220378 Active Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Only thing is that there was no way I'd done anywhere near 20 tutorials at the time, most trains I'd already drove in TSW 2020 so I had no need to do them. So something somewhere wasn't being counted as it should have been.
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  17. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    When it comes to counting "services", some of the DLCs do not count numbered services done under "Journey" mode. Also, none of the Training/Intro and Scenario modules count towards "services" and their medals (or "ticks/checks") do not count towards the medal total. If you want "services" to count towards a "number of services" trophy, then they often need to be done under "Timetable Mode". This is a throw-back to when the "Journey Mode" did not exist, but trophies existed that counted the Timetable modules. For later DLCs the reverse might be the case...... It's a complete mess.

    Mileage and distance driven is another kettle of simulated fish.
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