Which Version To Get

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by zorbsie#9738, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. zorbsie#9738

    zorbsie#9738 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Got into the game through game pass and am just loving my time with it. So I wanted to buy a version of the game so that I'll have it if/when it leaves game pass. The 2 versions I'm looking at are Rush Hour deluxe edition and the Collectors edition.

    My thought is the collector's edition has more stuff, but it's "old" content. While the rush hour version has less content but it's all new. Not sure how true that is, I'm just making assumptions.

    All the content looks appealing to me. I just don't know which to get. Any recommendations for a novice train sim fan?
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  2. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    My advice would probably be to get the one that gives you the most routes so you can try out what you like and not so much like in, terms of countries and locos that do different services and brake differently

    Whilst new content offers “higher quality content and newer features” there are quite a few bugs to iron out currently in the newer content aswell so if your not too sure on that then it could be worthwhile to wait on that content and save it to if you want to get any more routes and loco’s in the future
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  3. breblimator

    breblimator Guest

    Do you prefer passenger or freight trains?
    Is it for you important, which country to travel with TSW virtual trains?
    What is the coolest thing you have done so far in the game?
    So many calibration questions :)


    I bet on Deluxe Edition (Season Ticket included)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2021
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  4. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    My personal preference will always be the older routes from TSW2020 because not only have they already gone thru the painfully long process of bug fixing (and are now largely ok) but they also offer a lot more variety and feel less generic than the newer routes in TSW2. The only real problem is that whilst some of the older stuff is available in various bundles the bulk of it isn't - and with DTG being notoriously unrealistic/greedy regarding the pricing of older content, wanting to fork out £25 a pop for these non-bundled addons can be a very, very tough ask.
    But at the end of the day LIRR and the new look Rapid transit are easily the best commuter lines available, any off the older German Routes have bags more character than the flat & boring newer ones, GWE (plus the 'Legends' expansion) is still the best express/commuter/freight combo route to date and the likes of West Somerset, Northern trans pennine and Tees Valley remain unrivaled in the 'unique' department so I guess sometimes you just have to take one up the you-know-what and make do.

    The good thing though is that if TSW2020 is anything to go by then TSW2 is going to be on Gamepass for quite a while so you'll have ample time to decide what is the best way forward - and if you're very, very lucky you might even catch a mythical XBox sale. Nah, on second thoughts.....
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
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  5. zorbsie#9738

    zorbsie#9738 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Thanks for the replies. I think I'm leaning towards picking up the collector's edition. There is enough content there to keep me busy while I wait for a sale to happen for CN Oakvile route and rush hour season pass. Hopefully by that time they will have more of the bugs worked out.
  6. Princess Entrapta

    Princess Entrapta Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Remember, you can buy a TSW bundle *and* TSW2 with different routes, and TSW2 will be able to install all preserved collection routes from the TSW bundle. This is how I went about it when the TSW2020 CE was on sale. Saved an awful lot of money getting LIRR, RSN, MSB, NTP, and PC all in one go and buying TSW2 separately.
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  7. Boris The Frog

    Boris The Frog Active Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    ...and GWE :cool:
    But yeah, this is absolutely the best way to go if your starting out and looking to build a cheap collection of routes. The base games (including bundle variants) seem to go on sale more frequently than individual addons so for as long as you have access to TSW2 on Gamepass you have the added benefit of being able to enjoy the game whilst waiting for that unmissable sale price to turn up....not a bad position to be in at all.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
  8. zorbsie#9738

    zorbsie#9738 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    I owned TSW2019, I think it got upgraded to TSW2020. This gave me GWE in TSW2, but nothing else. Might be easier to find a deal on TSW2020 as a physical copy. But can I transfer that to TSW2 or does it only count if it's a digital purchase.
  9. bones.n.hombre

    bones.n.hombre Active Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Yes, see the sticky thread on this board.
  10. FD1003

    FD1003 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2019
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    I would recommend the Deluxe Edition, the collector's one doesn't offer much in terms of layering, and especially HRR is pretty bland without other DLCs.

    The Deluxe edition instead offers you the 3 newest routes, and probabily Riesa-Dresden will give you more trains to use in other upcoming german routes.

    Unless you really like one or two of the routes in the Collector's edition, the Deluxe would be the best value for money.

    P.S. If you don't know, layering is when a train from another route adds services to a route, for example Rhein Ruhr Osten and Hauptstrecke Rhein Ruhr use the BR146 and the DoStos from Main Spessart Bahn to have a lot of extra services.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  11. zorbsie#9738

    zorbsie#9738 Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Made the purchase! Went with the deluxe edition. I'll be on the lookout for sales on the other DLC. Not sure how often those happen though. The only DLC I really want to get is CN Oakville as it's close to home for me. Thanks for helping make the decision easier everyone.
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